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 Topic: UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital

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  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     OP - June 16, 2016, 05:27 PM

    Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital  and she was Labor Party MP in UK   says news

    BRITISH Labour politician Jo Cox has died in hospital after being shot and stabbed by a man reportedly shouting ‘Britain First’ just a week out from the Brexit vote.Ms Cox, 41, succumbed to her injuries about an hour after the attack, and was pronounced dead at 1:48pm local time (11pm AEST).

    Police say they have a 52-year-old man in custody, who The Sun names as local Tommy Mair, as well as an old fashioned gun and a long knife.

    She was young and was a potential candidate to lead UK in this 21st century  Good people in politics get killed by rogues that use violence for their political cause 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #1 - June 16, 2016, 05:29 PM

     Immigrants of Pakistan should make a prayer house on her name and pray to her and what she stood for,  instead voodoo doll 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #2 - June 16, 2016, 05:45 PM

    A picture has been circulated on social media that is said to show the suspect being arrested after the attack in Leeds this afternoon

    A picture was taken of the man believed to be the suspect seconds after he was tackled to the ground by two uniformed police officers

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #3 - June 16, 2016, 06:14 PM

    Tragic that she was murdered by person with silly beliefs that take things to extremes. All colours, all languages, all faiths, all nationalities are capable of idiocy. Let's remember that.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #4 - June 16, 2016, 08:34 PM

    That is hero of English white hate group.,  who thinks  he will save England form  elected memebrs like MP Jo Cox

    read about him

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #5 - June 16, 2016, 09:26 PM

    Given that the area has a large Muslim population, my automatic assumption until I got details was to assume the usual suspects. My bad. In someways this is even worse.

    Cox was a strong campaigner for the Remain campaign in next Thursday's Brexit referendum. Now Leave are as genuinely shocked by this anybody else, and the guy was clearly mentally ill, but it is undoubtedly the fact that this campaign has stirred up a lot of emotions, some of them nasty.

    My experience of talking to Leave supporters  is that they are angry for understandable reasons. On the one side they are the objects of condescenscion by the politically correct left wing elites, not at all working class, who look down on the masses as "white van man" and "chavs". On the other side are the globalised right wing elites, "Davos people" who simply regard people as factors of production, looking for the most profitable location. Both of these elite groups regard patriotism as archaic and irrelevant. It is the same looked-down-upon anger as make people support Trump in the US, and Le Pen in France.

    The latest opinion polls give Leave a lead for next Thursday's referendum. Unfortunately the masses  have picked the wrong topic on which to protest, as leaving the EU would create a political and economic mess, and ordinary people would suffer most.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #6 - June 17, 2016, 07:59 AM

    Interested to see where this thread ends up going, how people's commentary is pitted, given that the murderer was a right wing NON-MUSLIM & WHITE man.

    So far, this:

    My experience of talking to Leave supporters  is that they are angry for understandable reasons

    Is pretty much on par with what I expected.

    And this:

    the guy was clearly mentally ill

    Not forgetting this:

    Now Leave are as genuinely shocked by this anybody else

    Leave have an understandable anger?

    Leave are obviously really shocked?

    The guy wasn't really one of Leave, he was mentally ill.

    So let me rephrase that into something that never gets accepted.

    Muslims have an understandable anger.

    Muslims are genuinely shocked.

    The guy wasn't really a Muslim, he was mentally ill.

    So far the news has dealt with the Orlando shooting, and this incident in the same way they usually do.

    When the Orlando thing happened, the majority of all articles focused on the killer.  For the Labour MP, they are focusing all their writing on her, rather than on her killer.

    Because in Orlando it's important you focus on the Muslim.  But in this one, it's important you not focus on the killer.

    But the two are related.  Because the two are both consequences of hateful opinions and beliefs, and they are both a result of how far that can go.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #7 - June 17, 2016, 08:26 AM

    Some background on the politics of the killer:
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #8 - June 17, 2016, 08:52 AM

    Interested to see where this thread ends up going, how people's commentary is pitted, given that the murderer was a right wing NON-MUSLIM & WHITE man.

    So far, this:

    Is pretty much on par with what I expected.

    And this:

    Not forgetting this:

    Leave have an understandable anger?

    Leave are obviously really shocked?

    The guy wasn't really one of Leave, he was mentally ill.

    So let me rephrase that into something that never gets accepted.

    Muslims have an understandable anger.

    Muslims are genuinely shocked.

    The guy wasn't really a Muslim, he was mentally ill.

    So far the news has dealt with the Orlando shooting, and this incident in the same way they usually do.

    When the Orlando thing happened, the majority of all articles focused on the killer.  For the Labour MP, they are focusing all their writing on her, rather than on her killer.

    Because in Orlando it's important you focus on the Muslim.  But in this one, it's important you not focus on the killer.

    But the two are related.  Because the two are both consequences of hateful opinions and beliefs, and they are both a result of how far that can go.

    Bang fucking on!!!
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #9 - June 17, 2016, 10:48 AM

    What struck me was the similarity of the killer to the Orlando killer - mental illness stewed in the juices of extremism. Although sadly for Orlando the ability of the guy to purchase a machine gun meant he killed a lot more people.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #10 - June 17, 2016, 02:38 PM

    People hate to think that someone "like them" is capable of an act that is so "unlike them" It is a typical byproduct of group think being applied to the lowest common denominator. The murder was politically motivated. I see no reason to dodge this influence. The MP's writing are secondary to the fact that the murderer's political views were in opposition to her own.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #11 - June 18, 2016, 11:13 AM

    what a picture   Brendan Cox, husband of Jo Cox, with his two children on June 15..

    Brendan Cox: Mainstream politicians are clueless on migration debate
    Jo Cox's husband has shared a paper he wrote a few weeks before his wife was killed and the Guardian has seen it.

    Brendan Cox wrote that mainstream politicians attempt to get control of debate from populists by aping their rhetoric thereby demonstrating how clueless they are on dealing with debates on migration.

    "In most cases [mainstream politicians] are clueless on how to deal with the public debate. Petrified by the rise of the populists they try to neuter them by taking their ground and aping their rhetoric. Far from closing down the debates, these steps legitimise their views, reinforce their frames and pull the debate further to the extremes (Sarkozy and the continuing rise of Front National is a case in point).”

    Her husband has said he is determined to continue her work in honour and memory of his wife.

    Apart from  Britain loosing  a shining star in dirty politics .,Those two little girls of lost their  wonderful mother and planet earth lost a great soul   to a  fringe lunatic ..

    Well life goes on...........

      But  where is this FUCKING allah/god/voodoo doll  my ass   of religious bums    .....Can not this HEeeeeeeeee  god  hero has no power to save lives of good folks?? yet it controls all the universe .all lives all the time??   errr.. stupid brain washed bums

    I am surprised British  MPs have so little security.,    Common..  

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #12 - June 20, 2016, 11:07 PM

    Bang fucking on!!!

  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #13 - June 20, 2016, 11:17 PM

  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #14 - June 20, 2016, 11:45 PM

    Pretty much.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #15 - June 23, 2016, 02:30 AM

    So far the news has dealt with the Orlando shooting, and this incident in the same way they usually do.

    When the Orlando thing happened, the majority of all articles focused on the killer.  For the Labour MP, they are focusing all their writing on her, rather than on her killer.

    Because in Orlando it's important you focus on the Muslim.  But in this one, it's important you not focus on the killer.

    But the two are related.  Because the two are both consequences of hateful opinions and beliefs, and they are both a result of how far that can go.

    There is certainly a different standard in the way in which the media deals with political motivated attacks committed by Muslim and non Muslims. But, the way the Orlando killer and Jo Cox's murderer went about their attacks were done in different ways. Omar Mateen certainly wanted the attention on him and wanted people to believe in his justification for his actions which is why he called the police and declared allegiance to ISIS, Tommy Mair on the otherhand didn't feel the need to let the world know why he did it and didn't stick around after the attack, he also never went on a rant like Michael Adebalajo to let people know his justifications.

    In terms of the attention being on Jo Cox rather than her killer, it probably more to do with the fact she is a public figure. Dylann Roofs and Anders Breiviks victims certainly didn't get much attention.

    There is also the MP Stephen Timms case where a Muslim woman stabbed him and later claimed she was inspired by Al Qaeda during her police statement. The majority of the attention certainly was on the wellbeing of Stephen TImms.

  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #16 - June 23, 2016, 05:39 AM

    Interested to see where this thread ends up going, how people's commentary is pitted, given that the murderer was a right wing NON-MUSLIM & WHITE man.

    So far, this:

    Is pretty much on par with what I expected.

    And this:

    Not forgetting this:

    Leave have an understandable anger?

    Leave are obviously really shocked?

    The guy wasn't really one of Leave, he was mentally ill.

    So let me rephrase that into something that never gets accepted.

    Muslims have an understandable anger.

    Muslims are genuinely shocked.

    The guy wasn't really a Muslim, he was mentally ill.

    So far the news has dealt with the Orlando shooting, and this incident in the same way they usually do.

    When the Orlando thing happened, the majority of all articles focused on the killer.  For the Labour MP, they are focusing all their writing on her, rather than on her killer.

    Because in Orlando it's important you focus on the Muslim.  But in this one, it's important you not focus on the killer.

    But the two are related.  Because the two are both consequences of hateful opinions and beliefs, and they are both a result of how far that can go.


    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #17 - June 23, 2016, 10:51 AM

    There is certainly a different standard in the way in which the media deals with political motivated attacks committed by Muslim and non Muslims. But, the way the Orlando killer and Jo Cox's murderer went about their attacks were done in different ways. Omar Mateen certainly wanted the attention on him and wanted people to believe in his justification for his actions which is why he called the police and declared allegiance to ISIS, Tommy Mair on the otherhand didn't feel the need to let the world know why he did it and didn't stick around after the attack, he also never went on a rant like Michael Adebalajo to let people know his justifications.

    In terms of the attention being on Jo Cox rather than her killer, it probably more to do with the fact she is a public figure. Dylann Roofs and Anders Breiviks victims certainly didn't get much attention.

    There is also the MP Stephen Timms case where a Muslim woman stabbed him and later claimed she was inspired by Al Qaeda during her police statement. The majority of the attention certainly was on the wellbeing of Stephen TImms.

    Well said.

    Comparisons are instructive sometimes - the Mike Tyson and William Kennedy Smith rape cases for instance - but simplistic victimhood politics doesn't help either.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #18 - June 23, 2016, 12:35 PM

    Interested to see where this thread ends up going, how people's commentary is pitted, given that the murderer was a right wing NON-MUSLIM & WHITE man.

    So far, this:

    Is pretty much on par with what I expected.

    And this:

    Not forgetting this:

    Leave have an understandable anger?

    Leave are obviously really shocked?

    The guy wasn't really one of Leave, he was mentally ill.

    So let me rephrase that into something that never gets accepted.

    Muslims have an understandable anger.

    Muslims are genuinely shocked.

    The guy wasn't really a Muslim, he was mentally ill.

    So far the news has dealt with the Orlando shooting, and this incident in the same way they usually do.

    When the Orlando thing happened, the majority of all articles focused on the killer.  For the Labour MP, they are focusing all their writing on her, rather than on her killer.

    Because in Orlando it's important you focus on the Muslim.  But in this one, it's important you not focus on the killer.

    But the two are related.  Because the two are both consequences of hateful opinions and beliefs, and they are both a result of how far that can go.

    It's so clear, that it's become completely expected by now. Still no less needed to be pointed out. Thanks Berbs.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #19 - June 23, 2016, 02:31 PM

    Interested to see where this thread ends up going, how people's commentary is pitted, given that the murderer was a right wing NON-MUSLIM & WHITE man.

    So far, this:

    Is pretty much on par with what I expected.

    And this:

    Not forgetting this:

    Leave have an understandable anger?

    Leave are obviously really shocked?

    The guy wasn't really one of Leave, he was mentally ill.

    So let me rephrase that into something that never gets accepted.

    Muslims have an understandable anger.

    Muslims are genuinely shocked.

    The guy wasn't really a Muslim, he was mentally ill.

    So far the news has dealt with the Orlando shooting, and this incident in the same way they usually do.

    When the Orlando thing happened, the majority of all articles focused on the killer.  For the Labour MP, they are focusing all their writing on her, rather than on her killer.

    Because in Orlando it's important you focus on the Muslim.  But in this one, it's important you not focus on the killer.

    But the two are related.  Because the two are both consequences of hateful opinions and beliefs, and they are both a result of how far that can go.

    Both could be mentally ill, Im not doctor, and terrorists. Both did acts that were politically motivated and/or had politically intent. One had religious motivation, the other didn't. Mental illness do not make one's act not terrorism.

    Besides Cox's acts and motivates are far more aligned with terrorism than Omar's. It is the "like us" mentality that prevents many from coming to this conclusion.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #20 - June 23, 2016, 07:17 PM

    There is certainly a different standard in the way in which the media deals with political motivated attacks committed by Muslim and non Muslims. But, the way the Orlando killer and Jo Cox's murderer went about their attacks were done in different ways. Omar Mateen certainly wanted the attention on him and wanted people to believe in his justification for his actions which is why he called the police and declared allegiance to ISIS, Tommy Mair on the otherhand didn't feel the need to let the world know why he did it and didn't stick around after the attack, he also never went on a rant like Michael Adebalajo to let people know his justifications.

    In terms of the attention being on Jo Cox rather than her killer, it probably more to do with the fact she is a public figure. Dylann Roofs and Anders Breiviks victims certainly didn't get much attention.

    There is also the MP Stephen Timms case where a Muslim woman stabbed him and later claimed she was inspired by Al Qaeda during her police statement. The majority of the attention certainly was on the wellbeing of Stephen TImms.

    That is total bullshit.

    He shouted Britain First when he was taken down.

    In court when asked his name, he declared it was Death to traitors, Freedom for Britain.

    How is that not needing to let the world know why he did it, or not justifying his reasons?  

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #21 - June 23, 2016, 07:42 PM

    There is also the MP Stephen Timms case where a Muslim woman stabbed him and later claimed she was inspired by Al Qaeda during her police statement. The majority of the attention certainly was on the wellbeing of Stephen TImms.

    Got any figures for that? It's just that I seem to remember the usual suspects in the press wasting no time in mentioning the Muslim angle, so some quantification would be genuinely interesting.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #22 - June 23, 2016, 07:54 PM

    That is total bullshit.

    He shouted Britain First when he was taken down.

    In court when asked his name, he declared it was Death to traitors, Freedom for Britain.

    How is that not needing to let the world know why he did it, or not justifying his reasons?  

    The comment he made when he committed the act did certainly point to his political allegiance and what he said in court certainly cemented our understanding of him being a right wing extremist/terrorist. But, they are two comments which are not exactly comparable to Anders Breivik's manifesto, Michael Adebalajo's rant and Omar Mateen's phone calls to the police (as well as his run ins with the FBI in the past). These guys gave the media the ammunition to sensationalise the attacks and let their audience know who exactly they claim to represent. They all painted themselves as martyrs for a cause and all clearly had the intention of dying during their attack, although Adebalajo was shot by competent British Police Firearm Officers who didn't shoot to kill and Breivik gave up in the last moment.

    Tommy Mair is just like all these other terrorists besides the fact that he didn't want the spotlight, or certainly didn't claim it. Certainly the media hasn't paid as much attention as they usually do but it is hard to do so without much evidence to create a narrative which the others provided.

    There are double standards in the media but Omar Mateen and Tommy Mair are not comparable.

    Omar Mateen and Dylann Roof are a better comparison. Tommy Mair and Roshanara Choudhry (Stephen Timms attacker) are a better comparison, however there wasn't much attention on her until the trial.

  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #23 - June 23, 2016, 08:08 PM

    Got any figures for that? It's just that I seem to remember the usual suspects in the press wasting no time in mentioning the Muslim angle, so some quantification would be genuinely interesting.

    It wouldn't be possible to quantify in this case, she didn't get media attention terrorist/extremists usually receive because it wasn't much of a public case since MP Timms survived. Attention was turned to her at the trial, and that is when it became more well known where her inspiration came from.

    To be honest, when it comes to the media there is a lot of diversity and certainly the narrative in many publications has been more balanced. The problem is the right wing leaning Tabloid media gets to create the sensationalism around each story, in which the usual suspects,eg. New Corp, decides who is the radical and who is the mentally ill because of the low standards they have. If every news agency dropped to them standard it would just create a more destructive society.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #24 - June 23, 2016, 10:04 PM

    The comment he made when he committed the act did certainly point to his political allegiance and what he said in court... But, they are two comments which are not exactly comparable to... Omar Mateen's phone calls to the police...


    They seem quite comparable to me.

    In fact (putting the mental state of each aside for a moment) I would say Tommy Mair's actions appear to be just as motivated by his political views as Omar Mateen's were by his religion.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #25 - June 23, 2016, 10:21 PM

    They were.  There's also equal reason to doubt the two men's sanity - both had a history of mental illness, exacerbated by substance abuse.

    I don't even understand why this is a discussion, the facts are all out there.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #26 - June 23, 2016, 10:22 PM

    The comment he made when he committed the act did certainly point to his political allegiance and what he said in court certainly cemented our understanding of him being a right wing extremist/terrorist. But, they are two comments which are not exactly comparable to Anders Breivik's manifesto, Michael Adebalajo's rant and Omar Mateen's phone calls to the police (as well as his run ins with the FBI in the past). These guys gave the media the ammunition to sensationalise the attacks and let their audience know who exactly they claim to represent.

    So for Mair to be properly comparable to the rest, he would necessarily have to justify his acts with reference to.. something suitably self-aggrandising? Let's assume that this suggestion is true; so what if it is? What does that add to our discussion? Does his not being a spree killer show a lack of self-aggrandisement on his part as well?

    You are aware that he didn't actually *need* to say very much beyond what has been reported in the aftermath of what he did? We all got the message well enough.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #27 - June 23, 2016, 10:36 PM

    Just like some Muslims try to distance violent acts from Islam, the far-right try to distance violent acts from their rhetoric from acts of violence.

    Rhetoric has consequences and just as its dishonest for Islamic preachers to try to distance anti-Gay rhetoric from violence towards Gays it is dishonest to distance far-right rhetoric from acts of violence it inspires.

    Funny how far-right  & Islamists share so much in common. Even paranoid conspiracy theories about her murder being a false flag operation by MI5.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #28 - June 23, 2016, 10:45 PM


    They seem quite comparable to me.

    In fact (putting the mental state of each aside for a moment) I would say Tommy Mair's actions appear to be just as motivated by his political views as Omar Mateen's were by his religion.

    The point I was trying to make is that the level of attention each case received has been dependent on the actions and how expressive the individuals were about their justifications. With the Omar Mateen case he declared allegiance to a well known terrorist organisation which makes it easier for the media to make a concrete simplistic narrative, but with Tommy Mair there is still a lot that needs to be pieced together.

    Both individuals are just as bad as one another, but Omar Mateen certainly made it a lot more easier to paint himself as the villain. For mass media to be effective it needs to have a villain who they can easily dehumanise and paint as a monster.

    I don't doubt there are double standards when it comes to media representations of Muslims and Non Muslims, but the level of coverage depends on how easy the story is to follow. The moment there is some uncertainty in the story, the less relevant the story becomes. For example the Leytonstone tube station attack, the media stopped talking about it the moment it became clear he had mental issues.
  • UK Labour MP Jo Cox shot and stabbed in Leeds dies in hospital
     Reply #29 - June 23, 2016, 11:48 PM

    They were.  There's also equal reason to doubt the two men's sanity - both had a history of mental illness, exacerbated by substance abuse.

    I don't even understand why this is a discussion, the facts are all out there.

    This discussion is more to do with disparity in the media representation and the type/amount of coverage rather than the actual facts.

    So for Mair to be properly comparable to the rest, he would necessarily have to justify his acts with reference to.. something suitably self-aggrandising? Let's assume that this suggestion is true; so what if it is? What does that add to our discussion? Does his not being a spree killer show a lack of self-aggrandisement on his part as well?

    You are aware that he didn't actually *need* to say very much beyond what has been reported in the aftermath of what he did? We all got the message well enough.

    When is comes to the media isn't it the people with the high sense of self worth who usually get the most coverage? Also, doesn't the narrative also centre around an a recognisable issue/person and stays that way regardless of the facts? (The media is a prime example of cognitive dissonance at play)

    When the Tommy Mair attack occurred the attention was on the fact that an MP, Jo Cox, was in critical condition and that is what the media focused on. Since she is a recognisable public figure the media made her the centre of the narrative because that was the thing the public would of been more concerned about. If Tommy Mair went all Adebalajo on us then surely the media would of made him the focal point.

    To be honest, I think with both cases there is a sense of personal frustrations as well as political motivation, but with Omar Mateen he made his attack seem like it was part of something bigger by clearly stating that he identified with a political/terrorist movement which Tommy Mair never did (If he openly said I am with Britain First then it would be different). This isn't about Islamic extremists being more of a threat than right wing extremists, they are both as bad as one another. It is more to do with one clearly associating himself  with a established terrorist organisation and wanting the world to know, with the other guy being a lot more vague about who directly influenced him.

    The reason I originally commented on this thread was because both of these cases were being compared due to them occurring around the same time. I was pointing out why it is understandable for the media representation to be different as they were not similar cases despite the obvious political motivations in both attacks.

    Right wing extremism is a problem which is continuously overlooked in the media, and no doubt the right wing rhetoric is certainly having a serious affect on society. But, I don't think this was a case of the media as a whole ignoring right wing extremism by focusing on the victim which was one of the things being claimed in this thread. The fact the victim was an MP was more of a significant matter in this case which is why I brought up the Stephen Timms case for comparison.
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