see, that's much interesting than muzlim rayguns.
You're more concerned about a confused man from an EDL demo ten years ago than you are about grooming gangs.
What's it like being an Islamic gang rape apologist by the way? Do you feel you're being, I don't know, 'balanced' when you say that criminals are merely criminals, regardless of skin colour and that the level of viciousness of certain is irrelevant? I still remember you saying that the issue of grooming gangs in this country is 'minor'. Ignoring the many victims who've come out and recalled how they were called 'White slags', treated like crap, being compared to superior Muslim girls, passed on from town to town to be gang raped. I've said several times now that if the reverse were to have happened with Muslim or Pakistani girls, you wouldn't hear the end of it in the media. If you weren't such a pathetic nonchalant rape apologist, you'd acknowledge that.
You would've made a fine constable for South Yorkshire Police...
there is no race or religion - these crims are made in britain. don't let the tan and funny names mislead you. once you see that then you won't think in misguided terms of white girls and muslim men anymore.
I'll quote a fellow user on here who said these a few years ago about a case in Bradford. His thoughts on why British Pakistanis are caught up in this particularly vicious type of crimes echoes mine:
In my limited experience (limited because these types of people fucking repel me) it's a mentality shipped over from the backwaters of rural Pakistan maintained and strengthened by their family and social circles with the justification that they're only kaffir solidified with a world view of superiority and an intense and normalised racism and misogyny.
There's no 'racist fixation' on Pakistani Muslims like you want to think. Again, listen to the fucking victims you brain dead retard. 'White slags' and 'White whores' are amongst numerous slurs directed towards white girls when they were shipped around the country being gang raped. You have the same shitty mentality as the Rotherham 'authorities' that allowed this to happen for years and was called out in the report. In your eyes it's 'racist' to call out the culture and the perpetrators who commit these horrific crimes with a mindset of real racism lmao. You're a sick fuck. Of all the places to find apologetics for religiously aggravated rape crimes, I would never have expected to see it on this forum...
There's only so much time I can spend on this fucking scandal before it affects my blood pressure. The worst child sexual exploitation scandal in modern history. If anyone wants to complain about why the EDL or the far-right are in their town centres making noise, blame the fucking backward imams and hate preachers that Muslim families like mine looked up to. This Nazi-like mentality of the pure Muslim vs the degenerate kaafir has festered for years. Perfect breeding ground for sexually repressed losers to become groomers and ISIS combatants.