@envixer, @afghan hassan:
A question for the two of you - you must be familiar with these two dudes:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahavirahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gautama_BuddhaYou would know the stories are over THOUSAND years older than that of mo. Sure 'gibreel' didn't reveal anything to these guys from anything that is mentioned in their stories but many today still believe both of them gained 'major knowledge' in their middle age, an event one might say is similar to a claim something invisible sat (and perhaps shat) on one's shoulder in a cave and made sounds that said it all for all of mankind forever!
So judging by today's progressive society and keeping in mind everything that's going in the world with possible human causes of climate change threatening everything, extinction of plant and other forms of life, widening income disparities, vast geographic regions in turmoil, and hunger and so forth, how would the lives of two guys in the above Wikipedia links compare, especially in their post-enlightenment phase? Not particularly impressive nor noteworthy, right, these two guys!? Until and unless the fear of the devil and eternal hell-fire and the immediate spectre of the wielded sword is swirling over one's head, who would find anything good in their stories or follow the above two 'desi' guys, right?
Now try to answer what 'wisdom in their holy book' is apart from things known to mankind, even more than a thousand years earlier?