What exactly are religious books trying to tell us? part-1
Reply #1 - January 26, 2017, 11:50 PM
All popular contemporary religious beliefs today, where established roughly 2 to 4 thousand years ago. Under these circumstances it cannot be argued that Islam Christianity and Hinduism “eternally” existent. The concept of “eternally” existent religion is a misguided belief. However eternal or otherwise, it is true that the “creation” of religion is a process that was initiated many thousands of years ago. One particular scenario where mankind might have felt the need for “Godly” interventions, are natural disaster. Mother Nature can be cruel at times with an ugly assortment of weapons at her disposal to vent her rage whenever she feels like it.
Desperate men and women unable to properly explain (and in a bid to save themselves) the phenomenon behind tornadoes, thunderstorms and floods turned to the alternative explanation of a deity, Gods/Goddesses behind these occurrences. Unable to define death satisfactorily, many resorted to the concept of spirits or unseen souls. Those slightly practiced in the trade of social sciences may have come across all these things. As such based on what we have gathered so far, it is evident that religion or religious faith are nothing but the creation of Neanderthal humans who ruled the world some two hundred and fifty thousand years ago. Before the Neanderthals there was no evidence of practicing religion found during the age of the Pithecanthropus or even the Sinanthropus before them. But the findings of the Neanderthals lacked sophistication - compared to modern beliefs that is.
The upper Palaeolithic age (some 40 -98 thousand years ago) saw the concepts spirits, ghosts, religious behaviour and the practice of magic added and integrated into an already growing pile. In comparison to modern religion the Veda religion (predecessor to Hinduism) for example was conceived some 3,500 years ago, while Islam and Christianity were conceived 1400 and 2000 years ago respectively. The religious rules and regulation maintained out of the need to preserve social order and harmony during those days are largely recognized today as being weak, suppressive and even barbaric at times. History again is the silent eyewitness to the Phonicans, Hebrew, Cananights, Mayans, Incans, Aztecas, wolmex, Greek, Roman Carthagian, Tewton, Celts, droid, Gall, Thai, Japanese, the Mauris, Tahitians and the Hawaian citizens, all of whom have “sacrificed” countless men, women and children in order to satisfy these invisible entities they refer to as Gods and Goddesses.
I have explored these issues in broader detail on the “Poisonous Faith” section on my book. For now let us focus on these books, these religious manuals if you will and try and determine they message they are trying to convey. Formed, moulded and firmly established by modern religion today we undertake a no holds barred approach to analyse their content and decode the mysteries behind the words.
For those who have memorized or are familiar with The Quran’s content, know for a fact that it has numerous provocative directives strewn all over its pages. For example –
And wherever you find non-believers kill them (2:191, 9:5), get into conflicts with them,
so that you may demonstrate hostile behaviour against them (9:123), engage in war against them (8:65). Humiliate the non-believers at every opportunity and impose the “Zizia” tax on them (9:29). And retract the freedom of those who believe other things, and announce that Islam is the only adoptable religion (3:85). This condemns non-believers to hell (5:10), and brands them as ‘unholy’ (9:28); Muslims are encouraged to carry on fighting till all manners of other beliefs are eradicated and Islam is the only religion that exists (2:193).
The Koran says that it is only in Islam that a non-believer will be condemned to hell because of the stature he/she maintains, and he/she will be forced to drink pungent smelling pus (18:17). You are encouraged to slice off the hands and legs of non-believers, you are encouraged to dishonourably discharge them from their countries, “There are unimaginable horrors waiting for them in afterlife” (5:38). “For those who did not believe, I have made clothes for them weaved from fire, steaming, boiling water will be poured on their heads so that skins and their stomachs melt, and iron clubs will be used to beat them” (22:19).
The Koran explicitly prohibits Muslims from even befriending a Nasar or a Jew (5:51), it even has instructions encouraging you to sever all ties your mother or father if they are non-believers (9:23, 3:28). For those who do not believe in Allah-Rasul, for them a burning pyre is reserved (48:13). For those who die without believing in Islam, state – “wring him by the neck, bind him up and then throw him to the pits of hell. Use chains as long as 70 feet in length to bind him” (69:30-33). It has instructions to commit to warfare in order to appease Allah, where it says “It is good for us, even if we don’t like it, it is” (2:216), and also – “slay the neck of all Kafirs” and immediately after that blood-soaked instruction it says “and bind them up properly” (47:4). Next up is a section where Allah himself has vowed – “I will induce fear into the heart of all Kafirs” and he has specifically instructed believers to “strike Kafirs on their shoulders and to break each and every finger on their hands” (8:12).