Yes, platitude upon platitude. Serious questions need to be asked now, especially in the very likelihood that this is another jihadist attack. Like for example, why are extremists in the UK feeling so emboldened all of a sudden after several years of relative calm? Why now? We're constantly told we have amongst the finest security and intelligence services in the world, is this another lapse or are they indeed so out of their depth dealing with such a scale of the 'threat'?
Is the Mayor of London to be held responsible, or the government, the Muslim 'community' (in the likelihood of a jihadist attack) or the police/MI5? What the fuck is going on?
Maybe it has to do with the current generation of muslims that have grown up and feel lost? Put it together with all kinds of things like how hard it is getting to find a fulfilling job, and how only academic jobs are seen as worthy of doing. Manual labour is slowly dying out. The housing crisis. Students debts. Racism feels like it is on the increase due to louder voices after Brexit. Empathy from people feels sparse. People stick with their own communities too much and don't integrate enough (they wont know how either). It feels like multiculturalism is forced without people understanding cultural differences. Technology means we spend less and less time outside so there's less mixing of different people and less socialisation. This also leads to higher rates of mental illnesses. People have a need to belong to a community but Western culture encourages independence, which comes with its own set of issues.
I don't think there's one thing that is responsible, but maybe a combination of factors. Just a theory.