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 Topic: Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group

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  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #60 - January 17, 2017, 02:08 PM


    No no no

    hello are going far away ..far far  away from the folder ..for americans   it is worth reading

    and that is from today's BBC news

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #61 - March 04, 2017, 09:09 PM

    The premise of BLM is that the majority of Americans do count a black life as less than a white or asian life. To their point I've very occasionally observed anti-black racist attitudes from people from a variety of ethnic backgrounds whether Mexican, Pakistani, Arab ... or whatever as well as 'yellow' Korean, Chinese and Japanese.  Anti-black racism is not and has never been solely a white vs black issue.  I've also occasionally heard racist statements from white people but rarely.  Perhaps I just don't move in the right circles!

    But BLM has targeted the police as the main threat to the black community and virtually declared war on the police.  BLM is just one refrain in the larger anti-white privilege symphony that is playing throughout the land.   I am white, my children and grandchildren are white so this concerns me a little. 

    But back to BLM and their argument.   As gal_from_usa states the police have their problems and need to be monitored.  But the national crime statistics simply don't support the BLM argument that racist cops are killing blacks indiscriminately.  Police are called to black neighborhoods disproportionately because a disproportionately large amount of crime happens there, and black people call the police who they expect to protect them no matter the race of the criminal threatening them, who are usually other black people.   Statistically black perpetrators behave more violently towards police, so the police are more likely to anticipate it and react violently themselves.  The cops are not to be expected to be psychiatric social workers able to solve the larger historic social injustices and pathologies of the societies they protect.   They just want to protect by arresting, beating up or killing the violent criminal as the situation demands.

    America has an undeniably racist history.  But it also has a history where the 'oppressing' white race fought each other to free the slaves (killing 600,000 white men), and have enacted legislation to protect and equalize the injustices of the past.  The desegregation of schools under Eisenhower, the Great Society legislation under President Johnson (voting rights protection, welfare, food stamps, affirmative action etc)  ... but if anything young college age blacks seem angrier and out to get revenge than at any time in the country's history.   

    One thing I'm sure of .. if Black Supremacy is going to replace White Supremacy .... lock and load baby.

  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #62 - March 04, 2017, 10:45 PM

    I don't think you get it at all.
    First you state crime statistics don't support the issue and then you say statistics point to more blacks experiencing crime from blacks, which would support the issue. Make up your mind.
    You do not protect a population by killing or beating up perps. That is not justice and it is not protection.
    Just because I participated in equal rights demonstrations or just because my mother was a part of desegregation in schools does not mean that oppression by others in my culture is or has been nullified. If changes in policy were all it took to iron everything out then I ought to be making as much as a white man in my position does. But I do not. So obviously more work needs to be done in recognizing human rights, if unequal pay is still an issue, think how much more is still very wrong.
    Lock and load is not what fixes this. Maybe you want to rethink your handle.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #63 - March 04, 2017, 11:06 PM

    BLM as far as I have seen and heard them is silent on Black on Black crime.  In fact I would say it is anathema to them because it undermines their favorite narrative that white oppression, primarily in the form of police brutality is the most important issue facing the black community.  So my comment about that does not contradict anything I said.

    I agree I got into a bit of a rant.  But I've lived and experienced crime in Brooklyn for nearly 40 years.  I have chased burglars out of my home, my youngest son had a knife held to his throat,  a group of about 10 young men through stones at me and my wife on our own block .... I could recount many more incidents.  I'm glad to say this was mostly in my first decade in New York, and crime has abated here (though not in other urban centers like Chicago or Baltimore).   As I said .... racism is not just an issue that white people have to solve.  It operates in all directions, and my sense that the stingiest racist animus today is anti white racism.

    As to why your pay is inferior I really cannot comment - I don't know you or your place of employment.  You feel it is because it is because of the color of your skin.  Cant you take your case to a tribunal of some sort?

  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #64 - March 05, 2017, 01:32 AM

    My pay is inferior because I am female. No matter the color of my skin it has always been less than a white man doing the same job. That is across the board as far as I am aware, and no tribunal has changed it yet.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #65 - March 05, 2017, 01:40 AM

    I do think oppression is the most important issue facing the black community in the US. I would agree with that.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #66 - March 05, 2017, 12:14 PM

    Well let me ask you how you see that playing out.  I am close to the end of a professional career in New York which I've observed (among other things) a thankfully great growth in the number of African-American men and women working around me - and I have a nice well compensated job ... as they do.  There is a large black middle class in this country.   

    I don't know exactly the size of this middle class as a percentage of the overall black community of roughly 45 million souls but for argument's sake lets say its 30%.   So I would argue that there is opportunity for everyone regardless of race if you want to pursue those opportunities via education and hard work.

    There are many black intellectuals who argue what I did above"  Thomas Sowell, John McWhirter, Walter Williams and others that echo the late 19th century black scientist and advocate for African-Americans Booker T Washington.

    But it seems a lot of black youth, particularly but not exclusively those with some college education,  believe they need to hit the streets and progress can only come via demonstration or even riot.  I think they are living in the past.  There are open doors should they choose to walk thru them.   I understand a little about the difficulties of embracing those opportunities.  A black friend and colleague told me that he grew up in the projects in Brooklyn.  Murder and mayhem was the norm.  You and your buddies (or homies) were as tight as a platoon in a war situation, because you literally depended on each other for survival.  Then he married an educated black woman who insisted he pursue college and move out of the projects he grew up in.  The sense of betrayal among his friends was devastating and they never forgave him for (as they saw it) selling out.   Interested in your opinion on this.

    The Michael Brown case in Fergusson Missouri (just north of St Louis) which began BLM was the subject of a comprehensive study by the Obama Justice Department (the President (Obama) was black and the Attorney General was black (Eric Holder)).   The study was to determine whether Michael Brown's civil rights had been violated by the police officer who shot him - Darren Wilson.   Their 85 page report is available here (  if you'd care to read it.  No case was brought against Wilson because he had acted professionally and reasonably - as the report clearly demonstrates.  Michael Brown is dead and Darren Wislon's career as a police officer was ended (despite being exonerated).   Demonstration and riot ensured this outcome - but it was not just.

    So please - educate me.  How does oppression of the American Black community operate?   I'd really like to know.

  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #67 - March 05, 2017, 12:45 PM

    BLM has splintered. There is no unified organization of any serious level, no leadership, no method of weeding out radicals until they expose themselves. For example the so-called leader of the BLM in Toronto was recently exposed as a racist that follows some bizarre ideas from the Nation of Islam. She had ranted about killing whites and thanking Allah for the inability of carrying out murder. She merely used BLM as a platform, nothing more.

    I do think oppression is the most important issue facing the black community in the US. I would agree with that.

    I see a major cultural issues not oppression.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #68 - March 05, 2017, 02:50 PM

    Well let me ask you how you see that playing out.  I am close to the end of a professional career in New York which I've observed (among other things) a thankfully great growth in the number of African-American men and women working around me - and I have a nice well compensated job ... as they do.  There is a large black middle class in this country.   

    I don't know exactly the size of this middle class as a percentage of the overall black community of roughly 45 million souls but for argument's sake lets say its 30%.   So I would argue that there is opportunity for everyone regardless of race if you want to pursue those opportunities via education and hard work.

    There are many black intellectuals who argue what I did above"  Thomas Sowell, John McWhirter, Walter Williams and others that echo the late 19th century black scientist and advocate for African-Americans Booker T Washington.

    But it seems a lot of black youth, particularly but not exclusively those with some college education,  believe they need to hit the streets and progress can only come via demonstration or even riot.  I think they are living in the past.  There are open doors should they choose to walk thru them.   I understand a little about the difficulties of embracing those opportunities.  A black friend and colleague told me that he grew up in the projects in Brooklyn.  Murder and mayhem was the norm.  You and your buddies (or homies) were as tight as a platoon in a war situation, because you literally depended on each other for survival.  Then he married an educated black woman who insisted he pursue college and move out of the projects he grew up in.  The sense of betrayal among his friends was devastating and they never forgave him for (as they saw it) selling out.   Interested in your opinion on this.

    The Michael Brown case in Fergusson Missouri (just north of St Louis) which began BLM was the subject of a comprehensive study by the Obama Justice Department (the President (Obama) was black and the Attorney General was black (Eric Holder)).   The study was to determine whether Michael Brown's civil rights had been violated by the police officer who shot him - Darren Wilson.   Their 85 page report is available here (  if you'd care to read it.  No case was brought against Wilson because he had acted professionally and reasonably - as the report clearly demonstrates.  Michael Brown is dead and Darren Wislon's career as a police officer was ended (despite being exonerated).   Demonstration and riot ensured this outcome - but it was not just.

    So please - educate me.  How does oppression of the American Black community operate?   I'd really like to know.

    It seemed like oppression to me when my boss in 1996 had the receptionist throw out every application for an entry level job submitted by non-white people.
    It seemed like oppression because I knew he was the head of several professional boards in the area and a favorite of the local officials.
    It seemed like oppression because I knew there were no repercussions for him- of course my resignation did not phase him. I was entry-level, too.
    It seemed like oppression when I, 20 years later, see he has never had any issues with his hiring tactics and still has an all white work force.
    That's pretty much how I see it operating.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #69 - March 05, 2017, 02:51 PM

    BLM has splintered. There is no unified organization of any serious level, no leadership, no method of weeding out radicals until they expose themselves. For example the so-called leader of the BLM in Toronto was recently exposed as a racist that follows some bizarre ideas from the Nation of Islam. She had ranted about killing whites and thanking Allah for the inability of carrying out murder. She merely used BLM as a platform, nothing more.

    I see a major cultural issues not oppression.

    I guess we see it differently.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #70 - March 06, 2017, 03:28 PM

    I guess we see it differently.

    Regarding the splintering of the movement due to questionable people "speaking" for BLM or the cultural issue?
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #71 - March 07, 2017, 01:15 AM

    Oh sorry. I ought to have edited the quote portion. The cultural opinion, is where we differ.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #72 - March 07, 2017, 04:52 PM

    Oh sorry. I ought to have edited the quote portion. The cultural opinion, is where we differ.

    Crime statistics do not support the oppression view but a cultural one.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #73 - March 08, 2017, 01:36 AM

    Do you mean arrests or do you mean convictions? Do you mean arrests of each race contrasted with convictions of each race?

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #74 - March 08, 2017, 04:36 PM

    Do you mean arrests or do you mean convictions? Do you mean arrests of each race contrasted with convictions of each race?

    Both arrests and convictions. Arrests are important as it establishes trends with people and the police. Location is also important as it is influenced by city planning and outdated tax codes. This can results in an environment in which crime is more likely to occur along with a decline in social and community services that can help individuals.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #75 - March 09, 2017, 02:24 AM

    We have noticed far more convictions and longer sentencing per arrests among the black population here. So if you get arrested and you are not black, you have a far better chance of getting off or getting a lesser sentence. That does not seem to be a cultural issue.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #76 - March 09, 2017, 04:43 PM

    We have noticed far more convictions and longer sentencing per arrests among the black population here. So if you get arrested and you are not black, you have a far better chance of getting off or getting a lesser sentence. That does not seem to be a cultural issue.

    You are drawing upon an inference with no evidence. Sentencing can vary due to judges, criminal records, links with criminals and criminal organizations, social trends, political and social ideologies, racism and stereotypes. Consider a judge that believes in punishment rather than rehabilitation. Their record will reflect this. Likewise those that believe in rehabilitation records will reflect their view. Location plays into the previous due demographics of an area. If a harsh judge holds court with a demographic that is over represented at the local level compared to national level this will shift your result. This judge's record could be consistent with their views. So with no evidence you are calling this judge oppressive to a specific group due to a generalization of data rather than an evaluation of it. Since even the sentencing is within the limitation of the penal system and criminal code is not oppression as it is not legally direct at a group of people by law. At best you may have individual judges that are assholes but you have no records or names pointing these people out.

  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #77 - March 09, 2017, 05:13 PM

    I just love how white liberals argue on immigration and race relations,and expect you to have a rational argument  with them.

    Especially the ones that engages in pseudo-rational justification of irrational acts.

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #78 - March 09, 2017, 11:22 PM

    You are drawing upon an inference with no evidence. Sentencing can vary due to judges, criminal records, links with criminals and criminal organizations, social trends, political and social ideologies, racism and stereotypes. Consider a judge that believes in punishment rather than rehabilitation. Their record will reflect this. Likewise those that believe in rehabilitation records will reflect their view. Location plays into the previous due demographics of an area. If a harsh judge holds court with a demographic that is over represented at the local level compared to national level this will shift your result. This judge's record could be consistent with their views. So with no evidence you are calling this judge oppressive to a specific group due to a generalization of data rather than an evaluation of it. Since even the sentencing is within the limitation of the penal system and criminal code is not oppression as it is not legally direct at a group of people by law. At best you may have individual judges that are assholes but you have no records or names pointing these people out.

    I would say there is a lot of data gathered on this, even with the variable of different styles of judging. If it is not that way where you live then that says a lot of good things about your local ethics.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #79 - March 09, 2017, 11:24 PM

    I just love how white liberals argue on immigration and race relations,and expect you to have a rational argument  with them.

    Do you realize that white people are white through no action of their own? No one has a choice in what color their born. Or what sexuality or what gender. So if it's unfair to characterize gays as evil because they can't help how they were born, or transgender people as evil because they can't help how they were born, or black people as evil because they can't help how they were born, and it would be wrong to dismiss their experiences and perspectives simply because of their identity, why isn't it wrong to do that to white people, because they can't help how they were born either?

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #80 - March 09, 2017, 11:25 PM

    I just love how white liberals argue on immigration and race relations,and expect you to have a rational argument  with them.

    Especially the ones that engages in pseudo-rational justification of irrational acts.

    I admit to being very rarely rational on the subject. It irks me that after watching all this for two decades it doesn't feel like much has changed. It's enraging. We were absolutely sure it would no longer be an issue by today. We were so wrong. 

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #81 - March 09, 2017, 11:53 PM

    Like seriously, what do you imagine happened? Donald Trump was made in some kind of celestial factory and he was rolled up to the character selection screen, and he said "well, I'm going to want to be rich and famous, maybe even a president some day, so the only way to do that is to pick straight white male." So he selected that. Then the next person showed up and the celestial character selection people said "sorry mate, we've already reached our quota for how much power you can have in society, so you're going to be born a black/latina/whatever woman. Nothing personal. But it does mean you're going to have to clean toilets the rest of your life and you'll never be able to surpass the circumstances of your birth to make something of yourself." Then the next person showed up and the celestial character selection people said "hmm, the maximum amount of power you can have is to be male and middle class in China." So he picked that, and so on.

    Because other than that, I can't imagine any way to say that white people are responsible for taking power in society and that every white person and especially every cis hetero white male should feel guilt and shame about taking power from everyone else. And since that's not what happened, I don't see any reason to dismiss bogart's opinions simply on the assumption of his whiteness.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #82 - March 10, 2017, 12:26 AM

    I just love how white liberals argue on immigration and race relations,and expect you to have a rational argument  with them.

    So true. Mock and move onward.

    My mind runs, I can never catch it even if I get a head start.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #83 - March 10, 2017, 03:47 PM

    I would say there is a lot of data gathered on this, even with the variable of different styles of judging. If it is not that way where you live then that says a lot of good things about your local ethics.

    Data I have never seen.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #84 - March 10, 2017, 03:48 PM

    I just love how white liberals argue on immigration and race relations,and expect you to have a rational argument  with them.

    Yes because asking for evidence is a white thing and irrational.

    Especially the ones that engages in pseudo-rational justification of irrational acts.

    Unlike drive by comment which provide nothing to the argument nor even demonstrate their own points have merit. You have yet to establish any point you merely hand wave it away followed by a dose of racism. Try again.

    By the way I'm not a liberal. I gave it up a few years ago due to people like yourself using racism to cover for their lack of evidence.

  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #85 - March 10, 2017, 04:10 PM

    It seemed like oppression to me when my boss in 1996 had the receptionist throw out every application for an entry level job submitted by non-white people.

    That is one person being an asshole not a demonstration of oppression of or within society. It is also illegal anyways. Did you report your boss to the authorities?  Is the business a government one or link in some way? You are bringing up discrimination not oppression.

    It seemed like oppression because I knew he was the head of several professional boards in the area and a favorite of the local officials.

    You would have to demonstrate his bias created "oppression" beyond his business. Being an asshole in one area does not automatically mean he will be in another area. His other activities could have checks such as boards typically do. How many people that favor him know about his bias?
    It seemed like oppression because I knew there were no repercussions for him- of course my resignation did not phase him. I was entry-level, too.

    Actually there are legal repercussions.

    It seemed like oppression when I, 20 years later, see he has never had any issues with his hiring tactics and still has an all white work force.

    Again has he been reported? For example lets say he was report for his illegal hiring practices but nothing happened. I would agree that his bias is not merely an isolated case.

  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #86 - March 10, 2017, 10:16 PM

    Yes because asking for evidence is a white thing and irrational.

    Yep and the only way to decolonize our minds is to throw science out the window and believe in black magic.

    Because returning the world to superstition isn't a bad idea at all and will have no impact on global quality of life.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #87 - March 11, 2017, 03:31 AM

    Data I have never seen.
    (I am in one of the worst five states)

    I don't know how you have never seen any of this. Every time another study comes out confirming this, it gets into the news. Unless you are reading Breitbart or other like publications, this is all readily available information and the data is overwhelming. There is no way this could be blamed on culture.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #88 - March 11, 2017, 03:55 AM

    That is one person being an asshole not a demonstration of oppression of or within society. It is also illegal anyways. Did you report your boss to the authorities?  Is the business a government one or link in some way? You are bringing up discrimination not oppression.

    *This is evidence of racial oppression. This is a mid level official, high stand professional of regard in his community. If it is evident in his workplace, it stands to reason that it is evident in other places of business in his town.

    You would have to demonstrate his bias created "oppression" beyond his business. Being an asshole in one area does not automatically mean he will be in another area. His other activities could have checks such as boards typically do. How many people that favor him know about his bias?

    *All of the people that favor him would know, as they know him.
    Actually there are legal repercussions.
    *Not really.

    Again has he been reported? For example lets say he was report for his illegal hiring practices but nothing happened. I would agree that his bias is not merely an isolated case.

    *If he were reported by someone above him, perhaps. But not in the Bible Belt twenty years ago in the county next to the KKK headquarters, this was expected there. Government officials are not saintly nor are they godlike, especially when people of no account point fingers at the respected class.

    My replies are inside the quote above. This is a personal account of one incident in my life. ONE. You can break it down all you want, but no matter how shocking it might be to you it is pretty much business as usual down South in many places. I offered you one real incident instead of reams of data, because what you can see often means more than numbers. Maybe not to you. But the data shows what I have observed, that people of color are denied opportunity, denied access to resources, denied the benefit of the doubt- overwhelmingly, in all aspects of living in the US in most (if not all) places. This creates oppression. If you can't see it, then perhaps you live in a lovely place. I see it now even in the North and I saw it twenty years ago down South. That incident was not the first exposure to racism I ever had, but it was the first obvious exposure to institutionalized racism.
    This happened the same year that a black couple in the same town was shot and killed for being black by a racist who was known to have an awful lot of buddies and a great deal of sympathy from locals. We tried to get them banned from local businesses and could not. So frustrating.

    Don't let Hitler have the street.
  • Opinion: Black Lives Matter is a Terrorist Group
     Reply #89 - March 11, 2017, 04:34 AM

    Racism exists in America, both by black people against white people and by white people against black people. And between a bunch of other groups too. I don't think anyone is denying that. The contentions I have are two-fold:
    1) What is the damage being caused by the racism and who is causing it?
    2) What are the best steps to take to cut down on the racism?

    If your answer to 1 is "black men who dindu nothing are being mowed down in the street by insane cops every single day, it might as well be Boko Haram running the US government" and your answer to 2 is "Support BLM", then I disagree with you strongly on both counts. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and that which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence--and that which is asserted with only anecdotes can be dismissed with only anecdotes. BLM is the least qualified group to stop the racism in the US. Mostly because they are themselves so insanely racist.

    Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I have a sonic screwdriver, a tricorder, and a Type 2 phaser.
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