Some chap from an Arab country I knew was told by his elder brother that women in Canada had teeth down there and if he tried to have sex with them then they would bite off his penis.

If it wasnt for the internet and sex education, I would have always believed that:
-Baby are delivered from the skies to hospitals
-Just lying down with a man would make you pregnant
Flying sperm probably exists.
And this just gets on my nerves. If you have grown up in a pakistani household and somehow managed to watch a few Pakistani tv shows, there's this widespread misconception:
-Babies are God's will
Nonooooo nooooooooo.
It's so fucking ridiculous. Couples who dont even get along, somehow manage to have sex?
Like they even show you they dont talk to each other and all of a sudden the girl is pregnant.
And then they say, it is god's will??
Why do you spread misconceptions