It annoys me when converts are hardcore. Couldn't he have let them pray at home and go back to bed? When you're of school age its so important to get your sleep. Getting up and going out means you are properly awake, and breaks up your sleep too much imo. No wonder they were saying stuff behind his back, I'd be mad too. The guy has had his wild time and he's basically having a quiet life now. He's lucky he even got to experience drinking and partying.
I always hated fajr, especially during Ramadan. I have a sensitive stomach and it messed me up eating at like 3am. Last year was the first time I didn't fast. It felt good.
So true, you often get parents who did the partying and drugs when they were young and now want to impose islam on their kids because they have suddenly discovered the right path. totally selfish.
what worried me the most about the final episode was the young boys wanting their mother to wear the full veil!! I was fuming.