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 Topic: Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain

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  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     OP - December 29, 2019, 03:37 PM

    Just fucking embarrassing. It was always kaafirs this and kaafirs that in the madrassas growing up. Makes you feel embarassed of your entire heritage. These groomers are the rumps of a sexually repressed culture.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #1 - December 29, 2019, 09:28 PM

    Just fucking embarrassing. It was always kaafirs this and kaafirs that in the madrassas growing up. Makes you feel embarassed of your entire heritage. These groomers are the rumps of a sexually repressed culture.


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #2 - December 30, 2019, 01:46 PM

    I haven't watched the video but can I ask why you would be embarrassed? It's just a criminal sub class which is a bit more pronounced amongst british asians but largely outnumbered by the native population.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #3 - December 30, 2019, 05:40 PM


    The figure seems to be for the number of children identified by local authorities as at risk of sexual exploitation. So I don’t think that’s just potential victims of grooming gangs, though they may be a fair proportion of the number. The video is from a far right youtuber and should probably be taken with caution - which of course doesn’t make the issue go away.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #4 - December 31, 2019, 07:53 PM


    Almost 19,000 children have been sexually groomed in England in the past year, according to official figures that have prompted warnings of an “epidemic”.

    Campaigners say the true figure is far higher and accused the government of failing to tackle child sexual exploitation, despite promises made after high-profile cases in Rotherham and Rochdale.

    More than 18,700 suspected victims of child sexual exploitation were identified by local authorities in 2018-19, up from 3,300 five years before.

    ... Sajid Javid promised a review into the characteristics of grooming gangs in 2018, saying high-profile cases included a “high proportion of men of Pakistani heritage” and that “cultural reasons” could be at play.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #5 - December 31, 2019, 08:07 PM

    I haven't watched the video but can I ask why you would be embarrassed? It's just a criminal sub class which is a bit more pronounced amongst british asians but largely outnumbered by the native population.

    A criminal sub class influenced by racist attitudes, with roots in clannish parts of Kashmir most likely. I've overheard really awful sexist and racist things by friends of my dad, my locals etc over the years. You just roll your eyes when you're younger but looking back now, I cringe.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #6 - January 01, 2020, 08:12 PM

    Sexist and racist? You know their response? You've turned into a white-man and forgotten your own culture... of sexism and racism. Oh what will people say!

    Well, I guess they're entitled to their opinions and even their criminality. Their skin colour or religion should be irrelevant.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #7 - January 11, 2020, 10:32 PM

    Ethnicity would be irrelevant if it weren't for the fact that we've seen numerous cases where these groomers see 'White girls' as trash.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #8 - January 12, 2020, 02:33 PM

    'trash' designates class not race. it's not a coincidence that both offenders and victims come from low status backgrounds, irrespective of race or religion.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #9 - January 13, 2020, 01:46 PM

    'trash' designates class not race. it's not a coincidence that both offenders and victims come from low status backgrounds irrespective of race or religion.

    No..noooooooooooo.,  Nope.. Stop blaming victims and stop saying that ..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #10 - January 13, 2020, 05:55 PM

    you misunderstood or misinterpreted text which only describes the situation.

    do you have no objections to sex offenders being referred to by their incidental religious beliefs? or to their non-exclusive tendency to form social networks to pursue their criminal behavior?

    playing the blame game is unhelpful. as is censoring speech you think you dislike.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #11 - January 13, 2020, 06:06 PM

    you misunderstood or misinterpreted text which only describes the situation.

    do you have no objections to sex offenders being referred to by their incidental religious beliefs? or to their non-exclusive tendency to form social networks to pursue their criminal behavior?

    playing the blame game is unhelpful. as is censoring speech you think you dislike.

    Crumble..............   I don't care what people write against those scoundrels.. I never censored anything.....and you have every right to correct it.,

     but crumble again ...  please do not blame victims...  and what is up with this
    .........both offenders and victims come from low status backgrounds,.......

    Have biiiiiiiiig degree from well known  institution from London with  high social/political/economical status class background do not do such barbaric criminal activities against young women??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #12 - January 13, 2020, 11:58 PM

    with regard to the gangs and girls we're discussing, they are indeed from the lower strata of society. it's a blind leap to take that statement about class and conclude victim-blaming.

    it should be considered that these gang members accept the wider national consensus that they belong to the bottom of the heap and have behaved accordingly with those in a similar orbit - not out of some religious bigotry against the 'daughters of disbelievers' but predominantly as a result of their full integration into a british subculture.

    before you make another leap about the above statement, there is no excuse being made for these criminals. nor is there any emotive language that is especially reserved for criminals from certain ethnic or religious backgrounds. the point is that they are just criminals, not barbarians. ordinary british criminals who are no more or less evil than their lighter skinned counterparts.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #13 - January 14, 2020, 09:57 AM

    with regard to the gangs and girls we're discussing, they are indeed from the lower strata of society.
      it's a blind leap to take that statement about class and conclude victim-blaming.

    it should be considered that these gang members accept the wider national consensus that they belong to the bottom of the heap and have behaved accordingly with those in a similar orbit - not out of some religious bigotry against the 'daughters of disbelievers' but predominantly as a result of their full integration into a british subculture.

    before you make another leap about the above statement, there is no excuse being made for these criminals. nor is there any emotive language that is especially reserved for criminals from certain ethnic or religious backgrounds. the point is that they are just criminals, not barbarians. ordinary british criminals who are no more or less evil than their lighter skinned counterparts

    All that highlighted stuff from you is very good and we will discuss at later times..  but I do not understand  some of your words ..  for ex.. in this post

    ............... they are indeed from the lower strata of society. ...................

    .................both offenders and victims come from low status backgrounds,..............

    I wonder how you define a group of people as persons coming from Lower strata of society??

    and what relation this people coming from Lower strata of society   has  in becoming victims of CRIMINALS who abused children/young women?? ,,

    any way I am watching this guy

    who indeed came from RELATIVELY  lower strata of society...  you know I come from very very very lower strata of society,, in other wards no one   around me had any degrees ,, in fact many could not even read .. except a guy who married my mother and left her high and dry with in  5 years or so  and went on to preach his faith to the society and and go on with other women as his  faith prescribes ..  So society around him considered that he was a very  well educated guy of his times and following the rules of his faith praying allah all the  time

    anyways .. thank you for your response  and let me enjoy the talk

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #14 - January 14, 2020, 12:20 PM

    britain is classist society and most people know their place in the system.

    I have already explained my comment but despite that, you appear to be believe I'm discriminating against the poor and the downtrodden? I'm not responsible for their lives or choices and there is no need for you to police the narrative.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #15 - January 14, 2020, 09:29 PM

    britain is classist society and most people know their place in the system.

      Sure it is the classiest ... you can see all the way from Kings , queens  to Prime minster ........  And.. and   ., yes,, yes I see the class every where in Britain  all the way from 1607 to  1970 .. Do you know which was the last country in African Continent that saw British Class system dear  Crumble??

    May be that class is the reason why young girls get abused....  and no one questions any one  .......  too much class  in British  families...  British governance policies
    I have already explained my comment but despite that, you appear to be believe I'm discriminating against the poor and the downtrodden? I'm not responsible for their lives or choices and there is no need for you to police the narrative.

    you have every right to explain and I have every right to question your explanation ., 

    As far as policing is concerned ., no one is stopping and no one is policing you  and it also goes to every member of CEMB forum including me,.,   what all I am saying is.,  I question your class based criminal identity.,   And by saying  Criminals who abused and  victims who got abused  are "LOW CLASS" .,    You in fact identified   .. LOW CLASS FOLKS ARE  CRIMINAL MINDED  Or THEY CAN GET ABUSED because of their class without any one caring for them,

    and I still do not know what  actually you mean by "LOW  CLASS" dear crumble...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #16 - January 14, 2020, 10:40 PM

    you're stuck on a one-track road and you can't get off. you protest that you are free to change course. you make exaggerated movements on the steering wheel. but it makes no difference. you are stuck and no direction signs will change your destination.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #17 - January 14, 2020, 10:47 PM

    translation: you appear to be having with a conversation with yourself so my input is redundant.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #18 - January 15, 2020, 02:18 PM

    you're stuck on a one-track road and you can't get off. you protest that you are free to change course. you make exaggerated movements on the steering wheel. but it makes no difference. you are stuck and no direction signs will change your destination.

    translation: you appear to be having with a conversation with yourself so my input is redundant.

    great good translation good psycho analysis of yeezevee dear crumble............, As far as direction of life... living life is concerned .. I tell you ., My life is not bad.. not bad et..all...  So please continue.. AND DO NOT BLAME VICTIMS...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #19 - January 15, 2020, 05:24 PM

    let's entertain your self-argument for a moment and ask a question: is there a proportion of blame that can be attributed to victims?

    judges have considered this question but if you find it offensive..

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #20 - January 22, 2020, 10:58 AM

    let's entertain your self-argument for a moment and ask a question: is there a proportion of blame that can be attributed to victims?

    Hello crumble... how are you doing?? .. yes..yes.. the blame is .. THEY ARE BORN AS GIRLS .. it is their  fault.....  Hmmm, not sure about that......, I think it is fault of Allah..

    judges have considered this question but if you find it offensive..

    if any one accused those  victims who didn't even finish high school and  are less than 20 year old......GET-RID OF THOSE FOOLS AND THEIR JOKER ROBES..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #21 - January 22, 2020, 02:37 PM

    hmm, I see that rational thought cannot breach the mental straight jacket  unfortunately,  you're not alone in this respect - most freethinkers have their limits too.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #22 - April 19, 2020, 10:21 AM

    Some belated thoughts (because I find this topic too depressing to engage in). If grooming is just a projection of class, then why isn't the majority working class 'White community' committing these crimes, and on a much bigger scale given that demographics are still on their side? According to the Quilliam Foundation, a shocking 84% of Group Based Child Sexual Exploitation crimes (aka grooming) since 2005 have been committed by British Pakistani background, and the victims were overwhelmingly white. Grooming is a specific crime and as far as I'm concerned, it's far more repulsive, far more insidious than some individual paedophilia. Because it's happening on the streets, in the open and in groups. And I'll say it now, I think the biggest share of the blame of what's happened up and down England with this type of crime lies with the imams and all those who fiercely defend 'community values'.  This is the product of their values, this is their legacy, the rape of thousands upon thousands of girls, mostly white, seen as 'cheap meat' by the perpetrators who feel they can get away with their crimes as 'liberal' authorities turn a blind eye. I'm not naive enough to think the oh so 'downtrodden' Pakistani Muslim community didn't know anything about these crimes, given the sheer number of cases, I would call bullshit on their pleading ignorance.

    As for the idea that the girls should take  a share of the blame, well most if not many were underage. By definition they are blameless and rightfully so.

    Just reading the accounts from survivors such as Sammy Woodhouse, Ella Hill and others really shows the scale of the abuse. Some have said that they felt 'lucky' that they were 'only' raped under a 100 times because they knew other victims who had been raped with higher numbers. Consider how this type of crime has thrived in towns up and down England where Pakistani immigrants settled, then multiply some of the cases with the claim that a number of the victims were raped hundreds of times. Well, I guess we won't really know just how big the scale of what's happened is until we have a national enquiry (which I imagine we'll never get). But it puts things into perspective that we're dealing with the the biggest child sexual exploitation scandal in the history of the United Kingdom. Well down to village idiot, cousin humping Islamic imams, this is your legacy as is the rise of anti-Islam groups like the English Defence League. These retards don't realise that they're the rejects of a failed state 'Pakistan' who were happy to kick them out to build a fucking dam. Britain welcomed them with open arms and this is how many repaid their new country, by building insular communities with brainwashing madrassas to 'remind' us that we're of a different, superior breed to the 'kaafirs'. No word has been more damaging to community relations than this word, the Islamic equivalent of nigger. Because it doesn't just imply difference but also superiority, because they saw the increasingly liberal Britain as immoral and degenerate and they beat the kuffar label of kids belonging to increasingly conservative Muslim parents.

    Well you can try and attribute the increasingly insularity of the diaspora from Muslim countries, but to go from 'Paki bashing' in the 70s to the blowing up of hundreds of people in the Manchester and London terror attacks and the rape of thousands, possibly tens of thousands of girls across Englands, that's some escalation. The crimes just aren't in the same league.

    Given the scale of the crimes, I could easily make an anti-immigrant argument. I don't like thinking about it given I'm a child of Muslim immigrants myself but it just makes me realise just how lucky I am to be here and not in some fucking backward village in the foothills of Pakistani Punjab being married off by your parents.

    The good thing about this Coronavirus pandemic is that it will hopefully kill off these old Nazi-esque Islamic preachers.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #23 - April 20, 2020, 10:30 AM will hopefully kill............... killing one or two or few is no use,  Killing an unquestionable idea or unquestionable ideology through education  and propagating freedom of expression, you will get a better results and generations down the road will have better control on such ideas and ideology dear Ward_End,

    but I am seeing a problem with CEMB site .. browser is issuing a warning  “Deceptive site ahead” prompt in Chrome" forum URL .

    . I GUESS SOME RASCAL COMPLAINED TO GOOGLE ON THIS SITE., Google Rascals  are not checking what this site is all about .. This will cut down the traffic and readers to this forum...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #24 - April 20, 2020, 10:48 AM

    Quote killing one or two or few is no use,  Killing an unquestionable idea or unquestionable ideology through education  and propagating freedom of expression, you will get a better results and generations down the road will have better control on such ideas and ideology dear Ward_End,

    Well yes. In the meantime society can come to regret what we've done by tolerating ratbag faith heads and propogansists: from13:00 (I don't know how you blow up videos on here)

    And given the sheer scale of the crimes, ongoing too, the Pakistani faith figured and anyone else in the community who loves to speak of 'shame' can find real shame in what looks to be the biggest child sexual exploitation scandal in the history of the modern UK. There's your 'shame'. And fuck honour.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #25 - April 20, 2020, 10:55 AM

    This will cut down the traffic and readers to this forum...

    I don't know how much more traffic you can lose to be honest, this place seems to be on life support.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #26 - April 20, 2020, 07:06 PM

    It's probably unfair to blame those who emigrated to work in britain in the 60s and 70s. If you watch old footage of that time, they weren't trying to seperate themselves from the white population . The problem started with their children who grew up here in the 80s, ie the plonkers of my generation.

    Think pasting full youtube links work on here but you should probably take a break from edl style spam and read something else apart from the dailly mail.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #27 - April 20, 2020, 10:06 PM

    It's probably unfair to blame those who emigrated to work in britain in the 60s and 70s. If you watch old footage of that time, they weren't trying to seperate themselves from the white population . The problem started with their children who grew up here in the 80s, ie the plonkers of my generation.

    Think pasting full youtube links work on here but you should probably take a break from edl style spam and read something else apart from the dailly mail.

    Yeah, I have seen some of those clips, the idea of the first generation being hard working. I think some would have had family members who fought for the British Indian forces (as an aside, maybe it would be worth considering the reason why people from Pakistan/India/Bangladesh are here in the first place. I wonder if it's too uncomfortable to look more closely at home for average Brits as to why such 'shithole' countries are the way they are when it comes to religious fundamentalism. Namely partition of the subcontinent?)

    But as immigration widened over the years, they allowed entire villages to migrate over here, largely from rural backward Azad Kashmir and hence the culture clashes.

    I'm no EDL fan by the way, have never followed them in any great detail. I've never had much time for flag waving patriotism of any kind. I just see their whole movement as a consequence of rising community tensions. Where would Mr Lennon be without the frothing from Mr Choudary and his ilk? I'm not much of a Daily Mail reader either, I only like the layout of their website lol and to be fair, they are quite comprehensive in what they find around the world.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #28 - April 21, 2020, 05:46 PM

    Oh my goodness gracious ........
    Yeah, I have seen some of those clips, the idea of the first generation being hard working. I think some would have had family members who fought for the British Indian forces
    (as an aside, maybe it would be worth considering the reason why people from Pakistan/India/Bangladesh are here in the first place. I wonder if it's too uncomfortable to look more closely at home for average Brits as to why such 'shithole' countries are the way they are when it comes to religious fundamentalism. Namely partition of the subcontinent?)

    But as immigration widened over the years, they allowed entire villages to migrate over here, largely from rural backward Azad Kashmir and hence the culture clashes.

    I'm no EDL fan by the way, have never followed them in any great detail. I've never had much time for flag waving patriotism of any kind. I just see their whole movement as a consequence of rising community tensions. Where would Mr Lennon be without the frothing from Mr Choudary and his ilk? I'm not much of a Daily Mail reader either, I only like the layout of their website lol and to be fair, they are quite comprehensive in what they find around the world.

    well hello  Ward_End. forget about idiots in Islam or in EDL .. but let me explain you  those highlighted words of your post......    'shithole' countries  &   average Brits...........

    Are your ancestors from present  India or Old India ??  For that you need to learn about about British Empire .here is the map

    Here is the Indian guy Dr Shashi Tharoor MP - Britain Does Owe Reparations

    That might give you answers on 'shithole' countries  &   average Brits

    off course we need to learn about  East India Company ., but we are in 21st century .. we must learn about history  BUT DO NOT BLAME ON WHAT HAPPENED IN THE PAST .. let us look for solving present problems ., So I say   we should not blame these Muslim gang problems of England on migration from shit hole countries or on British empire of the past


    would you not agree with me??  Cheesy Cheesy   let me watch this

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #29 - April 22, 2020, 04:50 AM

    would you not agree with me??

    Of course, I was just reacting to the point made by anti immigrant nationalists who don't seem to like the idea of people moving between nations at the same time they defend the empire where British imperialists, traders, businessmen etc felt free enough to explore other lands and to literally carven out new countries drawn on a napkin during an afternoon tea. I'm not blaming anyone of today for actions of old, nor Empire for the crimes of today committed by some backward jackasses.

    Anyway my heart bleeds for what's happened in relation to grooming. At least 19,000 kids are groomed each year, and given what we know about authorities turning a blind eye to Pakistanis grooming since the 1990's, goodness knows just what the total number of these crimes rack up to. Several hundred thousand? It's heart breaking. Watch these:

    Some sort of reckoning will have to come out of this for the Pakistani community because the numbers are just too staggering. At least 27 towns and cities where this specific crime has thrived? It unfortunately  undermines any sort of pro immigrant policy, at least from certain kinds of countries where a tolerance of other people regardless of race or religion is lacking.
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