Wise words from Absurdist, once again
Has, you're in London. The no talking on the tube made me laugh
Try volunteering. That way you're doing something you enjoy, bigging up your ego as you're doing your bit for the community in one way or another, and you can be pretty sure anyone you meet will also at least be interested in whatever you're doing.
As Absurdist said, if you're out searching for love itself, you'll never find it. Love takes time to develop, and can come from the most unexpected places.
My dad used to run a petrol station and my mum went to work there to save money to buy a horse. They ended up in a relationship, I came along and they've been married ever since. I have 3 younger siblings and my parents marriage is one of the happiest I've known. And dad is significantly older than mum. Not really what either of them would have seen coming.
My wife and I met online (not a dating site) and became friends. We started talking on the phone, eventually we met in person and me married fairly quickly after my conversion to Islam. I'll end the story there as that's a whole other topic that I've already posted about
Don't look for love, look for people who you share your interests. Practice and get confident in interacting (but not flirting) with women of all ages, pay attention to what they say and avoid talking about yourself. See what makes them open up a bit, comment on what they say, then when you do find someone you really would like to get to know better, you'll have the confidence to talk to her and lead an at least semi intelligent conversation.
Thing is, especially to start with, it's easier said than done.