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 Topic: Need to banned Islam

 (Read 3122 times)
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  • Need to banned Islam
     OP - March 03, 2018, 03:14 AM

    Islam has spawned many sects that are master practitioners of the art of double standards. As far as Muslims are concerned, what is good for Muslims is not good for non-Muslims, and what is bad for Muslims is good for non-Muslims.

    What complicates matters is that there is no way of knowing which of the dozens of at-each-other’s-throat sects is the legitimate Islam. As soon as Muhammad died, his religion of peace became a house of internal war: jockeying for power and leadership started, sects formed and splintered into sub-sects, and bloodletting began in earnest.

    The internal infighting in Islam is presently playing in full color – in red – most dramatically, in the Iraq and Afghanistan and other Islamic theaters. Shiites raid Sunni civilians, slaughter them like sheep, and toss their bodies like trash in the streets or the rivers. The Sunnis return the favor with just as much viciousness and savagery.

    Question: If this is the way these Muslims treat each other, how would they deal with the infidels if they had the chance?

    Demand for humanism  free speech freedom  equality.
  • Need to banned Islam
     Reply #1 - March 03, 2018, 01:22 PM

    thats true though !
  • Need to banned Islam
     Reply #2 - March 03, 2018, 01:36 PM


    Question: If this is the way these Muslims treat each other, how would they deal with the infidels if they had the chance?

    hello Fasahathasan   welcome to CEMB den.,   well  let us hear  answers  for that question from horse mouth....

    plenty  of tubes from ISLAMIC INTELLECTUAL IDIOTS  on that  subject

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Need to banned Islam
     Reply #3 - March 03, 2018, 02:52 PM

    Question: If this is the way these Muslims treat each other, how would they deal with the infidels if they had the chance?

    multiple choice for you.

    How would they deal with the infidels?

    a)  kill all the dogs and pigs
    b)  kill the men and marry their women and have lots of kids. (more benefits too)
    c)  probably nothing - most just want to live their lives in a safe environment. which is why they are fleeing the wars in their own countries.
    d) the answer is c. you stupid idiot.

    hope this helps.

  • Need to banned Islam
     Reply #4 - March 03, 2018, 02:54 PM

    its like ground hog day.
  • Need to banned Islam
     Reply #5 - March 03, 2018, 02:54 PM

    oh and how exactly are you going to ban islam?
  • Need to banned Islam
     Reply #6 - March 04, 2018, 01:50 PM

    I hope Islam is banned globally one day.
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