Hi everyone,
Dropping in from Deutschland. I struggled with the courage to sign up here many times this month. I hated Islam before I knew there was an option to leave it, that was back when I was still in my teens. I think I was 15 when I gave up prayers and religion started to annoy me. I hail from a Shia Muslim Pakistani family, oh joy, the superstitions, idiocy and self-beating I had to deal with...
Still, that's not the worst of it. I'm sure my Muslim ex-fiance was gay and he raped me back in the day but shall I say, ahem, his preferences led me to believe he's a closet gay. He was a toxic public homophobic and a bully; now, I hear that he's discovered religion.
My parents disowned me recently because I decided to marry a non-Muslim man. But still, what I'm angry at the most is my 6th grade Islamic Studies teacher who lied to me about Mohammed's history. I never bothered to read about Mo before because to me Islam was shit for women - and that was all the reason I needed to leave it. But after studying about Mo quite intensively, I suffered from a PTSD relapse, which I was diagnosed with a few years ago. I'm still in shock about how brutal and inhuman Mo was - and it doesn't surprise me that my parents and ex-fiance, who are great flag bearers of Mo, would be as violent and disturbed as Mo himself.
The second worst thing are my PTSD symptoms, which have paralysed me all of this week. I'm unable to recognise my father after the disownment issue as my illusion of him suddenly died, and I saw him for what he was. I'm looking for a new therapist here in DE now and hope, just hope. The news coming out of Pakistan are ugly. I feel an interesting world I could have shown my husband no longer exists, maybe it never did - or maybe it existed only in my imagination.
I'm sorry for being such a downer.