well dear bogart when you say that., it would be nice to give right reasons to pull out of that 2015 paris climate deal. I wonder whether you read that opening post and its pdf link .. But I agree with you and Mr.Trump if he pulls out of ALL INTERNATIONAL DEALS/ORGANIZATIONS including UN and world bank and and stop selling weapons to rogues and and stop bombing folks in Yemen ..Also also increase the US job/industrial growth by digging hole under US for coal /burning coal + build walls around it and may be build golf courts and hotels and motels in it by putting its people to work in digging US of A so deep that it will never come out of its grave........good link to read
http://molx.tk/map-of-usa-military-bases/(Clicky for piccy!)Obama never treated the accord as what it is, a treaty. He was never going to get the 2/3 Senate to ratify it so he bypassed it. This means that it isn't law as the executive branch can not make laws. Nor it is a treaty that is legally binding upon the US regardless of what the UN says UN does not trump (puns) US constitution.. Any President could of cancelled the American part of the accord with a simple EO at any time. If the accord was treated like a treaty and passed as a treaty it would have been very hard to cancel. The only way the accord was going to be enforced without Senate backing was via the EPA going beyond it's mandate. So an agency would have had the ability to create laws bypassing the Senate again. Yet the Senate controls funding of the EPA. It could of buried the EPA by slashing it's funding thus the accord. More so the Senate could have passed laws crippling the accord as it has the power to pass laws. Simply passing a law with a lower requirement than the accord would of made the accord moot. Keep in mind the EPA has been a target of Trump already., He promised to cancel the EPA's mandate. So the EPA could of been cancelled leaving the accord up to the Senate again. The Senate also control foreign aid so could cripple that part of the accord.
Beside that the accord is crony capitalism. Unelected bureaucrats of the UN determine which companies can take part thus which one are granted subsides. Yet the taxpayer of individual nations are the one's paying the bills. So the UN gets to determine who your nation gets to do business with using your taxes. Large companies are going to be the only ones that get access leaving the energy market in the very hands of the corporations that helped create this issue. Energy corporations are hardly going to stand by and lose their market. More so the green energy market is already more subsidized than the coal market so we are all going to pay even more than we already do. In the end many nations will not nationalize the green energy industry so corporations are going to be the ones running the industry which will charge all of us for our power consumption. Yet, again, we are the ones paying for this. We are treated as non-investor and are pandered to about having a better environment while other people pocket the profits.
Also I am against the foreign aid packages. If nations right now can not afford to be part of the global development they should hand over all their energy concerns to another nation. That nation and it's people should be the ones benefiting not nations that can not pay their own bills. We could end up subsidizing these nations for years if not centuries to come.
I do not think for a minute China will meet it's commitments. There are no penalties that can not simply veto in the UN by China. More so I doubt any nation with serious trade with China will embargo as it will do a lot of damage to their own economies.
The citizen is being screwed while being shown lovely pictures of dolphins as a distraction to being screwed.
Yes I read the accord. Have you? More so do you understand what you read?