A ghostly eery silence fell as the gate gently swung open by the high admins of old, into the CEMB chambers. A spirit clambered through, following the scent of the deceased lost souls that riddled the faithless land. They lay together perched in a space, rocking back and forth to a tune of higher doom as the flames of hell danced overhead... Is there any hope? The soul twisted around, once a masterful polymath and now a ball of confused faithless mess. Perhaps this is the way.
The drumbeat grew stronger as the soul drew closer, cowering the light of eternal destruction. The flames grew wilder, the shine of faith no longer within. No amount of philosophy and rationalism can save the soul now. ElToro beckoned him. He summoned to the eternal CEMB quarters to say, "Indeed we are together. And united we stand!"
So yes, ElToro wanted me to come back. I was a soul once present in these chambers. I was the one they called PhysMath. He has long gone, into the dust and ashes of the lost ones. From those ashes rose this phoenix named ZackRazi. For indeed, the password was strong in the PhysMath and the memory was weak in this one. And indeed, the making of a new account was a decision one had to make the return to the quarters for those who take no heed.
I still want my parrot, guys.