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 Topic: The New Koran

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  • The New Koran
     Reply #210 - February 25, 2018, 09:18 AM

    Trinity is not monotheism because God is divided into 3 parts. God is not 3 different entities.

    secondly if you change the Quran then your technically a kaafir by traditional Islamic ruling.

    Then i guess all the people who altered and added stuff into original Quran were all kuffar after Prophet died. I don't believe traditional islamic rulings. No one is to judge other person's religion and faith. God will deal with each person.

  • The New Koran
     Reply #211 - February 25, 2018, 01:14 PM

    boy i really need to change your outlook on life and change your  Islamic  history you  know/read   dear  Patrick
      Then i guess all the people who altered and added stuff into original Quran were all kuffar after Prophet died. ....................

    THERE WAS NO ORIGINAL QURAN., IN FACT THERE WAS NO QURAN  DURING  THE LIFE TIME OF FIRST PREACHER OF ISLAM, whom fools and foolish Muslims made him as Prophet of Islam writing rubbish in his name..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The New Koran
     Reply #212 - February 25, 2018, 01:47 PM

    Most of what Prophet Muhammad said during his lifetime was not written down, and saved.
    سورة المنافقين
    سورة المنافقين

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    ميم را
    الله يكره المنافقين. أولئك الذين يعتقدون أنهم أفضل من الآخرين لأنهم يؤمنون بالله. أولئك الذين يعتقدون أن لهم الحق في كل شيء في أخيرة، وكل شيء في دونيا أيضا؟ لمجرد خلق الله لهم، يحق لهم كل شيء؟ أولئك الذين يعتقدون أنهم أفضل من الكفار، ولهم ينتمي كل شيء في هذا العالم والقادم، فقط لأنهم يؤمنون بالله؟ خلقهم الله، وخلق الله أيضا الكفار. جميع مخلوقات الله متساوية. هؤلاء المنافقون هم أيضا الذين ينغمسون في الإرهاب وقتل الأبرياء، وتدمير الاثار القديمة، وهم هم الذين يحسنون رؤيتهم، ويعتقدون أنهم أفضل من غيرهم، والله يحبهم أكثر. وكلما رأوا الكفار الذين يتمتعون بثمار هذا العالم، يصبحون غيورين، ويطلقون عليهم ككفر يستحق الجحيم، والناس جديرون بالاضطهاد والترويع؟ استخدام الدين يبرر الغيرة، وارتكاب أعمال الإرهاب، مما يجعل الإسلام تبدو سيئة، والمتواضع والمسلمين المعتدلين يعانون بسببهم. هؤلاء هم الذين يكرهون الله أكثر من الكفار، ويحرقون في الجحيم على خطاياهم وعنادهم وجهلهم وجاهليتهم. ملائكة الجحيم يجب رأسهم، مرارا وتكرارا، لقطع رأسهم الأبرياء من هذا العالم. ملائكة الجحيم تعذبهم بنفس الطريقة التي تعذب بها الناس في هذا العالم. هل أخبركم الله أن ينقلوا الإسلام بالإكراه؟ لا، لا يحتاج الله المؤمنين قسرا. المؤمنون بالله موجودون في كل أمة من الماضي والحاضر والمستقبل، حتى لو لم يكونوا كثيرين. في محيط الظلام لا توجد سوى القليل من اللؤلؤ
          صدق الله العظيم

    The Hypocrites

    In the name of God
    Meem Ra

    God hates hypocrites. Those who think they are better than others  because they believe in God. Those who think they are entitled to everything in Akhira, and everything in Dunya too? Just because God created them, they are entitled to everything? Those who think they are better than disbelievers, and to them belongs everything in this world and the next, just because they believe in God? God created them, and God also created disbelievers. All creatures of God are equal. These hypocrites are also the ones indulging in terrorism and killings of the innocents, destruction of the ancient relics, and they are the ones who do good to be seen, thinking they are better than others, and God loves them more. Whenever they see disbelievers enjoying the fruits of this world, they get jealous, and label them as kuffar worthy of hell, and people worthy to be persecuted and terrorized? Using religion they justify their jealousy, and commit acts of terror, making Islam look bad, and humble and moderate muslims suffer because of them. These are the ones whom God hates more than disbelievers, and they shall burn in hell for their sins, and their stubbornness, their ignorance, their jahiliyah. The angels of hell shall behead them, over and over, for them beheading innocent people of this world. The angels of hell shall torture them the same way they torture people in this world. Did God tell you to forcibly convert people to Islam? No, God does not need forced believers. Believers in God are to be found in every nation of the past, present, and the future, even if they are not that many. In an ocean of darkness do few pearls exist.

    God says the truth.

  • The New Koran
     Reply #213 - February 25, 2018, 01:49 PM

    سورة مقدم الخدمة
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    لام را
    عندما يتم توفير لك القوتوكنت لا تعرف ما يجب القيام به معها، وكنت أشعر بذلك فقدت، لذلك أجوف، حتى ميتا في الداخلوعندما كنت تنفق أكثر من ذلك على الأشياء التي عابرةألا يدرك أن كل كنوزه الدنيوية عابرة وعابرة؟ لماذا روحه أنانية جدا؟بدلا من ذلك يعيش الحد الأدنى، وقضاء بقية في الصدقةإعطاء القوت أن الله يوفر لك الفقراء، والمحتاجين، واليتام، والمنبوذين، والمشردين، وأولئك الذين لديهم وسائل للحصول على سبل العيشلا يوجد رجل غني يدخل ملكوت الله، هو مكتوبلذلك دعونا الكفار وأتباع هذا العالم الحفاظ على جمع الموارد من هذا العالم لأنفسهم وذريتهملا أحد منهم سوف تأخذ أي شيء من هذا العالم إلى التاليوأنها ستكون مسؤولة أمام الله لحرمان الآخرين من حقهم في التمتع بموارد هذا العالموفي الواقع، فإن معظم الأغنياء، والسياسيين، وأولئك في السلطة، وجميع النفوس الجشعة، وسوف يعاقبون، إلا إذا غيروا طرقهم في هذه الحياةانهم يريدون العودة إلى هذا العالم من الاختبار، لذلك سوف تبرع المال، والقيام بأعمال الخير، ولكن سيكون قد فات الأوان بالنسبة لهمهذا العالم مجاني. جميع الموارد في ذلك مجانا. لماذا إذن يحاول البشر السيطرة عليها؟ كل شيء في الحياة مجاني. جميع القوانين التي قدمها ليست قوانين الله. وقد أعطى الله هذا العالم للجميع للمشاركة، وتكون سعيدة، ولا تسلط بليد، والعيش في سلام، والسماح للآخرين أن يكون في سلام. لذلك دعونا الناس الجشع تأخذ مواردك بعيدا عنك. إلغاء المال. إلغاء البلدان. أنت واحد تحت الله. علم كل المعرفة الإنسانية. نشر المعرفة نهاية الجهل. إنهاء الجوع في العالم. علمهم بعدم تلويث الأرض. السفر الكون المعروف، وتعبئة الكواكب الأخرى وأنظمة النجوم من الكون. إنشاء المستعمرات. تيرافورم الكواكب. الذهاب إلى المجرات الأخرى. هذا الكون هو لك جميعا، البشرية، الدين، الشياطين، والأجانب، وغيرها من الكائنات، وأنه هو بيئة واسعة
          صدق الله العظيم

    The Provider

    In the Name of God

    Laam Ra

    When you are provided sustenance,
    and you don't know what to do with it, and you feel so lost, so hollow, so dead inside.
    And when you spend most of it on things that are fleeting.
    Does man not realize that all of his worldly treasures are fleeting and transient? Why is his soul so selfish?
    Instead live minimally, and spend the rest in charity.
    Give the sustenance that God provides you to the poor, the needy, the orphans, the outcasts, the homeless, and those who do have means to attain livelihood.
    No rich man shall enter the kingdom of God, it is written.
    So let the disbelievers and followers of this world keep gathering resources of this world for themselves and their descendants.
    None of them shall take anything from this world into the next.
    And they shall be answerable to God for denying others their right to enjoy the resources of this world.
    And indeed, most of the rich people, the politicians, those in power, all the greedy souls, they shall be punished, unless they change their ways in this life.
    They shall desire to go back into this world of test, so that they donate money, and do good deeds, but it will be too late for them.
    This world is free. All the resources in it are free. Why then do humans try to control them? Everything in life is free. All the laws that man have made are not God's laws. God has given this world for all to share, and be happy, and not shed bled, and live at peace, and let others be at peace. So let not the greedy people take your resources away from you. Abolish money. Abolish countries. You are all one under God. Teach all of humanity knowledge. Spread knowledge. End ignorance. End world hunger. Teach them not to pollute the earth. Travel the known universe, and populate other planets and star systems of the universe. Establish colonies. Terraform planets. Go to other galaxies. This universe is for all of you, mankind, djinns, demons, aliens, and other beings, and it is a vast environment.

    God says the truth.
  • The New Koran
     Reply #214 - February 25, 2018, 03:16 PM

    No Muslims actually know Islam is an altered religion except their religious figures who constantly have the Quran and Hadith edited and fool the Islamic world who are being taken on a ride by Buraq. It's only polytheism if you acknowledge each as a separate God each with different attributes, powers, and strengths and weaknesses. While in the trinity all are considered to make up the one God and all are equal, so it's still monotheism. You can even ask real pagans and neo pagans and they will tell you the trinity is monotheistic. By the way ever hard of Hadith Al Gharaniq, where Mohammed said to have given worship to Allat, Manat, and Al Uzza, then Gabriel appeared and told him he made a mistake, then he retracted his statement and edited the verse saying it was a division most unfair. Well that's if Mohammed really even existed. By the way there is no point in saying PBUH if he existed and is really dead then he is no doubt in hell, paying for his crimes and deceit and is not in peace, if he didn't exist then I really see no point in saying PBUH since he is fictional character who never lived or died. I'll leave it to you to decide which one.
  • The New Koran
     Reply #215 - February 25, 2018, 03:26 PM

    No Muslims actually know Islam is an altered religion except their religious figures who constantly have the Quran and Hadith edited and fool the Islamic world who are being taken on a ride by Buraq. It's only polytheism if you acknowledge each as a separate God each with different attributes, powers, and strengths and weaknesses. While in the trinity all are considered to make up the one God and all are equal, so it's still monotheism. You can even ask real pagans and neo pagans and they will tell you the trinity is monotheistic. By the way ever hard of Hadith Al Gharaniq, where Mohammed said to have given worship to Allat, Manat, and Al Uzza, then Gabriel appeared and told him he made a mistake, then he retracted his statement and edited the verse saying it was a division most unfair. Well that's if Mohammed really even existed. By the way there is no point in saying PBUH if he existed and is really dead then he is no doubt in hell, paying for his crimes and deceit and is not in peace, if he didn't exist then I really see no point in saying PBUH since he is fictional character who never lived or died. I'll leave it to you to decide which one.

    So you are an evangelical who is spreading Christianity on this site to ex muslims?

  • The New Koran
     Reply #216 - February 25, 2018, 03:28 PM

    All the prophets of God are in heaven. Jesus, Mohammad, Moses, all of them.

  • The New Koran
     Reply #217 - February 25, 2018, 03:43 PM

    No I'm not evangelical nor am I interested in spreading Christianity to members of this site, if they choose my religion then great, if not then I'll leave it to God. By the way the video you show me actually also can be used against Islam but it was made specifically for Christianity since if the points explained in the video can also refute your doctrine why quote it. Firstly it tries to portray a link between Christianity and Paganism while pagans (such as Mithra worshippers and the cult of Sol Invictus) throughout history were known to copy from any religion they came into contact with so how do you know the pagans didn't copy from Christianity? But if you wanna talk about polytheism what about the a Gharaniq story? Who told you Mohammed is in heaven did Allah the same God who left Mohammed on his death bed, abandoned the Muslims in Uhud, and more recently allow prophet killing, ape and pig Jews to beat his followers in over 4 wars?
  • The New Koran
     Reply #218 - February 25, 2018, 04:02 PM

    So you are an evangelical who is spreading Christianity on this site to ex muslims?

    Waaaait a minute... I'm not trying to be a prick, but aren't you pushing your "New Koran" belief system on folks here?  Anyhow, have a parrot  parrot Afro

    "I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth" - Steve McQueen
  • The New Koran
     Reply #219 - February 25, 2018, 04:23 PM

    Waaaait a minute... I'm not trying to be a prick, but aren't you pushing your "New Koran" belief system on folks here?  Anyhow, have a parrot  parrot Afro

    Accept Neo Islam or burn in hell forever !  finmad
  • The New Koran
     Reply #220 - February 25, 2018, 04:27 PM

    No I'm not evangelical nor am I interested in spreading Christianity to members of this site, if they choose my religion then great, if not then I'll leave it to God. By the way the video you show me actually also can be used against Islam but it was made specifically for Christianity since if the points explained in the video can also refute your doctrine why quote it. Firstly it tries to portray a link between Christianity and Paganism while pagans (such as Mithra worshippers and the cult of Sol Invictus) throughout history were known to copy from any religion they came into contact with so how do you know the pagans didn't copy from Christianity? But if you wanna talk about polytheism what about the a Gharaniq story? Who told you Mohammed is in heaven did Allah the same God who left Mohammed on his death bed, abandoned the Muslims in Uhud, and more recently allow prophet killing, ape and pig Jews to beat his followers in over 4 wars?

    I have no idea what your problem with Mohammad is, but since you are being a prick against a muslim prophet, i can easily accuse Jesus of being a false prophet and someone with God complex, who was a delusional person, and probably had schizophrenic and solipsistic tendencies.

    I respect all the prophets of God, including myself (Peace be upon me). I also respect and accept prophets and holy beings like Guru Nanak, Oshwa, Joseph Smith, David Koresh, Ron L Hubbard, David Icke, Alex Jones (May God be pleased with him), and the list goes on. Many prophets have come before me, almost all of them good, and many will come after me.

  • The New Koran
     Reply #221 - February 25, 2018, 04:35 PM

    Accept Neo Islam or burn in hell forever !  finmad

    whistling2  penguins grin12

    "I would rather wake up in the middle of nowhere than in any city on earth" - Steve McQueen
  • The New Koran
     Reply #222 - February 25, 2018, 04:43 PM
  • The New Koran
     Reply #223 - February 25, 2018, 06:17 PM

    Most of what Prophet Muhammad said during his lifetime was not written down, and neither saved.
    God says the truth  NOTHING.

    And  that also  goes to all these so-called prophets and their  words Patrick

    Idris (Enoch)
    Nuh (Noah)
    Hud (Heber)
    Salih (Methusaleh)
    Lut (Lot)
    Ibrahim (Abraham)
    Ismail (Ishmael)
    Ishaq (Isaac)
    Yaqub (Jacob)
    Yusuf (Joseph)
    Shu’aib (Jethro)
    Ayyub (Job)
    Dhulkifl (Ezekiel)
    Musa (Moses)
    Harun (Aaron)
    Dawud (David)
    Sulayman (Solomon)
    Ilias (Elias)
    Alyasa (Elisha)
    Yunus (Jonah)
    Zakariya (Zachariah)
    Yahya (John the Baptist)
    Isa (Jesus)

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The New Koran
     Reply #224 - February 25, 2018, 07:40 PM

    You are a disbeliever, a kaffir, an atheist. It's ok to be a disbeliever because you have Freewill.
  • The New Koran
     Reply #225 - February 26, 2018, 12:23 PM

    Hmm.,  let me help Patrick  on  "how to write faith  sayings"
    You are a disbeliever, a kaffir, an atheist. It's ok to be a disbeliever because you have Freewill.

    Ohyee! beleivers.! Oh faith heads!
    If I  am a disbeliever, it is not my fault
    If I  am a kaffir, it is not my fault
    If I  am an atheist, it is not my fault
    It is your  god fault
    it is your allah fault
    and it is the fault of you faith heads

    I have no free will
    but I have rules, few rules  in my life
    One is Golden rule
    Nothing is perfect
    Everything is questionable
    Silence  is not an option
    And do not let silence be your legacy


    So  dear  Patrick  my suggestion to you is.,   modify your faith book/faith sayings   to make it readable NOT as wall of text...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The New Koran
     Reply #226 - February 26, 2018, 02:37 PM

    I have no idea what your problem with Mohammad is, but since you are being a prick against a muslim prophet, i can easily accuse Jesus of being a false prophet and someone with God complex, who was a delusional person, and probably had schizophrenic and solipsistic tendencies.

    I respect all the prophets of God, including myself (Peace be upon me). I also respect and accept prophets and holy beings like Guru Nanak, Oshwa, Joseph Smith, David Koresh, Ron L Hubbard, David Icke, Alex Jones (May God be pleased with him), and the list goes on. Many prophets have come before me, almost all of them good, and many will come after me.

    You could accuse Jesus of being crazy or a false prophet but he was far more of a compassionate spiritual leader then Mohammed ever was even an atheist and agnostic wouldn't hesitate to agree on that. Atleast history attests Jesus did miracles Mohammed not so much, infact the Quran itself says when Mohammed tried to preform miracles or would claim he did, everyone would laugh at him. Jesus didn't marry a child, have concubines, lead caravan raids, behead a whole tribe in one day, didn't have 11 wives, didn't say to kill apostates, didn't say you'll get 72 virgin boys and girls in heaven if you die killing non Christians in battle, didn't say you should subdue non Christians into converting to Christianity, forcing them to pay tax, or killing them. Don't remember Jesus ever doing those things in his life wheather you believe he was real or not, his life was way more full of love and mercy then Mohammed's life of crime.
  • The New Koran
     Reply #227 - February 26, 2018, 02:45 PM

    You could accuse Jesus of being crazy or a false prophet but he was far more of a compassionate spiritual leader then Mohammed ever was even an atheist and agnostic wouldn't hesitate to agree on that. Atleast history attests Jesus did miracles Mohammed not so much, infact the Quran itself says when Mohammed tried to preform miracles or would claim he did, everyone would laugh at him. Jesus didn't marry a child, have concubines, lead caravan raids, behead a whole tribe in one day, didn't have 11 wives, didn't say to kill apostates, didn't say you'll get 72 virgin boys and girls in heaven if you die killing non Christians in battle, didn't say you should subdue non Christians into converting to Christianity, forcing them to pay tax, or killing them. Don't remember Jesus ever doing those things in his life wheather you believe he was real or not, his life was way more full of love and mercy then Mohammed's life of crime.

    Mishael if you are Christ follower ., I do'not think Christ would approve some of your responses here

    but  if you are NOT real follower of Christ and you act/pretend  as  the follower of Christ  then your posts are OK.,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The New Koran
     Reply #228 - February 26, 2018, 03:27 PM

    Well since you yourself aren't a follower I don't think your in any place to tell me, if Christ would approve of my actions or not.
  • The New Koran
     Reply #229 - February 26, 2018, 08:09 PM

    سورة أبعد أخرة
    سورة أبعد أخرة
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    ميم نون
    وكشفت هي كلمات الله من خلال خادمه لهذا العالم لأولئك الذين يسعون المعرفة عن الآخرة، بعد العالم دنيا، وبعد الحياة الآخرة، وبعد ما بعد الحياة، بعد دنيا، ما بعد الخيرة، ما وراء أخيرة، وغيرها من العوالم التي هي متفوقة على أخيرة، وحياتك التي هي أفضل من حياتك الآخرة. كنت تعرف بالفعل من عالم الأرواح، عالم النفوس، والعوالم كنت في قبل أن يتم إرسالها إلى هذا العالم، وفي تلك العالمين التي لا تزال موجودة. الحياة الآخرة هي الحياة الأبدية وراء أي الفهم الدنيوي. إنها حياتك الأبدية. ومع ذلك، كنت تعيش الأبدية قبل أن تأتي إلى هذا العالم. وقد منح الله بعض صفاته لقلة مختارة. لديهم القدرة على العيش مثل الله في مرحلة ما بعد الحياة، بعد أخيرا، أبعد من حياتهم الآخرة. فقط عندما، أو إذا، يمكنك الوصول إلى تلك المرحلة، التي سوف تكون قادرة على فهم ما تم الكشف عنه. والعوالم حاجز حيث يمكنك البقاء مؤقتا. في الواقع دنيا هو مجرد عالم حاجز آخر، برزاخ، وجود محدود، ولكن معظم الناس يدركون هذا لا

          صدق الله العظيم

    Beyond Akhira

    In the name of God

    Meem Nun

    Revealed are the words of God through his servant to this world for those seeking knowledge about the afterlife, post-dunya world, and beyond afterlife, and post-afterlife, post-dunya, post-akhira, beyond akhira, and other worlds that are superior to Akhira, and your lives that are better than your afterlife. You already know of the world of spirits, the world of souls, the worlds you were in before you were sent into this world, and in those worlds you exist still. Afterlife is your eternal life beyond any worldly comprehension. It is your eternal life. However, you were living eternally before you came into this world. God has granted some of his attributes to his chosen few. They have the capability to live like God in their post-afterlife stage, beyond akhira, beyond their afterlife. It is only when, or if, you reach that stage, that you will be able to understand what was revealed. And the barrier worlds are where you stay temporarily. Indeed Dunya is just another barrier world, a barzakh, a limited existence, but most people realize this not.

    God says the truth
  • The New Koran
     Reply #230 - February 26, 2018, 08:10 PM

    Hmm.,  let me help Patrick  on  "how to write faith  sayings"
    So  dear  Patrick  my suggestion to you is.,   modify your faith book/faith sayings   to make it readable NOT as wall of text...

    I deliberately don't add paragraphs.
  • The New Koran
     Reply #231 - February 26, 2018, 08:14 PM

    You could accuse Jesus of being crazy or a false prophet but he was far more of a compassionate spiritual leader then Mohammed ever was even an atheist and agnostic wouldn't hesitate to agree on that. Atleast history attests Jesus did miracles Mohammed not so much, infact the Quran itself says when Mohammed tried to preform miracles or would claim he did, everyone would laugh at him. Jesus didn't marry a child, have concubines, lead caravan raids, behead a whole tribe in one day, didn't have 11 wives, didn't say to kill apostates, didn't say you'll get 72 virgin boys and girls in heaven if you die killing non Christians in battle, didn't say you should subdue non Christians into converting to Christianity, forcing them to pay tax, or killing them. Don't remember Jesus ever doing those things in his life wheather you believe he was real or not, his life was way more full of love and mercy then Mohammed's life of crime.

    We as neo-muslims believe in the prophethood of all the prophets that existed, who exist now, and those who shall exist in the future. We don't distinguish between any of them. Prophet Muhammad followed the traditions of the previous prophets, such as Moses, David, Solomon, and others. Please go through their history to understand what i am talking about.

  • The New Koran
     Reply #232 - February 28, 2018, 01:17 PM

    Doesn't really matter if the other prophets had concubines and sex slaves like Mohammed that's not the point I'm making or the point anyone's making. We understand it was a common thing at that time but we aren't taught to follow Moses, Solomon, and Abraham. We are taught to follow the one, sinless, Christ. The preophets weren't perfect and each had their mistakes yet Jesus was perfect so we follow him. Your taught to follow mohammmeds every example even though he was a murderer and owned numerous sex slaves.
  • The New Koran
     Reply #233 - February 28, 2018, 01:30 PM

    ........... Mohammed ........................
     ................follow mohammmeds ...................

    dear  Mishael and  Patrick Prophet PUBH....

    I would  like you guys a help me out a bit on that word  "Mohammad"

    1).  Origins  of that   ADJECTIVE arabic  word  "Mohammad"

    2). How many people were attached that word "Muhammad"  to their names   before the birth  of alleged Prophet of Islam   and in the 1st 100 years after the death of   alleged Prophet of Islam .

    3).  How many people were there along with alleged Prophet of Islam  whose names were also attached that word "Muhammad" during his lifetime?

    If you guys could  do that from  old religious /nonreligious literature .. that would immensely help the readers on early Islam  and  its origins ..

    with best wishes
    allah mullah yeezevee

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The New Koran
     Reply #234 - March 01, 2018, 10:32 AM

    Doesn't really matter if the other prophets had concubines and sex slaves like Mohammed that's not the point I'm making or the point anyone's making. We understand it was a common thing at that time but we aren't taught to follow Moses, Solomon, and Abraham. We are taught to follow the one, sinless, Christ. The preophets weren't perfect and each had their mistakes yet Jesus was perfect so we follow him. Your taught to follow mohammmeds every example even though he was a murderer and owned numerous sex slaves.

    Who taught us to follow Christ? No one. If you follow the way of the Christ, are you ready to get crucified? Of course not.

  • The New Koran
     Reply #235 - March 01, 2018, 10:33 AM

    Doesn't really matter if the other prophets had concubines and sex slaves like Mohammed that's not the point I'm making or the point anyone's making. We understand it was a common thing at that time but we aren't taught to follow Moses, Solomon, and Abraham. We are taught to follow the one, sinless, Christ. The preophets weren't perfect and each had their mistakes yet Jesus was perfect so we follow him. Your taught to follow mohammmeds every example even though he was a murderer and owned numerous sex slaves.

    Moses was a murderer. Solomon had many sex slaves. David killed Bathsheba's first husband to marry her.

    Bathsheba, according to the Hebrew Bible, was the wife of Uriah the Hittite and later of David, king of the United Kingdom of Israel and Judah, making her Queen consort of Israel.

    Exodus 2:11-15 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
    Moses Commits Murder and Flees to Midian

  • The New Koran
     Reply #236 - March 01, 2018, 09:53 PM

    Doesn't matter what Moses did since he isn't an example to us whole Mohammed is your example if I were taught to follow Moses then you would be right. Also it doesn't make sense to quote form the Bible which is corrupted according to you.
  • The New Koran
     Reply #237 - March 01, 2018, 10:14 PM

    Patrick  says  Nonsense  on  Moses  and  Mishael  says  some other nonsense on Muhammad

    Patrick's   Nonsense  

    Exodus 2:11-15 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
    Moses Commits Murder and Flees to Midian[

    Moses was a murderer....................

    and  Mishael's nonsense
    Doesn't matter what Moses did since he isn't an example to us whole Mohammed is your example.................

    let me read you guys  Exodus 2   on that  Moses Commits Murder

    11 In the course of time Moses grew up. Then he went to see his own people and watched them suffering under forced labor. He saw a Hebrew, one of his own people, being beaten by an Egyptian.

    12 He looked all around, and when he didn’t see anyone, he beat the Egyptian to death and hid the body in the sand[/i].

    13 When Moses went there the next day, he saw two Hebrew men fighting. He asked the one who started the fight, “Why are you beating another Hebrew?”

    14 The man asked, “Who made you our ruler and judge? Are you going to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?” Then Moses was afraid and thought that everyone knew what he had done.

    15 When Pharaoh heard what Moses had done, he tried to have him killed. But Moses fled from Pharaoh and settled in the land of Midian.

    That is how you should read that story on  Moses  Murder dear  Patrick  PUBH  and  same thing goes to you Mishael  for reading Quran  ., You guys should read at least 5 verses below and 5 verses above the verse that you are interested in Quoting..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The New Koran
     Reply #238 - March 01, 2018, 11:20 PM

    Doesn't matter what Moses did since he isn't an example to us whole Mohammed is your example if I were taught to follow Moses then you would be right. Also it doesn't make sense to quote form the Bible which is corrupted according to you.

    You're trying to debate me as if i am a muslim. I am a neo-muslim. Also, a prophet like me doesn't have to indulge in petty ego-feeding debates. Jesus was just another prophet. Many prophets existed before him, and many after him. So many prophets and ordinary people throughout history have suffered MORE than Jesus ever did.

  • The New Koran
     Reply #239 - March 02, 2018, 12:23 AM

     سورة الغرض
    سورة الغرض
    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
    ألف ميم را
    حياتك هي رحلة من فقدان الوعي إلى وعي أعلى. والغرض من حياتك هو أن تعرف وتعبد الله، صانع الخاص بك. من يفقد غرضه، حياته تصبح بلا معنى. هذا هو ما يفعله الشيطان. انه يجعل حياتك بلا معنى. انه يجعلك تسأل وجود الله، ثم يجعلك تتوقف عن الصلاة إلى الله. وعند التوقف عن الصلاة لله، والتشكيك في ما إذا كان موجودا أم لا، دائما غير مؤكد، تفقد الغرض الخاص بك. إن معظم البشرية تعيش حياة لا معنى لها. و في الجحيم سوف يذهبون حوله، و يخلو من أي غرض، من أجل الخلود، إلا إذا جعل الله طريقهم سهلا، و يغفر لهم. ولكن ليس أولئك الذين يعرفون الله، ويعبدون الله، فإنها تتحرك أقرب وأقرب إلى الله، ووعيهم تبقي تتطور، وأنها تتحرك أعلى وأعلى، وأنها تعرف على المزيد والمزيد من الله، في هذا العالم، وفي غيرها العالمين. هذا هو المسار المستقيم. فلا تدع الشياطين تجعلك تنسى سبب وجودك، ولا تدعهم يحولونك عن تذكر سبب وجودك، ويعبدون الله كلما شعرت، وأولئك الأقرب إلى الله هم الذين يعبدونه طوال الوقت، وعبادتهم لا يجبرون، بل من الطبيعي، ويخافون من الرب، وحياتهم ليست مقصودة، في هذا العالم، أو في عوالم أخرى. رأي صحيح. الأفكار الصحيحة. النوايا الصحيحة. الحق الكلام. العمل الصحيح. سبل العيش الصحيحة. الجهد الصحيح. التأمل الصحيح. كل شيء سوف يأتي بشكل طبيعي، إلا إذا كنت كافر المستمر. مع صعوبة يأتي سهولة، ورحلتك بالتأكيد ليست سهلة، ولكن المكافآت كثيرة جدا للعد. الطريق الوسطي للاعتدال، بين الأطراف المتطرفة من التساهل الحسي والنفي الذاتي

     صدق الله العظيم

    The Eternal Purpose

    In the name of God

    Alf Meem Ra

    Your life is a journey from unconsciousness to higher consciousness. The purpose of your life is to know and worship God, your maker. Whoever loses his purpose, his life becomes meaningless. That is what the devil does to you. He makes your lives meaningless. He makes you question God's existence, then makes you stop praying to God. And when you stop praying to God, questioning whether he exists or not, always uncertain, you lose your purpose. Most of humanity is living a purposeless life. And in hell they will go circling around it, existing devoid of any purpose, for an eternity, unless God makes their path easy, and forgives them. But not those who know God, and worship God, they move closer and closer to God, and their consciousness keeps evolving, and they move higher and higher, and they get to know more and more of God, in this world, and in other worlds. That is the Straight Path. So let not the devils make you forget why you exist, and let them not divert you from remembering why you exist, and worship God whenever you feel like, and those closer to God are those who worship him all the time, and their worship is not forced, but natural, and they have fear of the Lord, and their lives are not purposeless, in this world, or in other worlds.  Right view.  Right thoughts. Right intentions. Right speech. Right action. Right livelihood. Right effort. Right meditation. Everything will come naturally, unless you are a persistent disbeliever. With difficulty comes ease, and your journey certainly isn't easy, but the rewards are too many to count. The middle way of moderation, between the extremes of sensual indulgence and self-mortification.

    God says the truth.
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