I have been thinking of it for way too long now, and I'm gonna tell my parents next week, that I'm not a muslim anymore. I'm 24 year old girl from Denmark, and I'm not living with them, so I will sent a letter where I say that I wanted to tell this face to face, but I was too afraid, and if they wanna talk about it, then we can meet. But I'm afraid, and I dont now what to write and how. How did you guys tell your parents, and what happened after?
I tried google it, but couldn't find answer to my questions.
Hei hei dansk-tyrker
Jeg er fra Norge. My advise would be to first consider the cost of coming out. Will it change anything for you to the positive? Even if you you will get a hard time in the beginning, will there finally come a time when you feel you have earned something be telling them?
Don't feel the urge, just consider whether it's worth it or whether you can handle it. Feel free to share your thoughts here, we all love you