this or.....
Abdullah Ibn Al-Mufakkir
8 July at 23:45 ·
So the ex Muslim Forum and co decided to use the LGBT Pride March to insult Allah (swt) by holding up filthy placards that state "Allah is Gay!" May He (swt) never let them get away with this.
This is the Freedom they believe in and promote. A freedom that promotes hatred and the mockery of religious figures and beliefs held dearly by billions. This is liberalism. This is secularism.
These are people who freed themselves from the oppression of the Church only to enslave themselves to amorality, lewdness and pure filth in all its forms.
How can these people complain about Muslims turning back to Islam in their droves when they do stupidity like this? You drive us more to our Deen then reply by attacking us more. What do these people think we're going to do? We're only going to get stronger in our belief and increase in hatred towards secular liberalism - not drive ourselves to integrate more. How can we integrate with a people who fundamentally hate our most basic element of belief, God?
Allah is one. Allah is the eternal. Allah never dies. Allah is the almighty. Allah is the all knowing and He (swt) is the one who gives pride an honour to those who have pride and honour in His Deen.
The only pride there is for us is via a Khalifah who defends Allah when people even dare to write a single placard against him. A Khalif who's response is like that of Sultan Sulaiman Al Qaanooni and Sultan Abdul Hamid the Second when the European liberal scum dared to host a play insulting Muhammad (saw)
Those people who celebrate the LGBT community have not an ounce of pride in them. What sort of pride makes one attack God? Such an ironic name for a shameless event.
وَاللَّهُ غَالِبٌ عَلَىٰ أَمْرِهِ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَ النَّاسِ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ
"And Allah is predominant over His affair, but most of the people do not know." [12:21]