Evolution is true, if anyone disagrees, go to a natural history museum, you will see there is a continuum of all species even variations of the same species to fit their environment, the ones that did not fit their environment died (Natural selection). All animals evolved, one the of the biggest proofs is that we all use DNA and RNA, life does not need this but instead God if he exists decides to make all life work under the same blue print. Not only that, you can take a part of DNA from a fly and put it on a mouse and the mouse will grow a part limb of the fly (look up HOX genes). Humans had a common ancestor with chimps, there was never a first human, all life is on a long continuum, there are no deffinitive transitions from one species to another species, everything is an intermediate. The concept of species does not exist, it is just a way of us TRYING to compartmentalize the biological world and we know this because the rule of what makes up a species is not constant, many animals break the rules we think define species. So all life transitions extremely slowly, each mom gives birth to the same species as herself but after thousands of years you can BEGIN to see the difference and then you can say ok it seems like this is splitting as a separate species, you can not see on a generation-generation basis because evolution works on a geologic time (Huge amounts of time, thousands of years is nothing at this scale, we do not live anywhere close to long enough). The evidence is there, I have summarized this way too short because there are entire university classes to devoted to this, my degree specializes in evolution, If you do not believe, pick any of the topics I listed and do your own research with an open mind.
And by the way our ENTIRE understanding of viruses, bacteria and the way we make our medicine assumes evolution is true, if evolution is not true then we have been searching in the dark and somehow been making very accurate medicines.
There was no first human, evolution happened, no first human = Adam and Eve are not possible and even if the were their kids inbreeding would have a very limited gene pool leading to SEVERE birth defects seen in the third generation of humans and we should have gone extinct thousands of years ago. Adam and Eve being bullshit = Quran is Wrong, and God says if we find a single error in the Quran then its credibility falls apart (here you go adam and bull shit... Quran debunked)