The Daily Fatwah episode 003
Reply #1 - October 14, 2016, 03:39 PM
I give this podcast a fail.
I thought when two women were asked to be guests and that the topic was women in Islam that there would be more important discussion about hijab and misogyny, honor killing of women. The quran scriptures about covering women was not even said because why? No one ever read the quran? Only the surface of the hijab experience was mentioned without the women giving their experience about living in Dubai, a muslim majority country as compared to living in the west. While the conversation did move towards the LGBTQ community not much was mentioned about the suffering of this group in Islam. It was just touched upon. No one mentioned how the brutal punishments for gays in muslim sharia countries.
The topic then shifted a few times to campus censorship and how some muslims are more cultural or if drinking, having sex and eating pork are really all that bad. The points about Islam controlling every aspect of a person's life were well noted.
I guess if you like to keep the tone casual and spontaneous and go from topic to topic. I just did not expect this.
Maybe some suggestions for further topics
The ripoff of the halal food industry. Let's make everyone pay more for food that is not better because someone can make you feel bad for eating anything else. What amusing me is the local Chinese family owned restaurant given a few banner saying "now halal meat" and promised "more customers" if they would switch to halal meat. The prices go up because they have to buy halal meat and stop using pork. Only I laugh to myself when I know some muslims who consider soy sauce, a fermented product as haram because it contains alcohol. Have you ever had any chinese food that is cooked without soy sauce? Or even a cake baked with vanilla extract is haram. Vanilla extract is 35% alcohol but all the alcohol evaporates in the mixing and baking process. How does refusing to eat with other people cause a division?
Another topic might be how ridiculous it is for some muslims to insist on praying at work. Just the practicality of it for jobs that are involve production lines, jobs were phones or equipment must be monitored, driving a bus. Also how fasting for ramadan makes people impaired workers and operators.
Just what else are you going to discuss?
The unreligion, only one calorie