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 Topic: Unwrapped candy

 (Read 13537 times)
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  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #30 - July 19, 2016, 06:24 PM

    I don't have an obligation to meet some kind of post quality standard.

    ITA, my previous comment was meant tongue in cheek, but was an obvious fail

    Besides, the comparison works for what it is. I didn't equate Islam with a song in everything, or even in everything to do with women. But Islam treats women like they're candy, and the song treats women like they're candy. And that's exactly what I said.

    I've since read the lyrics.  No expert but I know in urban slang 'bad' means good....  So unless the lyrics of Candy Shop likewise mean the opposite...  my reading of the words, as explicit and crude as they were, was that he was the candy... not the girl i.e." I'll take you to the candy shop-
    I'll let you lick the lollipop"

    The shock factor is part of the reason I made the comparison. I want people to take it in and realize how fucked up Islam is in its treatment of women, about as fucked up as a disgustingly misogynistic and degrading song.

       Fair enough .. I get your POV
    You don't even have an argument besides "You can't compare a major world religion to a song." Well I did. So I'm not sure if your argument is against me or how fucked up Islam is in its treatment of women.

    No beef with you Absurdist

    I meant it when I said I appreciate your posts usually and I didn't have any ulterior motive in disagreeing with your POV this time.   Peace. Smiley
  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #31 - July 19, 2016, 08:17 PM

    my reading of the words, as explicit and crude as they were, was that he was the candy... not the girl i.e." I'll take you to the candy shop-
    I'll let you lick the lollipop"

    I'm sorry, I'm on vacation and apparently so is my mind. It'll be back in 10 days.  Cheesy
  • Re: Unwrapped candy
     Reply #32 - July 19, 2016, 08:35 PM

    I'm sorry, I'm on vacation and apparently so is my mind. It'll be back in 10 days.  Cheesy

    All's well that ends well   Wink Enjoy the rest of your vacay.
  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #33 - July 20, 2016, 02:00 PM

    Islam is not on its own when it comes to treating women as objects to be owned and controlled, and even Islam doesn't say that women should be wrapped up like candy.

    Which, loosely translated, means cover your boobs, and don't make 'em jiggle when you walk, but you can show them to your dad or brother, and almost any other male or female family member, slave, or elderly attendants.

    However, it's the people who have gone the complete wrong way in this, and imposed their misogyny upon the translations to force women into wrappers.

    Dammit. You guys got me defending the Quran. Not something I do often 001_tongue

    For the quran quote:  what exactly is meant by "ornaments"?  If it means jewelry then why hide it from people outside your family?  Back in the prophet times there were not jewelry stores selling exactly identical factory molded necklaces and earrings.  All jewelry was handmade and probably quite distinct to region, tribe, family or even craftsman.  Was there a huge jewlry making industry in Mecca or Medina at the time? 

    My idea is that the jewelry was part of the booty.  What one gangster gave to his wife of his share he did not want others outside of the immediate family to see.  Plus it is not so great to walk around town wearing easily recognizable jewelry.  The excuse could not be that you just bought it at the same store or from the same craftsman.  "Honestly, this is not your grandmother's necklace that was stolen when the caravan was attacked last week.  It must look just like her necklace."

    I might as well add this.  For modern times do young women really walk around naked at home letting their fathers, brothers and sons see their naked breasts?  I am also quite sure that all those women at the mall these days wearing those huge headscarves have plenty of layers over their breasts. 

    Got to wrap that candy breast up with a wrapper like a shirt and then put an abaya over it but if you can still see an outline that indicates female then put a saudi trash bag over it.  But you all will still know it is a women because men are all wearing something else.  To totally desexualize women they would have to be made genderless by that reasoning.  Put men and women both into bags then. 

    The unreligion, only one calorie
  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #34 - July 20, 2016, 04:39 PM

    Exactly, Bee.

    The command in the Quran was for men and women to lower their gaze and control their lusts, not to have it hidden from them so that their imagination can take over and turn every covered up woman into a supermodel for their fantasies.

    The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views. Which can be uncomfortable if you're one of the facts that needs altering
  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #35 - July 20, 2016, 06:17 PM

    Does anyone have the answer about what ornaments is refering to?

    The unreligion, only one calorie
  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #36 - July 21, 2016, 08:02 PM

    It's been translated as adornments, ornaments, or charms, Bee, so I would lean heavily towards jewellery.

    Some right wing commentaries I've read (ages ago, can't find the link) also say that it includes hair, but that's patently absurd in my opinion Smiley

    The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views. Which can be uncomfortable if you're one of the facts that needs altering
  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #37 - July 28, 2016, 07:50 PM

    If it was meant to mean head hair then the arabic word usually used for head hair would be used?  If it meant pubic hair then maybe some specific term/word would be used.   I do not know arabic. I just have an english translation. 

    The unreligion, only one calorie
  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #38 - July 29, 2016, 01:09 PM

    Please tell me when is

    "Lick A Hijabi Day"

    Of course with her permission. 

    The unreligion, only one calorie
  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #39 - July 29, 2016, 04:33 PM

    Please tell me when is

    "Lick A Hijabi Day"

    Of course with her permission. 

    Every other day for me.
  • Unwrapped candy
     Reply #40 - July 29, 2016, 04:49 PM

    Please tell me when is

    "Lick A Hijabi Day"

    Of course with her permission. 


    The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit their views. Which can be uncomfortable if you're one of the facts that needs altering
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