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 Topic: How to stop comparing your life to other people's?

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  • How to stop comparing your life to other people's?
     OP - October 30, 2017, 07:50 PM

    I'm just feeling pretty down at the moment. I'm a 19 year old closet ex muslim girl (my story is floating around somewhere in the Introductions subforum) who's never been kissed, never had a boyfriend, never had sex etc. because obviously it's a massive no-no in my family/community. I slip in and out of depressive episodes where I feel like I'll never truly be happy and never marry/have a relationship with someone I truly love because of this whole facade I'm keeping up. I often fantasise about having a secret boyfriend, or marrying someone in the future who is also a closet muslim and we can drink wine and go to festivals and do all non-halal things together lol. Recently because I've been so busy with uni work I haven't thought about it much and when I see couples together it doesn't affect me that much.

    But recently it's getting updates from old school friends on social media which really gets to me - it can literally ruin my whole day and start a chain of extremely negative thoughts where I just end up feeling hollow. There's one specific girl who seems to have the perfect life and everything I desire. I know she obviously doesn't and it's me projecting my pessimistic outlook onto her, but I just can't shake it. She posts pictures of herself wearing whatever the hell she wants, goes on amazing holidays with her boyfriend and just seems so free and happy. Like she doesn't have to hide herself one bit, like is isn't constrained by the shackles of religion (I believe her and her family are atheists). I crave so badly to bring a boy back home and to introduce him to my siblings and to go on holidays together and for it not to be seen as this awful thing to do. Regarding the girl, it's not even the clothes and the boyfriend which really get to me, it's the fact she seems to be living and I'm just existing. Worries about the future often worm their way into my mind and I always seem to be waiting for a time when things will get better, when I can live like my true self and be honest with my family, but deep down I'm really not sure things will get better (for example I know I will never ever come out to my family). The worst part is, I know that compared to a lot of people I lead a privileged life and have a lot to be happy about, so it feels so selfish and ungrateful to be thinking these things.

    I feel like this about various other people in my life - particularly old school friends, like I said. At least at university I can lead a bit of a double life, but at home it's like I'm figuring out how to breathe underwater and all around me all my friends are breathing above water just fine. It doesn't help that they're drifting away from me because I'm too scared/not allowed to to things they do (like clubbing, house parties, drinking etc). Like I said, I try not to let it get to me, because I know it's futile and I've got to make the best of my situation, but sometimes it just does and I can't help it and I'm back to square one. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Or has any advice on how to stop comparing myself with other people, especially since my situation isn't going to change any time soon?

    ~ zephyrus
  • How to stop comparing your life to other people's?
     Reply #1 - October 31, 2017, 01:29 PM

    I've been there before. I had to isolate myself in some ways to things that I cant do. You are right in how difficult this is. It's has costed me some valuable friendships. All you can do is concentrate on the things that you are able to do, and keep working on freeing yourself one day. It is all worth it at the end. It just takes time to get there.

    As for social media, people only post about the positive things in their life. It creates this facade about people having super, perfect lives where nothing is wrong. It's not real. They are creating an image and covering up the imperfections. You are also not seeing all the issues that people may be dealing with. Do you post your issues up everyday? I doubt it, same goes for everyone else.

    Social media profiles are fake. I would limit your exposure of it if it causes you distress. I've had to do the same. I have my freedom now, but seeing people with happy families on social media still hurts. There is always something that someone else has that we don't. We aren't being kind to ourselves when we compare our lives to another persons 'censored projection of their life'.
  • How to stop comparing your life to other people's?
     Reply #2 - October 31, 2017, 02:21 PM

    First of all, the life people present on social media is never the real life they are living. It's the photoshopped, edited and carefully chosen parts of their life they want to show others.

    Second of all, never compare yourself to others. Every single one of us have our own stories and circumstances. Focus on your life, what you want, where you want to be. And work for it, and focus on the process rather than the result. You can never control the result; when and how it'll end up; but you can control what and how you do things to get where you want.

    Believe me, been there done that. I wanted things in my life, looked at other people's achievements and felt like shit because what I wanted felt like a million years away. But once I took my first step towards where I wanted to be, was also the first step in the actual process of doing what I wanted in life. If I hadn't done what I did four years ago, I would still be where I was. But when I took my first step, I couldn't even imaginär that I would be doing what I'm doing now or be where I am. It sounds cliché, but it really is what it's all about.

    "The healthiest people I know are those who are the first to label themselves fucked up." - three
  • How to stop comparing your life to other people's?
     Reply #3 - October 31, 2017, 03:50 PM

    my goodness gracious . . zephyrus  is so young and writes so  well  i must read her all  posts..  5 posts., 1st  and 5th posts  are riveting to  read., well let me read both together...put them in  proper format without details..

    Hello, my name is zephyrus, I am 19 years old and live in Britain.
    I'm going to begin my second year of university this Autumn and I am a closet ex-Muslim.
    I've visited this site intermittently for a few years now, ....
    .........introduce myself, simply because I've never been at such a low point in my life and often feel so hopeless about the future. .....

    zephyrus......   girl  you are one heck of a lucky person.,  how many 19 year old girls are in their second year of university around the globe??   use the time  properly  you will have a wonderful future,  So dear zephyrus., What do you want to be when you are ..let us say at 24..,  5 years from now??

    My Islamic background is definitely not as horrifying/severe as some of the things I've seen posted on here. I was born into I guess what you would call a moderate Muslim family: for instance, my mum doesn't wear a hijab (and neither do I) and my parents are lax about eating halal meat (but never any pork). We do however practise Ramadan, pray 5 times a day, alcohol is forbidden, no clubbing, no boyfriends, no girlfriends, no hugging/kissing a man/woman before marriage, no tight/revealing clothes etc.

     well wonderful family...

    what is a big deal of living with bit of Islam zephyrus ?  
    Are you an atheist at 19?
     Are you absolutely certain that there is NO supreme authority  that started this  universe and that controls  this universe ?

    I went to an Islamic school until I was around 15 and was forced to pray, memorise surahs from the Quran etc. Whilst I was in the Islamic school I used to go along with it all until I was probably 13, and I remember one day finding out that you didn't have to pray if you had your period, so I lied to the teachers that I had my period so I didn't have to pray. I think at the time it was more out of sheer laziness more than anything, but I remember I lied several times after that, and as time went on unprecedented thoughts starting crowding my preteen mind: why do us girls always have to stand behind the boys when we pray? (It seemed odd to me that a 40 year old woman for example would stand behind a 9 year old boy. I heard a rumour that it was so that the males don't get distracted by a female standing in front of them. All I could think was how there were plenty of cute boys who definitely distracted me during salah) Why can't a girl lead the prayer? If salah is one of the most important things a Muslim can do, why would Allah inflict girls with periods, which can last up to a week, and therefore pray less? And why are periods considered to make you 'dirty'? Why do girls have to cover up during prayer, but boys don't? How does praying 5 times a day make you a better person? Why is wudu such an unnecessarily complicated and frankly stupid way to clean yourself?

    Even though these thoughts flitted through my mind, I definitely hadn't at that point starting fully questioning Islam, I just knew I was uncomfortable with it.

     who cares about all that preacher's shit ..  Forget all that nonsense ..... preachers mosques.. nut cases.. ..  etc..etc.,  Why worry about them at 19., when you have so much to learn??  What do you do in college ?  I mean what course are you taking?

    For example, when my dad would call me to pray, I remember deeply resenting it, especially the fact I would have to cover up. I also hated how you couldn't wear nail varnish as apparently it meant your wudu was invalid. I remember going over to a Muslim friend's house and we prayed with her brother and I remember feeling uncomfortable with how chill they were about the whole thing. I felt alone. Still, at the same time I remember feeling guilty: prayer was super important, right?

     No..No..Nooooooo   prayer was./is NOT  super important,?

    What is important is cooking and eating dinner with family & friends .....  rest is irrelevant for your life .,may  be once in while yo can pray with your dad& mom., what is the big deal saying "hello Allah"   .. how are you doing?? ...

    It's hard to pinpoint the exact time I actually starting questioning Islam (and eventually identified myself as an apostate). Even though I didn't pray much, I was staunchly against alcohol, sex before marriage and all that good stuff. I still believed in god, heaven and hell. But I know that from probably age 14-17 I seriously questioned some stuff I noticed happening around me: like how my parents were super homophobic (and how as I result I was too for a while) but I remember learning more and more about the LGBT community and even had a friend who was gay and I just couldn't understand how it was wrong; like how my parents never ever talked about sex (I mean, for all they know I still might not know wtf sex even is. My mum didn't even give me consent in year 6 to watch those sex education vids in school) or gave us 'the talk' or whatever - I know this isn't even necessarily to do with Islam, but I notice many muslim parents don't like talking openly with their children about stuff like this, like it's some dirty secret; how there was such a divide between men and women (it's like we're different species. Even when a married couple comes to our house, the women sit on one side of the house and the men on the other. Are our conversations so wildly different we can't even sit in the same room??! I know this again is partly cultural, but it stems Islamic teaching that men and women shouldn't mix freely); how women were hyper-sexualised from a young age (even just earlier today my mum told my 15 year old sister never to wear a certain pair of jeans again because they were too tight); how kaffirs would be punished in the afterlife (I remember asking my brother, who is unfortunately very religious, why isolated tribes in the amazon would deserve to be punished for not 'discovering' Islam) even if they were good people; how the Quran said men could beat their wives; how Muslim men could marry a non-Muslim woman but not vice Verda; how so many girls said the hijab/burqah 'empowered' them and seemed so brainwashed - why should it be the responsibility of a woman to not attract the gaze of a man, so she ends up wearing a piece of cloth around her head even in swealtering heat, even when she's in the comfort of her own home and a man who's not a relative enter the house? Why can't the man just suck it up and stop looking at a woman in sexual terms only? How would men feel if we told them to wear blindfolds around women all the time, and every time they saw a woman, or a woman entered their home they had to wear it? Also isn't the whole you-can-take-off-the-hijab-in-front-of-girls thing basically pointless because I can bet you anything there are some lesbians/bisexuals amongst your female friends? And what about men who fancy other men? It seems to me everyone should wear the hijab! Anyway - you get the point.

    Nah...I don't get any thing.,  so tell me something else..  Like college... what you read.. what you write .. your friends.. your teachers ... your car .. do you have driving silence ?  

    What eventually pushed me over the edge and led to me identifying as an apostate was the fact that I quickly realised around 18 years old just how limited my life was and would be. By this point I was still somewhat defending my 'decision' (ha) to be a teetotaller, not believing in sex before marriage etc. None of my school friends are Muslim, so you can imagine what happened: the age of clubbing began and my social life basically ended; people stopped inviting me to stuff because they knew I wouldn't be going out; more and more I realised slowly that they were living life and I was not; whilst they went to festivals, I was in my room doing nothing; whilst they stayed up late and had sleepovers, I was getting angry phone calls off my mum and shut down whenever I even mentioned sleeping over someone's house (it's not nice to sleep in a house with a strange man waking around, my mum claims - talking about my best friends' dads); whilst they told drunken stories, gushed about their first kisses, first times, could wear whatever they wanted (shorts, tank tops, sleeveless dresses) without being viewed as a teenage prostitute, could talk about crushes and boyfriends openly with their parents and siblings, I would sit their with a smile plastered on my face still maintaining the image of a good Muslim girl.

    Girl  you are MUSLIM OR NOT.. you are  a good girl?   still a good girl.,   what is the difference between good Muslim girl  and Good non-Muslim girl??

    And then uni came and by then I had fully renounced Islam. I drink and I've been clubbing a few times, but funnily enough I've never felt so alone. Only one friend at uni knows (vaguely) about my situation. I'm living a double life and it's crushing me. I'm oscillating between going wild, having sex, getting a secret boyfriend or just forgetting about it all, and accept my destiny to marry a Muslim man and keep faking being Muslim  - because I don't want to lose my family. I love them so much and honestly have realised over the years I can't even blame them because we've all be indoctrinated by the same toxic ideology - I'm just one of the lucky few to have seen it for what it really is. I'm not sure if they'd disown me if they knew but there would be extremely bad backlash.
    I just needed to vent. Sorry this is so long.


      All that is irrelevant right now dear zephyrus.,  tell me something else.,and let me read your 5th post.,

    zephyrus:............ I  never been kissed, never had a boyfriend, never had sex etc. because obviously it's a massive no-no in my family/community. I slip in and out of depressive episodes where I feel like I'll never truly be happy and never marry/have a relationship with someone I truly love because of this whole facade I'm keeping up. I often fantasise about having a secret boyfriend, or marrying someone in the future who is also a closet muslim and we can drink wine and go to festivals and do all non-halal things together lol. Recently because I've been so busy with uni work I haven't thought about it much and when I see couples together it doesn't affect me that much.

    well you are a wonderful person.,  zephyrus  you are 19.,you have plenty of  time to do all those things .,   So tell me what else you are doing in college.,

    But recently it's getting updates from old school friends on social media which really gets to me - it can literally ruin my whole day and start a chain of extremely negative thoughts where I just end up feeling hollow. There's one specific girl who seems to have the perfect life and everything I desire. I know she obviously doesn't and it's me projecting my pessimistic outlook onto her, but I just can't shake it. She posts pictures of herself wearing whatever the hell she wants, goes on amazing holidays with her boyfriend and just seems so free and happy. Like she doesn't have to hide herself one bit, like is isn't constrained by the shackles of religion (I believe her and her family are atheists). I crave so badly to bring a boy back home and to introduce him to my siblings and to go on holidays together and for it not to be seen as this awful thing to do. Regarding the girl, it's not even the clothes and the boyfriend which really get to me, it's the fact she seems to be living and I'm just existing. Worries about the future often worm their way into my mind and I always seem to be waiting for a time when things will get better, when I can live like my true self and be honest with my family, but deep down I'm really not sure things will get better (for example I know I will never ever come out to my family). The worst part is, I know that compared to a lot of people I lead a privileged life and have a lot to be happy about, so it feels so selfish and ungrateful to be thinking these things.

    Girl.. Focus...Focus...No comparison., Should I compare you with other girls of your age I see all the time??   many of them didn't had resources to Finnish school  .. forget computers/internet and colleges

    common zephyrus  You will do  all those things when you are financially independent  ., So what you are doing in college?  

    I feel like this about various other people in my life - particularly old school friends, like I said. At least at university I can lead a bit of a double life, but at home it's like I'm figuring out how to breathe underwater and all around me all my friends are breathing above water just fine. It doesn't help that they're drifting away from me because I'm too scared/not allowed to to things they do (like clubbing, house parties, drinking etc). Like I said, I try not to let it get to me, because I know it's futile and I've got to make the best of my situation, but sometimes it just does and I can't help it and I'm back to square one. Has anyone been in a similar situation? Or has any advice on how to stop comparing myself with other people, especially since my situation isn't going to change any time soon?

    ~ zephyrus .nooooooooooooooooo., They are NOT your friends, I am sorry to say that  

    but I want to learn more  about your parents .. .... your college .. college  mates.,..... your siblings .. your travel... what kind of   movies  you like ..what kind of cars you like travelling to Atheism... your goals and dreams in life ...  etc..etc... So much to talk and learn dear zephyrus ....

    So get back to me..

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • How to stop comparing your life to other people's?
     Reply #4 - November 01, 2017, 01:21 AM

    You're right zephyrus, in recognizing that comparing one's own life to others' (especially sanitized versions of their life on social media) does you no good. Stopping it is harder than just recognizing it, but if you are mindful of this tendency in yourself that is half the battle. I would agree with PeruvianSkies to limit your exposure if it's causing you angst. Doubly so if you've had recent setbacks and are already feeling down about yourself, that's no time to be admiring or trying to keep tabs on others.

    So about the whole relationship/girlfriend stuff. Let me tell you, it's doable. 5-7 years ago I was the most awkward and dweeby 20 something imaginable, and I eventually was able to do it, so you can too.

    The fact is that everyone's path, preferences, and capabilities are different. That's why I often even find it difficult to give someone advice as to what they can do to reach what they want in life because what works for me might not work for you and vice versa, even more so considering how strange I am.  Tongue

    I know it's tough, because with school and everything at university things move very fast, but I hope that sometimes you can slow down, and appreciate how you're progressing towards what you want for yourself in life. The fact that you are having the opportunity to have the university/double life experience. It's something that you can definitely appreciate, and look to expand your growth from.

    Anyway I hope my rambling was useful, and let us know if there are further developments! All the best!  Smiley

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
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