I actually wrote something to this effect on my Face Book post. Not to say that it is directed at you at all.
'Racists', 'morons' and 'ignorant f*****s' are some of the words that I have heard and read to describe people who, for a variety of reasons, have voted to leave. Not to mention some utter disregard and disrespect to our elders who are being 'blamed' for hurtling Britain towards its seemingly inevitable doom. We all live in a democracy. We all have the right to vote and express it in whatever way we wish. This is a historic referendum result with significant repercussions for us all. We may have lost an opportunity to further integrate into the EU but let's not lose our integrity or character. Let's not reduce ourselves to pettiness or become bitter about a result that did not go our way. To disrespect how someone voted is to avoid looking at the issues that affect some of the most (perhaps perceived) alienated, disenfranchised and 'under class' within our society who are, have been and will be for our short-term future affected by our membership of the EU. Let's not alienate them, ourselves, and entrench differences further by throwing mud, making generalizations or preparing for a post-apocalyptic Britain. We are all friends, we are family, we are British citizens, above all, we are brothers and sisters in humanity. I'm proud that the turnout was so high. I'm proud that so many of us are invested in our politics (though for some that may be a single-issue). Let's look out for one another and keep things in perspective. Now time to stock up on those Magic Stars I keep hearing the kids bang on about...
Well, as I said, sadly the leave voters I know didn't have any reason other than immigration/xenophobia.
My family in yorkshire, all voted leave, and all did it to stop foreigners who have 'stolen Britain', and obviously to stop things like halal meat in schools.
My friend's parents did it purely because they wanted to stop immigration, and reduce the amount of Muslims in their area.
Other people I have met over the years, again, all swayed by the immigration vote.
It was hard for me to wake up on 'independence day' and see anything other than a reaction to the hoardes of job stealing cockroaches coming in from abroad.
I also don't need a reminder that this is a democracy. (well, in as much as first past the post can be) I didn't join the protests, and I haven't signed the petition. It's done now, the people have spoken...very close call, but it is the way it is.
But if your reasons for voting leave were more complex than just stopping foreign people stealing stuff they aren't actually stealing, then this is actually my attitude: