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 Topic: Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group

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  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     OP - January 06, 2017, 10:32 AM

    Jakob told me to write an opinion piece on BLM and why I think it's a terrorist group so I can "get hundreds of hate mail lol".

    I have a hard time seeing why that's necessary but maybe that's because I've been staying away from the mainstream news and getting my news from fine people like the happy football Vernaculis.and the weird German Kraut and Tea. Black Lives Matter is a political organization, not a hashtag. They have proven that by their actions, like when they stormed the stage at a political event held by Bernie Sanders in August 2015 or when they stormed the stage at PRIVATE event held by Milo Yiannopolis in May 2016. They proved it when they organized to shut down the London City Airport and when they marched in Minnesota, chanting "Pigs in a blanket/Fry 'em like bacon". And I would ask anyone who questions my assertion that they are a terrorist group: Why? Can you name me one good thing that they, as a group, have done? Can you name me one example of them getting together as a group and doing something positive? Whether that was political activism, community improvement, or even showing up to block Westboro Baptist Church protesters at a funeral. Can you point me to one thing that they have done--actually done, not "said", not "claimed", not "asserted online"--even one thing, no matter how small, that they as a group have done--that was good?

    Don't get me wrong. I am against police brutality, and I think that ending it would be a great thing to do. I'm sure that there have been plenty of cases where a police officer shot an unarmed black man and planted a weapon or drugs on him. I'm sure that there's plenty of police corruption and corruption between police and other parts of our political system. We need to demilitarize the American police, we need to get rid of unfair sentencing practices that disproportionately effect the black community like "three strikes" and the difference in sentence length between crack vs powder cocaine, we need to de-privatize the prison system, we need to end the school to prison pipeline. But Black Lives Matter is not a group that I would trust with the task. I wouldn't have hired the Black Panther Party to end segregation, I wouldn't have hired the KKK to reduce crime, and I can't give my support to BLM when it comes to fixing the American judicial system.

    The [ur=]incident in Chicago[/url] was the thing that made me decide to go on a rant about it, but this problem has been festering for far longer. "Incident" is a neat little term, it seems to be what everyone is using. It sanitizes what happened: four people, two male, two female, kidnapped a mentally ill man. They held him for days, forcing him to crawl on all fours like a dog, drink out of a toilet bowl, and pushed his head with their feet. They cut off his clothes and part of his scalp. They burned his skin and forced him to repeat their political chants with a knife to his throat. And they live streamed it. They posted it on facebook while they ate. They didn't care that they were brutalizing a man with no capacity to fight back, a man that was not a threat to them in any way, a man they had kidnapped. They didn't care. They thought it was fun. They think that they are good people. And you know what the response from the BBC and the rest of the mainstream media is?

    The incident has provoked a strong reaction on Twitter, especially among the alt-right - the fringe group that celebrated US President-elect Trump's election win with Nazi salutes.

    They can't even say "these are bad people and the political group they are pushing is bad", they have to say "Nazis are saying mean things on twitter." Well, you know what, I don't care about the alt-right or the Nazis right now. Right now, we have to talk about Black Lives Matter. Right now, we have to talk about a terrorist group. Right now, we have to talk about how it is being minimized and blamed on Nazis when it has nothing to do with them. Because you know what? If we don't, then Nazis will. The alt-right will. They'll talk about how they're being blamed for stuff that has nothing to do with them, how the media is failing us, how the left doesn't care, how they're being marginalized and victimized. And they'll gain supporters because they're right. This isn't about them. I don't want to make it about them and you shouldn't either. The thing we all have to talk about is not the tiny mouse in the corner that may or may not be scaring the elephant, it's the elephant in the room. It's the big huge thing standing in the center of the room, snorting and goring people with its horns. It's the beast that is trampling people, crushing their bones under its feet. That's what we need to talk about.

    So let's do that. Let's talk about BLM. This wasn't the first terrorist attack that BLM activists have carried out. In Milwaukee in August 2016, they burned down a gas station with three employees trapped inside.. During that same event, they pulled white people out of their cars to physically assault them. In another incident, a man was pulled from his car at a stoplight and beaten because of a Trump sticker on his car. In July 2016, one or more BLM organizers led a march to where a sniper was waiting to kill police officers.

    I don't want this to become America's Rotherham. I don't want this to be yet another group that is committing crimes in plain sight because everyone is too scared to address it for fear of being called racist. And what I especially do not want is for this to become a rallying cry for the far right. I don't want them to gain traction on the back of public outcry over how our governments, our media, and our politicians have failed us. I don't want them to gain support from demographics that make up the majority of the voters but the minority of political elites because the establishment is calling them racist when they talk about the problems they see when they look out the window. I don't want Rome to burn while Nero sits in his palace and thinks about his great plans for the city; I don't want a revolution to erupt while rumors spread the Marie Antoinette has asked why we're not eating cake; I don't want evil to flourish while those who fancy themselves good men are sat silent, either through their incompetence, their ignorance, or their cowardice.

    If you want to see this problem stop, you must be willing to call a spade a spade. BLM is a terrorist group. It must be stopped. It must be held accountable. It can not be ignored, it can not be coddled, it can not be dismissed.

    I know that I will be called a racist for this, but I don't care about that. I know I will be called alt right, a nazi, probably an Uncle Tom or a porch monkey, but I don't care about that. I care about making sure that neither the racist political elements in the alt right nor the racist political elements in the far left can destroy my country. I care about preventing terrorism. I care about preventing brutality and injustice, whether it's institutional legal injustice, police brutality, or radical ideologues working outside the law. Those are my values. That's what I stand for. And if you can't see it over the anger that I would call out someone who you think is in the wrong demographic for me to criticize, that's not a problem with me, it's a problem with you.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #1 - January 06, 2017, 01:26 PM

    Every life matters.
    And black Lives Matter do have some hardliners.
    Any such organization based on nationalism, ethnicity or race could have thugs,criminals & terrorists.

    Just see the example of MQM in pakistan.
    MQM was founded on nationalism, ethnicity of muslim migrants of Indian descend "muhajirs".
    It turned into violent group consisting of criminals,thugs & terrorists.
    MQM is a wonderful example of secular terrorist organization ran in mafia style.
    Killed & tortured thousands of people of other ethnicities and their own ethnicity also.

    You will soon see the fate of Black lives matter.
    It will only bring more pain & discomfort for blacks in US.
    It can turn into another KKK.

    Organizations like tea party also have hardliners.

    I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #2 - January 06, 2017, 10:19 PM

    The [ur=]incident in Chicago[/url] was the thing that made me decide to go on a rant about it

    You mean this one? The same one for which Chicago Police apparently found no connection with BLM?

    Yeah, OK.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #3 - January 06, 2017, 10:28 PM

    You mean this one? The same one for which Chicago Police apparently found no connection with BLM?

    Yeah, OK.

    a) I'm not particularly inclined to trust the police at this point; b) BLM is a big part of what is creating an environment where people can feel good about themselves while literally torturing others.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #4 - January 06, 2017, 11:40 PM

     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  @ The thread

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #5 - January 07, 2017, 10:45 AM

    Here is a video that adequately and comprehensively describes why I believe that BLM is at least partly responsible for the Chicago hate crime--it is now being prosecuted as a hate crime, even if the people involved are not directly linked to it (which I don't know if they are or aren't, I'm not interested enough to go researching it). They are creating the climate in which this is acceptable.

    (Note: I only just watched this video and so I wrote my thing independently from it; we just used the same logic and evidence to reach the same conclusions.)

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #6 - January 07, 2017, 08:25 PM

    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy  @ The thread

    My very reaction

  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #7 - January 07, 2017, 10:11 PM
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #8 - January 08, 2017, 12:59 AM

    (Note: I only just watched this video and so I wrote my thing independently from it; we just used the same logic and evidence to reach the same conclusions.)

    It shows.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #9 - January 08, 2017, 05:28 AM

    I admit that I cannot watch the video at all. I have a lot of concerns about ableism.
    Would they have been able to or dared to kidnap and torture a typical male? I can believe they would insult anyone based on race, but could they see a typical male as less than human as they did with this victim? Did they see him as vulnerable because of his disability?
    I am really sick of hate crimes against and murders of the disabled. I am glad it is considered news worthy but that's not enough. Ableism is disgusting and pervasive.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #10 - January 08, 2017, 05:36 AM

    I am really sick of hate crimes against and murders of the disabled. I am glad it is considered news worthy but that's not enough. Ableism is disgusting and pervasive.

    Three, they just took advantage of vulnerable, typical worldly thing.
    But it is not ableism, it is racism. A racist crime.
    They were using racial slurs.

    I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #11 - January 08, 2017, 05:43 AM

    .................................. four people, two male, two female, kidnapped a mentally ill man. They held him for days, forcing him to crawl on all fours like a dog, drink out of a toilet bowl, and pushed his head with their feet. They cut off his clothes and part of his scalp. They burned his skin and forced him to repeat their political chants with a knife to his throat. And they live streamed it. They posted it on facebook while they ate. They didn't care that they were brutalizing a man with no capacity to fight back, a man that was not a threat to them in any way, a man they had kidnapped. They didn't care. They thought it was fun. They think that they are good people. ..................

    So let's do that. Let's talk about BLM. This wasn't the first terrorist attack that BLM activists have carried out. In Milwaukee in August 2016, they burned down a gas station with three employees trapped inside.. During that same event, they pulled white people out of their cars to physically assault them. In another incident, a man was pulled from his car at a stoplight and beaten because of a Trump sticker on his car. In July 2016, one or more BLM organizers led a march to where a sniper was waiting to kill police officers.

    If you want to see this problem stop, you must be willing to call a spade a spade. BLM is a terrorist group. It must be stopped. It must be held accountable. It can not be ignored, it can not be coddled, it can not be dismissed.

    i have not Read all those links  of black people terrorizing  white people in your post  but I agree in a  economically  and socially segregated society  sometimes criminal minded YOUNG individuals from weaker section of the society do use such methods on  other section of the society to satisfy their mental ego.., ,But you have point .. some times and good social civil rights/human rights/women rights  organization that is started with good intention one may find criminals in it   also you will  find some splinter groups  and criminal minded characters acting differently  from the goals of the organisation  

    Any way  these highlighted words of yours on that case

    four people, two male, two female, kidnapped a mentally ill man.  .......They didn't care that they were brutalizing a man with no capacity to fight back, a man that was not a threat to them in any way, a man they had kidnapped. They didn't care. They thought it was fun. They think that they are good people. ..................

     do NOT represent that case properly are the pictures of  those men and women  

    EXCLUSIVE: Chicago torture victim, 18, is asking why 'friend he idolized' was one of black gang who beat, burned and tortured him chanting 'f*** Trump, f*** white people'
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook bhb  

    That link says that white kid  idolized  black kid who apparently was his fried.,  So dear US of a girl., The issues of a case  like this is different from  what  that Black lives Matters organization/group  is supposed to do.. In any case please  realize   these are 18 year old kids and they are stupid and even you could say juvenile criminals

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #12 - January 08, 2017, 05:44 AM

    I admit that I cannot watch the video at all. I have a lot of concerns about ableism.
    Would they have been able to or dared to kidnap and torture a typical male? I can believe they would insult anyone based on race, but could they see a typical male as less than human as they did with this victim? Did they see him as vulnerable because of his disability?
    I am really sick of hate crimes against and murders of the disabled. I am glad it is considered news worthy but that's not enough. Ableism is disgusting and pervasive.

    It isn't just ableism, and that's self-evident in the video; the police (who, again, I'm not particularly inclined to just blindly believe) said that it was the reason they picked him as the target for kidnapping; but in the video, they say things like "Fuck Trump", "fuck white people", and force the guy at knife point to say "I love black people" before they SCALP HIM. They cut off part of his scalp, both hair and skin, for not being enthusiastic enough about his love for black people while four black people are holding him prisoner and torturing him. There is a good bit of black supremacy on display in the video, and I would say there's more black supremacy than ableism in the things they say in the video.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #13 - January 08, 2017, 05:54 AM

    ......There is a good bit of black supremacy on display in the video, and I would say there's more black supremacy than ableism in the things they say in the video. ......

    There is a little doubt on that .,you may call it Black supremacy   I  call it as RACE ORIENTED CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR  OF  UNEDUCATED FOOLS 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #14 - January 08, 2017, 06:16 AM

    I think we all are correct, it is how you see this crime.
    You can see it as ableism.
    You can see it as racism.

    It has all colors & flavours in it.

    I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #15 - January 08, 2017, 06:24 AM

    i have not Read all those links  of black people terrorizing  white people in your post  but I agree in a  economically  and socially segregated society  sometimes criminal minded YOUNG individuals from weaker section of the society do use such methods on  other section of the society to satisfy their mental ego.. dear gal_from_usa.,But you have point .. some times and good social civil rights/human rights/women rights  organization that is started with good intention ..with in that you will  find splinter groups  and criminal minded characters ...

    Any way  these highlighted words of yours on that case
     do NOT represent that case properly are the pictures of  those men and women  

    THAT link says that white kid  idolized  black kid who apparently was his fried.,Do dear US of a girl., The issues of a case  like this is different from  what  that Black lives Matters organization/group  is supposed to do..
    In any case please  realize   these are 18 year old kids and they are stupid and even you could say juvenile criminals

    I honestly don't care that they're only 18-19. The reason why we have the ability to try a legal minor as an adult is that sometimes, a person who is legally a minor can do things that are just as bad as any older, more hardened criminal. I have held this standard throughout my life, in case you were wondering--when I found out that my own brother, just weeks away from his 16th birthday, had had sex with a preteen, I wanted the book thrown at him. I wanted him to be punished for it as an adult, even though because he was technically not quite 16 yet, Romeo and Juliet laws applied. I know what he went through, I know the victimization that happened to him, but that doesn't excuse his behavior.

    I have already emotionally prepared myself to testify, on the day of his trial--whenever that may be--as a character witness for the prosecution. I am prepared to suggest life imprisonment or the death penalty (depending on the state and the crime). And you have no idea how much I love my brother. He is the person I was willing to live for, he was the person who I was unwavering devoted to throughout his childhood. When my parents put him in my arms for the first time and told me I had to protect him and care for him, I made an unconditional vow to do so, a vow that I upheld to the best of my ability for almost 16 years, no matter what hell I had to suffer through to do so. But the moral principles that I hold--that I wish to do as much good and as little harm to as many people as possible--means that I must be willing to advocate that even my own brother must be held to that standard. I am convinced that he will almost certainly make it necessary to remove him from society for the protection of society, and if and when they happens, I will advocate for the good of society. Against him.

    I honestly don't care what these people have gone through, I don't care what life circumstances led them to this point, I don't care if they were indoctrinated into a cult or were the victims of systemic injustice. They kidnapped someone, they held him for two days, they tortured him; and they laughed while they did it. They posted it online with their own faces on their own facebook pages. They were proud of it. They have crossed over the line from "victim" to "perpetrator", which is when they forfeited the right to any pity or compassion or understanding from me. I am more than happy to care for victims, to provide for their defense and welfare, to provide them with the tools they need to build the best life possible for them. I am willing to work towards rehabilitate perpetrators, if possible; but I also know that there are some criminals who can't be rehabilitated, even with the best of modern medicine and science. I know that someone with the clinical diagnosis of psychopathy, like my brother, can't be rehabilitated.

    These four people, no matter what their past was, are no longer victims. Whatever they went through that led them to the point where they were willing to kidnap and torture someone is irrelevant now. They are not victims anymore, they are perpetrators. I believe they should get a fair trial and, upon conviction, a sentence that is proportional to the scale of their crimes. That is what they deserve and it would be against my moral code for me to advocate for leniency for them because of their ethnicity, the things that they have been the victim of, their political affiliations, the bad influences they had in their life, or any other irrelevant factor.

    Black Lives Matter has been directly linked to AT LEAST four previous incidents of violence, the ones I pointed out in my original post, and I believe they are (at best) indirectly linked to this one; that is, they're at least as linked to this attack as ISIS is to some of the most recent attacks in America and Europe. They provided the intellectual/spiritual/emotional basis for the attacks to take place. They provided an environment in which a person can feel that they are morally justified in doing harm to another person, a person who was not providing an imminent threat to them in any way. And as a result of these actions, BLM deserves to be called a terrorist group, not a victim's rights group.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #16 - January 08, 2017, 11:50 AM

    good  good  post dear US of A girl  ., You are raising many decent  legal and criminal points in your post .. And  and at it its  bottom is...... what a society should be from your own standards and stand point of view..  and you are so smart and ask terrific  questions such as

    "Could dark matter be what's left when a black hole dies?"
    Well, couldn't the energy be Dark Energy? Seems like there's a lot of that, too...idk, it's not like I can do mathematical modeling or really understand the physics on an intuitive level, my brain just throws random ideas around in random directions and waits for two things to collide and then assigns significance to those collisions on a randomized scale, but sometimes I feel like the ideas genuinely could be on to something (but the vast majority (some times)of the time, they're  just total(SOME)bullshit)

    I honestly don't care that they're only 18-19.
    The reason why we have the ability to try a legal minor as an adult is that sometimes, a person who is legally a minor can do things that are just as bad as any older, more hardened criminal. I have held this standard throughout my life, in case you were wondering--when I found out that my own brother, just weeks away from his 16th birthday, had had sex with a preteen, I wanted the book thrown at him. I wanted him to be punished for it as an adult, even though because he was technically not quite 16 yet, Romeo and Juliet laws applied. I know what he went through, I know the victimization that happened to him, but that doesn't excuse his behavior. 

    I have already emotionally prepared myself to testify, on the day of his trial--whenever that may be--as a character witness for the prosecution. I am prepared to suggest life imprisonment or the death penalty (depending on the state and the crime). And you have no idea how much I love my brother. He is the person I was willing to live for, he was the person who I was unwavering devoted to throughout his childhood. When my parents put him in my arms for the first time and told me I had to protect him and care for him, I made an unconditional vow to do so, a vow that I upheld to the best of my ability for almost 16 years, no matter what hell I had to suffer through to do so. But the moral principles that I hold--that I wish to do as much good and as little harm to as many people as possible--means that I must be willing to advocate that even my own brother must be held to that standard. I am convinced that he will almost certainly make it necessary to remove him from society for the protection of society, and if and when they happens, I will advocate for the good of society. Against him.

    I honestly don't care what these people have gone through, I don't care what life circumstances led them to this point, I don't care if they were indoctrinated into a cult or were the victims of systemic injustice. They kidnapped someone, they held him for two days, they tortured him; and they laughed while they did it. They posted it online with their own faces on their own facebook pages. They were proud of it. They have crossed over the line from "victim" to "perpetrator", which is when they forfeited the right to any pity or compassion or understanding from me. I am more than happy to care for victims, to provide for their defense and welfare, to provide them with the tools they need to build the best life possible for them. I am willing to work towards rehabilitate perpetrators, if possible; but I also know that there are some criminals who can't be rehabilitated, even with the best of modern medicine and science. I know that someone with the clinical diagnosis of psychopathy, like my brother, can't be rehabilitated.

    These four people, no matter what their past was, are no longer victims. Whatever they went through that led them to the point where they were willing to kidnap and torture someone is irrelevant now. They are not victims anymore, they are perpetrators. I believe they should get a fair trial and, upon conviction, a sentence that is proportional to the scale of their crimes. That is what they deserve and it would be against my moral code for me to advocate for leniency for them because of their ethnicity, the things that they have been the victim of, their political affiliations, the bad influences they had in their life, or any other irrelevant factor.

    Black Lives Matter has been directly linked to AT LEAST four previous incidents of violence, the ones I pointed out in my original post, and I believe they are (at best) indirectly linked to this one; that is, they're at least as linked to this attack as ISIS is to some of the most recent attacks in America and Europe. They provided the intellectual/spiritual/emotional basis for the attacks to take place. They provided an environment in which a person can feel that they are morally justified in doing harm to another person, a person who was not providing an imminent threat to them in any way. And as a result of these actions, BLM deserves to be called a terrorist group, not a victim's rights group.

    i  have no time right now  but that is a bit bullshit ,, again I will get back to  your concepts/understanding  of criminal activity and what is the legitimate legal solutions to such activities  but  don't say this I honestly don't care

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #17 - January 08, 2017, 11:54 PM

     but  don't say this I honestly don't care

    I don't care about their age in the sense that I don't think that their ages should be taken as a mitigating factor when considering the severity of their actions and/or their moral character overall. If you disagree with that, I'd love to hear your reasoning.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #18 - January 09, 2017, 03:52 AM

    I don't care about their age in the sense that I don't think that their ages should be taken as a mitigating factor when considering the severity of their actions and/or their moral character overall. If you disagree with that, I'd love to hear your reasoning.

    oh I see ok., you will  hear that and more ., in fact that is the least important thing i oppose in your post  dear USA_Girl.,  

    1) So what would you like to see to be  done to those four black kids by your government..  two girls and two boys of them was white kid's((the victim's)) friend?

    2) What would you do to them IF YOU WOULD HAVE GIVEN FULL POWER  TO PUNISH THEM?

    3)   and what is your  moral character  is telling you to do??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #19 - January 09, 2017, 04:28 AM


    10 years behind the bars.

    I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #20 - January 09, 2017, 04:56 AM

    oh I see ok., you will  hear that and more ., in fact that is the least important thing i oppose in your post  dear USA_Girl.,  

    1) So what would you like to see to be  done to those four black kids by your government..  two girls and two boys of them was white kid's((the victim's)) friend?
    2) What would you do to them IF YOU WOULD HAVE GIVEN FULL POWER  TO PUNISH THEM?

    Obviously the first thing would be to get them psychiatric review. If they are fit to stand trial and are psychopaths then they need to be put away for the longest amount of time that the law allows (which in America is probably life, this isn't Norway). Psychopaths can't be rehabilitated; everything that has been tried has only increased recidivism, so once a psychopath has proven himself violent, he must be permanently removed from society until such time as a cure can be found or at least a treatment that proves efficacy in reducing recidivism. Not all psychopaths are physically violent. In fact, violent psychopaths make up a tiny fraction of the 1% of the general population that are psychopaths, but those that do WILL repeat offend. The only way to keep them from doing this again is to keep them in custody.

    It is unlikely that the two female kidnappers are psychopaths, statistically speaking. Fewer women than men get diagnosed with psychopathy, and when women do become violent or participate in violent behaviors perpetrated by others, it's usually not psychopathy that caused it. They are likely to have some kind of Bonnie and Clyde syndrome or cult-like devotion, like the women involved in the Manson Family murders. They may or may not be able to be rehabilitated; if they can't be rehabilitated, then they should also get life sentences.

    Also, this "friend" lured the young man into a trap, kidnapped him, called his family to tell him that the young man was their hostage/prisoner, and held him for about 48 hours until his escape, during which time they tortured him repeatedly. If your "friend" did that to you and your family, would you still be friends?

    3)   and what is your  moral character  is telling you to do??

    What is best for society as a whole. It may not be what is best for those four people--they might be happier without spending any time in jail. But if there is a good chance that they will do this again, and I don't see any reason to assume they wouldn't--considering they have shown no remorse and in fact showed joy in torturing a man who had done nothing to them and was unable to defend himself--then I see no reason to allow them back into society. It may sound heartless, but tell me, what do you think is more heartless--being hard on them as the result of their actions and choices, or being complicit in their next kidnapping by letting them go?

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #21 - January 09, 2017, 05:17 AM

    Obviously the first thing would be to get them psychiatric review.
    ....psychopaths .............
    .......psychopaths ....
    .......psychopaths ....
    .......psychopaths ....

    you have wonderful gift of that Language skills and  English Vocabulary dear  US  of A girl ., But what I realized from your posts is, when you write loooong  posts you seem to think very little.

    1). So what do you think your US of A govt is doing on that case? or is your govt in the right track?    

    2).  But don't you think instead  of having that loooong psychiatric evolution  which also has potential pitfalls ..    send these stupid kids  in to all white area with   some all  white  angry racist  police shooting them in  their backs?   would that  not  serve justice??

    please continue to THINK AND WRITE  ..i am doing many things.. and (I AM NOT BLAMING ALL US OF A POLICE FORCE HERE   please realize that )

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #22 - January 09, 2017, 05:43 AM

    you have wonderful gift of that Language skills and  English Vocabulary dear  US  of A girl ., But what I realized from your posts is, when you write loooong  posts you seem to think very little.

    I write long posts about issues I care about. Even if I don't cite my sources in the post, I do have them and can provide them if asked. I try to preface any sentence in my longer posts that isn't based on evidence with "I think" or "I feel", or some variant of that like "based on the stuff I've just said" to differentiate it from the stuff I have evidence for. I'm constantly looking for new information and new ideas. The thing I'm working on right now  in terms of what I'm studying is "how to form an opinion and how to defend it". This is not a skill I was ever taught--every time I tried before two years ago, I was beaten or berated for it--so it's quite difficult for me. Not going to lie, it's still very difficult.and sometimes I want to roll over and just have someone tell me what to think, but I know that I'm better for it.

    1). So what do you think your US of A govt is doing on that case? or is your govt in the right track?   

    2).  But don't you think instead  of having that loooong psychiatric evolution  which also has potential pitfalls ..    send these stupid kids  in to all white area with   some all  white  angry racist  police shooting them in  their backs?   would that  not  serve justice??
    (I AM NOT BLAMING ALL USOF A POLICE FORCE HERE   please realize that )

    please continue to THINK AND WRITE  ..i am doing many things..

    You asked what my punishment for them would be if I had full control over their fate, so I assumed a perfect world where stuff happened in the way I would think best when formulating my response.

    As for police brutality, I'm against that. I said as much in the original post. The possibility of police brutality does not mean that we should just let shut down all the prisons. I would go so far as to say that even the possibility of something like prison rape, being attacked by Nazis in prison, or being treated in an exploitative way wouldn't stop me from sending these particular people to prison. There are a lot of non-violent offenders and especially non-violent drug offenders that should be released and the for-profit prison system is really fucking awful and should be abolished, but none of that is a reason to put violent criminals back on the street. It IS a reason to do political activism and petition local government officials for change, but it's not a reason to put violent offenders back on the street.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #23 - January 09, 2017, 05:58 AM

    I write long posts about issues I care about.  

    There are a lot of non-violent offenders and especially non-violent drug offenders that should be released and the for-profit prison system is really fucking awful and should be abolished, but none of that is a reason to put violent criminals back on the street. It IS a reason to do political activism and petition local government officials for change, but it's not a reason to put violent offenders back on the street

    Here and there you slip some good words in to your long posts,  that is another long post from you far away  from  your intended topic ..  it is  late in US of A.,   please drink cold milk and sleep ..stop thinking too much  dear USA girl......


    In 2013, the movement began with the use of the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media, after the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin. Black Lives Matter became nationally recognized for its street demonstrations following the 2014 deaths of two African Americans: Michael Brown, resulting in protests and unrest in Ferguson, and Eric Garner in New York City.[1][2] Since the Ferguson protests, participants in the movement have demonstrated against the deaths of numerous other African Americans by police actions or while in police custody. In the summer of 2015, Black Lives Matter activists became involved in the 2016 United States presidential election.[3] The originators of the hashtag and call to action, Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi, expanded their project into a national network of over 30 local chapters between 2014 and 2016.[4] The overall Black Lives Matter movement, however, is a decentralized network and has no formal hierarchy

    hmm  it is just 3 year old,,,,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #24 - January 09, 2017, 11:30 AM

    ^^your last point is an important one, Yeezevee. BLM is a political movement, not an organisation. In that respect it is much like feminism; no political leaders or hierarchy. How much sense would it make to dub feminism a "terrorist organisation" if a minority of self-proclaimed feminists went out and committed crimes? It is simply a movement for people who believe that "Black lives matter too", not "Black lives matter more". That is why the "All Lives Matter" response is incoherent and clearly a tactic to shut down discussion and debate.

    What those 4 kids did was abhorrent, and they deserve to be condemned and to rot in jail, but what association do they have with the BLM movement? Will every incident of racism from a Black person in the US now be associated with BLM, irrespective of an absence of any links?

    Gal_from_usa, you said that police brutality should be addressed, but that BLM shouldn't be the ones to do it. Which movement could possibly address an issue like that without a minority of extremists or troublemakers committing crimes its name? Every movement for equality has brought these people out of the woodworks, it's inevitable.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #25 - January 09, 2017, 12:09 PM

    ^^your last point is an important one, Yeezevee. BLM is a political movement, not an organisation. In that respect it is much like feminism; no political leaders or hierarchy.

    No OFFICIAL hierarchy. Gamergate had no OFFICIAL hierarchy but that didn't stop them from being widely attacked. Anonymous has no OFFICIAL hierarchy but that didn't stop a good number of them from getting arrested. Occupy Wall Street had no OFFICIAL hierarchy but that didn't stop them from getting attacked.

    How much sense would it make to dub feminism a "terrorist organisation" if a minority of self-proclaimed feminists went out and committed crimes? It is simply a movement for people who believe that "Black lives matter too", not "Black lives matter more". That is why the "All Lives Matter" response is incoherent and clearly a tactic to shut down discussion and debate.

    It might make sense to call feminism a terrorist movement if they stop having any good things that they have done and only do bad things. Can you name any good things BLM activists have done?

    What those 4 kids did was abhorrent, and they deserve to be condemned and to rot in jail, but what association do they have with the BLM movement? Will every incident of racism from a Black person in the US now be associated with BLM, irrespective of an absence of any links?

    Here is a video that adequately and comprehensively describes why I believe that BLM is at least partly responsible for the Chicago hate crime--it is now being prosecuted as a hate crime, even if the people involved are not directly linked to it (which I don't know if they are or aren't, I'm not interested enough to go researching it). They are creating the climate in which this is acceptable.

    (Note: I only just watched this video and so I wrote my thing independently from it; we just used the same logic and evidence to reach the same conclusions.)

    Gal_from_usa, you said that police brutality should be addressed, but that BLM shouldn't be the ones to do it. Which movement could possibly address an issue like that without a minority of extremists or troublemakers committing crimes its name? Every movement for equality has brought these people out of the woodworks, it's inevitable.

    I don't know how to address it, but I'm no civil rights leader; it would probably take decades, if not longer, and would require first getting rid of corruption in our highest institutions, including our courts and our legislative branch; removing financial incentives for politicians supporting the gun lobby and military-industrial complex, stricter gun regulations in general, loosening of drug laws, demilitarization of the police force, a change in American gun culture, better inner city education programs including trade schools and affordable higher education, ending the school-to-jail pipeline, and a whole lot more. However, I don't trust BLM to do any of that.

    If you do, please tell me one positive thing that they have done. I can point to lots of bad things that they have done, but I can't find any positive things. I can't find a single problem that they have improved, a single injustice they have rectified, a single policy they have changed; all I can find are riots they've incited, violent acts they've done, cult-like behavior, and lives they've ruined.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #26 - January 09, 2017, 03:54 PM

    L hierarchy but that didn't stop a good number of them from getting arrested. Occupy Wall Street had no OFFICIAL hierarchy but that didn't stop them from getting attacked.

    It might make sense to call feminism a terrorist movement if they stop having any good things that they have done and only do bad things. Can you name any good things BLM activists have done?

    I don't know how to address it, but I'm no civil rights leader; it would probably take decades, if not longer, and would require first getting rid of corruption in our highest institutions, including our courts and our legislative branch; removing financial incentives for politicians supporting the gun lobby and military-industrial complex, stricter gun regulations in general, loosening of drug laws, demilitarization of the police force, a change in American gun culture, better inner city education programs including trade schools and affordable higher education, ending the school-to-jail pipeline, and a whole lot more. However, I don't trust BLM to do any of that.

    If you do, please tell me one positive thing that they have done. I can point to lots of bad things that they have done, but I can't find any positive things. I can't find a single problem that they have improved, a single injustice they have rectified, a single policy they have changed; all I can find are riots they've incited, violent acts they've done, cult-like behavior, and lives they've ruined.

    ^^your last point is an important one, Yeezevee. BLM is a political movement, not an organisation. In that respect it is much like feminism; no political leaders or hierarchy. How much sense would it make to dub feminism a "terrorist organisation" if a minority of self-proclaimed feminists went out and committed crimes? It is simply a movement for people who believe that "Black lives matter too", not "Black lives matter more". That is why the "All Lives Matter" response is incoherent and clearly a tactic to shut down discussion and debate.

    What those 4 kids did was abhorrent, and they deserve to be condemned and to rot in jail, but what association do they have with the BLM movement? Will every incident of racism from a Black person in the US now be associated with BLM, irrespective of an absence of any links?

    Gal_from_usa, you said that police brutality should be addressed, but that BLM shouldn't be the ones to do it. Which movement could possibly address an issue like that without a minority of extremists or troublemakers committing crimes its name? Every movement for equality has brought these people out of the woodworks, it's inevitable.

    Helllooooooo     gal_from_usa  are you OK?..cooldown., you seem to be writing for me  as well for yourself.,  you are writing for BLM as well as against BLM... do you realize that? And  it appears  all  of your black &  white problems of your country,  you are blaming on that BLM, what I call as a ""social online  protest  by black & other folks""   without any leadership ,which  started because of   some    innocent angry Black men/women getting killed by edgy police officers of your country ..

    anyways ., let us walk slightly in a different root.,  Can you google and find out   how many white Police officers were beaten/killed in the last century by angry black folks  in US of A?  And I wonder would you like to blame those also on  that BLM?

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #27 - January 10, 2017, 02:43 AM

    Helloooooo   gal_from_usa i know you are reading me So i am going to ask questions  because it is easy to ask questions and i am good at it..
    anyways ., let us walk slightly in a different root.,  Can you google and find out   how many white Police officers were beaten/killed in the last century by angry black folks  in US of A?  And I wonder would you like to blame those also on  that BLM?

    So  BBC news today with this pictures

    The restaurant bill

    The waitress at that  restaurant  who gave that bill  to white customers

     So the news says...  
    ..........She says that she would gladly serve the pair again, adding "one hateful remark cannot stop me" and that she would recognise them if they returned to Anita's New Mexico Style Cafe.

    "My arms are still opened to him," she said, offering to serve them again.
    "That's him, not me," she said during her morning shift one day after the incident, adding that "he only hurt himself. He only makes me stronger."

    Anita's owner Mr Tellez said that Ms Carter has "handled it very well" and that he agrees with her desire to serve the pair again.
    "Two wrongs don't make a right", he told the BBC, adding that the note was "appalling, disheartening, and outrageous"

      So please read more and give me your opinion..   And I want answers from you on this

     So  instead of white police officers of your country beaten by angry black people  or black criminals., let us say.. some  angry  black  or other race people of your country ..may be angry or may be  criminals   beat some  old white women ...  the question to you is

    . should we blame that criminal activity on this Hashtag..twitter,,forums..whatever...    ON BLM matters  and the people in it or supporters of it??

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #28 - January 10, 2017, 07:51 AM

    I have never seen Yeez making good points like this thread. Wow,I'm really impressed.

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #29 - January 10, 2017, 11:24 AM

    Blacks look different, that's why there is fear & anger in Caucasian race.
    Same for blacks too.

    I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.
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