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 Topic: Why was Muhammad so bizarre

 (Read 3740 times)
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  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     OP - June 15, 2016, 11:27 PM

    Hey, so we all know Muhammad made up alot of shit and really liked sex by marrying 9 wives and we know that he had a ton of sex slaves.

    So when this is the case, why did he outlaw having sex among muslims?

    And why did he deny the women he was offered by a tribe (don't remember which one, I heard this was a hadith as a child: that leaders offered him women and money to stop preaching his message but he refused them and continued, doesn't this contradict the motives that seem apparent about Muhamad)? Was he a sex addict or not?

    This is occupying my mind and I can't figure out why he behaved the way he behaved

    As a scientist I can see farther than any human before me by standing on the shoulders of giants (previous scientists); As a religious follower I can not see what is right in-front of me, even when others INDEPENDENTLY see the same thing!
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #1 - June 15, 2016, 11:49 PM

    According to Sahih Bukhari
    Narrated Qatada:
    Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa`id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven).

    Well you are 1 person with power of just 1 man.
    He was 1 person with power of 30 men and ready for action no matter day/night/sunshine or thunder everyday of every month   cool2
    So he could do what no one else could do. Now dont be jealous  Wink

  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #2 - June 16, 2016, 12:12 AM

    Hey, so we all know Muhammad made up alot of shit and really liked sex by marrying 9 wives and we know that he had a ton of sex slaves.

    ........Was he a sex addict or not?......

    .........This is occupying my mind and I can't

    Your mind is out of your control and on free will trip to stories of sex from bukhari bull shit  dear afghan Hassan .

    Get the mind in control and tell if those stories are there in Wuran..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #3 - June 16, 2016, 10:11 AM

    Not 9.
    He had 11 wives and sex slaves too.
    According to his critics.

    But Muslims say, he was offered women and money in the beginning of Islamic movement, when qureshi leaders came to his uncle.

    But he at that time rejected offer of women and money.

    So there are always different writers of is extremely difficult to judge which one is right.
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #4 - June 16, 2016, 10:13 AM

    exaggerated stuff is coming from Christians for muhammad.
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #5 - June 16, 2016, 10:15 AM

    Why was Muhammad so bizarre?

    The simple answer to this is probably that Muhammad is a semi-mythical figure. You could ask similar questions about the Buddha, Jesus, King Arthur or all kinds of people from ancient stories. I've no doubt there was a real historical Arabian leader called Muhammad (though this was probably some kind of title rather than his given name), but that doesn't mean you can rely on anything much that was written about him, or attributed to him, in later centuries.
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #6 - June 16, 2016, 10:58 AM

    Here is a big list of muhammad's sex slaves and wives.
    Muhammad was cruiel.
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #7 - June 16, 2016, 11:44 AM

    the hadith were written hundreds of years after the prophet died. I honestly don't believe a word of it. my family didn't even know this. and they are practising sunni muslims. most ordinary muslims families don't even question these things.

    a lot of the hadiths are attributed to some guy called  abu Huraira but he was only hanging round with the prophet for about 3-4 years. yet he seems to have given more stories than the people closest to the prophet.

    as for the sex addict thing, well he was a one man woman until the first wifes death. what made him go from one wife to 11 (or whatever the latest number is)

    none of this makes sense to me. its a mystery.
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #8 - June 16, 2016, 12:19 PM

    Not 9.
    He had 11 wives and sex slaves too.

    But he at that time rejected offer of women and money.



    Nope that is lie   ..I didn't read that in Quran.... that is from bullshit Bhukari

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #9 - June 16, 2016, 01:56 PM


    Nope that is lie   ..I didn't read that in Quran.... that is from bullshit Bhukari

    Yeez,  :

    to paraphrase this quote in Asbie's signature
    Quote from: yeezevee on February 11, 2016, 02:05 PM
    how fuck works without 'Bukhari Bull'shit??

    I understand that many of the hadiths were put in opportunistically and with different agendas, but wouldn't that require an entirely new set of Hadith?   Or is everything there  in the Quran to practise Islam in your opinion?
    I've been meaning to ask you for sometime as a non-muslim and a non-scholar just interested in the how Islam would work in that case.
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #10 - June 16, 2016, 02:16 PM

    If you are a mythical, divinely inspired iron age desert warlord, aren't you also supposed to be one helluva bull between the sheets?

    Of course you are, and of course the number should be set high enough to make even the horniest bedouin go pale by just thinking of it.

    If the myth had been about leading a simple and ascetic life, celebrating austerity and fidelity, he would have had only one cherished wife, and never looked at other women.

    Mahatma Gandhi made a point of sleeping surounded by naked young women (with no monkey business involved) to really drive home the myth that he wanted.
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #11 - June 16, 2016, 03:33 PM

    as for the sex addict thing, well he was a one man woman until the first wifes death. what made him go from one wife to 11 (or whatever the latest number is)

    none of this makes sense to me. its a mystery.

    Nopes. nothing is Mystery.

    Being a poor nobody nomadic peasant, he married one of the richest ladies of his time that was way older than him. Tells a lot that who wore the pants in the relationship !! Surely Khatija would have very clearly told him the consequences of getting strayed.

    But as soon as the  Khatija was out of way and by that time having his social status and power profile already raised to a much higher standard, along with Allah on his side, there was no end to it what he screwed. From having multiple wives to slaves to concubines to older women to children, he fucked everything that came his way. Everything was Halal for him but NOT for the rest of the drooling lot. Its seems that to bed a female,  Mo had only 1 criteria i.e. she should be breathing and rest doesn't matter.

    After all having just 1 regular wife while having a power of 30 studs, what a waste it would have been..and Allah woudnt have been happy with him either .  finmad
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #12 - June 16, 2016, 05:03 PM

    to paraphrase this quote in Asbie's signatureI

     paraphrasing asbie signature in to Islam and Quran leads to different problems and  physical well being of me puzzlelover., Well let me do that paraphrasing., and answer the questions individually  as I am not allergic of Insulting Hadith Islam and Hadith Prophets of Islam.    so the question is
    how the  fuck Islam works without 'Bukhari Bull'shit??

    Simple ... Throw the bullshit out of Islam.
    understand that many of the hadiths were put in opportunistically and with different agendas,

    That is a fact and every one agrees that these so-called hadith were put together way after the death(at least 200 years) alleged LAST Muhammad character of Islam..
    but wouldn't that require an entirely new set of Hadith?

    Nope you don't need any ahadith etall..

      Or is everything there  in the Quran to practise Islam in your opinion?

    I've been meaning to ask you for sometime as a non-muslim and a non-scholar just interested in the how Islam would work in that case.

    please ask any question  that comes in to your mind..

    with best regards
    mullah yeezevee   Cheesy

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #13 - June 17, 2016, 12:35 AM

    I've been meaning to ask you for sometime as a non-muslim and a non-scholar just interested in the how Islam would work in that case.

    please ask any question  that comes in to your mind..

    Thank you Mullah Yeez... will take you up on that soon. grin12
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #14 - July 03, 2016, 01:26 PM

    The simple answer to this is probably that Muhammad is a semi-mythical figure. You could ask similar questions about the Buddha, Jesus, King Arthur or all kinds of people from ancient stories. I've no doubt there was a real historical Arabian leader called Muhammad (though this was probably some kind of title rather than his given name), but that doesn't mean you can rely on anything much that was written about him, or attributed to him, in later centuries.

  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #15 - July 03, 2016, 01:33 PM

    Your mind is out of your control and on free will trip to stories of sex from bukhari bull shit  dear afghan Hassan .

    Get the mind in control and tell if those stories are there in Wuran..  The Quran


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #16 - July 03, 2016, 08:10 PM


    Nope that is lie   ..I didn't read that in Quran.... that is from bullshit Bhukari

    Why is Sahih Bukhari bullshit? Because it says things you don't like?

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #17 - July 04, 2016, 02:54 AM

    Why is Sahih Bukhari bullshit? Because it says things you don't like?

    No olweasel.,  there are some good statements in Sahih Bukhari but that we can read them in Quran., And  Muslim intellectuals believe  hadith is NOT word of allah/god  and on top of it it is all he said, I said who said that too after 100/200 years of the death alleged Prophet of Islam..

    So it is better for Muslims and for non-Muslim to throw all hadith out of Islam and focus on Quran  and Quran only olweasel ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #18 - July 24, 2016, 09:43 PM

    Nopes. nothing is Mystery.

    Being a poor nobody nomadic peasant, he married one of the richest ladies of his time that was way older than him. Tells a lot that who wore the pants in the relationship !! Surely Khatija would have very clearly told him the consequences of getting strayed.

    But as soon as the  Khatija was out of way and by that time having his social status and power profile already raised to a much higher standard, along with Allah on his side, there was no end to it what he screwed. From having multiple wives to slaves to concubines to older women to children, he fucked everything that came his way. Everything was Halal for him but NOT for the rest of the drooling lot. Its seems that to bed a female,  Mo had only 1 criteria i.e. she should be breathing and rest doesn't matter.

    After all having just 1 regular wife while having a power of 30 studs, what a waste it would have been..and Allah woudnt have been happy with him either .  finmad

    I doubt if he ever had so many wifes. how could he have done all the conquering and coverting AND still have time for so many women? everyone knows men can't multi task.
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #19 - July 25, 2016, 10:35 AM

    Seemed apropos

    The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views. Which can be uncomfortable if you're one of the facts that needs altering
  • Why was Muhammad so bizarre
     Reply #20 - July 25, 2016, 12:30 PM

    I doubt if he ever had so many wifes. how could he have done all the conquering and coverting AND still have time for so many women? everyone knows men can't multi task.

    Well, babooshka, Genghis Khan conquered a lot more than Mo  and had just enough time left over to spread his genes around.  Alpha (and beta ones too) males tend to do that if the conditions are right, modern times JFK and Bill Clinton, for example.

    Genghis Khan's genetic legacy has competition
    The Mongolian leader left a strong footprint in the Y chromosomes of modern descendants — but he was not the only one.

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