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 Topic: Waiting to make alien contact

 (Read 2715 times)
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  • Waiting to make alien contact
     OP - December 05, 2015, 03:30 PM

    I'm serious. I'm one of those people who is waiting to make contact with an alien civilization before I die. I feel like I can die in peace only after that.

    Anyone else out there who is as fascinated by space, the possibility of aliens, etc. as I am? When I say this to people in real life I get eye rolls if they're polite, so bring on the judgement Smiley
  • Waiting to make alien contact
     Reply #1 - December 05, 2015, 04:06 PM

    People have asked me about this after I left Islam.

    I'm not holding my breath, but it would be awesome to communicate with a different universe. Someone told me we already are, but I'm talking about having it a mainstream way of life.

    For some reason, I really don't mind seeing an alien. It wouldn't make a difference.

    Funny thing a Muslim told me when I asked about aliens was that he said, "if they do exist, they would be speaking Arabic and praying 5 times a day."

    "If you don't like your religion's fundamentalists, then maybe there's something wrong with your religion's fundamentals."
    "Demanding blind respect but not offering any respect in reciprocation is laughable."
    "Let all the people in all the worlds be in peace."
  • Waiting to make alien contact
     Reply #2 - December 05, 2015, 04:37 PM

    I would LOVE to see an alien. God dammit even if it's just a giant plant I would still be all over it.

    So yesss you're not alone!  dance
  • Waiting to make alien contact
     Reply #3 - December 05, 2015, 05:07 PM

    People have asked me about this after I left Islam.

    I'm not holding my breath, but it would be awesome to communicate with a different universe. Someone told me we already are, but I'm talking about having it a mainstream way of life.

    For some reason, I really don't mind seeing an alien. It wouldn't make a difference.

    Funny thing a Muslim told me when I asked about aliens was that he said, "if they do exist, they would be speaking Arabic and praying 5 times a day."

    I read that mathematically it is possible that we are holograms. I know this makes many uncomfortable but it makes me so excited and curious. I have to say though, NASA said that it is almost certain we will find alien microbes or amoebas in the next 20 years. I want to meet a sentient being. It has to happen.

    It wouldn't make a difference if you saw an alien? how so? I think i would start a fan club if I ever met one  dance. I would also like to introduce said alien to the person who told you the alien would be speaking Arabic and pray 5 times a day.
  • Waiting to make alien contact
     Reply #4 - December 05, 2015, 05:07 PM

    I would LOVE to see an alien. God dammit even if it's just a giant plant I would still be all over it.

    So yesss you're not alone!  dance

    I'm not satisfied with a plan or a microbe or an amoeba. how about a being I can communicate to or something. it would be amazing.
  • Waiting to make alien contact
     Reply #5 - February 11, 2016, 12:00 AM

    i'm sure there must be other civilizations out there. but I do wonder if its wise trying to connect with them.

    re the hologram theory. yes that does make sense to me. maybe earth is like a holodeck.

    .....or maybe we're on the real Truman show and the rest of the universe is laughing at us.

    so many possibilities. its truly fascinating.
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