White supremacy is not a bias or a stupid idea, it is crazy talk.
No it is still an idea.
It is the concept that white people are inherently better than any other people- a superior race.
A concept hence an idea about something.
If a person can be convinced that all others are subhuman then we do have crazy, and I am not referring to mental health issues.
No. It just means there are a lot of stupid people.
If you are not referring to crazy as a mental health issue than you need to define by what you mean not the lack of.
I am not talking about people with bipolar disorder or people who are ignorant and think people of color can't speak English. I am talking psychopathic maniacal asshole material, here. People who embrace white supremacy are not uneducated.
Flip/flop You are not talking about mental heath issues in one breath then talking about in the next set of sentences. Make up your mind.
Educated does not equate intelligence. Hence why I use the word stupid along side other factors.
They are convinced, often by means of educational materials, no matter how flawed, that they are superior.
If they are basing their views on misinformation by means a educational material are they not ignorant anyways?
It takes a certifiable kind of insane arrogance to pull that off internally. These people are twisted by hate, and they are inhuman.
Hilarious. You complain about people dehumanizing others than you do it yourself. Pot meet kettle.
They lack empathy sure. They act inhumane. They are not inhuman.