well my good friend ElRafa lot of stuff on plate but he didn't answer me... why ElRafa I ask you? which one? which folder? any ways let me respond to his op point by point..
Assalamu Alaykum,
Since this is a forum of opinions
I would like to share my sincere thoughts
Alaykum, salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh ElRafa ., and than you for sharing your opinions and sincere thoughts
Life is a quest, a journey towards understanding reality and purpose
that is well known quote of rumi and there are plenty of quotations around life and what life is and what life should be ., ElRafa., Every one has their own life purposes and that purpose may change time to time and place to place .. It is almost impossible that a person will have same single purpose from the day he/she born to the day s/he dies
My reading of your experiences has had profound influence on me
By Allah swt almighty and with sincerity I say,
I do not have the intellect of many of you, and i never will
I do not have the bravery of many of you, and i never will
I do not have the creativity of many of you, and i never will
OK., thank you but i regret to inform you that
your observations on the forum members as well as on yourself is wrong.. ., So I cross those words I disagree with.
“Everything in the universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.”
err., that is just another saying, another parable from rumi., Yes modern science proves that human being do compose with molecules, atoms, electrons, protons , neutrons and all other atomic particles .. so you can say that ., but what is the point and what do we learn from it?
I am a muslim, I have no doubts in my faith. If anything it has strengthened now greater than ever.
it makes no difference what your faith was and what your faith is to the readers dear ElRafa ., but it may make difference to you, if you carefully think on what people are saying here ., YOU CAN BE MUSLIM and write in to the forum and AND QUESTION FAITH HEADS whose faith may differ from your faith.
I believe Allah exists, is merciful and I believe Mohammed saw is his messenger,
I believe the Qur'an is eternal, uncreated and entirely divine
that is OK ., that is fine with me and others here., by the way.,
did forget to write the word "LAST" next to the word "messenger".?? , or you don't consider Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) was last messenger of Allah?
But I didn’t learn this from reading dot points on a page,
or through the rational points of muslims
or after shopping for religions,
and such methods could neither be used to diminish or ‘refute’ my belief
that is all right., every one chooses their own ways when it comes to beliefs and faiths
its symbols invigorate me, draw me in and excite me
its tenets resonate with me,
The words of Allah swt prompt a stirring in my soul,
It always has called me, i feel
and nothing outward can refute it or change it
that is all right but what is your point dear ElRafa? did any one here tell you to change your Islam to some other faith or some other Islam?? why are you penning all that ?
a grand delusion perhaps, a fantasy
but i question
what better compass do i have for understanding reality than what my soul inclines towards?
all else is mirage, our senses are flawed, people are flawed
Ghazali says,
Whoever determines the truth from people alone will remain lost in the plains of bewilderment.
OK .. again what happened and what is the point?
Research of outward things often doesn’t provide conclusions,
it creates confusions
well do more research outward as well as inward
Chapter (6) sūrat l-anʿām (The Cattle)
(Clicky for piccy!)And if you obey most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of Allah. They follow not except assumption, and they are not but falsifying.irrelevant verse as no one is forcing you to follow or obey those who are on this earth or who are from this earth ., and
don't forget Quran didn't fall from sky., it is from earthlings I ask
How does the brother perceive the world if not through his own senses?
He can not speak for my experiences,
nor does he know objective truth
so his existense is just as created as mine, as is everyone's
gibberish ElRafa ., if you were trying to write some words like Rumi., you failed miserably
however i do agree with him and all of you
choosing to blindly accept another person's reality is a failure
you should look inwards and reflect deeply on what your soul is comfortable with
and you will incline towards truth,
I do believe that most people on here are on sincere journeys looking for sincere answers,
some are not,
but those that are should continue on their Journey until they rest comfortably on truth
I pray for all of you,
Not so that you may be guided towards my truth
Rather, So that you may continue to want knowledge of truth
Whatever that may be
For I believe that is a truly admirable ambition in this world
and one that will reap you the most beneficial rewards...
well all right., I have no problem with what you said there..
with best wishes