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 Topic: Burkini nudist showdown in southern France

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  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     OP - June 28, 2019, 11:52 PM

    Interesting use of civil disobedience but who will win the pool fight? Burkini-clad islamists or hard-secular nudists?
  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #1 - June 29, 2019, 12:38 PM

    The french prime minister weighs in:

    Quote from:
    The rules of public swimming pools must be respected and "no religious belief" can be taken into account to derogate from them, said Prime Minister Édouard Philippe after a punching operation carried out by burkini swimmers in a pool in Grenoble. "We know that if we don't respect this rule, things can quickly get out of hand. So enforcing it, strictly enforcing it is a republican imperative on which, I believe, we must not bargain," said the head of government during a live Facebook broadcast during which he answered questions from Internet users.

    In public swimming pools, "there are rules about which outfits are the ones that must be used to come and swim. And no religious belief can stand in the way of respect for these rules, we must be firm with our rules," he insisted.

    This firmness must prevail "not at all because it would be against this or that religion or against religion in general", but because the law "must guarantee strict neutrality. This is our conception of the Republic, this is the way we have chosen to live in our country," he said.

    I wonder how any secular state can be neutral in practice, let alone a country like France where the croixkini is less likely to offend than the burkini.

  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #2 - June 29, 2019, 03:59 PM

    It turns out that the group behind the burkini movement has been receiving public funding. The below quote provides an explanation:

    Quote from:
    ... a twofold strategy has therefore been cobbled together, and it is still flourishing today: the first axis of this policy has been to do everything possible to institutionalize Islam in order to allow the emergence of a single Muslim interlocutor capable of speaking to the public authorities and passing on messages to imams. The second axis was to calm anger in the suburbs and elsewhere through a policy of financial, cultural and institutional gifts to demonstrate the goodwill of the public authorities.

    The same assimilate&bribe strategy is in play in britain. The result is culturally-distinct muslims in local govt who are able to maintain segregated ghettos and organise against attempts to bring them closer to the mainstream. Likewise, these 'militant' burkinists are a product of french policy.

    The secular opposition might do better to reassess their support for identity politics before turning up naked at a public pool. Bringing a towel might help too.
  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #3 - June 30, 2019, 02:31 PM

    The scheduled pool protest and counter-protest seem to have been prevented thanks to media attention and heavy security measures.

    It appears to have generated debate though - here's former Charlie Hebdo columnist Zineb El Rhaoui making a point to use burQini (not burKini) to reflect its closeness to the burqa rather than the bikini.
  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #4 - July 01, 2019, 04:35 PM

    ................. .Zineb El Rhaoui ................

    my goodness she is looking good and as usual very outspoken ..  reminds me that tragedy  .. reminds me her Ted talk..

    well on that  .,   that young lady from occupied Kashmir   Zaira Wasim  ....   story is interesting...   she says....  "I Am not a role model for Kashmiri youth: Dangal's Zaira Wasim apologises after meeting Kashmir CM"

    I always pull my hair  answering .,  WHO ACTUALLY WAS/IS A ROLE MODEL TO YOUNG MUSIMAH   .. SAY FOR A 17 TO 19 YEAR OLD MUSLIM GIRL LIKE   Zaira Wasim??

    good one to read    Female role models  folder  by that  "Creator Goddess BerberElla "   who is MIA for a long time.. hope she is doing good and I wish her the best...


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #5 - July 02, 2019, 08:30 PM

    The teenaged actress is clearly confused.

    Quote from:
    On Sunday Zaira took to Instagram to share a six-page letter, where she said “Bollywood took me away from Islam” and cited interference in her religious practices as the reason for her decision.

    If the film industry and municipal swimming pools are too 'modern' for young muslim women then perhaps they should look to the distant past for role models. I mean before the 7th century - older equals better, right?

    Quote from:
    But long before it was doctrinal, the veil was a lay garment. One of the oldest and most fragile objects in “Veiled and Unveiled” is a terra cotta statuette from Cyprus made at the end of the fourth century B.C., on loan from the Louvre, that depicts a windswept young woman enveloped in a himation: a long mantle draped on the shoulder and, in this case, wrapped over the head against the cold. Veils became a mark of distinction for married Greek and Roman women (virgins were unveiled) and for centuries after, women, and indeed men, have used them as a secular accessory.
  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #6 - July 04, 2019, 10:49 PM

    This article sums up how principles such as feminism, equality and liberty are subverted by political activists.

    Quote from:
    The ideology supported by the burkini bearers (through its normalisation, territorial marking, social control), theocratic literalist Islam, is therefore not limited to free choice, nor to the private sphere. It is and asserts itself as a total, hegemonic project, eager to control every aspect of life, private, civic or public, not even respecting the inner core. It is not only a freely expressed opinion, it is the active promotion of a sectarian and factious agenda, the conscious support for an ambitious and aggressive totalitarianism, eager to impose itself on everyone and by all means.

    In this bbc hardtalk interview, there is an inability to articulate similarly convincing arguments against the niqab/hijab and the islamist capture of muslim communities in britain.
  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #7 - July 05, 2019, 08:23 PM

    This article sums up how principles such as feminism, equality and liberty are subverted by political activists.

    In this bbc hardtalk interview, there is an inability to articulate similarly convincing arguments against the niqab/hijab and the islamist capture of muslim communities in britain.

    errrrrrrrrrrrrrr..  you are confusing me dear crumble.,  that article is completely opposite to that Taj Hargey you tube video.... Cheesy

    I  ask you why?  why are you trying o confuse  me??   did you watch that interview?  please watch it again.. well let us talk more  and please read this link in this forum  ..

    ha! that was 6 years ago.. billy started and billy is missing...Hope he is kicking and doing well


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #8 - July 05, 2019, 09:24 PM

    they are juxtaposed as contrasting arguments against islamic clothing - one is straight to the point and the other stumbles into a quran-alone no-man's land.

    the point?  britain is more accomodative to political islam than france. why? probably because multiculturalism is still lingers in the former whilst secularism hangs on in the latter. confused? everyone is these days, it's a sign of the times.
  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #9 - July 05, 2019, 09:52 PM

    by the way, the translated article and the harjey both agree (for different reasons) that there has to be a state response to the burka/burkini.

    I'm sympathetic to a ban on religious clothing in uk schools. I'm not at all fond of the nun uniform for primary aged children and up. where do you stand on the topic?

  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #10 - September 07, 2019, 02:46 PM

    covering up while being on show is an example of muslim confusion in the west.

    Quote from:
    This week Muslim women alongside other activists, joined a protest in a swimming pool in Paris' 11th district, against the restrictions placed on women who choose to dress modestly while swimming in public spaces in France.
  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #11 - June 14, 2022, 07:38 PM

    so this is still rumbling on - grenoble burkini case goes to top court.

  • Burkini nudist showdown in southern France
     Reply #12 - June 21, 2022, 03:27 PM

    burkini ban upheld.

    it’s a bit like convicting capone on tax evasion but if tenuous health&safety rules are the only way to beat muslim mafias then so be it.
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