^Quran says Adam was made from Clay (WRONG), that is origin of humans and Eve was from the rib. That is WRONG, humans are not new or distinct, we fit perfectly in the Evolutionary Phylogeny of apes. There was NO FIRST HUMAN, that is completely against evolution. There are gene clusters in the same order, same function and same location the DNA of humans, and other species all the way back to BACTERIA, there is proof we evolved, there was no first human either.
Yes, clearly Evolution is true but few corrections here, its actually from the Hadith that we get Eve being made from Adam's ribs. I'm not denying that what the Quran says appears to be wrong but I'm looking for things we can out hand prove are wrong with zero room for even the slightest of anything else.
One could for example come up with a theory that says Evolution is true, we did evolve but that Adam was created by God directly along with his soul as a sort of blessing to humanity (distinct to humans). In this model there are evolved Homo sapiens and other evolved Animals but Adam is created. Adam's children then go on to marry into the evolved homo sapiens existing at the time and that's how humanity is propagated. Obviously there is no need for Adam to be created at all which means that we are interjecting superstition or God where he isn't needed at all but we still can't decisively disprove it. Yes, its sort of like the great Bertrand Russell's "teapot orbiting the sun" theory in that the burden of proof is on the person making the claim rather than us Ex-Muslims and along with Occam's razor we can dismiss it (using Occam's razor, one can dismiss it for a normal naturist human evolution without Adam as its the one with the fewest assumptions) but its still something we can't decisively disapprove. Now if the incest story was in the Quran, we could say directly that Adam was created along with eve and his descendants married each other, leaving zero room for ANY sort of human evolution interjection.
Also Quran says Earth was made in 6 days. This is copying from Christianity. When there is a test and two students sitting side by side both get a question so so so wrong, and make the exact same mistake, it becomes pretty obvious they cheated, and neither knew the answer.
Yes, I'm well aware of that and Iv'e explained how the 6 day creation came to be but the common argument against this is that Yom doesn't just mean day but could also mean ages/epoch. An Ayah which says that the day of judgement is a day which lasts the equivalent of a thousand years is used as some sort of proof even though it actually ironically contradicts that Yom is ages/epoch. The fact that the Quran makes the distinction to tell us that Judgement "day" though a day lasts as long as a thousand years tells us that the common understanding of a day was 24 hours at the time of Mo. The author of the Quran doesn't bother to make the same distinction when it comes to the 6 day creation as he does for how long Judgement day lasts.
More over, the Earth is said to be created in 4 days whilst the rest of the crazily vast universe takes just 2 days to be created. Seems a bit weird that Earth, this small speck of a sand grain in a vast expanding universe takes longer to create than everything else. Btw, is creation still in progress since the universe is ever so expanding? loool
We can say a watch is designed, because WE HAVE EXPERIENCE DESIGNING THINGS, we know it was done because we have seen humans make similar things. We have no experience of nothing so the whole something can not come from nothing is bull shit, you have no knowledge of nothing, how can you make an assumption that something CAN NOT COME FROM NOTHING. The honest position is we do not know! Also quantum mechanics takes care of that and says something CAN COME FROM NOTHING, it happens all the time, look up virtual particles, it HAPPENS ALL THE TIME.
Yes, I'm familiar with how matter can pop up from "nothing" in the quantum world which means things can come from nothing, seems Allah was confused when he said that its not possible lol.
There, there are mistakes in religion, which proves fallibility of the author, it is the common mistakes people at the time held proving it was copied back when people didn't know anything about the natural world, and if we disregarded this, we still do not know what to look for so we could never establish divinity, therefore a God may exist, but we have no evidence of such an entity, therefore atheism is more reasonable, saying it probably doesn't exist, but we do not know for sure; religious people say they know for sure he exists yet no one has evidence. And if god does exist, he can not punish us because we used the brains he gave us, and purposefully kept us dumb or made the universe seem too improbable to be from god. If he punishes us anyway then he is a sick immoral dick head.
Completely Agree here. You're absolutely right. Thanks so much for the response Afghan Hassan. I really appreciate it