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 Topic: Month of Return to Allah

 (Read 26603 times)
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  • Month of Return to Allah
     Reply #60 - April 23, 2020, 12:08 PM

    منصور يشرح الإسلام لفتاة مسيحية

    حارس سجن غوانتانامو الأمريكي يعتنق الإسلام بعد أن رأى المسلمين يؤدون الصلاة رغم ظروف السجن الصعبة
  • Month of Return to Allah
     Reply #61 - April 27, 2020, 06:45 PM

    There is a difference between the true teachings of Islam

    And between the different traditions, customs and cultures of the peoples

    A true Muslim adheres to the teachings of Islam

    And the wonderful principles and values ​​of the Holy Quran

    Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

    Talked about all religious and material matters

    Because Islam
    Constitution and approach to life

    By eating, sleeping and praying, taking a bath and making transactions between people

    Religion is not just a ritual

    Pray and then go out to lie and drink alcohol and lack of hygiene and adultery

    Like other religions
    most christians dont even follow their own faith, they just carry it as a sort of "name" in their ID card or on their facebook status

    becoming a muslim, means to "give in to GOD and to honor and obey

    There are many people, by the grace of Allah, who have converted to Islam
    They left alcohol, gambling, usury and drugs

    But before they converted to Islam, they couldn't leave all of these things

    Doctors could not cure their addiction because they returned to addiction each time
    Prisons couldn't keep them away from drugs
    And all the other religions or systems could not help them
    Islam, by the grace of God, is a way to protect and protect these people from bad things
    There are many examples of converts to Islam, relatives and friends in society
    You will be surprised to change their behavior for the better

    Islamic religion is really the right religion

    من يتهم النبي محمد ﷺ بانه قاتل فهو أكبر كذاب في التأريخ ...
    حوار شمسي مع شاب غير مسلم ( لا أدري ) حول الخالق ...

    كيف يمكننا إقناع الناس بالإسلام ؛ وهم يقولون كلاما قبيحًا عن الإسلام ؛ وعن الرسول ؟
  • Month of Return to Allah
     Reply #62 - April 27, 2020, 06:54 PM

    "There is a difference between the true teachings of Islam"
    And between the different traditions, customs and cultures of the peoples

    A true Muslim adheres to the teachings of Islam

    And the wonderful principles and values ​​of the Holy Quran

    Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him

    Talked about all religious and material matters

    Because Islam
    Constitution and approach to life

    By eating, sleeping and praying, taking a bath and making transactions between people

    Religion is not just a ritual

    Pray and then go out to lie and drink alcohol and lack of hygiene and adultery

    Like other religions
    most christians dont even follow their own faith, they just carry it as a sort of "name" in their ID card or on their facebook status

    becoming a muslim, means to "give in to GOD and to honor and obey

    There are many people, by the grace of Allah, who have converted to Islam
    They left alcohol, gambling, usury and drugs

    But before they converted to Islam, they couldn't leave all of these things

    Doctors could not cure their addiction because they returned to addiction each time
    Prisons couldn't keep them away from drugs
    And all the other religions or systems could not help them
    Islam, by the grace of God, is a way to protect and protect these people from bad things
    There are many examples of converts to Islam, relatives and friends in society
    You will be surprised to change their behavior for the better

    Islamic religion is really the right religion

    من يتهم النبي محمد ﷺ بانه قاتل فهو أكبر كذاب في التأريخ ...
    حوار شمسي مع شاب غير مسلم ( لا أدري ) حول الخالق ...

    كيف يمكننا إقناع الناس بالإسلام ؛ وهم يقولون كلاما قبيحًا عن الإسلام ؛ وعن الرسول ؟

    that is a good one akay..  good statement .. rest is garbage and garbage tubes  .. So..

    "There is a difference between the true teachings of Islam
    And Its followers "
    "Hence Read Quran and Quran only "

    Mission Islam.Com

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Month of Return to Allah
     Reply #63 - May 05, 2020, 04:14 PM

    عدنان رشيد يعطي درساً عن تاريخ الحضارة الإسلامية لأستاذ رياضيات ملحد
        يسوع أمير السلام! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي
  • Month of Return to Allah
     Reply #64 - May 05, 2020, 04:37 PM

    عدنان رشيد يعطي درساً عن تاريخ الحضارة الإسلامية لأستاذ رياضيات ملحد
        يسوع أمير السلام! هاشم في حوار مع مسيحي

     That is Gibberish akay  Gibberish  watch this dear akay..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Month of Return to Allah
     Reply #65 - May 14, 2020, 09:35 AM

    ’ Fasting is the main weapon used by the preventive medicine; the scientists say that fasting gives us in days what medicine can give us in years and without any negative consequences. Because fasting enhances the performance of the entire body, treats the high levels of fats and makes the body get rid of the cholesterol especially if the fasting person used to practice some sportive exercises such as walking to the mosques

    Many studies confirm that fasting treats many heart diseases as frequent fasting makes heart more active and lives longer than hearts of the others, also fasting is a good treatment for Arteriosclerosis. How excellent it is if we used to hear the Qur’an during fasting as both together will produce a great healing effects and Allah Almighty says: (O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may become Al-Muttaqun){Sûrat Al-Baqarah- The Cow-verse 183

    رسالة مؤثرة من بريطاني على فراش الموت اعتنق الإسلام

    MMA Fighter Willi Ott Converts to Islam - بطل الفنون القتالية الألماني ويلي أوت يعتنق الإسلام

    1/2 الاتجار بالبشر! محمد حجاب في حوار مع هاتون الجزء الأول

    2/2 الاتجار بالبشر! محمد حجاب في حوار مع هاتون الجزء الثاني
  • Month of Return to Allah
     Reply #66 - May 15, 2020, 06:13 AM

    well akay put out lots of stuff on science and faith head mindset .... let me cut in to pieces and answer piece by piece ..  mean while akay read this

    A scientific future  by Ghufran AhmadMay 14, 2020

    THE pandemic has clearly and firmly established the value of science in making important decisions that affect lives and livelihoods across the world. No ideology, political creed, religious belief or philosophical orientation can defeat the virus. Only hardcore science can — and will. It is difficult to imagine any other situation where the value of scientific opinion and the contributions of scientists were so evidently manifest. Individuals and governments throughout the world are listening to what researchers have to say.

    There is no alternative, except for those suggested by scientists. Only science matters when it comes to making good decisions — the rest is commentary or distraction.

    Science implies a dispassionate search for the truth and use of resultant knowledge effectively. Its process is basic: observe the world without bias, quantify and systematically link observations to generate tentative theories, and test theories in a way that permits refutation. Only data-backed theories are accepted as provisional truths. The possibility of refutation makes us skeptical of cherished theories and helps science advance by discarding old theories.

    The ongoing Covid-19 vaccine trials illustrate this process. Whereas people and governments are pressing for a cure, researchers are ensuring that the process is not compromised and the solutions are robust.

    It is not that science is all good; it is a tool that can be used to make lives better or worse. But it is the best tool that humanity has created. It can be hijacked by dogma and politics. Yet, science by its very nature resists such attempts because it develops a mindset that constantly challenges the status quo and pushes its practitioners to continue searching for the truth.

     Dogma withers away in the face of truth, though it may sometime happen belatedly. The pandemic exploded so rapidly that half-hearted attempts at denial or resistance, motivated by dogma and politics, waned quickly,,

    My good friend Ghufran Ahmad wrote a wonderful article.. except the words I deleted .... As he pointed out ....Science is a tool ...  It does not care about the good and bad" ..

    well  your post deals with physiological; science... So  read that and more at the link  dear akay   and read this on your post

    1_. Fasting is the main weapon used by the preventive medicine; the scientists say that fasting gives us in days what medicine can give us in years and without any negative consequences.

    2_ Because fasting enhances the performance of the entire body, treats the high levels of fats and makes the body get rid of the cholesterol especially if the fasting person used to practice some sportive exercises such as walking to the mosques

    3_Many studies confirm that fasting treats many heart diseases as frequent fasting makes heart more active and lives longer than hearts of the others, also fasting is a good treatment for Arteriosclerosis.


     those studies are NOT scientific investigations .. they are assumptions based on very rudimentary observations
    4_How excellent it is if we used to hear the Qur’an during fasting as both together will produce a great healing effects and Allah Almighty says: THE VERSE SAYS
    (O you who believe! Observing As-Saum (the fasting) is prescribed for you "as it was prescribed for those before you", that you may become Al-Muttaqun){Sûrat Al-Baqarah- The Cow-verse 183

    that is true .. that Cow verse of Quran does say that., but the fact it also says "as it was prescribed for those before you", means.,  Fasting by folks in many faiths  was there before the birth of Quran before the birth of Islam and it was also written in many  faith books  that were present before Islam and before Quran.. 

    So the point is that verse of Quran does not reveal us anything new... It is just written in an Arabic sonnet that brainless faith heads consider it as a revelation


    رسالة مؤثرة من بريطاني على فراش الموت اعتنق الإسلام

    MMA Fighter Willi Ott Converts to Islam - بطل الفنون القتالية الألماني ويلي أوت يعتنق الإسلام

    1/2 الاتجار بالبشر! محمد حجاب في حوار مع هاتون الجزء الأول

    2/2 الاتجار بالبشر! محمد حجاب في حوار مع هاتون الجزء الثاني

    foolish videos from brainless bums

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Month of Return to Allah
     Reply #67 - May 20, 2020, 11:19 AM

    I understand that you torment yourself and that the detractors when they find nothing to criticize Islam they invent in their imaginations contradictions or delusions,

    As I always said

    You should go to Islamic centers
    For specialists in Islam
    You must know and learn Arabic
    you shouldn't comment on something
    Unbeknownst to the specialists
    Ignorance does not help

      the Koran dominates the books of Jews and Christians, even if the books came from God

    Jews and Christians distort these books

    God sent Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, to correct this distortion in the books


    Is Ramadan good for health? Here is what happens to your body when you fast for 30 days, you will be surprised.

    Every year, millions of Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset for 30 days during Ramadan, one of the five pillars of Islam.

    In recent years, Ramadan has taken place during the summer months in the northern hemisphere, with longer days and warmer weather.

    Ramadan: some fast longer than others

    This means that in some countries, such as Norway, people can fast up to 20 hours a day this year.

    But is it all good for your health? You will be surprised when you learn what happens to your body when you fast for 30 days.

    Technically, your body does not enter a "fasting state" until about eight hours after your last meal.

    It's about the time your intestines finish absorbing the nutrients from food.

    Shortly after, our bodies turn to glucose stored in the liver and muscles. The goal: continue to provide energy.

    Once your glucose stores are depleted, while you continue your fast, fat becomes your next energy source.

    When the body starts to burn fat, it helps to lose weight, lower cholesterol, and lower the risk of diabetes.
    Your meals should contain reasonable proportions of "energy foods", such as carbohydrates and a little fat.

    It is important to have a balanced diet made up of nutrients, including protein, salts and water.
    In the third step, you should see an improvement in your mood as your body adapts to the fast.

    "Ramadan fasting, practiced correctly, should allow you to replenish your energy every day, which means that you could lose weight without your body burning precious muscle tissue '' concludes Doctor Mahroof.

    1/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأول

    2/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الثاني
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