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 Topic: Kashmir endgame

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  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #30 - August 21, 2019, 07:14 PM

    Zafar Ali Hilaly, born 1942, is a Pakistani political analyst and diplomat who has previously served as his country's ambassador to Yemen, Nigeria, and from February 2001 Italy

    Hamid Bashani on the origin and precipitation of Kashmir problem since Indian subcontinent became free from British rule,  Barrister Hamid Bashani is from Mirpur Pakistan Occupied Kashmir and presently lives in Canada

    It is worth reading his old interviews from his student days

      A Way Out for Kashmir?. interview with Hamid Bashani   ......July 25, 2002.

    Why did India reject the UN’s human rights report on Kashmir instead of addressing its long overdue issue?  

    Many prominent folks try to answer that question from both sides as well as those who thinks about Independent Kashmir

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #31 - August 22, 2019, 07:52 PM

    Indian politicians raising their voices for former collaborators in kashmir.

    Quote from:
    Major opposition parties in India have joined forces to protest against the government's clampdown in Indian-administered Kashmir, demanding the immediate release of political leaders and the restoration of communication services in the Himalayan region.

    I wonder how long they can stand against public opinion? Kashmir is a broken dam: the ensuing hindutva flood will drown all of india.
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #32 - August 23, 2019, 04:00 PM

    Indian politicians raising their voices for former collaborators in kashmir.

    I wonder how long they can stand against public opinion? Kashmir is a broken dam: the ensuing hindutva flood will drown all of India.

    hindus are very very smart people crumble .. forget drowning their India .. they are  drowning whole world...   with million/s gods/godesses they will make allah as another god .. that ends the story ., As far as Kashmir is concerned.. yes if it is Kashmir Valley public opinion is against them .. but t hey smartly separated large area of Kashmir as new state Ladakh  + they are trying to separate Jammu and Now what you left is Kashmir valley and they go for plebiscite on that after dragging the problem for one more year

    that is their STRAIGHT FORWARD GAME..

    Now what Pak can do??  can they play Islam game ? Can they play Jihad.. Al Jihad game on this chess board ..?? I don't know Allah Knows the best,,, ..

    Some one sent me this video of former Indian Cricket Captain and his daughter ..

    Crumble you watch that  ..Insha Allah...Masha Allah....  and I will l watch these Kashmir problems ..

    Damn whole thing is crushed.. 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #33 - August 23, 2019, 07:04 PM

    hindus are very very smart people crumble .. forget drowning their India ...

    they are drowning their democratic system - not very smart. as are their plans to deport 4 million muslims from assam.

    Quote from:
    Now what Pak can do??

    nothing useful, it's pakistan.

  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #34 - August 24, 2019, 02:01 PM

    nothing useful, it's pakistan., I am not that pessimistic.. I am an optimist  .

    as far as this is concerned

    they are drowning their democratic system - not very smart. as are their plans to deport 4 million muslims from assam.

    well when you mix politics with faiths and then you precipitate the problems 100s and 1000s of years.. such problems as you mentioning  will continue..

    but let me watch this Orya Maqbool Jan   he is saying something on that problems of Hindu Indians...and Bangladesh ..( IT IS NOT MY PROBLEM) my problem is from other end of India..


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #35 - August 24, 2019, 05:47 PM, I am not that pessimistic.. I am an optimist  .

    your faith in pakistan is misplaced.

    Quote from:
    Lost in the Pakistani criticism of India’s actions, however, is recognition of Pakistan’s own hypocrisy. For four and a half decades before India revoked Article 370, Pakistan stripped both Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir (as Pakistan calls the portion it occupies) of their special status.
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #36 - August 25, 2019, 09:43 AM

    No..NOT ... I know i often misplace things such as keys or dog leash but no  I didn't misplace my trust  and faith ..

    Err..  you are picking up very very odd links on the problem from  internet dear crumble.. let me give you right link..  let us start with this on the problem

    use the map from that link and then talk about the problem .. The Land.. The faiths.. The people.. The history and the present problem .. I may be wrong but I think that is how one should go on either learning about the problem or debating/educating about the problem

    with best regards

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #37 - August 25, 2019, 10:13 AM

    let's ask a question: do you agree that the land corresponding to the former state of j&k is a disputed territory?

    and a follow-up you agree that india, china and pakistan are occupying this land for their own interests?

  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #38 - August 25, 2019, 01:07 PM

    let's ask a question: do you agree that the land corresponding to the former state of j&k is a disputed territory?

    and a follow-up you agree that india, china and pakistan are occupying this land for their own interests?

    crumble Not one question we can ask many many questions ...

    former state of J&K ..... give me the area and give me the map of it to discuss it dear  crumble ., 

    what I agree is It is a problem that British  occupying and leaving subcontinent WITHOUT PROPER DEMARCATIONS &  DIVISION created problem all  over the globe,.,  add  faiths and faith heads in to it you can create more problems ..  ell news says

    Hurriyat leader Geelani urges Kashmiris to unite, issues 5-point 'programme of action'    with this picture

    Well let us get those 5 points

    In an open letter to the people of occupied Kashmir — which is dated August 23 but surfaced on Sunday — Geelani detailed and condemned recent events, which includes stripping the occupied territory of its special status and a continued communications blackout and lockdown that has been in place in the region for the past three weeks.

    Following are the five points listed by Geelani in his letter:

    1. 'Heartfelt appeal' for peaceful protests

    Gillani issued a "heartfelt appeal" to the residents of Jammu and Kashmir to "continue to resist [...] the naked Indian brutality with courage". He urged the resistance to organise "peaceful protests and demonstrations" in their areas.

    2. Geelani called upon Indian government officials,  Govt officials, police to protest against their 'humiliation'

    Geelani called upon Indian government officials, bureaucrats as well as police officers employed from the occupied region  to "stand up and protest" against the "humiliation" inflicted upon them by the Indian government.

    3.  Kashmiris around the world to act as 'ambassadors'

    Geelani urged Kashmiris living outside the occupied territory to "participate in the resistance struggle by acting as ambassadors of the Kashmiri people all over the world".

    3. Pakistani leaders to 'come forward'

    The Kashmiri leader also called upon the "people of Pakistan and their leaders in particular, and the Muslim ummah in general [to] come forward at this crucial juncture to help the besieged people of Kashmir".

    "You are an important party to the Kashmir dispute and this is the time for unity and action," he said.

    4. Jammu, Ladakh residents to protect their identity

    Geelani said that the "Indians State’s occupation and its machinations" threatens not only the people of occupied Kashmir but also the Dogra community of Jammu, Buddhists community in Ladakh, Muslims of Pir Panjal and Kargil.

    "The Indian State not only wants to occupy our land, but it also intends to destroy our collective identity and brotherhood," he warned. "We must not allow their heinous plot to succeed at any cost. We must all together stand with the resistance struggle to secure our lives, property, and our demographic character."

    well there are only 4 points...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #39 - August 25, 2019, 04:07 PM

    I guess my question was skilfully evaded. it's understandable, people are disappeared for less.

    let's move on -  here's a rather generous view of the gulf arab reaction.

    Quote from:
    From one angle, the willingness of the Gulf states to overlook Kashmir in dealing with India, or the Xinjiang internment camps when dealing with China, looks cynical. Yet pragmatism also has its virtues. That India and the Gulf states are setting religious and cultural differences aside to build partnerships based on common interests isn’t the worst thing that could happen in the region.
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #40 - August 25, 2019, 07:08 PM

    I guess my question was skilfully evaded. it's understandable, people are disappeared for less.

    let's move on -,  No skills, no evading and no move on dear crumble.. let us go back to the question... it is an important question

    your question was simple let me put that again..
    ...................... do you agree that the land corresponding to the former state of j&k is a disputed territory? .........

    simple "YES" OR "NO"  has no meaning to that question and that is the reason I gave these links and this map

     Now that map and the links are from this INDEPENDENT GOVERNMENT


    THAT IS THERE MAP... and  that is the reason i asked you this question
    crumble Not one question we can ask many many questions ...

    former state of J&K ..... give me the area and give me the map of it to discuss it dear  crumble ., 


    So let us go back and debate your question.. Off course ., when countries or country divide on the basis of faith or something else .. there will always be dispute  it is disputed area and that is the reason they are fighting since their independence from Queen of England .,  Forget a country dividing.,  You know even brothers with same parents divide their property . there will be a dispute


    well Money talks... Indians have money....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #41 - August 25, 2019, 10:04 PM

    you believe azad kashmir has an independent government in anything except name? you don't seem to be naive when it comes to other topics and I note you skipped my follow-up question about occupation again.

    what should I conclude from that? maybe nothing so I think moving on is the better option unless you want to discuss it further.
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #42 - August 26, 2019, 05:00 AM

    well  crumble puts out crisp jabs .. let me dissect  and jumble crumble  post in to three different parts to answer properly

    1. you believe azad kashmir has an independent government in anything except name?

    2.  and I note you skipped my follow-up question about occupation again.

    3 .what should I conclude from that? maybe nothing so I think moving on is the better option unless you want to discuss it further. don't seem to be naive when it comes to other topics

     now it is easy to discuss dear crumble....

    Q1).  you believe azad kashmir has an independent government in anything except name?

    Is there any doubt on that??   it is dependent government NOT independent .,   same thing goes to Indian occupied Kashmir   as well as  Gilgit-Baltistan .... proof is in pudding crumble ...

    Chronology for Kashmiris in India  ...  UN HCR report .. year 1360 to 1990

    Pakistan-AJK politico-Legal conflict by Muhammad Feyyaz   yera  '2011

    Azad Kashmir: A Colony of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan   by M. Bashir Asef  year1971 journal article
    Q2.  and I note you skipped my follow-up question about occupation again.

    well the following question is irrelevant to the problem  that is the reason i didn't address ..  let me paste that again .= that question of yours

    and a follow-up you agree that india, china and pakistan are occupying this land for their own interests?

     what is there to disagree dear crumble? ,, that is fact .,  that is how EVERY MODERN NATION FORMED ON EARTH .. Every modern nation occupied some lands for their own interests.. After 2nd world war you will find many examples of that., 

    Q3 .[ b]what should I conclude from that? maybe nothing so I think moving on is the better option unless you want to discuss it further.[/b] don't seem to be naive when it comes to other topics

    well there you are judge ..jury and executioner in that Q3  .,  my comment will be irrelevant on that .

    but I am surprised that  you gave the link of   Michael Rubin in your post here  but you seem not reading him carefully w.r.t Kashmir

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #43 - August 26, 2019, 04:24 PM

    Every modern nation occupied some lands for their own interests.. After 2nd world war you will find many examples of that.,

    well that's clear enough - apologies for dragging the issue, I suspected apologism for pakistan in error.

    Quote from:
    but I am surprised that  you gave the link of   Michael Rubin in your post

    my links are only provided for flavour and are not an endorsement of the article or the author. I see posts as starting points for a casual exchange of opinions - not evidence-based argument, criticism of sources or anything formal like that.
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #44 - August 26, 2019, 08:09 PM

    well that's clear enough - apologies for dragging the issue,

    well noooo.. that is NOT clear enough to me and nor it is clear enough  to the readers.,  It is because problem is complex.,   but APOLOGIES ARE HORRIBLE.. no apologies needed.,  why? why are you insulting me ?. why are you making feel bad by apologizing to me for no good reason? .

    I suspected apologism for pakistan in error.

    I would say that word "apologism" sounds like a faith.. such as ISLAMISM .. hinduism... Judaism .. Buddhism., I would use another word  such as IN DEFENSE OF Pakistan or  APOLOGIA for Pakistan and there is nothing wrong in it.,  and there is no error in you or any one supporting Pakistan ..

    my links are only provided for flavor and are not an endorsement of the article or the author. I see posts as starting points for a casual exchange of opinions - not evidence-based argument, criticism of sources or anything formal like that.

    For flavor ??  for taste?? Are you trying bait me with tasty links ?? lol.. well that is OK.. but let us continue discussion of the problem and what should be the best solution.. 
    anyways news and tubes on the problem...

    Prime minster Imran Khan on Kashmir Policy/Issue

    Seedhi Baat Beenish Saleem Kay Sath   .. TV debate on Kashmir

    Why UAE Supports India on Kashmir Issue | Zara Hat Kay | 26 August 2019 |

    PM Narendra Modi meets US President Donald Trump on the sidelines of G7 summit

    well they are tubes and this is  today's news

    Pakistan 'will go to any lengths' to support occupied Kashmir's cause, PM Imran tells nation [/url]....

    [url=]Trump says India, Pakistan can handle Kashmir dispute on their own

    and the very experienced Foreign minster who was in EVERY POLITICAL PARTY OF PAKISTAN says 

    'International relations are above religious sentiments,' FM Qureshi says on UAE award to Modi

    well that is new print., So dear crumble .. even if we disagree with each other views on a given problem .. still let us continue debating, discussing., and educating our selves and the readers

    with best wishes

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #45 - August 26, 2019, 10:44 PM

    I would say that word "apologism" sounds like a faith.. such as ISLAMISM .. hinduism... Judaism .. Buddhism., I would use another word  such as IN DEFENSE OF Pakistan or  APOLOGIA for Pakistan and there is nothing wrong in it., 

    I think I was fumbling for the word 'apologetics' because blinkered support of any country is a bit like blindly defending a religion.

    Quote from:
    well they are tubes and this is  today's news
    Trump says India, Pakistan can handle Kashmir dispute on their own

    I saw the news with modi and trump grinning while pretending to understand each other. trump offers to mediate and then says none or his business. no doubt he'll say something different tomorrow - maybe he'll offer to buy kashmir?
    Quote from:
    So dear crumble .. even if we disagree with each other views on a given problem .. still let us continue debating, discussing., and educating our selves and the readers

    I can only attempt to discuss. education is outside my limited scope but let me offer the below example of the indian govt censoring reality.

    Quote from:
    Ghosts of Kashmir: Indian authorities refusing to issue death certificates for civilians killed in clashes, say families

  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #46 - August 27, 2019, 01:00 PM

    .....................................I can only attempt to discuss. education is outside my limited scope

     that is fine  dear crumble.,   that is OK.. just discuss. even if you are not  educating the  readers.,. airing your opinions with freedom is very important .. and more important is putting our feet in other shoes and try to feel how they are walking    think both sides of spectrum..

      but let me offer the below example of the indian govt censoring reality....
    Ghosts of Kashmir: Indian authorities refusing to issue death certificates for civilians killed in clashes, say families


    well .....everyone sensors and every one blows their own trumpets .. but we /folks need  to read ..need to know more of such examples ...,  So  let me give the list  from SAME REPORTER of the link you presented   that work of  Zubair Sofi...  the journalist of that    yahoo

    so let us go to his twits   that puts out these pictures

    and read him carefully.. he is not  new to me and he is writing for a long time ...  here is the list..



    errr..  hell with typing read all of his news reports/blogs from his website  at

     well he is from other side so  let us read other side other  news..

    Kashmir's Pro-Islamic State, Pro-Pakistan Militant Groups 'Clash' over Differing Ideologies

    A CRPF Jawan Naseer Ahmad Rather was shot outside his home in the evening.

    well plenty to read and form opinions dear crumble... I  am not sure "what  Differing Ideologies we have in Islam and why " but Yes dialogue.,  debate discussion is very important .. and please read  more of .Zubair Sofi (( the author  of that news link you gave me )) from the link I provided ..

    with best regards

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #47 - August 28, 2019, 03:11 PM

    well no one cares about Kashmir... still let us continue to add news reports here..

    News says 500 protests, hundreds injured in occupied Kashmir lockdown: govt source

    At least 500 incidents of protest have broken out in Indian-occupied Kashmir since New Delhi stripped the region of its autonomy and imposed a military clampdown more than three weeks ago, a senior government source told AFP on Wednesday.

    The Himalayan valley is under a strict lockdown, imposed hours before India's decision to bring Kashmir under its direct rule. Movement is restricted and phone and internet services have been cut.

    The lockdown, as well as the deployment of tens of thousands of extra troops to reinforce the 500,000 based in occupied Kashmir, was ordered amid fears of unrest in a region where an armed rebellion against Indian rule has been waged since 1989. .. Nearly 100 civilians have been injured so far, with a further 300 police and more than 100 paramilitary troopers hurt, the official added.

    “The number of protests could be much higher and bigger without the blockade in force,” the official told AFP, adding that “anger and public defiance is constantly rising”.

    “Efforts for easing the conditions are made all the time but nothing seems to be working for now. There is nervousness spreading in the security establishment.”

    He added that the communications blackout meant even security forces were struggling to obtain information about rural areas...

    and here are today's tubes....

    Sheikh Rasheed Media Talk On Kashmir | 28 Aug 2019

    Shah Mehmood Qureshi Press Conference Today | 28 August 2019 | Dunya News

    well that and more at the link....................  armed rebellion against Indian rule has been waged since 1989...............  what only 1989??  why it started in 1989...I thought it started right from the day British Left the subcontinent 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #48 - August 28, 2019, 03:12 PM

    airing your opinions with freedom is very important .. and more important is putting our feet in other shoes and try to feel how they are walking    think both sides of spectrum..

    there are always at least two sides of a story but not being a journalist,  I won't pretend to offer balance. tales of personal tragedies give colour to the conflict  but my priority is  short infobytes , ie  quick taste not the whole meal. the few readers on this forum are old enough to do their own  research.

    here's another link for the taste buds - the flavour is relatively neutral:

    Quote from:
    Disastrously, the issue of Kashmir has largely been viewed in relation to its allegiance with Pakistan or India. The idea of listening to the will of the people of Jammu and Kashmir has long been abandoned. In fact, people calling for a non-partisan, rational solution that stems from the will of the Kashmiri people have faced abuse from those people who follow the authoritative agendas of their respective countries. Any dissent against state policy is seen as blasphemy or treason. The repression of dissenters has been become normalised to the point that people have stopped discussing their concerns about the humanitarian crisis in Jammu and Kashmir.
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #49 - August 28, 2019, 03:47 PM

       Oh my goodness ..  she was a baby girl ....  well there is lot more to  Khadija Khan and you don't know why she left the country when she was young dear crumble

    I am glad you are reading her .,  well  this  Khadija Khan as well as Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid (RA) are/were good people .. but good people will not survive in Politics laced with faiths and faith heads

    You see, Kashmir problem will not get solved by songs, sonnets and taste.,    we can not look at the age old  Kashmir problem as if started in 1989...  It started much before ., What Indians did now  is Keeping Kashmir Problem as still a problem  and burning., but then they separated Kashmir problem in to three regions ..

    Now the ball will squarely fall in Imran Khan hands...Not sure How fast you can bowl to get out of that trouble...  Question now is actually INDIAN COURTS & INDIAN GOVERNMENT  that need to deal., because they made it as religious problem that is/was supported by Pakistan  and J&K +Ladakh  as one state ruled by couple of Indian Muslim families since 1947 .  Now it is going to be Kashmir Valley., Ladakh and Jammu

    Question  is  can India divide its states in to smaller states?? Can the foreign countries or  UN or Pakistan dictate what Indians should do  or should not do with their states??

    well there is lot more than that but that is where they ((INDIANS) are throwing the ball and let me watch Orya Maqbool Jan..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #50 - August 29, 2019, 07:06 PM

    PM Imran calls on Pakistanis to partake in Kashmir Hour tomorrow to send message of solidarity[url=http://says Dawn news

    Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday called on all Pakistanis to take part in 'Kashmir Hour', being observed tomorrow at 12pm, to send a strong message of solidarity to Kashmiris.

    "I want all Pakistanis to come out tomorrow 12 noon-12.30pm to show solidarity with the Kashmiri people and send the Kashmiris in Indian-occupied Kashmir a clear message that the entire Pakistani nation stands in solidarity with them and against Indian fascist oppression, the inhumane 24-day curfew, the daily injuring and killing of Kashmiri civilians, including women & children — all part of the ethnic cleansing agenda of the Modi government and its illegal annexation of IoK," said the premier via Twitter.

    Oh that is all on Twitter .. Twitter Politics around the globe?

    Imran Khan @ImranKhanPTI

    Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday called on all Pakistanis to take part in 'Kashmir Hour', being observed tomorrow at 12pm, to send a strong message of solidarity to Kashmiris.

    "I want all Pakistanis to come out tomorrow 12 noon-12.30pm to show solidarity with the Kashmiri people and send the Kashmiris in Indian-occupied Kashmir a clear message that the entire Pakistani nation stands in solidarity with them and against Indian fascist oppression, the inhumane 24-day curfew, the daily injuring and killing of Kashmiri civilians, including women & children — all part of the ethnic cleansing agenda of the Modi government and its illegal annexation of IoK," said the premier via Twitter.

    well That is all on Twitter .. Twitter Politics around the globe..

    And here is the Video from Pak News  on that .PM Imran Khan Big Announcement For Kashmir   29 Aug 2019  ..PAK TV  for Pak Public

    well Twitter .. face book ..chit-chat book ..whatever... I think Indians & Pakistani Public should go at each other on WHATS UP ..LIVE... and play Cricket Live..

    and  that is what is going on one side.. other side.. I don't know .. I don't care ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #51 - August 30, 2019, 01:36 PM

    'Dialogue can start only when India reverses its illegal annexation of Kashmir,' writes PM Imran in New York Times   says Dawn News

    Premier, in op-ed for The New York Times, says international community should think beyond trade, business advantages. "Dialogue can start only when India reverses its illegal annexation of Kashmir, ends the curfew and lockdown, and withdraws its troops to the barracks," wrote Prime Minister Imran Khan, in his opinion piece for The New York Times

    well then  it is better to read that NYT ..
    The World Can’t Ignore Kashmir. We Are All in Danger. says Mr Khan with this picture

    If the world does nothing to stop the Indian assault on Kashmir and its people, two nuclear-armed states will get ever closer to a direct military confrontation. By Imran Khan Mr. Khan is the prime minister of Pakistan.

    The family of Fayaz Ahmed Mir, a tractor driver who was arrested, consoling his sister, Zahida Jan, earlier this month. Thousands of people were imprisoned by Indian security forces after India unilaterally stripped away Kashmir’s autonomy on Aug. 5. CreditCreditAtul Loke for The New York Times

    ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — After I was elected prime minister of Pakistan last August, one of my foremost priorities was to work for lasting and just peace in South Asia. India and Pakistan, despite our difficult history, confront similar challenges of poverty, unemployment and climate change, especially the threat of melting glaciers and scarcity of water for hundreds of millions of our citizens.

    I wanted to normalize relations with India through trade and by settling the Kashmir dispute, the foremost impediment to the normalization of relations between us.

    On July 26, 2018, in my first televised address to Pakistan after winning the elections, I stated we wanted peace with India and if it took one step forward, we would take two steps. After that, a meeting between our two foreign ministers was arranged on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly session in September 2018, but India canceled the meeting. That September I also wrote my first of three letters to Prime Minister Narendra Modi calling for dialogue and peace.

    Unfortunately, all my efforts to start a dialogue for peace were rebuffed by India. Initially, we assumed that Mr. Modi’s increasingly hard-line positions and his rhetoric against Pakistan were aimed to whip up a nationalist frenzy among the Indian voters with an eye on the Indian elections in May.

    On Feb. 14, a few months before those elections, a young Kashmiri man carried out a suicide attack against Indian troops in Indian-occupied Kashmir. The Indian government promptly blamed Pakistan. We asked for evidence, but Mr. Modi sent Indian Air Force fighter planes across the border to Pakistan. Our Air Force brought down an Indian plane and captured the pilot. We struck back to signal we could defend ourselves but chose not to strike a target that would cause loss of life. I made a conscious decision to show that Pakistan had no intent of aggravating the conflict between two nuclear-armed states. We returned the captured Indian pilot, with no preconditions.
    On May 23, after Mr. Modi’s re-election, I congratulated him and hoped we could work for “peace, progress and prosperity in South Asia.” In June, I sent another letter to Mr. Modi offering dialogue to work toward peace. Again, India chose not to respond. And we found out that while I was making peace overtures, India had been lobbying to get Pakistan placed on the “blacklist” at the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force, which could lead to severe economic sanctions and push us toward bankruptcy.

    Evidently Mr. Modi had mistaken our desire for peace in a nuclear neighborhood as appeasement. We were not simply up against a hostile government. We were up against a “New India,” which is governed by leaders and a party that are the products of the Hindu supremacist mother ship, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or the R.S.S.

    The Indian prime minister and several ministers of his government continue to be members of the R.S.S., whose founding fathers expressed their admiration for Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Mr. Modi has written with great love and reverence about M.S. Golwalkar, the second supreme leader of the R.S.S., and has referred to Mr. Golwakar as “Pujiniya Shri Guruji (Guru Worthy of Worship).”

    Mr. Modi’s guru wrote admiringly about the Final Solution in “We, Our Nationhood Defined,” his 1939 book: “To keep up the purity of the race and its culture, Germany shocked the world by her purging the country of the Semitic Races — the Jews. National pride at its highest has been manifested here. Germany has also shown how well-nigh impossible it is for races and cultures, having differences going to the root, to be assimilated into one united whole, a good lesson for us in Hindustan for us to learn and profit by.”

    I had hoped that being elected prime minister might lead Mr. Modi to cast aside his old ways as the chief minister of the Indian state of Gujarat, when he gained global notoriety for the 2002 pogrom against local Muslims on his watch and was denied a visa to travel to the United States under its International Religious Freedom Act — a list of visa denials that included associates of Slobodan Milosevic.

    Mr. Modi’s first term as prime minister had been marked by lynching of Muslims, Christians and Dalits by extremist Hindu mobs. In Indian-occupied Kashmir, we have witnessed increased state violence against defiant Kashmiris. Pellet-firing shotguns were introduced and aimed at the eyes of young Kashmiri protesters, blinding hundreds.

    On Aug. 5, in its most brazen and egregious move, Mr. Modi’s government altered the status of Indian-occupied Kashmir through the revocation of Article 370 and 35A of the Indian Constitution. The move is illegal under the Constitution of India, but more important, it is a violation of the United Nations Security Council resolutions on Kashmir and the Shimla Agreement between India and Pakistan.

    And Mr. Modi’s “New India” chose to do this by imposing a military curfew in Kashmir, imprisoning its population in their homes and cutting off their phone, internet and television connections, rendering them without news of the world or their loved ones. The siege was followed by a purge: Thousands of Kashmiris have been arrested and thrown into prisons across India. A blood bath is feared in Kashmir when the curfew is lifted. Already, Kashmiris coming out in defiance of the curfew are being shot and killed.

    If the world does nothing to stop the Indian assault on Kashmir and its people, there will be consequences for the whole world as two nuclear-armed states get ever closer to a direct military confrontation. India’s defense minister has issued a not-so-veiled nuclear threat to Pakistan by saying that the future of India’s “no first use” policy on nuclear weapons will “depend on circumstances.” Similar statements have been made by Indian leaders periodically. Pakistan has long viewed India’s “no first use” claims with skepticism.

    With the nuclear shadow hovering over South Asia, we realize that Pakistan and India have to move out of a zero-sum mind-set to begin dialogue on Kashmir, various strategic matters and trade. On Kashmir, the dialogue must include all stakeholders, especially the Kashmiris. We have already prepared multiple options that can be worked on while honoring the right to self-determination the Kashmiris were promised by the Security Council resolutions and India’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

    Through dialogue and negotiations, the stakeholders can arrive at a viable solution to end the decades of suffering of the Kashmiri people and move toward a stable and just peace in the region. But dialogue can start only when India reverses its illegal annexation of Kashmir, ends the curfew and lockdown, and withdraws its troops to the barracks.

    It is imperative that the international community think beyond trade and business advantages. World War II happened because of appeasement at Munich. A similar threat looms over the world again, but this time under the nuclear shadow.

    Imran Khan is the prime minister of Pakistan.

    by that is a big article and there are ton of comments .. well let me read it carefully.. But Imran can not buy anything from US of A and New York times gets tons f money and publicity but before that let me watch this

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #52 - September 01, 2019, 09:02 AM

    PM Imran, US Senator Sanders call attention to India's 'unacceptable' actions in occupied Kashmir  says new   with this picture

    Prime Minister Imran Khan and US Senator Bernie Sanders on Sunday raised the plight of Kashmiris, who have been living under a lockdown for four weeks in occupied Kashmir, while separately addressing the 56th Convention of Islamic Society of North America (ISNA).

    well let us get the tubes here

    US of A presidential candidate  Address Muslim Community In North America, 1st September 2019

    PM Imran Khan Address Muslim Community In North America, 1st September 2019

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #53 - September 05, 2019, 07:01 AM

    World has responsibility to stop Indian aggression: PM Khan with this picture

    ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan on Wednesday apprised the visiting foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of the situation arising from New Delhi’s illegal and unilateral actions in occupied Kashmir, stating that the international community has the responsibility to urge India to halt and reverse its illegal actions and aggressive policies and postures.

    The prime minister, during his meeting with UAE Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed al-Nahyan and Saudi Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Adel al-Jubeir, highlighted Pakistan’s deep concern over the worsening human rights and humanitarian situation in India-held Kashmir because of the month-long complete lockdown and communications blackout in the occupied territory.........................

    well that picture doesn't represent world... It represents CONFUSED KINGS  OF SO-CALLED ISLAMIC LANDS  that are in total control under US OF A .. well it is better to watch the views of Najam Sethi on the problem

    Sethi Sey Sawal | 4 September 2019 | Najam Sethi Official | Fate of Kashmir

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #54 - September 07, 2019, 06:38 AM

    Ditched by the ummah   Pervez Hoodbhoy  pens that in Dawn on this picture  that ummah we see in the previous post

    FOR five weeks, day after day, Pakistanis have been tearing their hearts out complaining that the world has turned a deaf ear to India’s forcible annexation of held Kashmir. They were shocked when some of Pakistan’s closest allies — including the United Arab Emirates and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia — appeared to either side with India or stay silent. When PM Khan invited the foreign ministers of KSA and UAE to “explain Pakistan’s position”, many hoped that things would be reversed. So what happened?

    Not much, it seems. The foreign ministers met with PM Khan and COAS Bajwa in Islamabad on Wednesday. Thereafter FM Qureshi is reported to have said, “We are hopeful that [both countries] will not disappoint us. The ministers of both countries have listened to our stance”.

    There could not have been a blander statement. No one expected much, but for all three countries it was a good photo-op: Pakistan could claim it had succeeded in engaging KSA and UAE in its promised diplomatic offensive. In turn, without offending India, these two Arab states could be seen as relevant to the region. But this visit will not calm the storm of indignation in Pakistan’s media — unless the media’s minders put the brakes on.

    What explains the KSA/UAE tilt towards India? In TV talk shows and from columnists one hears that ours is a dog-eat-dog world where countries care only about markets and trade, not moral imperatives. No one cares about the poor. This explanation is partly, but not wholly, true.

    From the KSA/UAE perspective, Pakistan is indeed a supplicant for periodic bailouts. Last year it received over $6 billion from each. Saudis lump Pakistanis with other ‘miskeen’ (needy) people from countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Philippines, etc. The term ‘rafiq’ (dear friend), says columnist Khaled Ahmad, is reserved by Saudis only for white expats from Europe and America. Indians presently do not qualify as rafiqs, but KSA might someday consider a relook.

    KSA and UAE cannot call for self-determination in Kashmir for fear of consequences at home.

    India’s growing economic clout, the sophistication of its workforce, and KSA-India cooperation in counterterrorism and military matters resulted in Pakistan’s de-hyphenation from India more than a decade ago. In 2016, the Saudi king personally conferred upon Narendra Modi the King Abdulaziz Sash (KSA’s highest civilian award). Earlier recipients include Shinzo Abe, David Cameron, Barack Obama, Vladimir Putin, and Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. The list does not have any Pakistani leader.

    Most recently, just after India-held Kashmir went into lockdown, Crown Prince MBS vowed to invest $100bn in India by 2021. Earlier this year he had promised to invest $20bn in Pakistan. The differential recognises the different sizes of the two economies. The latest available figures show Pak-Saudi trade in 2017-2018 at $7.5bn while India-Saudi trade in the same year was $27.5bn. Remittances from Pakistani workers in 2018 from KSA were $4.9bn; that from Indian workers were $12.2bn.

    UAE showed even less concern than KSA by rubbing salt into Pakistan’s wounds. UAE’s ambassador to India, Ahmad Al Banna, defended India’s action as an internal administrative matter and a “step towards further stability and peace”. Then, on Aug 24, UAE awarded Narendra Modi its highest civilian honour, the Order of Zayed. This made Senate Chairman Sadiq Sanjrani cancel his scheduled visit to UAE.

    It’s not just because of India; here’s why it is unlikely that KSA and UAE would ever support Pakistan on Kashmir. KSA is a monarchy run by the House of Saud while UAE is an autocracy run by sheikhs from different Emirati tribes. One becomes a ruler in KSA/UAE because of rank at birth, not by election or competence or any other virtue. Therefore, people cannot be allowed to express their will, advocating democracy is a punishable crime, and dissent is quashed well before it can reach the streets.

    Can you imagine the consequences if KSA and UAE were to advocate the democratic rights of Kashmiris? The very next question would be: what about elections and democracy at home? KSA’s foreign minister was therefore as likely to demand democracy or plebiscite in Kashmir as he was to revealing the whereabouts of Jamal Khashoggi’s remnants.

    The ill-fated Arab Spring briefly threatened regional monarchies and dictatorships but withered away long ago. As noted above, the man who helped to crush it in Egypt, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, is also a recipient of the Saudi Sash — alongside Modi. All Gulf countries remain fearful of street demonstrations in any shape or form. Protests for Kashmir in Bahrain after Eid prayers led to several arrests.

    We must not conclude from this that KSA is uninterested in Kashmir. There appears to be a new kind of religious proxy war in the making. KSA and Iran wish to foist their respective brands of Islam onto Kashmiris; funds for mosques and madressahs and preachers from these countries are going there.

    In supporting Kashmiris, national interests everywhere take primacy over all else. The recent strong rebuke to India from Iran’s Supreme Leader was presumably to bolster Iran’s standing with Kashmiri Shias — roughly 15 per cent of the population — although it could also have been an expression of displeasure at India’s de facto acquiescence to US-led sanctions on Iran.

    Lest we be unjustly harsh on countries hesitating to denounce India’s actions, let us admit that Pakistan too compromises frequently on essential principles. Look at the facts: to preserve CPEC it cannot speak about the forced dispatch of Uighur Muslims to re-education camps; for fear of angering Saudis and Emiratis it dare not speak of the death and destruction taking place in Yemen; and out of greed for military and civil aid it has served America’s interests for many decades.

    Will more energetic diplomacy bring dividends to Pakistan? So far nothing supports this. Of course, things could change if violence explodes in Kashmir after the withdrawal of extra Indian troops, or if war seems to be around the corner. Even then, no one expects much from Muslim countries. “The bubble of an Islamic ummah has burst,” said former Senate chairman Raza Rabbani during a discussion on Kashmir in the Senate last week. True enough, but why did it take Pakistan so long to figure that out?[/both] ....[both countries]

    well that  is what he writes and they are plain cold facts

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #55 - September 07, 2019, 12:29 PM

    If an ummah ever existed in modern times, I'm pretty sure non-arabs like pakistanis and kashmiris would be at the very bottom of the brotherly hierarchy.

    meanwhile, the news vacuum is being filled with online misinformation - some of it coming from the pak govt.

    Quote from:
    “When you shut down communications, people are more willing to accept all sorts of information, in any form of video or text, because they are so hungry. They will perhaps even overlook some forms of information that might not be verifiable.”

  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #56 - September 09, 2019, 06:04 PM

    pak's heavy-handed response to kashmiri brothers.

    Quote from:
    On Saturday, police had stopped thousands of participants of a “Freedom Long March” called by Sardar Mohammad Saghir-led faction of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) in Dawarandi village of the Hajira area, when they were insisting to move ahead towards Tetrinote that lies in the closest proximity of the restive Line of Control (LoC).
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #57 - September 10, 2019, 09:07 AM

    News Eye with Mehar Abbasi - 9th September 2019

    The Ummah.... Islamic Ummah   And ........The Kashmir


    and this is from other side of border on Kashmir

    well that is what is going on

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #58 - September 13, 2019, 01:57 PM

    PM Imran Khan Jalsa Speech in Muzaffarabad

    Prime Minister Imran Khan Historic Rally and Jalsa Complete Speech in Muzaffarabad Today | Kashmir | 13 September 2019

    and the news says

    At Muzaffarabad rally, PM Imran calls out 'coward' Modi for oppressing occupied Kashmir residents   says news

    Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday held a rally in Muzaffarabad to show solidarity with residents of occupied Kashmir, who have been under a lockdown for more than 40 days after India moved to annex the territory.

    The premier began his address to the mammoth gathering by thanking them for giving him a splendid welcome.

    "The reason for me becoming an ambassador of Kashmiri people is that I am a Pakistani, a Muslim and a human," he said. PM Imran Khan, accompanied by AJK PM Raja Farooq Haider and FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi. — DawnNewsTV "Kashmir issue today is a humanitarian problem."

    Addressing Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said: "Only a coward man can commit such cruelty against human beings; today 900,000 Indian soldiers are committing atrocities against the people of occupied Kashmir.

    "A brave man can never do this. No matter how much injustice you commit, you will never succeed.

    "Because the people of Kashmir, be it women, children or the elderly, are not scared of death anymore.

    "We all should know that Modi has been a member of the RSS since he was a child. It is a Hindu extremist group and they hate Muslims, Christians and all minorities. "They believe in Hindu supremacy and they hate Muslims because they ruled over India for [hundreds of] years.

    "They are walking the same path as Hitler's Nazi party, which committed atrocities against minority groups.

    "Since RSS was formed, they have wanted an ethnic cleansing of Muslims, i.e., to rid India of Muslims and this is all in accordance with their plan.

    "Today Kashmir has been internationalised. United Nations Security Council held a meeting on Kashmir issue for the first time in 50 years.

    "The European Union, for the first time, said that the Kashmir issue should be resolved as per UN resolutions. OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) also said that India should lift curfew in Kashmir.

    "More than 40 MPs in Britain raised the Kashmir issue. I am happy that US senators wrote a letter to President Donald Trump and urged him to intervene in the matter.

    "I am going to the UN General Assembly in New York and I will not disappoint the Kashmiri people. "I will raise this issue on every international platform. If possible, watch my interview on RT tonight and tomorrow on Al Jazeera.

    "First I want to tell India that you are pushing people towards extremism. If you mistreated me, the women and kids of my family, I would have fought because I would have thought that death is better than this life.

    "Not just the Kashmiris, but other people as well. What message are you giving to the Muslims of India? That you will live here like second-class citizens, like animals?"

    You are telling them that you can oppress people in a Muslim-majority region by deploying 900,000 soldiers who blind kids, mistreat women and the elderly?"

    "1.2 billion Muslims are looking at Kashmir. They will be pushed towards extremism as well. Islam means peace, we are peaceful people. But when you see that your people are being mistreated and the world is quiet, you react.

    "India blamed Pakistan when a Kashmiri youth blew himself up because they did not want to tell the world that it was because of the Indian government's brutality that Kashmiris were turning towards extremism.

    "They blamed us and sent in their jet. Our airforce then brought down their jets and captured their pilot. We returned him because we wanted to solve issues through dialogue.

    "They (India) said that we returned him because we got afraid. Believers do not fear death, we did not return the pilot because we are scared of you.

    "They have started to [paint this narrative] again that Pakistan is sending militants.

    "I have said this before; we will answer every brick with a stone.

    "I urge the international community to stop this Indian Hitler.

    "We want this issue to be solved in accordance with UN resolutions. Through a referendum, Kashmiris should have the right to choose whatever they want. We will support the Kashmiris' choice."

    Addressing the youth of Azad Kashmir while concluding his speech, Prime Minister Imran said: "I know you want to advance towards the Line of Control, but don't go until I tell you. First let me go to the United Nations and fight Kashmir's case."

    A number of celebrities including  Afridi then riled up the crowd. Faakhir and Sahir Ali Bagga also performed.Shehzad Roy, Faakhir Mehmood, Javaid Shaikh, Humayun Saeed and former Pakistan captain Shahid

    Lift the curfew: Qureshi tells Modi
    Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, addressing the large gathering earlier, said that while residents of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) have access to news and internet, occupied Kashmir was under a lockdown and a communications blackout.

    Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi addressed the large gathering in Muzaffarabad. ─ DawnNewsTV He demanded that Indian premier Modi lift the curfew and challenged him to hold a rally like the one being held in Muzaffarabad and address the residents of occupied Kashmir.

    "The prime minister of Pakistan is addressing AJK people in public in Muzaffarabad. Modi, I challenge you, can you go to Srinagar and address people like this?" AJK Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider thanked the people and government of Pakistan for their support.

    "We don't know how our relatives in occupied Kashmir are doing," he said, adding: "Do not get entangled in the bilateral dialogue narrative because that undermines the Kashmir issue."

    well  such language appears to be good to get votes but  I am not sure it will work in international relations with problems like these that are riddled with faiths and faith heads ..

    Well that is Imran Khan's problem..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Kashmir endgame
     Reply #59 - September 14, 2019, 01:48 PM

    Aghaz e Ghazwa-e-Hind : Syed Zaid Hamid  ..161,652 views•Published on Aug 30, 2019

    well this guy is back in action.. not sure how many followers are there in the country to his rubbish shouts .  but only few brain washed kids are sufficient to make a mess of any talks that are going on

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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