Forgive my curiousity:
Not knowing the legal peculiarities, does that mean, that your original marriage was not legally valid? O was it, but has then been made invalid by the circumstances?
There are a couple different things that are legal grounds for annulment. In the state where I live, the list is:
- Absence of Mental Capacity
- Refusal of Intercourse
- Absence of Physical Capacity
- Secret Attempt not to Abide by Antenuptial Agreement
- Absence of a Valid Marriage License
- Blood Relationship
- Underage
- Concealment of prior Marital Status
- Undissolved Prior Marriage
- Duress
- Fraud
- Lack of Contractual Intent
- Misrepresentation as to Religion
- Proxy Marriage
In my particular case, the grounds was "Refusal of Intercourse". So the family court judge asked me "It says the grounds for this annulment is refusal of intercourse, is that true?" and I said "Yes, neither of us is straight, it was a marriage of convenience from the very beginning but it didn't work out and it's
not convenient." That made him chuckle, then he was like "Did you acquire any community property during the marriage?" which would basically be stuff we have to divide up, but he already took all the shit he wanted when he moved out 2 years ago and I said no, so the judge stamped the paperwork and said "The court, finding it has jurisdiction in this matter, and finding there are valid grounds for the annulment, accepts your request, you are no longer married." So then I got my copies of the paperwork stamped 150 times or so and left. So now I'm not married, and I never was, at least legally. So that's good.