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 Topic: Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain

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  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #150 - February 07, 2021, 11:41 AM

    Far right will do as a description of Carl Benjamin for me

    an example of someone you can put in a leaky catch-all bucket with 'far right' written on it.

    we can try to find more accurate labels but it won't be as easy to convey. I can object to "british muslim grooming gangs" but I can't argue that "british citizens, with pakistani ancestry and community affiliation to islam, overrepresented in arrests for organised child abuse compared to white peer groups" is as punchy.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #151 - February 07, 2021, 11:48 AM

    I think the same goes for "UKIP candidate who turned out to be a bit much for the UKIP membership to tolerate".
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #152 - February 07, 2021, 01:41 PM

    despite initial rejection, extreme voices are eventually apropriated by the elite classes. not a gradual transition from radical to respectable, but a jarring adoption of popular extremism from any end of the political spectrum.

    Quote from:
    The ideal world of horseshoe-theorists is one where radical actors are marginalized and politics is carried by hard-headed centrist politicians. These centrists are everything the extremists are not: democratic, pragmatic and open to compromise. Countries prosper when led by such actors.

    I wish to propose a second conception of extremism in this article. My contention is that centrists, just as the radical-left and right, are perfectly capable of acting in extremist ways. And more broadly that extremism, a redefined extremism, is a universal characteristic of politics, left, right and centre.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #153 - February 14, 2021, 05:33 PM

    there's an unpleasant eugenics vibe when pakistani/kashmiri immigrants are highlighted as exceptional sources of 'birth defects'.

    Nonsense, it's a public health issue. Pakistani Kashmiris have been brought because there is indeed ample evidence that their kids are over represented with genetic birth defects. It's good enough for the rest of society to be shamed into avoiding obesity, smoking and binge drinking so it's good enough for those who engage in incest to be told to stop doing it.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #154 - February 14, 2021, 05:36 PM

    Far right will do as a description of Carl Benjamin for me:

    There's nothing in there that indicated that he's far right.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #155 - February 14, 2021, 05:38 PM

    the question is the problem: 'british asians' are predominantly products of britain. nobody talks about 'british whites' in this way. suffixing nationality with ethnicity/ancestry is mostly unhelpful unless you have particular axe grind.

    I think they do actually.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #156 - February 14, 2021, 06:16 PM

    an example of someone you can put in a leaky catch-all bucket with 'far right' written on it.

    we can try to find more accurate labels but it won't be as easy to convey. I can object to "british muslim grooming gangs" but I can't argue that "british citizens, with pakistani ancestry and community affiliation to islam, overrepresented in arrests for organised child abuse compared to white peer groups" is as punchy.

    I wouldn't characterise the over-representation of British Pakistanis in grooming gang crimes as a solely 'Muslim problem', and it is a headline that Sargon came up. I should've been more scrupulous when creating this thread with the title. At the same time I won't have it said to me that Islamic sexual repression hasn't had a massive part to play in this phenemona, nor Pakistani tribal views. I think there is a link between these mentalities and the particularly sickening accounts of gang rape where details include dousing girls/young women with petrol, threatening to rape their mothers, telling them they're white slags. Again, if just one case of racially aggravated rape from a white person to an ethnic minority was found and brought to the media's attention, you wouldn't hear the end of it. I also think there are degrees of criminality. I think grooming gangs out in the open are a much bigger issue than a individual pedos hiding in their basement. Sorry, not sorry.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #157 - February 14, 2021, 10:40 PM

    At the same time I won't have it said to me that Islamic sexual repression hasn't had a massive part to play in this phenemona, nor Pakistani tribal views.

    for repressed individuals, they seem to be very active? hmm, almost as if they were aping their low class white peers, eh? I think this religion/honour myth falls into the same category as "asians don't play football because their hip bones are different".
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #158 - February 14, 2021, 11:24 PM

    I also think there are degrees of criminality. I think grooming gangs out in the open are a much bigger issue

    the brazen criminality is allowed to fester because the so-called "muslim" community is held up to a lower standard. it's basically ordinary racism masquerading as cultural sensitivity.

    so I still say close the madrassas, vet the councilors and ban the hijab school uniform - but also arrest the drug dealers, pursue benefits cheats as well as catch the child abusers.  only a holistic approach will lift this lot out of the trash rung of british society.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #159 - February 21, 2021, 11:12 AM

    here's a fun question: if you had to choose, which would you a prefer:

    1) a bog-standard british pakistani who chases no-strings liaisons white women
    2) a self-styled british muslim who condemns them as promiscuous whores

    just teasing apart the fragile moral compass of this thread.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #160 - February 21, 2021, 10:06 PM

    for repressed individuals, they seem to be very active? hmm, almost as if they were aping their low class white peers, eh? I think this religion/honour myth falls into the same category as "asians don't play football because their hip bones are different".

    for repressed individuals, they seem to be very active? hmm, almost as if they were aping their low class white peers, eh? I think this religion/honour myth falls into the same category as "asians don't play football because their hip bones are different".

    Rape is sexual perversion, there's nothing healthy about it. Not every perpetrator will commit the act as an outlet of sexual frustration, but some would. Just my two cents. And I can tell you that sexual repression is a heavy weight from my background. It's a thing in most religions but especially with fundamentalist Islam. Shaming women into wearing burkas and hijabs, forbidding sex outside of marriage, always making a sharp distinction between the Muslim and the other, to consider the other lesser. Not ideas that I would consider producing a healthy society or community, especially within a larger country. Many of these groomers know they can't get laid in a civilised manner.

    And again, I'll ask you to bring me a case where non Muslim/Asian Brits have been found to groom/gang rape a British Pakistank/Muslim/Asian, where they might call the victim a brown slag. I'll keep pushing this question everytime you make the same asinine argument.

     Only the other day there was the most ridiculous outrage over a supposed 'hostile' interview with the new female head of the Muslim Council of Britain. A 100 dumbass public figures signed a petition condemning the most mild questions posed by the BBC. Anti-Muslim bigotry isn't tolerated in this country, mostly justified for obviously good reasons but also because the jackals are waiting for any sniff of perceived 'Islamophobia'. That's part of our culture.

    People of Pakistani, Indian and Bengali descent have always been brought up with cricket, football is almost a non entity in South Asia.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #161 - February 21, 2021, 10:18 PM

    the brazen criminality is allowed to fester because the so-called "muslim" community is held up to a lower standard. it's basically ordinary racism masquerading as cultural sensitivity.

    You're not going to find any disagreement from me about the authorities and their failures. I agree that failures to challenge forced marriages and the grooming crimes from the earliest possible point festered the criminality. But I'm still going to criticise the cultural underpinnings that give way to such backward mentalities and actions.

    so I still say close the madrassas, vet the councilors and ban the hijab school uniform - but also arrest the drug dealers, pursue benefits cheats as well as catch the child abusers.  only a holistic approach will lift this lot out of the trash rung of british society.

    You Islamophobic bigot. Don't think you'll escape any charges of that kind lol. I can't think of offering up any policy solutions. I like to shame people more than anything.

    Pakistan is a big source of drugs into the country by the way, and has been described as the biggest heroin taking countries in the world. Who's aping whom?
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #162 - February 21, 2021, 10:20 PM

    here's a fun question: if you had to choose, which would you a prefer:

    1) a bog-standard british pakistani who chases no-strings liaisons white women
    2) a self-styled british muslim who condemns them as promiscuous whores

    just teasing apart the fragile moral compass of this thread.

    Oh don't be shy, please explicitly call out my supposed lack of a moral compass. This thread isn't a person Smiley
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #163 - February 22, 2021, 08:01 AM

    the thread does have split personality and its moral compass has two clear poles: one pointing towards idealistic puritanism and the other pointing towards everyday degeneracy.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #164 - February 26, 2021, 02:20 PM

    Thanks Dr Crumble for your psychological assessment Smiley
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #165 - April 22, 2021, 01:43 AM

    Systemic racism is a popular term these days. This is Ella Hill's (pseudonym) view, who wrote about her experience as a grooming gang victim in Rotherham for The Independent a few years back. Now her letter to the Home Office :

    Dear Home Secretary, Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation Unit, Government Equalities Office, and Home Affairs Committee,

    Please accept this letter as a formal grievance.

    I am a grooming gang survivor and a Christian. I represent people who have experienced anti-White hate crime, 'anti-Lack of belief' hate crime, or a combination of both.

    My reason for writing is to again ask that the Home Office and the Government act to ensure that all Ministers of the Crown and public authorities act to carry out their public sector equality duty under Equality Act 2010 (149), to "have due regard to the need to achieve the objective to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation," of grooming gang victims, on grounds of our race and religion. This is essential if you are to "foster good relations between persons who share our relevant protected characteristics and persons who do not share them".

    As you will be aware, I have written to the Home Office three times over the past five years, and in December 2018 I attended The Home Office to speak to you in person. This year I asked you to officially define 'Grooming Gang Crime'. However the Home Office once again refused to acknowledge that this subtype of group-based CSE is a racial and religious hate crime, (letter 08/04/21, Ref TRO/0137082/21).

    This practice of ignoring 'grooming gangs' hate crimes has put survivors at a disadvantage, by treating us less favourably than victims of racially and religiously-aggravated crimes, from other protected groups. This is racial and religious discrimination, as set out under the Equality Act 2010. The Home Office have not had "due regard to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation" of girls in Rotherham. We feel like we're being unfairly discriminated against twice: Firstly by our perpetrators, and then again, by Government authorities. And on top of that we are being bullied whenever we complain about the double discrimination.

    Outrageously, Home Office advisor, Dr Ella Cockbain, a 'human trafficking' researcher, who is cited several times in the Home Office Grooming Gang Review, victim-blames by accusing us of "racialising" our own abuse. She says that our "fixation with 'Asian sex gangs'" is "thinly veiled racism." In her publications she completely omits the fact that it's actually our rapists who are the racists. This is deliberate 'racism-blindness'. We have gone out of our way not to be 'racist', so it is extremely distressing and frightening when people like Dr Cockbain falsely accuse us of racism, which makes us even more vulnerable to attacks from the far-left.

    Unfortunately this ignorant narrative has been adopted by the Home Office. Refusing to acknowledge racial and religious abuse in Grooming Gang Crime is tacit 'racism denial'. It is failing victims, and it is fuelling hate against us. I am not satisfied that the Home Office has taken reasonable steps to make their systems fair, by applying the law in a fair way, in relation to our protected characteristics. This has created a systemically anti-White racist environment that is very hostile towards our protected groups. It disadvantages all people referred to as White, and disadvantages all people referred to as having a 'lack of religion or belief'.

    - Last year there were 91,345 anti-White hate crimes reported, compared to only 11,043 hate crimes against all other ethnicities. That means there were 8 times as many hate crimes against Whites as against anyone else.

    - And last year even though 3,089 anti-Muslim hate crimes were recorded, there were zero hate crimes recorded against 'unbelievers' perceived to have a 'lack of Islamic religion'. Note: The current hate crime category of 'no religion' is incorrect. The correct legal term is, 'lack of religion'.

    Although anti-White hate crimes and 'anti-Lack of religion' hate crimes are unlawful, the Home Office has neither accurately recorded them, nor led specific campaigns against them. This is discrimination. We have the same legal right to protection from discrimination, harassment and victimisation as anyone else.

    Hate crimes often have a disproportionate impact on the victim, because they are being targeted for a personal characteristic. Police recognise that hate crimes not only impact the individual victim but also the wider community. Hate crimes can send reverberations through communities, and can reinforce established patterns of prejudice and discrimination, which often leads to revenge attacks in retaliation. This is why it is so important for hate crime to be prosecuted effectively.

    The law states:

    1. The Sentencing Act 2020says, "Hostility applies where the court is considering the seriousness of an offence which is aggravated by (66) (1)(a) racial hostility, or (b) religious hostility; (6)(b) religious hostility is defined by reference to a religious belief orlack of religious belief.” These crimes are known informally as 'Hate Crimes'.

    2. The Equality Act 2010, section (1) says it is unlawful for a public authority to discriminate against a person on the grounds of "race" or "religion."  And section (10)(1) says "Religion means any religion and a reference to a religion includes a reference to alack of religion."

    3. The Equality Act 2010, section (149) says a public authority must, in the exercise of its functions, have due regard to the need to -
    (1)(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under this Act;

    (b) advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it;

    (c) foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

    The Home Office's discriminatory practice has put me at a personal disadvantage, because as a direct result of Home Office practice I have faced Institutional racism at least fifteen times:

    1. South Yorkshire Police failed to record the attacks against me as racially and religiously aggravated, which meant they weren't 'flagged' as hate crimes, as they should have been, and that meant my case wasn't investigated or prosecuted as it should have been.

    2. Police and CPS were not trained to recognise and collect evidence for my hate crimes, as they should have been, so CPS have not issued special advice.

    3. Group-based CSE Review, Dec 2020, discriminated by omitting 'anti-White' and 'anti-lack of religion', and 'hostility to race and religion' in sexual crimes, unlike other hate crime reviews.

    4. Muslims and Jews are actively encouraged to report hate crime, but groups referred to as 'kafir' or 'non-Muslim' are actively discouraged from reporting our religious hate crimes.

    5. Anti-extremism teams are not trained to recognise or de-radicalise far-left anti-white extremists, so my reports to them have gone unheeded.

    6. My case was less likely to lead to a charge or conviction than other hate crimes, because hate crime cases are usually handled with enhanced hate crime services. A Muslim girl who gets her headscarf pulled off on a bus is more likely to get justice than a white girl who gets raped over 100 times by Muslim men. This cannot be right or fair.

    7. I didn't have the opportunity to get 'racism' recovery counselling, as I should have done. My NHS Rape counsellor unfairly told me, "race and religion are irrelevant".

    8. I was treated less favourably because of my race and my 'perceived' religion, because Police and Home Office 'hate crime' videos always portray BAME people as victims, and White people as perpetrators.

    9. The mainstream media routinely implies that I am "racialising" my own abuse, by referring to all grooming gangs victims and our family members at protests as 'far-right'.

    10. Dr Jessica Taylor, Senior Lecturer in Forensic and Criminal Psychology at University of Derby, with a PhD in Victim-blaming, when I told her that she was wrong to dismiss our experiences of racist and religious abuse, told me,"Oh f*** off will you, I've been working with those victims for years."

    11. Professor of Contemporary Theatre at the Royal Holloway University -"Oh fuck off with your bullshit... You’re either a racist or an idiot or both... Oh what a load of f***ing b*llocks. White people are the real victims of racism? Do me a f***ing favour."- When I told him that there have been anti-White racist attacks going on in Rotherham for the past 30 years.

    12. Alarmingly, social media refuses to remove any anti-White messages, includingone that says,"There is a virus that is a thousand times more deadly than #COVID19: The White Virus. Carriers tend to be hideously ugly (within and without), hideously selfish, hideously inferior and hideously white. Never underestimate the malice and ugliness of these "people"."...And atweetfrom a Black girl that says,"I say we shove big black c***s into the throats of white women across the nation. Make their husbands record it. Make the kids watch. We had to be traumatised. It's y'all turn."

    13. When I referred the first one to the organisation, 'Report Hateful Content', theysaid-"I had a look at the comment you sent across and it doesn't seem like it breaches any of Twitter's community guidelines. Twitter's Hateful Conduct Policy applies to members of a protected group: This includes races which have been historically oppressed and marginalized, which white people have not. For this reason Twitter would consider this comment as satire."

    14. Last year my local 'Hate Crime Support Service' counsellor told me,"I don't think there is any such thing as anti-white hate crime."

    15. The Home Office spends millions each year on specifically opposing Islamophobia and antisemitism, but nothing on specifically opposing anti-White or 'anti-Lack of Religion' hate crime against me.

    Like other victims, I have been severely adversely affected by this institutional racism and discrimination. It makes me feel like I'm not worth protecting. It has affected my sense of safety and security, my family life, my work and my health. The lack of Home Office provision for people referred to as White, and for people referred to as 'unbelievers', has put everyone in these two groups at a disadvantage. This important issue must be resolved as soon as possible. This direct and indirect discrimination cannot be objectively justified.

    Please answer the following questions:

    Q.1 Will the Home Office have due regard to specifically prevent anti-White hate crime (as defined below)... Or will the discrimination, harassment and victimisation of 'people referred to as White' continue to be ignored?

    Q.2 Will the Home Office have due regard to correctly record 'anti-Lack of religion' hate crime (as defined below)... By changing the incorrect wording of the 'Hate Crime' category from 'No religion' to the correctly worded 'Lack of religion'?

    Q.3 Will the Home Office have due regard to specifically prevent 'anti-Lack of religion' hate crime (as defined below)... Or is the abuse, discrimination, harassment and victimisation of people referred to as 'unbelievers' permitted?

    I look forward to receiving your response within 14 days from the date of receiving this letter.

    Yours sincerely,

    Dr Ella Hill

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #166 - April 22, 2021, 01:50 AM

    Dr Ella Hill is a medical doctor and mother. When she was a teenager she met a much older Pakistani Muslim man from Rotherham who became her ‘boyfriend’. Over the course of a year he beat and raped her over 100 times, and took her to houses and flats above take aways in the North of England to be raped and gang-raped. When she tried to escape he carried out an attempted ‘honour killing’, which she survived, with multiple fractures and lacerations. Her main perpetrator was part of a larger network of offenders who did the same thing to many more teenage girls in Rotherham. Ella has recovered and now campaigns to get acknowledgment of the racist and religious aspects of the abuse she, and others, had to endure.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #167 - April 22, 2021, 08:33 AM

    the sweary quotes were funny enough but this bit was comedy gold:

    We have gone out of our way not to be 'racist'

    the letter makes a good argument for repealing hate crime legislation - which isn't its aim but she may settle for the freedom to say paki without fear of prosecution.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #168 - April 22, 2021, 10:23 AM

    anyway, she had a response to her letter - as discussed on what appears to be a brexitist anti-immigrant  youtube channel.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #169 - April 22, 2021, 07:18 PM

    the letter makes a good argument for repealing hate crime legislation - which isn't its aim but she may settle for the freedom to say paki without fear of prosecution.

    I've always taken the position that only incitement to violence should be investigated.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #170 - April 22, 2021, 07:31 PM

    anyway, she had a response to her letter - as discussed on what appears to be a brexitist anti-immigrant  youtube channel.

    It doesn't matter if its a brexit anti-immigrant channel. I wish it weren't the case but they have a compelling case to lean that way. I always come back to the fact if it were the other way around, if just one white guy had repeatedly raped a brown girl or a Muslim girl, and especially if there was evidence of racial motivation, there would be an almighty uproar.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #171 - April 22, 2021, 07:34 PM

    I can't watch that video, there's only so much time I can spend on this sordid issue before I lose the will to live. But what does she say, and what is that channel's response? To her credit, she has said in the past that it would be appalling to target the Muslim community as a whole or Pakistanis.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #172 - April 25, 2021, 09:19 AM

    the video is uninteresting. just another example of the trend towards white victimology, ie an offshoot of bonkers race theory.

    I read somewhere that cyclical periods of high radiation output from the sun impaired higher brain function on a population scale. would be great if it was true - a parasol (or tin foil hat) to protect rational thought.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #173 - May 12, 2021, 08:18 PM

    I read somewhere that you're a twat. Now take a look at this from today:

    Twenty-nine men have been charged in connection with the sexual exploitation and rape of a girl over a seven-year period in West Yorkshire.

    The offences are said to have taken place in and around Calderdale and Bradford between 2003 and 2010 when the victim was aged between 13 and 20.

    The men are due to appear at Bradford Magistrates' Court on 7 and 9 July.

    Eight other suspects arrested during the West Yorkshire Police investigation have been released without charge.

    Those charged are:

    Asad Ali, 37, of Brighouse, is charged with two counts of rape
    Ajmal Aziz, 39 of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape and attempted rape
    Mohammed Jangier, 44, of Halifax, is charged with rape
    Mohammed Asif, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
    Harris Ahmed Butt, 37, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault
    Taukeer Butt, 36, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
    Muitasim Khan, 40, of Halifax, is charged with rape
    Mohammed Hamza, 47, of Halifax, is charged with rape
    Mohsin Mir, 40, of Halifax, is charged with three counts of rape
    Javid Mir, 38, of Halifax, is charged with rape
    Haroon Saddique, 37, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
    Zahir Iqbal, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
    Sarfraz Rabnawaz, 35, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
    Wajid Addalat, 43, of Halifax, is charged with rape
    Sajid Addalat, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
    Nazim Hussain, 43, of Bradford, is charged with conspiracy to rape
    Nadeem Saddiqque, 43, of Sheffield, is charged with rape
    Saquab Hussain, 43, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
    Sadakat Ali, 48, of Bradford, is charged with rape
    Ziarab Mohammed, 48, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
    Imran Raja Yasin, 41, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
    Zulfiqar Ali, 40, of Bradford, is charged with two counts of rape
    Malik Abid Qadeer, 64, of Halifax, is charged with five counts of rape
    Kamran Amin, 45, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
    Mohammed Akhtar, 51, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
    Ali Zulfiqar, 38, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape
    Shafiq Ali Rafiq, 40, of Dewsbury, is charged with two counts of rape
    Amir Shaban, 45, of Halifax, is charged with rape
    Sakeb Nazir, 36, of Halifax, is charged with two counts of rape

    Multiple rapes of a 7 year old. B-b-buh paedos are everywhere in all backgrounds. Let's not discuss the serious degree of these crimes, there are good and bad people in all backgrounds. I know you amongst so many that this retrograde view of wanting to appear 'balanced'. Fuck right off. But, if your own mother or any sibling, especially a child were to be gang raped by a dozen men, maybe with a racist motive, and you continued to be as nonchalant as you've always been on this issue, then I'll at least say you're consistent.

    This is a fucking diseased mentality within certain communities, especially in Yorkshire. They deserve the most utmost shame. And it's the same fucking region where Muslim fundamentalists want to play the victim over 'blasphemy' and appear as heroes by intimidating schools. Fucking retards up there.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #174 - May 12, 2021, 08:19 PM

    Over 7 years, jesus fucking christ. B-b-buh Jimmy Savile!
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #175 - May 12, 2021, 09:15 PM

    I read somewhere that you're a twat.

    and eid mubarak to you too  Smiley

    Quote from:
    ... and you continued to be as nonchalant as you've always been on this issue, then I'll at least say you're consistent. 

    in the name the most nonchalant, the most indifferent, i can only take that as a compliment - all praise belongs to me!
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #176 - May 12, 2021, 10:24 PM

    in the name the most nonchalant, the most indifferent, i can only take that as a compliment - all praise belongs to me!

    I'll take back calling you nonchalant. Indifferent, most definitely. Let's just hope you don't have a young daughter who gets gang raped by a dozen men over a good part of a decade. I'd like to see how indifferent you'd still be.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #177 - May 13, 2021, 10:30 AM

    it's a rather desperate position to rely on harm to your opponent's theoretical family to persuade them to your argument.

  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #178 - May 13, 2021, 11:07 AM

    Let's not discuss the serious degree of these crimes, there are good and bad people in all backgrounds. I know you amongst so many that this retrograde view of wanting to appear 'balanced'. Fuck right off.

    pouring outrage is a shallow response. open your eyes, human events are random and without meaning - save the meaning we invent.

    This is a fucking diseased mentality within certain communities, especially in Yorkshire. They deserve the most utmost shame.

    shame? morals never solved anything.
  • Muslim grooming gangs still operating with impunity in Britain
     Reply #179 - June 10, 2021, 10:31 PM

    shame? morals never solved anything.

    No, I think a bit of moral sneering can go a long way. We don't do enough of it. Who tells the Muslim spokesmen that they're bringing up a generation of backward losers?
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