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 Topic: I have become an atheist!

 (Read 6620 times)
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  • I have become an atheist!
     OP - June 30, 2016, 01:56 AM

    Just kidding.

    However, I will be leaving the forums. I want to take the opportunity to add a few comments from a few atheists on this forum. First, from the atheist with the pseudonym, 'Absurdist': ''This guy think he's doing dawah but really all he's doing is making us feel more bitter towards muslims. we have a higher chance of converting back to islam if he were to fuck off''. Secondly, from, 'Hsnake': ''There's 1.5 billion (more then that) muslims and counting apparently. There isn't that many ex-muslims I'm guessing (inshallah one day!). So please let us have our sanctuary free from the 'akhis'. Not interested.''

    Allah (SWT) tells us in the Holy Qur'an, 25:63 - ''And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace.''

    May peace be upon you all! Farewell.

    Ahl as-sunnah wal-jamāʻah and following the way of the Salaf. - nope, not anymore.
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #1 - June 30, 2016, 02:16 AM

  • Re: I have become an atheist!
     Reply #2 - June 30, 2016, 02:26 AM

    Just kidding.

    Allah (SWT) tells us in the Holy Qur'an, 25:63 - ''And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace.''

    May peace be upon you all! Farewell.

    A bit late to be feigning humility and 'turning the other cheek'.   Here is a JUST sample of the arrogant tone of your post (from P1)
    Give me your strongest evidence/s against Islam. Go.

    I don't care about other religions. I am a Muslim, am I not?

    Still awaiting someone...

    I'm specifically asking for evidence ... I am not asking...

    No, I will not accept. I do not get my ideology from other religions.

    You are free to believe what you want. If someone insults Judaism or Christianity, that does not affect my beliefs at all.

    Are you high?

    It's you who is the ex-Muslim. Give me your reasons for leaving Islam.

    I want an answer.

    You came on as demanding, superior,  know-it-all...  as if you were owed answers entirely on your terms, till people got tired of it and you are now playing the martyr  Huh?

    GO in peace !
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #3 - June 30, 2016, 02:30 AM

    What do you expect from a dawahgandist? He pretends he wants to engage in discussions but is really using them as a tool to push his own agenda. Has no interest whatsoever in actually hearing what others have to say.

    PS: I'm not an atheist.
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #4 - June 30, 2016, 03:31 AM

    Such a fucking attention seeker. No one really cares what you believe here. That is sort of the whole point!

    You know how they sung tala'al badru alayna for the prophet when he arrived at madinah? Maybe we should make a song for this guy as he leaves the forum. (If he actually leaves.)  Roll Eyes
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #5 - June 30, 2016, 06:12 AM

    Surat Dawahman
    1. DawahMaan
    2. He shits in a can
    3. He does not have a plan
    4. His videos should be banned
    5.  He thinks there are miracles in the Qur’an
    7. And he sayeth “Bang Bang” and still thinks he’s so grand
    8. So what parts of science and reason can he not understand?
    9. It is sad to think he’s his own biggest fan
    10. So what parts of science and reason can he not understand?
    11. He doth  peddle his courses like a snake oil sales maaannn
    12. So what parts of science and reason can he not understand?
    13. The kufi he wears is clearly secondhand
    14. So what parts of science and reason can he not understand?
    15. He is as ignorant as an ostrich with his head in the sand
    16. So what parts of science and reason can he not understand?
    17. The logic he doth use is tired and bland
    18. So what parts of science and reason can he not understand?
    19. He degrades Richard Dawkins or at least thinks that he can
    20. So what parts of science and reason can he not understand?
    23. He’s that sleazy grease ball that you really can’t stand
    24. So what parts of science and reason can he not understand?
    25. He’s a certified boob with a mammary gland
    26. So what parts of science and reason can he not understand?
    27. Glory be to the SWT, The original Mac Daddy with the Master Plan

    Super-muslim extraordinaire
    Dawhman! Dawahman!
    Runs around with a cameracrew
    Dawahman! Dawahman!
    Rescues unbelievers from the fires of hell
    Dawahman! Dawahman!
    Unless something better's on TV
    Dawahman! Dawahman!

    His brain's overloading
    It has a propaganda coating
    Textbook case for Sigmund Freud
    Dawahman! Dawahman!
    Check out Imran ibn Mansur
    Rapping muslim lad
    Went surfing on the internet
    And was influenced by what he saw there

    He turned into the Dawahman
    He's strong and super-quick
    He drives the sensible crazy
    'Cause he's a lunatic!
    His home base is the Dawahcave
    Dawahman! Dawahman!
    Floyd the Barber cuts his hair
    Dawahman! Chimpanzee!
    Rides around in the Dawahmobile
    Dawahman! Dawahman!
    Hopes to make a movie deal
    Dawah me! Dawah you!
    He's here to save the nation
    So stay tuned to this station
    If not, we'll be unemployed
    Dawahman! Dawahman!

    "Work without hope draws nectar in a sieve, and hope without an object cannot live." -Coleridge
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #6 - June 30, 2016, 07:11 AM

    Maybe it is "leaving", maybe it is running away?

    Perhaps seeing all the "waterproof arguments that would surely and immediately revert the kuffars to the true path" being taken apart for what they are (Nothing but babbling, postulates, circular reasoning, iron age mentality and Grade A bovine feces) has sown an inkling of doubt, and now it is time to concentrate on vigorously bumping his head into the floor to grow a nice zebibah (they expand on the inside of the skull too) and forget all about it.


  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #7 - June 30, 2016, 07:55 AM

    Just kidding.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #8 - June 30, 2016, 12:43 PM

    puzzlelover, they don't compare.

    By the way, it really does seem like I hit a nerve with you all. Hopefully, I never actually hurt any of your feelings.

    To olweasel: Why did you open this thread then? (This is my last post. Peace).

    Ahl as-sunnah wal-jamāʻah and following the way of the Salaf. - nope, not anymore.
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #9 - June 30, 2016, 01:32 PM

    This guy's an idiot...he must be a teenager
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #10 - June 30, 2016, 03:19 PM

    You’ve hit a nerve because of your annoying behavior. You’ve hit a nerve because of your inability to empathize with us as human beings and show any semblance of respect for our safe place. You’ve hit a nerve because of your preachy, condescending, patronizing, know-it-all attitude that speaks to us as though your old, plagiarized, rehashed ideas are the most novel and impressive things since the invention of fire, even though we’ve all heard them before.

    I get it. I know you’re so pumped up on iman and yaqeen right now that you can’t even fathom the idea that not only are we comfortable with what we believe or don’t believe, we may also actually be right. So you come to our forum arrogantly “challenging” us to “disprove” something we completely do not believe in anyway, then get frustrated when we treat you with the lack of respect your actions warrant.

    I know you cannot empathize with us, so I’m going to try to paint this picture in a way you can understand:

    It’s Friday, yawm al jumuah. You’ve got your fresh, crisp, cleanest white thobe on. You’ve made it to the masjid super early and greeted all your salafi bros and akhis with the full shebang of as-salamu ‘3alaykum wa raHHmatullahi wa barakatuh, (with extra emphasis on the 3ayn and HH.).

    You’re reciting Surah Kahf, chilling with your bros, smelling good with your ‘itr, waiting for the shaikh to give an awesome khutbah, and some Jehovah’s Witness keeps coming in demanding you speak to them about why Muhammad was a false prophet and Jesus is the true lord. You tell them they’re welcome to stay along and vibe with you, but that you really don’t care about their beliefs right now, because this masjid is really a safe place for Muslims to gather and do the things that are important to them.

    Instead, the JW keeps insisting on being provided with evidence for the truth of Islam, telling you guys that your attachment to your faith is purely emotional AND that he doesn’t care about your emotions. He keeps on bombarding you guys with pamphlets he’s printed from well-known, anti-Islamic websites saying silly and annoying things that you guys had all heard before, like Allah is a moon god and all muslims practice taqiyya.

    He won’t just let you dismiss his stuff as nonsense. He arrogantly makes snide comments like, “Still awaiting someone...”” It's you who is the Muslim. Give me your reasons for accepting Islam.” “I want an answer.”

    Remember, the whole time, you and your akhis are just trying to get your jumuah vibe on in your masjid.

    Still, you give him your sincere answers. You walk him through your own ideas and beliefs. He continues to bombard you with material from anti-Islamic sites, dismiss your arguments, and show no regards for your feelings because he does not care about them.

    He then says “I’ve become a Muslim!!!” loudly at the front of the mosque. When people look up in bewilderment, he yells, “Haha!! Just kidding!! I’m leaving, but I can see I touched a nerve here!”

    What would you and your dawah boys be saying and thinking when this guy finally leaves?
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #11 - June 30, 2016, 04:12 PM

    I have become an atheist!
    Just kidding.

    says again
    puzzlelover, they don't compare.

    By the way, it really does seem like I hit a nerve with you all. Hopefully, I never actually hurt any of your feelings.  

    A Muslim., No body cares what you are and it makes no difference here to any one in this forum whether you are atheist., Muslim, Ex-Muslim., Human being  or in-human being .,  but it makes huge difference in your life what you are .  So don't praise yourself as smart pants

    May peace be upon you all! Farewell.

    Yap.. let peace be every where

    Allah (SWT) tells us in the Holy Qur'an, 25:63 - ''And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace.''

    Nah .. Allah didn't say anything .,  it is the mouth pieces of allah .,The rascals are saying in the name of allah..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #12 - June 30, 2016, 04:13 PM

    You’ve hit a nerve because of your annoying behavior. You’ve hit a nerve because of your inability to empathize with us as human beings and show any semblance of respect for our safe place. You’ve hit a nerve because of your preachy, condescending, patronizing, know-it-all attitude that speaks to us as though your old, plagiarized, rehashed ideas are the most novel and impressive things since the invention of fire, even though we’ve all heard them before.

    I get it. I know you’re so pumped up on iman and yaqeen right now that you can’t even fathom the idea that not only are we comfortable with what we believe or don’t believe, we may also actually be right. So you come to our forum arrogantly “challenging” us to “disprove” something we completely do not believe in anyway, then get frustrated when we treat you with the lack of respect your actions warrant.

    I know you cannot empathize with us, so I’m going to try to paint this picture in a way you can understand:

    It’s Friday, yawm al jumuah. You’ve got your fresh, crisp, cleanest white thobe on. You’ve made it to the masjid super early and greeted all your salafi bros and akhis with the full shebang of as-salamu ‘3alaykum wa raHHmatullahi wa barakatuh, (with extra emphasis on the 3ayn and HH.).

    You’re reciting Surah Kahf, chilling with your bros, smelling good with your ‘itr, waiting for the shaikh to give an awesome khutbah, and some Jehovah’s Witness keeps coming in demanding you speak to them about why Muhammad was a false prophet and Jesus is the true lord. You tell them they’re welcome to stay along and vibe with you, but that you really don’t care about their beliefs right now, because this masjid is really a safe place for Muslims to gather and do the things that are important to them.

    Instead, the JW keeps insisting on being provided with evidence for the truth of Islam, telling you guys that your attachment to your faith is purely emotional AND that he doesn’t care about your emotions. He keeps on bombarding you guys with pamphlets he’s printed from well-known, anti-Islamic websites saying silly and annoying things that you guys had all heard before, like Allah is a moon god and all muslims practice taqiyya.

    He won’t just let you dismiss his stuff as nonsense. He arrogantly makes snide comments like, “Still awaiting someone...”” It's you who is the Muslim. Give me your reasons for accepting Islam.” “I want an answer.”

    Remember, the whole time, you and your akhis are just trying to get your jumuah vibe on in your masjid.

    Still, you give him your sincere answers. You walk him through your own ideas and beliefs. He continues to bombard you with material from anti-Islamic sites, dismiss your arguments, and show no regards for your feelings because he does not care about them.

    He then says “I’ve become a Muslim!!!” loudly at the front of the mosque. When people look up in bewilderment, he yells, “Haha!! Just kidding!! I’m leaving, but I can see I touched a nerve here!”

    What would you and your dawah boys be saying and thinking when this guy finally leaves?


  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #13 - June 30, 2016, 06:17 PM

    Just kidding.

    However, I will be leaving the forums. I want to take the opportunity to add a few comments from a few atheists on this forum. First, from the atheist with the pseudonym, 'Absurdist': ''This guy think he's doing dawah but really all he's doing is making us feel more bitter towards muslims. we have a higher chance of converting back to islam if he were to fuck off''. Secondly, from, 'Hsnake': ''There's 1.5 billion (more then that) muslims and counting apparently. There isn't that many ex-muslims I'm guessing (inshallah one day!). So please let us have our sanctuary free from the 'akhis'. Not interested.''

    Allah (SWT) tells us in the Holy Qur'an, 25:63 - ''And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace.''

    May peace be upon you all! Farewell.

    You are a fine example. A fine example indeed.

    If we could all but meet each other face to face. The things we could/would/should say when deprived of the security of the keyboard and monitor.

    No free mixing of the sexes is permitted on these forums or via PM or the various chat groups that are operating.

    Women must write modestly and all men must lower their case.!
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #14 - June 30, 2016, 07:07 PM

    By the way, it really does seem like I hit a nerve with you all. Hopefully, I never actually hurt any of your feelings.

    You picked your battles poorly then played the victim card as if the results of your interactions are none of your own doing. You seem to be oblivious to the purpose of the forums thus are unable to comprehend the responses you have received. So you must dismiss all response as anger or hate.
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #15 - June 30, 2016, 07:30 PM

    You’ve hit a nerve because of your annoying behavior. You’ve hit a nerve because of your inability to empathize with us as human beings and show any semblance of respect for our safe place. You’ve hit a nerve because of your preachy, condescending, patronizing, know-it-all attitude that speaks to us as though your old, plagiarized, rehashed ideas are the most novel and impressive things since the invention of fire, even though we’ve all heard them before.

    I get it. I know you’re so pumped up on iman and yaqeen right now that you can’t even fathom the idea that not only are we comfortable with what we believe or don’t believe, we may also actually be right. So you come to our forum arrogantly “challenging” us to “disprove” something we completely do not believe in anyway, then get frustrated when we treat you with the lack of respect your actions warrant.

    I know you cannot empathize with us, so I’m going to try to paint this picture in a way you can understand:

    It’s Friday, yawm al jumuah. You’ve got your fresh, crisp, cleanest white thobe on. You’ve made it to the masjid super early and greeted all your salafi bros and akhis with the full shebang of as-salamu ‘3alaykum wa raHHmatullahi wa barakatuh, (with extra emphasis on the 3ayn and HH.).

    You’re reciting Surah Kahf, chilling with your bros, smelling good with your ‘itr, waiting for the shaikh to give an awesome khutbah, and some Jehovah’s Witness keeps coming in demanding you speak to them about why Muhammad was a false prophet and Jesus is the true lord. You tell them they’re welcome to stay along and vibe with you, but that you really don’t care about their beliefs right now, because this masjid is really a safe place for Muslims to gather and do the things that are important to them.

    Instead, the JW keeps insisting on being provided with evidence for the truth of Islam, telling you guys that your attachment to your faith is purely emotional AND that he doesn’t care about your emotions. He keeps on bombarding you guys with pamphlets he’s printed from well-known, anti-Islamic websites saying silly and annoying things that you guys had all heard before, like Allah is a moon god and all muslims practice taqiyya.

    He won’t just let you dismiss his stuff as nonsense. He arrogantly makes snide comments like, “Still awaiting someone...”” It's you who is the Muslim. Give me your reasons for accepting Islam.” “I want an answer.”

    Remember, the whole time, you and your akhis are just trying to get your jumuah vibe on in your masjid.

    Still, you give him your sincere answers. You walk him through your own ideas and beliefs. He continues to bombard you with material from anti-Islamic sites, dismiss your arguments, and show no regards for your feelings because he does not care about them.

    He then says “I’ve become a Muslim!!!” loudly at the front of the mosque. When people look up in bewilderment, he yells, “Haha!! Just kidding!! I’m leaving, but I can see I touched a nerve here!”

    What would you and your dawah boys be saying and thinking when this guy finally leaves?

    Sums it up perfectly.
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #16 - June 30, 2016, 08:37 PM

    May peace be upon you all! Farewell.

    (This is my last post. Peace).

    He'll be back.  Roll Eyes

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #17 - June 30, 2016, 08:53 PM

    He'll be back.  Roll Eyes

    Of course, he's doing god's work.
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #18 - July 01, 2016, 10:50 PM

    Well today we see another cracking post from ibn Bilal. Hope silly B Muslim read it!

    I particularly like this bit

    You’ve made it to the masjid super early and greeted all your salafi bros and akhis with the full shebang of as-salamu ‘3alaykum wa raHHmatullahi wa barakatuh, (with extra emphasis on the 3ayn and HH.).

    This is spot on - the special Friday greeting Grin
  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #19 - July 07, 2016, 02:21 PM

  • I have become an atheist!
     Reply #20 - July 07, 2016, 04:29 PM

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