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 Topic: Advice- How do I remind myself?

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  • Advice- How do I remind myself?
     OP - July 19, 2017, 05:40 PM

    Sometimes unconsciously I find myself believing once more. Believing in Allah.

    I see Allah for what he is now, a shoe in for an evil Arabian King.  Using all sort of tactics to rally people. Somehow this spread.

    But even  then, I sometimes doubt my position. I know this is the years of indoctrination speaking, but what do you guys think? Any advice on how to get rid of this feeling?


    Part of me does know that this is just my brain going on a wild goose chase, and that the best healer is indeed time.
  • Advice- How do I remind myself?
     Reply #1 - July 20, 2017, 01:52 AM

    Just time. It's not that islam is completely without worth. There are things in the quran and hadith that are valuable, just as there are in any other religion or philosophy.

    Don't try to erase the parts of islam that you find hard to let go of unless they're unproductive. Leaving a religion doesn't mean you have to abandon every verse you find useful or comforting.

    If it's more about what if you're wrong, or a fear of a hell, this will fade with time.

    `But I don't want to go among mad people,' Alice remarked.
     `Oh, you can't help that,' said the Cat: `we're all mad here. I'm mad.  You're mad.'
     `How do you know I'm mad?' said Alice.
     `You must be,' said the Cat, `or you wouldn't have come here.'
  • Advice- How do I remind myself?
     Reply #2 - July 20, 2017, 09:47 AM

    the real answer as you said is time.

    one thing you are doing alot of now is called rumination, personally i think its part of the healing process and is necessary, but it can become all consuming and take over your life.  read up on it, and try to manage it if its affecting your daily life.

    Another thing that i think would really help(ive not done this yet, but hope to at some point) is to speak to another ex muslim Or maybe an athiest in person. I think there is nothing like speaking to someone who understands your point of view and can give you some validation.
    but i dont think a musim(even a liberal one) would be helpful, as at their core they wont understand the conclusions you have come to.

    when i lost my faith, in some ways it validated the way i naturally looked at the world, something about the way you are writing makes me feel like you need a god to exist for this world to make sense to you(im probably completely wrong about this). 

    Sometimes we just need to accept that we are never going to have all the answers about where we came from, and how this universe
    came into existence(this gives me a headache whenever i think about it). 

    And we need to accept that evil people do get away with murder, and justice will not always be served.
    i have no idea if these concepts mess with you, but something about your writing makes me think they do.
    My wife is a muslim, and i see her constantly take comfort in the thought that justice will eventually be served to bad people.

    A perfectly just God who sentences his imperfect creation to infinite punishment for finite sins is impossible
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