Stunning words from Sajeeb.... hello Sajeeb welcome to the DOG den..I mean god den
.. let me rewrite your post as surah
Songs and Sonnets from Sajeeb Quran
allah is sole author
allah is everything
Questions are not accepted in Islam..
knowledge is frowned upon.
ignorance become miraculous
blessings and blessings everywhere
Then I started asking question,
I found no answers.
I asked those who were allegedly superior
but to no avail, no one knew the answers.
Then it happened,
Bam the bolt lightning bolt
my questions were blasphemous
my persistence began to anger
shouts from my friends
and shouts from my near and dear
All shouts...all sounds...the parrot sounds
I have nowhere to go
no one to ask
So I did my research
same unanswered questions
everywhere and in every faith
And the beliefs began to disappear
indeed they disgust me.
And So Here I am,
a living breathing ex-Muslim.
I have not suffered
nor have I been affected by my loss of faith.
In science I have found evidence and peace,
in religion I found doubt and hate
That sound better and we can make it better .. and we can also do that with Quran.. we can make it better ..better people .. better planet
With best wishes and wish you happy new year Sajeeb