Hello there! I am new to this forum so would like to introduce myself. I have been an ex muslim for around a year now. I was born and raised in the UK, but my parents are originally Middle Eastern from the Sunni sect. I wouldn't say my parents are strict but I think they started to become slightly strict with me when I became a teenager, as that's when they started to become afraid of me being influenced by western society.
Let me say I was a quite the rebellious teen when they started to shove religion down my throat. I used to enjoy sports, music, art and when I entered high school and was made to wear the headscarf, my mother began to mould me into her ideal Muslim daughter. So for most of my life I was a Muslim by name only and obviously the headscarf. I never practiced Islam and only participated in the fasts because they were fun when I was younger. As I grew older though, I started to go through depression and turned to religion. I believe religion especially Islam, sucks in vulnerable people. So I started to read hadiths and about Islam and I would say I tried to follow it for around 2 years but couldn't bring myself to pray 5 times a day no matter how hard I tried.
The more I read hadiths the more I found them to be downright sexist and that made me start to question the religion as a whole. I also couldn't bring myself to believe the ritual of hajj and umrah as Godly, it was just totally ridiculous to me and seemed wrong in all aspects. Eventually, this led me to be a Quran only Muslim, where I rejected all hadiths and stuck with that for about a year. It was much more relaxed but eventually I found in the Quran only community that we were just desperately trying to justify and twist the Quran to mean something better than what it actually is.
After that I made the decision to not obsess over any book and what it can possibly mean because quite frankly, I could no longer care. I know right from wrong, how to be a decent human and how to treat others kindly and that is all that matters. So I am now back to my rebellious years lol and have removed the headscarf after a long hard battle with my family. Funny thing is I had to use their own religion to convince them, as headscarf is not mentioned in Quran. So that's a little taste of my conversion to kufur guys and I love it! See y'all in hell for a good old rave