I could put you in touch (or at least ask to contact you, no guarantees they would), muslims who would say with absolute sincerity that certain quranic verses, such as the famous "they are like cattle, death dumb and blind" verse, are for a specific people at a specific place at a specific time. So why exactly should I take the word of a man who's fellow christians sprout random verses from the bible to argue against policies today, that quranic verses are for all time, when actual believers say the opposite? If you want to say the muslims who argue this are misinformed, or reading it wrong, why don't you say the same to the shitload of christians who do the exact same thing? Why is it that, in your view, christians can look at their texts and say they no longer apply, but muslims can't?
I have previously stated that I am not a conventional Christian so why do you keep herding me in that direction QSE? Think of me like Hassan, but from a Christian background. I am happy to entertain skepticism about or criticism of Christian (and Jewish) acts, texts and practice for the sake of factual discovery and truth. Christians are not my benchmark community for standards of perfection, and I have never made any such claim - so don't paint me in that corner. In fact someone like Moeen Ali or Yusuf Islam seem to me to be exemplars of goodness, and to be religious in the best sense.
But to go back to your initial point of knowing believing Muslims who would argue that Koranic and Hadithic texts are peculiar to a time and place I think there is a literal / textual issue here. Muslims may decide that's how to interpret their sacred texts but it is not what is actually written - its open ended. The Bible text cites time, place and action explicitly. Does this imply or am I intending to convey that all Muslims are violent and Christians are peaceful - no of course, so no silly responses please.