My reasons for leaving Islam
OP - March 03, 2016, 11:20 PM
It really annoys me when Muslims come to me and tell me that I left Islam because I wanted to go out party, drink or have sex. For the sex part though, I wouldn't really need to leave Islam to have multiple sex partners when the Quran itself allows me to marry up to 4 women thus have multiple sex partners. Anyway, I am going to list just a few of the countless reasons why I found Islam to not be a religion from God, God not being all-powerful, the Quran not being perfect and its teachings being illogical, hypocritical and immoral. I will list 8 reasons below.
1. Allah tells you he is the most merciful. Allah also claims that he is the most just and loving. You would have thought that this super advanced, all-knowing and all-powerful being would contact his creation in the most ADVANCED, FAIR and LOVING way. The best method of communication Allah could come up with was to only communicate through just one human he chose and make him write books which Allah himself allowed to be corrupted later on. This God who claims to love you uses only ancient human messengers to communicate with you at such distance in time and space, and with the barriers of language and imperfect translations.
2. Allah has decided to make his supposed message to the whole of humanity, the Quran, available in only one format that not all of his creation can understand nor have access to. Allah forgot to account for the different languages his creation spoke. Here's a verse proving this. [verse 12:2] "Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand."
3. Allah chose to send down the Quran in a language only a few people from a specific geographic location spoke and understood. In other words, a local book. So who exactly might understand Arabic? The red Indians? The Africans? The Aborigines? The Chinese? No! Only Arabs who at the time inhabited the Middle East where the Quran was written. Only they had full access to it and could understand it.
4. Although the Koran being the last and ultimate message to humanity as Muslims claim, Allah still failed to make it available to the whole of humanity. You would expect Allah/God, the most advanced being in existence to reveal his universal message to the whole of humanity in a format they can all understand. Nonetheless, this deity did not conclude to reveal it to every single human but rather just one man he chose while keeping the rest of humanity in the dark. Allah then expects the rest of his creation to rely on translations subject to bias, corruption and human error.
5. Allah the most merciful finds it okay to exterminate a whole city because a bunch of gays lived there but will happily let the people who apparently hijacked and corrupted the Torah and Gospel walk free hence causing millions of people and future generations to be lead astray and end in hell. A few centuries later, Allah releases the second supposed message to humanity. Once again Allah lets the people who hijacked and corrupted the Gospel walk free and cause even more confusion and chaos. a few more centuries and millions of lost souls later, Allah releases the last message to humanity. Allah will now do his best to not let the Koran get corrupted whilst throwing the towel and withdraw himself from revealing anything more. The most advanced being in the world Allah/God has announced his retirement and will now terminate any further revelations. In other words, Allah will no longer communicate with his creation.
6. In verse 2:260, Allah uses magic tricks to convince Abraham he is God. "My Lord, show me how You give life to the dead."[Allah] said, "Have you not believed?" He said, "Yes, but only that my heart may be satisfied." [Allah] said, "Take four birds and commit them to yourself. Then put on each hill a portion of them; then call them - they will come to you in haste. And know that Allah is Exalted in Might and Wise." Mind you, this is the most advanced being in the world we're talking about here using magic tricks to attempt to convince people he is God. You would have thought that such an advanced being would have the most efficient way to reveal his message to his creation but that was the best he could come up with.
7. God allocates these so called holy books into one geographic area(Middle East) while keeping the rest of humanity who did not live in or around the Middle East in darkness. God only makes this vital message available in one format that not all of his creation can understand. Allah forgot to account for the different languages his creation spoke. [verse 12:2] "Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur'an that you might understand."
Allah then expects the rest of his creation to rely on translations subject to bias, corruption and human error. Allah claims to be loving and most merciful. Instead he says stuff like this; “He guides whomever he wants” and “he leads astray whomever he wants” (sura 6:125). If that’s not discriminatory, I don’t know what is.
8. God has made it clear in the Quran that if you do not believe in his last book (the Koran) you will be going to hell for eternal torture. How merciful! God expects you to blindly believe in a book whose authenticity cannot even be proven. Muslims falsely claim that the Koran has remained unaltered for over 1,400 years. The only way to substantiate this claim is to have the original Quran written by Muhammad himself and compare it with the ones they have today.
Despite Allah being all-powerful, he failed numerous times to protect his supposed message to humanity and let the people who corrupted it walk free. His excuse is that he “allowed it to be corrupted” which is ludicrous! He claims to wants to guide humanity because he apparently is the most merciful but keep on allowing it to get corrupted. Why even bother try to send a message if you keep allowing it to get corrupted? And why call yourself all-powerful if you can't even prevent it from being corrupted?
In the face of all this mess, Islam still requires you to blindly believe that the Quran is the universal message to humanity, has remained unaltered and is 100% perfectly moral despite being a local book with countless of inconsistencies, contradictions, presenting a hypocritical, immoral, violent and insecure God.
Islam is a religion of peace..the kind of peace you find six feet under if you try to leave