Islam is not on its own when it comes to treating women as objects to be owned and controlled, and even Islam doesn't say that women should be wrapped up like candy.
Which, loosely translated, means cover your boobs, and don't make 'em jiggle when you walk, but you can show them to your dad or brother, and almost any other male or female family member, slave, or elderly attendants.
However, it's the people who have gone the complete wrong way in this, and imposed their misogyny upon the translations to force women into wrappers.
Dammit. You guys got me defending the Quran. Not something I do often

For the quran quote: what exactly is meant by "ornaments"? If it means jewelry then why hide it from people outside your family? Back in the prophet times there were not jewelry stores selling exactly identical factory molded necklaces and earrings. All jewelry was handmade and probably quite distinct to region, tribe, family or even craftsman. Was there a huge jewlry making industry in Mecca or Medina at the time?
My idea is that the jewelry was part of the booty. What one gangster gave to his wife of his share he did not want others outside of the immediate family to see. Plus it is not so great to walk around town wearing easily recognizable jewelry. The excuse could not be that you just bought it at the same store or from the same craftsman. "Honestly, this is not your grandmother's necklace that was stolen when the caravan was attacked last week. It must look just like her necklace."
I might as well add this. For modern times do young women really walk around naked at home letting their fathers, brothers and sons see their naked breasts? I am also quite sure that all those women at the mall these days wearing those huge headscarves have plenty of layers over their breasts.
Got to wrap that candy breast up with a wrapper like a shirt and then put an abaya over it but if you can still see an outline that indicates female then put a saudi trash bag over it. But you all will still know it is a women because men are all wearing something else. To totally desexualize women they would have to be made genderless by that reasoning. Put men and women both into bags then.