May Allah guide you on the right path and help you succeed in all your endeavors especially where you say, "we have to find a way of defeating the lunatics."
Please note at some point you will have to ask yourself some fundamental questions again and review what "islamophobes" and "bigots" like me are finding:
1. It is not a recent phenomena for followers of islam to consider it "exclusivist and supremacist" and perfect and then indulge in actions that are most "dehumanising". It was there right from the beginning, thus the parables of Asma Bint Marwan (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%27Asma%27_bint_Marwan) and the Banu Qurayza massacre (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Invasion_of_Banu_Qurayza) and countless others that have been woven into the fabric which strive to inform all of the fate that befalls anyone who even remotely stands in the way. Wikipedia link states, "Antonio Elorza, historian and professor at Complutense University of Madrid, reviews Asma's execution and similar cases and suggests that eliminating political opponents by any and all means possible, was common practice during Muhammad's time. Elorza asserts that the psychological effect of such actions by Mohammad cannot be ignored when studying the background of terrorism in Islam. [ELORZA, Antonio. Terrorismo y religión. Letras Libres. Mayo 2005]"
2. Overwhelming opinion has been expressed islam and the so-called story of the revelation by gibreel to mo brought nothing spiritually or morally new to humanity, so the only "spinning" the radical types in 6th century to 8th century Arabia (who over the course of 200 years 'perfected' the most oppressive theocratic, imperialistic system that Hitler and Goebbels and their ilk would have loved to duplicate) could do to create their edifice of islam was to say everyone else is corrupt and they are all straying down the wrong path. All they could say is here's a "cleaned" up version given to a willing stooge from the ultimate authority, it is perfect, it has everything you would ever need. Few would "buy it", why would they - most of mankind always has and will have different, different pursuits, desires, and endeavors than what anyone write in a book! The only recourse to create large numbers of followers was force. And they knew it was the ultimate pyramid system (Bernie Madoff too missed on many ideas from this ideology!): keep adding followers or it all falls apart.
3. So I contend dehumanizing ideology has been part and parcel of whole conversion and expansion process. Verse after verse in quran, saying after saying in the hadith, most of sunnah imply non-believers are inhuman or worse. Outside of the Old Testament and the Nazi manifesto, nothing in recorded history comes even remotely close to the kind of dehumanization of "others" I see in islam.
4. There has been a preponderance of spirituality uplifting, morally universal and eternal (applicable to all time), and scientifically advancing forms of thought that has arisen out of other geographies, all centuries before something invisible did something on someone's shoulder in a cave. Keep in mind the idiom, "preacher, practice what you preach" and now take a close look at the concept of non-violence espoused by Mahavira and Gautama Buddha and how they lived their lives post-enlightenment, or contemplate on the practice of yoga and inform us here what about it is not secular and but research how it is helping countless humans today, or the invention of zero and whether this forum would even be possible without that. islam and its practioners have so forcefully NEGATEd all of it and they have been at it since bin qasim reached Sindh in 8th century A.D. Sacking and killing of countless monks at Nalanda University -
http://www.nybooks.com/articles/2016/03/24/forced-conversion-to-islam/ - being only one of the major highlights. Do you imagine (if you try to vsiualize in mind today) the scenery at Nalana during the sacking would have oh-so-benign and halaal compared to what happened to the folks who got mowed down at Nice a couple of days ago and which affected you so, do you Hassan? As yourself why are works such as the following suppressed and ignored in all muslim-majority environments instead of being required reading for all present-day muslims:
https://www.amazon.com/Islamic-Jihad-Conversion-Imperialism-Slavery/dp/1440118469?5. There have been some attempts, take Akbar (
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Din-i_Ilahi) the second ruler of the Mughals, to try to change the trajectory and the discourse. Only to be followed by a son and grandson, taught well by knowledgeable ones of their faith, who are quickly able to undo any advancement and go back to the salaafi thought: up comes Fatawa-e-Alamgiri
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fatawa-e-Alamgiri. Read the fatwa put together supposedly by "500 experts in Islamic jurisprudence (Faqīh), 300 from the South Asia, 100 from Iraq and 100 from the Hejaz (Saudi Arabia). Their work over years, resulted in an Islamic code of law for South Asia." Read it today and you will find ISIS going jealous of it (even they failed to think it all through); Nazis would have loved to have had the time of absorb all the apartheid thought in the fatwa. Note the year was around 1700 A.D., ummah and uluma had more than 1,000 years to digest all of gibreel's whisperings, no US and no Israel and no E.U. around to cause any pain to muslims; islam was reigning supreme, and these are the gems of thought they came up with:
a) "two or more Muslims, or persons subject to Muslims, who enter a non-Muslim controlled territory for the purpose of pillage, and thus seize some property of the inhabitants there, and bring it back into the Muslim territory, that property would be legally theirs.[17]
b) the right of Muslims to purchase and own slaves,[18]
c) no inheritance rights for slaves,[19]
d) the testimony of all slaves was inadmissible in a court of law[20]
e) slaves require permission of the master before they can marry,[21]
f) a unmarried Muslim may marry a slave girl he owns but a Muslim married to a Muslim woman may not marry a slave girl,[22]
conditions under which the slaves may be emancipated partially or fully[23]"
The challenge you are facing, Hassan, is "islam is the motherlode of bad ideas", as stated by Sam Harris.
If you are truly concerned about humanity, or perhaps the sanctity of all forms of life, trying putting together a 1,400 year "truth and reconciliation" process, similar to the one by the great Nelson Mandela in South Africa, following which you will find the entire edifice of islam vaporize: belief in a prophet, any prophet, let alone the seal; idea that there can be a final revelation of all knowledge for all of mankind; apostasy and blasphemy; blind adherence to god's divine law (sharia) and complete rejection of so-called man-made laws (especially those of West or eastern philosophies); the conviction of having the "license to kill" non-believers or enemies of islam, fear of hell, rewards of jannat, etc. will all be totally shredded. Anything less than you won't even remotely come close to Akbar and the chances are your own progeny can undo any progress like aurangzeb of the mughals did.
Best wishes,