Let me go backward on you dear bogart Oh I see you are Canadian.. or living/migrated to Canada., Well what works for Canada may not work in US of A., I mean whole structure of Govts and even the Gun culture/Criminal gangs are at different level..
Yes the culture(s) are different which leads to different outcomes. Switzerland is an example with high gun ownership and low gun related crime.
And I like that Empty ballot option., If it gets majority ..the country should to elections again without those candidates in the list ..
No confidence vote or similar. This is not confuse an empty ballot with no ballot.
well they have their lobbies .. Don't you know that AMRIKA also has a powerful gun lobby?? powerful insurance useless medical insurance lobbies ??
I know it has a powerful gun lobby. The major difference I pointed out is that at it's core it is not some corporate interest group.
rubbish argument ., what are you anarchist? How many people that rogue/nut case could have killed in US of A without those weapons?
No it isn't it is an objective fact. Weapon require human action at some level.
Nope not an anarchist.
No idea. He could of still got the weapons illegal. He has the funds to do so. He could of used other methods such as bombs. He could of used a knife.
well You say "No".. some other guys say YES...YES.., that is the reason you have elections.. and that is how democracy supposed to work .,off course one can tweak the rules of democracy as times are changing .,
America is a Republic.
But "I have gun I will kill because I have 2nd amendment rights " will not work" That worked well in 16th 17th all the way to may be 1980s .,now it is 21st century.. Please realize criminals are their both sides of the coin ..
The 2nd is about legal use of weapons. Criminals can not claim to be following the 2nd at all. No crimes are not on both sides of the coin.
Well if it happens .. it happens., , if not now it will happen down the road., Either shooter/killers win or other side "the democracy wins"
Democracy is only as good as the population under it and is constrained by just laws. Citizens can not vote an Amendment to become void. They do not have that power.
Horrible site since most deaths by firearms is suicide. Defensive stats are questionable because it is hard to confirm if a use of a weapon or even the threat of one prevented a crime.
The site links no citations to that page. No sources means I ignore it.