"Exmuslims are obsessed with Islam, why can't they just move"
OP - May 22, 2018, 09:31 AM
Extremist interpretations of Islam are obsessed with apostates hence why Exmuslims and anyone who believes in the human right to leave a religion should be concerned with radical Islam, especially if you live in a country where it’s a crime to apostasise. At this present moment twenty three countries murder apostates or put them in jail. On top of that many Exmuslims face being ostracised from their families and communities.
Particularly in the west most Muslims speak from a position of ignorance on this matter as they are unaware that twenty countries criminalise apostasy in Muslim majority countries with Islamic justifications. As they don't know this fact they are baffled about why Exmuslims talk so much about Islam. Even some Exmuslims didn’t know that to leave Islam is a crime in those twenty three countries before they left Islam. Growing up particularly in the west you are a taught a somewhat watered down sanitised version of Islam where it’s very often conveniently left out that extremist interpretations of Islam kill you for the mere thought crime of leaving Islam and Mohammed himself said in Sahih (authentic) Hadith to kill apostates (Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:52:260).
If any countries made it a crime to be Muslim that would rightfully be a social justice issue too and awareness of that would need to be spread to. There is rightfully a huge uproar over Donald Trump’s discriminatory Muslim ban which prejudices Muslims and those who look Muslim and/or have Muslim sounding names. Now compare how measly a travelling ban for being Muslim is next to facing the prejudice and persecution of being killed or being put in jail for no longer wanting to be Muslim. Muslims who believe in human rights should ally with Exmuslims in ensuring everyone has the freedom to be Muslim, join or leave Islam or any religion they like.
There are some Muslims are against killing apostates which is good, but the Muslims who say jailing/killing apostates is unislamic don't need to tell me or other nonmuslims in order to give Islam good PR. They should go and tell all the countries that jail/kill apostates and justify with Islamic reasons to stop doing it as it's unislamic to kill or jail apostates.