hope that link works. It is from a hadith but not the quran.
Quran 5:33. The feast sura
"Those who wage war against Allah and his messenger and strive to spread corruption in the land should be punished by death, crucifixion, the amputation of an alternative hand and foot, or the banishment from the land: a disgrace for them in this world, and then a terrible punishment in the hereafter unless they relent before you over power them - in that case bear in mind that Allah's is forgiving and merciful. "
Usually people quote part of the the verse before it as the religion of peace "... If anyone kills a person is as if he kills all of mankind...." Leaving out the part "to the children of Israel" before and and killing "unless in retribution for murder or spreading corruption in the land".
I had noted down 41 verses of violence that I object to and I stopped writing them down after I got to chapter 25. I read a few chapters out of order so that is why I got 41.
I was hoping my answer was that most muslims have never read the quran because if they actually believe this violence and how bad "a" is then, how could they be truly good people?
I watched a video or a debate and some of the muslims were truly shocked that the quran had such content.
I am very sad because I do not want to hate people. I am sad because of a book that tells people to hate and do violence. So I am also feeling very sad for muslims who do not know the quran or fooled into thinking it does not say do violence.