Not sure if this is the right place or time to post this but in light of the awful Brussels attacks, these types of memes have been going round, which are well meaning and welcome, but for me, they kind of miss the point.
Yes, and do you know why? Because you are all BETTER than your god! We are just trying to help you to realise it.You may not hate non-Muslims, but the god of your book does, and that is the point many of us atheists are trying to make, not only to Muslims, but Christians and Jews too. And those that do hate us or want to harm us, can in many cases, claim 'divine permission'.
Generally, at least as far as I am concerned, if in a discussion, I happen to criticise someone's god or prophet or scripture, it is not that I want to personally insult or enjoy offending someone, in fact it is the opposite, it is because I am trying to point out how much, kinder, wiser, and morally superior they are to the god they worship. This is a compliment surely? Not an insult. I am trying to elevate the believer, not drag them down. This is the message that I and many atheists/secularists are trying to get across to believers.
Sorry if this sounded like a bit of an off-topic rant, it's not meant to be, it's just something that bugs me sometimes and I wanted to let it out as I think it is relevant.