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 Topic: The essence of the facts

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  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #30 - August 15, 2020, 03:31 PM

    seems the hijab guy has nothing better to do than tweet nonsense. I'm tempted to join but haven't thought of a punchy twitter handle yet.
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #31 - August 15, 2020, 03:44 PM

    seems the hijab guy has nothing better to do than tweet nonsense. I'm tempted to join    but haven't thought of a punchy twitter handle yet.

    Do not give IMPORTANCE TO FOOLS .. leave them alone until they realize themselves and   they come for your advice ., other wise they will drag you through the mud they are living throughout their life .. He is not only a fool but a stupid..

    Yes if he joins CEMB .. you can do that..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #32 - August 21, 2020, 07:39 AM

    The calendar year of Islam begins not with the birthday of our prophet (peace be on him), not from the time that the revelation came to him (Bethat) nor from the time of his ascension to heaven, but with the migration (Hijra) from an undesirable environment into a desirable place to fulfill Allah's command. It was migration from a plot that was set by the leaders of the Quraysh who were plotting to kill prophet Muhammad, and to destroy the truth that today is being conveyed to mankind everywhere against tyranny and injustice. Their purpose was to destroy the foundation of the Islamic state, the Sunnah of the tradition of the prophet, and to prevent the revelation being delivered by Allah's messenger to mankind.

    The Islamic calendar is reckoned from the time of migration (Hijra) of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Mecca to Madina. The Prophet's decision to migrate from Mecca came after several years of inhuman treatment of the faithful by the powerful tribes who were united despite all their feuds to stop the spread of Islam.

    Prophet Mohammad's decision to leave Mecca coincided with the infidel's plan to assassinate him. In 622 AD, the Quresh tribesmen held a meeting and decided that a band of young men, one from each tribe, should assassinate Prophet Mohammad collectively so that their responsibility for the murder could not be placed on any particular tribe.

    On the eventful night, the Prophet asked his cousin Ali Ben Abutalib to take his place in bed to make the Meccans think that he was asleep. The Prophet himself slipped out unobserved alongwith his loyal follower Abu Bakr (who was chosen as the first C aliph after the death of the prophet). They secretly made their way to a cave named Thawr, not far from Mecca and lay in hiding there for a day or two until Abu Bakr's son reported that the search for him had been given up. Then the two set out from Madina on camel back. They reached Quba, on the edge of the Madina oasis, on 12th Rabiul Awwal. With Mohammad's arrival in Quba a new phase of his career and glory of Islam started.

    This migration has a special significance in the history of Islam. It ended the Meccan period of humiliation and torture and began the era of success. His own people to whom he preached Islam for 13 years neglected the Prophet of Islam. But he was cordially received in Madina as an honored chief.

    In Madina his power enhanced day by day. Here he was not only the religious leader but took the role of a politician and statesman too. Prophet Mohammad expired ten years after his migration to Madina but only in one decade he changed the course of human history.

    In view of this special significance of the Prophet's migration the consultative body advised the Second Islamic Caliph, Omar ben Khattab, to start the Islamic year from the date of migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Madina.

    According to early Moslem scholars, Abu Musa Al Shari drew attention of Omar to an improperly dated debenture or IOU which was payable in the month of Shaban but it was not clear which Shaban was actually meant, the present one or the coming one. Omar called the dignitaries for consultation who made several suggestions to begin the Islamic calendar.

    Ali (who later became the fourth caliph) suggested the Hijra as the beginning of the Islamic year with Moharram as its first month. Consequently, Caliph Omar in 21 A.H. or 641 A.D introduced the Islamic calendar in its present form.


    The guidance about the Islamic calendar is taken from the following verses from the Holy Quran: (In the name of GOD most gracious and most merciful)

    "Lo the number of the months with God is twelve months." IX:36.

    "They ask thee, of new moons. Say: They are fixed seasons for mankind and for the pilgrimage." II:189.

    "He it is who appointed the sun a splendor and the moon a light, and measured for her stages, that ye might know the number of the years, and the reckoning." X:5

    The Islamic Calendar of 12 Lunar Months is determined by observation of the new moon with no effort by intercalation (addition) or other means to synchronize the Lunar year with the Solar year.

    Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 27 - The Hijrah - Emigration to Madinah - Yasir Qadhi |
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #33 - August 21, 2020, 07:45 AM

    Why did the Prophet Muhammad have several wives
    The Prophet of Islam (pbuh) facing his detractors
    There is not a person in history who has been attacked as much as the Prophet Muhammad was, he was attacked in his life and even after his death, Yet a sincere reading in his life proves that all that s detractors is just a lie, here are some quotes (from Westerners):
    Alphonse de Lamartine: Was this man an impostor? We don't think so after carefully studying its history.
    Annie Besant: one of the great Messengers of the Supreme Being.
    Georges Bernard Shaw: “I studied -the wonderful man- and in my opinion, far from being an Antichrist, he deserves the title of savior of humanity. "

    The prophet is therefore the target of anti-Islam attacks, the goal of his detractors is to distort his image to hide the marvelous character of the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in the following you will find the answer to the bursonges who troop lies of repeat without knowing that they are insulting the man whom God loves the most:

    Why did the Prophet Muhammad have several wives
    Many people are looking for any means to decrease the Prophet Muhammad, so they look for any incident in his life to attack him, when he gets married they are angry, when he divorce they are angry, they will never be happy. even though the prophet had never married.
    Maintenance they try to say, the prophet married several women so according to them he is a man of desires ... But let's take a closer look at these marriages and find out where this "desire" is:
    Before the first marriage:
    The prophet remained 25 years without getting married, everyone recognized in him modesty and respect and that he never approached fornication despite the fact that the means were very available in his time, especially for a young man!
    Despite all of this the prophet never made a mistake, or is the desire they speak of?
    The first marriage:
    When he was 25 the prophet did not go looking for the young virgin who would be more attractive to pleasure seekers, The prophet's first wife was a 40-year-old widow, is this the choice of a young person? 25 years old who they think would be thirsty for desire? in addition it is known that it is khadija who chose him after having touched in him his veracity and his honesty.
    25 years with only one woman!
    Prophet Muhammad lived 25 years with his wife Khadija who was 15 years older than him, until she died, and even after her death he still regarded her as his beloved wife, these critics longing for all of this? Praise be to God and may salvation be upon his prophet a living example of faithfulness and honesty.
    Other women (after their fifties):
    the other marriages of the prophet were only either to strengthen a friendship or to help a poor widow Some examples:
    Saudah Bint Zam’a was a very old widow. The prophet married her when she was 50 years old and provided for her.
    • Aisha was the daughter of her dearest friend Abu Bakr, which helped to strengthen their friendship, which was customary.
    • Oum-Salma bint Abi Umayyah was a widow and had 4 small children. The prophet married her and took care of her and her children. She was 29 years old.
    These are just a few examples of the prophet's charitable character. As you can see, marrying women in their 40s and 50s doesn't really correspond to the behavior of a man with a strong desire.
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #34 - August 21, 2020, 12:01 PM

    Why did the Prophet Muhammad have several wives
    The Prophet of Islam (pbuh) facing his detractors
    There is not a person in history who has been attacked as much as the Prophet Muhammad was, he was attacked in his life and even after his death, Yet a sincere reading in his life proves that all that s detractors is just a lie, here are some quotes (from Westerners):
    Alphonse de Lamartine: Was this man an impostor? We don't think so after carefully studying its history.
    Annie Besant: one of the great Messengers of the Supreme Being.
    Georges Bernard Shaw: “I studied -the wonderful man- and in my opinion, far from being an Antichrist, he deserves the title of savior of humanity. "

    The prophet is therefore the target of anti-Islam attacks, the goal of his detractors is to distort his image to hide the marvelous character of the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, in the following you will find the answer to the bursonges who troop lies of repeat without knowing that they are insulting the man whom God loves the most:

    Why did the Prophet Muhammad have several wives
    Many people are looking for any means to decrease the Prophet Muhammad, so they look for any incident in his life to attack him, when he gets married they are angry, when he divorce they are angry, they will never be happy. even though the prophet had never married.
    Maintenance they try to say, the prophet married several women so according to them he is a man of desires ... But let's take a closer look at these marriages and find out where this "desire" is:
    Before the first marriage:
    The prophet remained 25 years without getting married, everyone recognized in him modesty and respect and that he never approached fornication despite the fact that the means were very available in his time, especially for a young man!
    Despite all of this the prophet never made a mistake, or is the desire they speak of?
    The first marriage:
    When he was 25 the prophet did not go looking for the young virgin who would be more attractive to pleasure seekers, The prophet's first wife was a 40-year-old widow, is this the choice of a young person? 25 years old who they think would be thirsty for desire? in addition it is known that it is khadija who chose him after having touched in him his veracity and his honesty.
    25 years with only one woman!
    Prophet Muhammad lived 25 years with his wife Khadija who was 15 years older than him, until she died, and even after her death he still regarded her as his beloved wife, these critics longing for all of this? Praise be to God and may salvation be upon his prophet a living example of faithfulness and honesty.
    Other women (after their fifties):
    the other marriages of the prophet were only either to strengthen a friendship or to help a poor widow Some examples:
    Saudah Bint Zam’a was a very old widow. The prophet married her when she was 50 years old and provided for her.
    • Aisha was the daughter of her dearest friend Abu Bakr, which helped to strengthen their friendship, which was customary.
    • Oum-Salma bint Abi Umayyah was a widow and had 4 small children. The prophet married her and took care of her and her children. She was 29 years old.
    These are just a few examples of the prophet's charitable character. As you can see, marrying women in their 40s and 50s doesn't really correspond to the behavior of a man with a strong desire.

    RUBBISH.. Garbage stories of Islam from scoundrels  who joined in to Islam for loot and booty  and they wrote rubbish stories in the name of Prophet and then on top of that.,  they make a role model out of their stories of their imaginative prophet  and  and go on doing   loot and booty programs until some one kills them...

    Pathetic idiots burn in Allah hell for ever...... for as long as human race is alive...

    Prophet Muhammad... Prophet of Islam.. whom I call preacher of Monotheistic faith  HAD NO WIVES and NO KIDS.. He just had ONE COMPANION until rogues killed him... and then they started never ending loot booty program .. HADITH SHOULD BE BURNED & QURAN SHOULD BE CLEANED ....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #35 - August 27, 2020, 06:40 AM

     Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #36 - August 27, 2020, 06:41 AM

    حوار رائع بين منصور وشاب غير مسلم عن القرآن الكريم

    عدنان رشيد يقرأ نسخة قرآنية من زمن صحابة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

    أين هو القرآن الأصلي؟ منصور في حوار مع زائر

    محمد سرق قريش و نهب خيراتها؟؟ الشيخ خالد ياسين
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #37 - August 27, 2020, 12:52 PM

    حوار رائع بين منصور وشاب غير مسلم عن القرآن الكريم

    عدنان رشيد يقرأ نسخة قرآنية من زمن صحابة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

    أين هو القرآن الأصلي؟ منصور في حوار مع زائر

    محمد سرق قريش و نهب خيراتها؟؟ الشيخ خالد ياسين

    rubbish ... garbage.. and I am sorry to say that dear akayee

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #38 - August 27, 2020, 12:54 PM

    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

      dear akay you can laugh as much as you want...

    but it is becoming more and more clear .. FIRST PREACHER OF ISLAM in the 6th century was a good man.. unlike the Muhammad of these scoundrels who wrote gillion pages junk in those hadith books...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #39 - August 31, 2020, 06:58 AM

    Muhammad had religious discussions with Jews and Christians
    The allegation that these Jews and Christians were its source is groundless, especially since the role of Prophet Muhammad was merely that of a teacher; he openly invited them to embrace Islam, pointing out how they had deviated from God's true teaching of monotheism. Numerous Jews and Christians embraced Islam themselves upon hearing Muhammad’s message.

    In addition, it was known that Muhammad was unlettered. In His divine wisdom, Allah chose His final Messenger to be an unlettered man so no one would have the slightest justification to doubt him or accuse him of writing or copying the Quran. Moreover, there was no Arabic version of the Bible in existence at the time of Prophet Muhammad. The earliest Arabic version of the Old Testament is that of R. Saadias Gaon of 900 CE - more than 250 years after the death of Muhammad .

    We have mentioned that the Quran contains scientific miracles, and we presented a few facts stated within the book to evidence that it could not possibly have been known at that time by Muhammad or by any other person for that matter. More and more recent scientific discoveries are being found to coincide with what is stated in the Quran, and this is irrefutable evidence that its source was none but the all-knowing God - Allah, the Almighty.

    أول ظهور للشخص الذي كان سبباً في إسلام الشيخ الأمريكي يوسف أستس...مقابلة رائعة للغاية
    محمد نبي الاسلام وعيسى ابن مريم - احمد ديدات

  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #40 - September 08, 2020, 01:59 PM

    The existing Gospel is not a reliable reference and it is not permissible to believe in what it contains in proving anything or denying it
    Moreover, it appears from the words of the scholars: that alcohol was forbidden in the religion of Jesus, upon him and upon
    and religion of  islam

    You and your sons are not to drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the tent of meeting, or you will die. This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come,

    ◄ Leviticus 10:9 ►

    The author of the book The Convergence of Religions stated: that priests and kings put in place many laws and ignorant obeyed them in analysis and prohibition, and he mentioned that they permitted wine and pork and worshiped crosses and images affixed to the walls
    and they claimed that Jesus is: God or the Son of God

    It is a common occurrence in the deeds of the Christians, the Lord's Supper, in which it is drunk wine,
    and they claim that whoever drinks it is as if he drank the blood of Jesus, and by referring to the books that talk about Christianity, we find  quotes about the alcohol drinker's threat to be deprived of paradise
     No drunkards, no revilers, or kidnappers will inherit the kingdom of God.

    أعطني دليلاً على ما تؤمنين به! هاشم في حوار مع امرأة مسيحية

    ماذا تعرف عن شولي يوكسل شينلر؟ أبرز رموز الدفاع عن الحجاب في تركيا
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #41 - September 11, 2020, 04:18 PM

    The existing Gospel is not a reliable reference and it is not permissible to believe in what it contains in proving anything or denying it
    Moreover, it appears from the words of the scholars: that alcohol was forbidden in the religion of Jesus, upon him and upon
    and religion of  islam

    You and your sons are not to drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the tent of meeting, or you will die. This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come,

    ◄ Leviticus 10:9 ►

    The author of the book The Convergence of Religions stated: that priests and kings put in place many laws and ignorant obeyed them in analysis and prohibition, and he mentioned that they permitted wine and pork and worshiped crosses and images affixed to the walls
    and they claimed that Jesus is: God or the Son of God

    It is a common occurrence in the deeds of the Christians, the Lord's Supper, in which it is drunk wine,
    and they claim that whoever drinks it is as if he drank the blood of Jesus, and by referring to the books that talk about Christianity, we find  quotes about the alcohol drinker's threat to be deprived of paradise
     No drunkards, no revilers, or kidnappers will inherit the kingdom of God.

    أعطني دليلاً على ما تؤمنين به! هاشم في حوار مع امرأة مسيحية

    ماذا تعرف عن شولي يوكسل شينلر؟ أبرز رموز الدفاع عن الحجاب في تركيا

    dear akay...No....Noooo...
    THAT IS NOT THE   essence of facts..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #42 - September 14, 2020, 07:40 AM

    Christians drink because they believe that there is nothing wrong when one drinks moderately alcoholic beverages.
    They support their claim by stating that Jesus Christ (PBUH= peace be upon him) made fermented wine at the wedding in Cana;

    Moderation in drinking wine
    Not the solution
    You follow your own desires

    And violating the laws of God

    Prophet Issa never drank alcohol
    This is the invention of the anonymous Bible writers
    Christians follow Paul
    And not the teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him

    Some people often do not stick to moderation

    And they become addicted to booze

     Which leads to many crimes in society

    Traffic accidents - rape - theft and murder
    Even moderate drinking can lead to serious illnesses over time

    What is the purpose of your presence on the surface of the earth?

    What is the benefit of sending prophets and messengers?

    You say I'm good I did it easily
    Do not lie - do not commit adultery - do not eat pork - do not drink wine - and so
    There are a lot of things do
    Taboo in religions

    You live the earth created by allah
    You must carry out his orders

    I can simply explain to you
    You go to work every day
    You know that there are rules and laws to work
    If those laws violated
    Will be expelled

    Do you want to lose your job?

    Such as this example of human life in this world

    Should the human commitment to the teachings of God through the prophets and messengers
    From Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them companions

    Human life can not on the ground without God's teachings

    What will he do after death?
    - You must know that you will be asked in the Hereafter for all your words and actions

    Must be prepared
    If you want happiness and salvation in this world and the Hereafter
    Through the unification of God and follow prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him, and that Isa (Jesus) Abd Allah and His Messenger

    هل تتبعون يسوع أم بولس؟ عدنان رشيد في حوار هادئ مع مسيحيين
    1/2 مسلمون يطرحون أسئلة كثيرة على محمد حجاب الجزء الأول

    2/2 مسلمون يطرحون أسئلة كثيرة على محمد حجاب الجزء الثاني
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #43 - September 14, 2020, 09:28 AM

    Christians drink because they believe that there is nothing wrong when one drinks moderately alcoholic beverages.
    They support their claim by stating that Jesus Christ (PBUH= peace be upon him) made fermented wine at the wedding in Cana;

    Moderation in drinking wine
    Not the solution
    You follow your own desires

    And violating the laws of God

    Prophet Issa never drank alcohol
    This is the invention of the anonymous Bible writers
    Christians follow Paul
    And not the teachings of Jesus Christ, peace be upon him

    Some people often do not stick to moderation

    And they become addicted to booze

     Which leads to many crimes in society

    Traffic accidents - rape - theft and murder
    Even moderate drinking can lead to serious illnesses over time

    What is the purpose of your presence on the surface of the earth?

    What is the benefit of sending prophets and messengers?

    You say I'm good I did it easily
    Do not lie - do not commit adultery - do not eat pork - do not drink wine - and so
    There are a lot of things do
    Taboo in religions

    You live the earth created by allah
    You must carry out his orders

    I can simply explain to you
    You go to work every day
    You know that there are rules and laws to work
    If those laws violated
    Will be expelled

    Do you want to lose your job?

    Such as this example of human life in this world

    Should the human commitment to the teachings of God through the prophets and messengers
    From Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them companions

    Human life can not on the ground without God's teachings

    What will he do after death?
    - You must know that you will be asked in the Hereafter for all your words and actions

    Must be prepared
    If you want happiness and salvation in this world and the Hereafter
    Through the unification of God and follow prophet, Muhammad peace be upon him, and that Isa (Jesus) Abd Allah and His Messenger

    هل تتبعون يسوع أم بولس؟ عدنان رشيد في حوار هادئ مع مسيحيين
    1/2 مسلمون يطرحون أسئلة كثيرة على محمد حجاب الجزء الأول

    2/2 مسلمون يطرحون أسئلة كثيرة على محمد حجاب الجزء الثاني

    akay filling folder with rubbish.. garbage tubes with brainless fools...  The word that is used in Quran is "INTOXICANTS"  not Alcohol.....,  Only fools like Mohsin Khan added such words in to Quran.., unfortunately that fellow comes from Pakistan..
    let me help you a bit..Here  .. read Quran verses  on intoxicants..

    Surah Al-Baqara   Verse 219: They ask you about intoxicants and games of chance. Say: In both of them there is a great sin and means of profit for men, and their sin is greater than their profit. And they ask you as to what they should spend. Say: What you can spare. Thus does Allah make clear to you the communications, that you may ponder,

    SurahAl-Maaida Verse 90: O  you who believe! intoxicants and games of chance and (sacrificing to) stones set up and (dividing by) arrows are only an uncleanness, the Shaitan's work; shun it therefore that you may be successful.

    SurahAl-Maaida Verse 91: The Shaitan only desires to cause enmity and hatred to spring in your midst by means of intoxicants and games of chance, and to keep you off from the remembrance of Allah and from prayer. Will you then desist?

    AND READ BIBLE VERSES ON  wine/alcohol/intoxicant.... whatever you call 

    1. Numbers 6:3 —He shall abstain from wine and strong drink; he shall drink no vinegar, whether made from wine or strong drink nor shall he drink any grape juice nor eat fresh or dried grapes.”

    2. 1 Corinthians 6:9–10 —Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”

    3. 1 Timothy 5:23 —“No longer drink only water, but use a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments.”

    4. Ephesians 5:6 —“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”

    5. Luke 21:34 — “Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you unexpectedly like a trap.”

    6. Ecclesiastes 9:7 —“Go, eat your bread with joy, and drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what you do.”

    7. Isaiah 5:22 —“Woe to those who are heroes in drinking wine And valiant men in mixing strong drink.”

    8. Galatians 5:19–21 — “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger, quarrels, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these. I am warning you, as I warned you before: those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

    9. Proverbs 20:1 — “Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler, And whoever is intoxicated by it is not wise.”

    10. Romans 14:21 —“It is good not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything that causes your brother to stumble.”

    Quran writers copy/pasted jut a bit of bible/bible stories   SO..

    1). READ QURAN...
    2). READ OT & READ NT..  &

    And read & watch what folks are saying

    Nothing in the Quran Says Alcohol “is Haram”: Saudi Author

    Rabat - Saudi writer Abdullah bin Bakhit, has claimed on Monday that there is no verse in the holy Quran forbids alcohol, adding that the Qur’an doesn’t even mention the punishment over drinking alcohol. “I did not find anything in the Holy Quran that forbids alcohol.  And there is no punishment too,” Abdullah bin Bakhit wrote on his Twitter account on Monday

    and watch it..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #44 - September 18, 2020, 06:38 AM

    How much alcohol is a Muslim permitted to drink?


    It is not permissible for Muslims to drink alcohol even in small quantities. The reason behind this prohibition relates mainly to the intoxicating effect of alcohol on the faculty of reason in human beings. The mind is of utmost importance because it is the recipient of the divine message and legal rulings. In other words, the accountability of human beings is solely determined by their mental capacity. People are not held accountable for anything when they are asleep or under the effect of anesthesia for surgical procedures.


    The prohibition of alcohol in the Quran was gradual mainly because drinking was a deeply rooted practice in pre-Islamic Arabia. The prohibition was imposed in four stages. The first was the subtle disapproval of alcohol when God Almighty said: “… and grapevines you take intoxicant and good provision” (Quran 16: 67). In this verse, God Almighty described grapes as wholesome and good but did not describe the state of inebriation they produced as either pleasant or good. This implicit disapproval was well understood by the Arabs who inferred from these words God’s disapproval. The second stage was when God Almighty prohibited Muslims against approaching prayers in a state of intoxication and said: “O you who have believed, do not approach prayer while you are intoxicated until you know what you are saying…” (Quran 4: 43). The third stage was when God the Almighty revealed that though alcohol does have certain benefits, its harm outweighs its benefits: “They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit” (2:219). The final stage of prohibition was when God stated clearly its prohibition: “O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants, gambling, [sacrificing on] stone alters [to other than God], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful” (Quran 5: 90).

    We understand that in a society where pubs are part of the popular culture, Muslims might face some difficulties in changing their lifestyle to refrain from consuming intoxicants. They should therefore try to engage themselves in other social activities that are free from anything prohibited.

    And God Almighty knows best.

    Wasn’t alcohol forbidden in your holy Book, and is that not mentioned repeatedly in the Old Testament in which you believe? If you do not know about that, then listen:

    “Woe to those who are champions at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks”

    Isaiah 5:22 (New International Version)

    “Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor”

    Proverbs 23:20-21 (New International Version)

    “Then the LORD said to Aaron: ‘You and your sons are not to drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the Tent of Meeting, or you will die. This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. You must distinguish between the holy and the profane, between the unclean and the clean.’”

    Leviticus 10:8-10 (New International Version)

    This is sufficient evidence for anyone who is wise; as for discussing these verses in detail, we do not have room to do so here.

    Even in the New Testament of your holy Book, there remain some verses which point to that:

    “But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, and idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard of a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.”

    1 Corinthians 5:11 (New International Version)

    “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of Gos.”

    1 Corinthians 9:9-10 (New International Version)

    “Do not get drunk with wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.”

    Ephesians 5:18 (New International Version)

    ذاكر نايك يقصف أعداء الشريعة ويكشف أسرار مرعبة عن سبب تحريم الخمر ! Zakir Naik
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #45 - September 22, 2020, 06:54 AM

    بشارة مفصّلة لا يمكن إنكارها للنبيّ محمد في إصحاح واحد بالكتاب المقدس

    ليس هناك إشكال في زنا المحارم! هاشم في حوار مع ملحدين

    امرأة مسيحية تهرب بعدما طرح عليها منصور سؤالاً لم تستطع الإجابة عنه
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #46 - September 29, 2020, 06:58 AM

    There are some similarities between the Quran and the Bible
    But this is not sufficient grounds to accuse Muhammad of compiling or copying from the Bible. The similarities between the two do not indicate that later prophets plagiarized from previous ones, but

    merely point to a common source, who is the one true God, and to the continuation of the basic message of monotheism.
    The coming of the unlettered Prophet was prophesized in the Bible: "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned." (Isaiah 29:12)

    داعية أسترالي يقول كلام خطير جدا - YouTube

    Tawheed al Haakimiyyah Ustaadh Musa Cerantonio - ...

    القصة التي يجب على كل مسلم أن يعرفها - فتح الأندلس

    الحضارة الإسلامية فى الأندلس Islamic civilization in Andalus ...
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #47 - September 30, 2020, 04:02 PM

    There are some similarities between the Quran and the Bible
    But this is not sufficient grounds to accuse Muhammad PBUH of compiling or copying from the Bible.

      what happened dear akay?? DO NOT WRITE THE WORD "MUHAMMAD" ALONE.,   it must be accompanied with letters (PBUH) or remove the word Muhammad and just use the word PBUH.,...
    The similarities between the two do not indicate that later prophets plagiarized from previous ones, but  merely point to a common source, who is the one true God, and to the continuation of the basic message of monotheism., Quran has more than that common point of   "message of monotheism"]  BUT THAT COMMON POINT IS GOOD THING VERY GOOD THING., is it not??   And  one must realize that  there was  indeed "message of monotheism " before Islam and  and  if you remove those monotheism supporting  verses from Quran (WHICH INDEED ARE PLAGARIZED) ., you end up with NOTHING ....except stories from OT &NT that too in tit bits and some song sonnet rhyming verses .,  Most of  those verses are  to reinforce faith in the follower., in any case it is indeed a good book., 

    The coming of the unlettered Prophet was prophesized in the Bible: "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned." (Isaiah 29:12)


    that is nonsense that is garbage .. that in fact is LIE because that is only a partial statement that you are reading in Isaiah 29:12  Here read whole thing.. here let me give you   Isaiah chapter 29 around that statement
    ..For you this whole vision is nothing but words sealed in a scroll. And if you give the scroll to someone who can read, and say, “Read this, please,” they will answer, “I can’t; it is sealed.” ..Or if you give the scroll to someone who cannot read, and say, “Read this, please,” they will answer, “I don’t know how to read.....   ..Bible New International Version

    ... And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:   And the book is delivered to him that is not learned*, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned....  ..from King James Version

    that is how you read bible., you guys don't know how to read Quran  as well as how to read Bible....

    داعية أسترالي يقول كلام خطير جدا - YouTube

    Tawheed al Haakimiyyah Ustaadh Musa Cerantonio - ...

    القصة التي يجب على كل مسلم أن يعرفها - فتح الأندلس

    الحضارة الإسلامية فى الأندلس Islamic civilization in Andalus ...

    garbage tubes.. irrational rubbish..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #48 - September 30, 2020, 09:54 PM


    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Old Testament:

    The Qur’an mentions in Surah Al-Araf chapter 7 verse 157:

    "Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures) in the law and the Gospel".


    Almighty God speaks to Moses in Book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18:

    "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and     he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."

    The Christians say that this prophecy refers to Jesus (pbuh) because Jesus (pbuh) was like Moses (pbuh). Moses   (pbuh) was a Jew, as well as Jesus (pbuh) was a Jew. Moses (pbuh) was a Prophet and Jesus (pbuh) was also a Prophet.

    If these two are the only criteria for this prophecy to be fulfilled, then all the Prophets of the Bible who came after
    Moses (pbuh) such as Solomon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Malachi, John the Baptist, etc. (pbut) will 
    fulfill this prophecy since all were Jews as well as prophets.

    However, it is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who is like Moses (pbuh):


    Both had a father and a mother, while Jesus (pbuh) was born miraculously without any male intervention.

    [Mathew 1:18 and Luke 1:35 and also Al-Qur'an 3:42-47]

    Both were married and had children. Jesus (pbuh) according to the Bible did not marry nor had children.

    Both died natural deaths. Jesus (pbuh) has been raised up alive. (4:157-158)

    Muhammad (pbuh) is from among the brethren of Moses (pbuh). Arabs are brethren of Jews. Abraham (pbuh) had two sons: Ishmail and Isaac (pbut). The Arabs are the descendants of Ishmail (pbuh) and the Jews are the descendants of Isaac (pbuh).

    Words in the mouth:

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was unlettered and whatever revelations he received from Almighty God he repeated them verbatim.

    "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."

    [Deuteronomy 18:18]

    Both besides being Prophets were also kings i.e. they could inflict capital punishment. Jesus (pbuh) said,     "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36).

    Both were accepted as Prophets by their people in their lifetime but Jesus (pbuh) was rejected by his
    people. John chapter 1 verse 11 states, "He came unto his own, but his own received him not."

    Both brought new laws and new regulations for their people. Jesus (pbuh) according to the Bible did not bring   any new laws. (Mathew 5:17-18).

    It is Mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 18:19

    "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not harken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will     require it of him."

    Muhammad (pbuh) is prophesised in the book of Isaiah:

    It is mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12:

    "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned."

    When Archangel Gabrail commanded Muhammad (pbuh) by saying Iqra - "Read", he replied, "I am not learned".

    Surat Al-`Alaq (The Clot) - سورة العلق

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


    Recite in the name of your Lord who created -

    Created man from a clinging substance.

    Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -

    Who taught by the pen -

    Taught man that which he knew not.
    prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned by name in the old testament:

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:

    "Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."

    "His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters
    of Jerusalem."

    In the Hebrew language im is added for respect. Similarely im is added after the name of Prophet Muhammad     
    (pbuh) to make it Muhammadim. In English translation they have even translated the name of Prophet Muhammad     (pbuh) as "altogether lovely", but in the Old Testament in Hebrew, the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is yet      present.

    The Absolute Truth About Muhammad in the Bible With Arabic Subtitles
    The American film about the Prophet (peace be upon him)
    Muhammad in the Bible محمد في الكتاب المقدس

    أحمد ديدات - ماذا يقول الكتاب المقدس عن محمد

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the New Testament:

    Al-Qur'an Chapter 61 Verse 6:

    "And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, 'O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed.' But when he came to them with clear signs, they said, 'This is evident sorcery!' "

    All the prophecies mentioned in the Old Testament regarding Muhammad (pbuh) besides applying to the Jews also hold good for the Christians.

    John chapter 14 verse 16:
         "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever."
    اللقطة التي لم يراها أحد من فيلم الام المسيح تشهد بنبوة محمد

    احمد ديدات - ماذا يقول يسوع عن محمد؟
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #49 - October 04, 2020, 02:55 PM

    akay filled the post with full of lies and foolish tubes from fools in Islam., And these fools get that foolish information from ROGUES  WHO ADDED JUNK IN TO QURAN & JUNK HADTH writers.,

    incidentally these early converts of Islam added  junk in to the wonderful songs and sonnet manuscripts of the first  preacher of Islam for loot and booty and to rule over middle east in the name of their invented Muhammad character after the death of the first preacher of of Islam Muhammad(pbuh) [/u]

    So in short this post of your is full of junk and gibberish

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Old Testament:

    The Qur’an mentions in Surah Al-Araf chapter 7 verse 157:

    "Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures) in the law and the Gospel".


    Almighty God speaks to Moses in Book of Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 18:

    "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and I will put my words in his mouth; and     he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."

    The Christians say that this prophecy refers to Jesus (pbuh) because Jesus (pbuh) was like Moses (pbuh). Moses   (pbuh) was a Jew, as well as Jesus (pbuh) was a Jew. Moses (pbuh) was a Prophet and Jesus (pbuh) was also a Prophet.

    If these two are the only criteria for this prophecy to be fulfilled, then all the Prophets of the Bible who came after
    Moses (pbuh) such as Solomon, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Malachi, John the Baptist, etc. (pbut) will 
    fulfill this prophecy since all were Jews as well as prophets.

    However, it is Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who is like Moses (pbuh):


    Both had a father and a mother, while Jesus (pbuh) was born miraculously without any male intervention.

    [Mathew 1:18 and Luke 1:35 and also Al-Qur'an 3:42-47]

    Both were married and had children. Jesus (pbuh) according to the Bible did not marry nor had children.

    Both died natural deaths. Jesus (pbuh) has been raised up alive. (4:157-158)


    Muhammad (pbuh) is from among the brethren of Moses (pbuh). Arabs are brethren of Jews. Abraham (pbuh) had two sons: Ishmail and Isaac (pbut). The Arabs are the descendants of Ishmail (pbuh) and the Jews are the descendants of Isaac (pbuh).

    Words in the mouth:

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was unlettered and whatever revelations he received from Almighty God he repeated them verbatim.

    "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him."

    [Deuteronomy 18:18]

    Both besides being Prophets were also kings i.e. they could inflict capital punishment. Jesus (pbuh) said,     "My kingdom is not of this world." (John 18:36).

    Both were accepted as Prophets by their people in their lifetime but Jesus (pbuh) was rejected by his
    people. John chapter 1 verse 11 states, "He came unto his own, but his own received him not."

    Both brought new laws and new regulations for their people. Jesus (pbuh) according to the Bible did not bring   any new laws. (Mathew 5:17-18).

    It is Mentioned in the book of Deuteronomy chapter 18:19

    "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not harken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will     require it of him."

    Muhammad (pbuh) is prophesised in the book of Isaiah:

    It is mentioned in the book of Isaiah chapter 29 verse 12:

    "And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying, Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned."

    When Archangel Gabrail commanded Muhammad (pbuh) by saying Iqra - "Read", he replied, "I am not learned".

    Surat Al-`Alaq (The Clot) - سورة العلق

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


    Recite in the name of your Lord who created -

    Created man from a clinging substance.

    Recite, and your Lord is the most Generous -

    Who taught by the pen -

    Taught man that which he knew not.
    prophet Muhammad (pbuh) mentioned by name in the old testament:

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned by name in the Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16:

    "Hikko Mamittakim we kullo Muhammadim Zehdoodeh wa Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem."

    "His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters
    of Jerusalem."

    In the Hebrew language im is added for respect. Similarely im is added after the name of Prophet Muhammad     
    (pbuh) to make it Muhammadim. In English translation they have even translated the name of Prophet Muhammad     (pbuh) as "altogether lovely", but in the Old Testament in Hebrew, the name of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is yet      present.

    The Absolute Truth About Muhammad in the Bible With Arabic Subtitles
    The American film about the Prophet (peace be upon him)
    Muhammad in the Bible محمد في الكتاب المقدس

    أحمد ديدات - ماذا يقول الكتاب المقدس عن محمد

    Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the New Testament:

    Al-Qur'an Chapter 61 Verse 6:

    "And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said, 'O Children of Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me and giving glad tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmed.' But when he came to them with clear signs, they said, 'This is evident sorcery!' "

    All the prophecies mentioned in the Old Testament regarding Muhammad (pbuh) besides applying to the Jews also hold good for the Christians.

    John chapter 14 verse 16:
         "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever."
    اللقطة التي لم يراها أحد من فيلم الام المسيح تشهد بنبوة محمد

    احمد ديدات - ماذا يقول يسوع عن محمد؟

    let me clean up the garbage in the next post but dear akay on this statement of yours

    Both died natural deaths. Jesus (pbuh) has been raised up alive. (4:157-158)

    watch these videos and learn that first preacher of Islam ((Muhammad(pbuh))) was murdered

    watch then   and and read this little book .. The Book of Sirach.pdf

    that book is older than Quran and whatever good stuff you find in Quran statements  they are all there  in that book of Sirach  ....

    So read it as comparative religious narratives of monotheistic faiths

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #50 - October 05, 2020, 05:52 PM

    Shia's are not Muslims

    Baha'i, the Shiites and Ismailis
    Have nothing to do with Islam

    why i became a sunni muslim لماذا اصبحت سنياً

    Shia & Sunni what's real ISLAM?

    I say the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith
    Only the truth inside them
    Bukhari is the book the right and the main source of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
    And beyond ranging from Sahih Muslim, Tirmidhi and Nasa'i and Ben Majah, and so on


    Exact match between the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith and science
    In all fields of medicine - Astronomy - Heaven - earth - space - self 00000
    And the testimony of scientists

    must study Quran and Hadith

    Will say allah akbar
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #51 - October 05, 2020, 08:33 PM

    Shia's are not Muslims

    Baha'i, the Shiites and Ismailis
    Have nothing to do with Islam

    why i became a sunni muslim لماذا اصبحت سنياً

    Shia & Sunni what's real ISLAM?

    I say the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith
    Only the truth inside them
    Bukhari is the book the right and the main source of sayings of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
    And beyond ranging from Sahih Muslim, Tirmidhi and Nasa'i and Ben Majah, and so on


    Exact match between the Holy Qur'an and the Hadith and science
    In all fields of medicine - Astronomy - Heaven - earth - space - self 00000
    And the testimony of scientists

    must study Quran and Hadith

    Will say allah akbar

    That is wrong in every other way.,, THESE  FIT FOR NOTHING HIGH SCHOOL DROP OUT JOBLESS SCOUNDRELS FROM WEST  WHO CONVERTED IN TO ISLAM IS THE REASON  why I often hear  and see the news like these..

     1). Pakistan police rescue Ahmadi family from mob attack, charge teenage son with blasphemy  ................ September 11, 2020

    2). Ahmadi man critically wounded in Peshawar shooting .............September 22, 2020

    3). Professor belonging to Ahmadi community shot dead in Peshawar allegedly after religious argument

    and that 3rd news is few hours old..  the news with this picture says

    A professor belonging to the Ahmadiya community was shot dead in a targeted attack in Peshawar on Monday, allegedly over his religious beliefs, police and officials said.

    Police identified the deceased as Prof Dr Naeemuddin Khattak, who was a faculty member at the Government Superior Science College Peshawar.

    Naeemuddin, 57, whose death coincided with International Teachers Day being observed today, held a PhD degree in zoology, according to the Anjuman Ahmadiyya Pakistan.

    Bhana Mari police, in whose limits the incident took place, registered a first information report (FIR) on the complaint of the deceased's brother.

    According to the FIR, the complainant told police that he had paid a visit to his brother Naeemuddin at the latter's college and the duo later left for home.

    For all such news I SUQARELY blame scoundrels' from west,  SUCH AS THAT SOUTH AFRICAN GREEN fool .. The green fool who married a Pakistani lady .. Incidentally THERE IS NOTHING WRONG CONVERTING IN TO ISLAM .. what is wrong is.,  misrepresenting  the faith without reading  its core principles..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #52 - October 13, 2020, 07:06 AM

    Billions of people have lived during the past fourteen hundred years, sending blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) in their prayers and in their personal supplications, and when mentioning the name of the Prophet. If the Prophet was perfect and infallible, then why does he need all these salaams and blessings from us in order to enter Paradise? Whilst we are imperfect and we are in greater need of these salaams and blessings in order to enter Paradise? Or is there another, different reason why we send blessings and salaams upon the Prophet?

    Praise be to Allah.


    Sending blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is one of the best and noblest acts of worship by means of which one may draw closer to Allah. Allah, may He be exalted, has enjoined that upon His believing slaves. He, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “Allah sends His Salât (Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy) on the Prophet (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) and also His angels (ask Allah to bless and forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salât on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As¬Salâmu 'Alaikum)”

    [al-Ahzaab 33:56].

    The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) also urged us to do that and explained that it brings a multiple reward and that it is a means of attaining forgiveness of sins and having one’s needs met. He (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him tenfold and will erase from him ten misdeeds and raise him ten degrees in status.” Narrated by an-Nasaa’i (1297); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaa’i.

    At-Tirmidhi (2457) narrated that Ubayy ibn Ka‘b (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I said: O Messenger of Allah, I want to send more blessings upon you (before offering supplication); how much of my supplication should I allocate to that? He said: “Whatever you wish.” I said: One quarter? He said “Whatever you wish, but if you do more, it will be better for you.” I said: Half? He said: “Whatever you wish but if you do more, it will be better for you.” I said: Two thirds? He said: “Whatever you wish, but if you do more, it will be better for you.” I said: Shall I make all of my supplication for that? He said: Then your worries will be taken care of and your sin will be forgiven.”

    Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Sunan at-Tirmidhi.


    You said that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is perfect and infallible, so why does he need us to send many blessings and salaams upon him so that he might be admitted to Paradise, whereas we are in greater need of that than him, because we are not perfect? This objection on your part is not appropriate, for several reasons, as follows:


    Sending blessings and salaams upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is something that is enjoined. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “O you who believe! Send your Salât on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As¬Salâmu 'Alaikum)”

    [al-Ahzaab 33:56].

    So it is an act of worship, and what is required of the Muslim is to comply with the command of Allah, and not to object to His command.


    The virtue of sending blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) does not benefit the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) only; rather it also benefits the one who sends blessings on him. The virtue mentioned in the hadiths quoted above and in other hadiths benefits the one who sends blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

    Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said, in his commentary on the hadith: The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him tenfold” means: If you say “Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad (O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad)”, Allah will send upon you a tenfold blessing in return, and Allah will praise you before those on high ten times.

    End quote from Sharh Riyaadh as-Saaliheen.


    The rights of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) are the greatest rights after those of Allah. Through him, Allah saved many people from the depths of darkness and brought them into the light. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “It is He Who sends down manifest Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to His slave (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) that He may bring you out from darkness into light. And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful”

    [al-Hadeed 57:9]

    “(This is) a Book which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) in order that you might lead mankind out of darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of belief in the Oneness of Allâh and Islâmic Monotheism) by their Lord's Leave”

    [Ibraaheem 14:1].

    If a person frequently mentions the name of a doctor at whose hands Allah caused him to be healed, and that is only concerning physical well-being, then how about the one at whose hands Allah brings about both spiritual and physical well-being?

    It is one of the rights of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) over his ummah that they should send a lot of blessings upon him in response to that favour and in fulfilment of some of his rights (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

    Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Allah, may He be glorified, enjoined sending blessings upon him straight after telling us that He and His angels send blessings upon him. What is meant is that if Allah and His angels send blessings upon His Messenger, then you should send blessings upon him, for it is more appropriate that you should send blessings upon him and greet him with salaam, because of what you have received of the blessing of his message.

    End quote from Jalaa’ al-Ifhaam.

    Shaykh ‘Abd ar-Rahmaan as-Sa‘di (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

    “O you who believe! Send your Salât on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As¬Salâmu 'Alaikum)”

    [al-Ahzaab 33:56],

    following the example of Allah and His angels, as a reward to him for some of the rights that he has over them, so as to perfect their faith and show respect, love and honour for him (sa), and as a means of increasing their good deeds and expiating their bad deeds.

    End quote from Tafseer as-Sa‘di (1/671).

    So blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, constantly, until the Day of Judgement, so long as night and day follow one another. Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him so long as righteous people remember him.

    Do not deprive yourself of that virtue. May Allah help us and you to make the most of acts of obedience, and protect us from the evil of our own selves, for He is Most Munificent, Most Generous.

    And Allah knows best.

    لكل باحث عن الحق!! نبوءات مذهلة للنبيّ محمد تُثبت صدق نبوته ورسالتة

    أديل تعتنق الإسلام مع حمزة أثناء بث مباشر لدعاة ركن المتحدثين
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #53 - October 15, 2020, 12:13 PM

    As usual akay throwing some facts from Quran and whole lot gibberish .,  so let me filter out garbage

    Billions of people have lived during the past fourteen hundred years, sending blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) in their prayers and in their personal supplications, and when mentioning the name of the Prophet. If the Prophet was perfect and infallible, then why does he need all these salaams and blessings from us in order to enter Paradise? Whilst we are imperfect and we are in greater need of these salaams and blessings in order to enter Paradise? Or is there another, different reason why we send blessings and salaams upon the Prophet?

    Praise be to Allah.


    Sending blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is one of the best and noblest acts of worship by means of which one may draw closer to Allah. Allah, may He be exalted, has enjoined that upon His believing slaves. He, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “Allah sends His Salât (Graces, Honours, Blessings, Mercy) on the Prophet (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) and also His angels (ask Allah to bless and forgive him). O you who believe! Send your Salât on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As¬Salâmu 'Alaikum)”

    [al-Ahzaab 33:56].

    The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) also urged us to do that and explained that it brings a multiple reward and that it is a means of attaining forgiveness of sins and having one’s needs met. He (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him tenfold and will erase from him ten misdeeds and raise him ten degrees in status.” Narrated by an-Nasaa’i (1297); classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Sunan an-Nasaa’i.

    At-Tirmidhi (2457) narrated that Ubayy ibn Ka‘b (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I said: O Messenger of Allah, I want to send more blessings upon you (before offering supplication); how much of my supplication should I allocate to that? He said: “Whatever you wish.” I said: One quarter? He said “Whatever you wish, but if you do more, it will be better for you.” I said: Half? He said: “Whatever you wish but if you do more, it will be better for you.” I said: Two thirds? He said: “Whatever you wish, but if you do more, it will be better for you.” I said: Shall I make all of my supplication for that? He said: Then your worries will be taken care of and your sin will be forgiven.”

    Classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Sunan at-Tirmidhi.


    You said that the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is perfect and infallible, so why does he need us to send many blessings and salaams upon him so that he might be admitted to Paradise, whereas we are in greater need of that than him, because we are not perfect? This objection on your part is not appropriate, for several reasons, as follows:


    Sending blessings and salaams upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) is something that is enjoined. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “O you who believe! Send your Salât on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As¬Salâmu 'Alaikum)”

    [al-Ahzaab 33:56].

    So it is an act of worship, and what is required of the Muslim is to comply with the command of Allah, and not to object to His command.


    The virtue of sending blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) does not benefit the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) only; rather it also benefits the one who sends blessings on him. The virtue mentioned in the hadiths quoted above and in other hadiths benefits the one who sends blessings upon the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

    Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said, in his commentary on the hadith: The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever sends blessings upon me once, Allah will send blessings upon him tenfold” means: If you say “Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad (O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad)”, Allah will send upon you a tenfold blessing in return, and Allah will praise you before those on high ten times.

    End quote from Sharh Riyaadh as-Saaliheen.


    The rights of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) are the greatest rights after those of Allah. Through him, Allah saved many people from the depths of darkness and brought them into the light. Allah, may He be exalted, says (interpretation of the meaning):

    “It is He Who sends down manifest Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) to His slave (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) that He may bring you out from darkness into light. And verily, Allah is to you full of kindness, Most Merciful”

    [al-Hadeed 57:9]

    “(This is) a Book which We have revealed unto you (O Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)) in order that you might lead mankind out of darkness (of disbelief and polytheism) into light (of belief in the Oneness of Allâh and Islâmic Monotheism) by their Lord's Leave”

    [Ibraaheem 14:1].

    If a person frequently mentions the name of a doctor at whose hands Allah caused him to be healed, and that is only concerning physical well-being, then how about the one at whose hands Allah brings about both spiritual and physical well-being?

    It is one of the rights of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) over his ummah that they should send a lot of blessings upon him in response to that favour and in fulfilment of some of his rights (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him).

    Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Allah, may He be glorified, enjoined sending blessings upon him straight after telling us that He and His angels send blessings upon him. What is meant is that if Allah and His angels send blessings upon His Messenger, then you should send blessings upon him, for it is more appropriate that you should send blessings upon him and greet him with salaam, because of what you have received of the blessing of his message.

    End quote from Jalaa’ al-Ifhaam.

    Shaykh ‘Abd ar-Rahmaan as-Sa‘di (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

    “O you who believe! Send your Salât on (ask Allah to bless) him (Muhammad (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him)), and (you should) greet (salute) him with the Islamic way of greeting (salutation i.e. As¬Salâmu 'Alaikum)”

    [al-Ahzaab 33:56],

    following the example of Allah and His angels, as a reward to him for some of the rights that he has over them, so as to perfect their faith and show respect, love and honour for him (sa), and as a means of increasing their good deeds and expiating their bad deeds.

    End quote from Tafseer as-Sa‘di (1/671).

    So blessings and peace of Allah be upon him, constantly, until the Day of Judgement, so long as night and day follow one another. Blessings and peace of Allah be upon him so long as righteous people remember him.

    Do not deprive yourself of that virtue. May Allah help us and you to make the most of acts of obedience, and protect us from the evil of our own selves, for He is Most Munificent, Most Generous.

    And Allah knows best.

    لكل باحث عن الحق!! نبوءات مذهلة للنبيّ محمد تُثبت صدق نبوته ورسالتة

    أديل تعتنق الإسلام مع حمزة أثناء بث مباشر لدعاة ركن المتحدثين

    So what I left out from filtrate  is   this stuff just few lines..
    Surah al-Ahzaab  verse 56.
    Surah al-Hadeed verse 9
    Surah Ibraaheem  verse 1

    and And ..Allah knows best...

    well I must read and understand that filtrate

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #54 - October 20, 2020, 04:56 PM

    الداعية هاشم Vs مسيحي بريطاني /من هو الإله الحقيقي

    أحمد ديدات -- وَلَكُمْ فِي الْقِصاصِ حَياةٌ يَا أُولِي الْأَلْبابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ

    قس يكفر بدينه ويرمي كتابه المقدس فى القمامة - أقوى إفحامات أحمد ديدات
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #55 - October 29, 2020, 05:29 PM

    Muhammad ibn (son of) Abdullah ibn (son of) Abdul Mutalib, was born on 12 Rabi 'Awwal in the year 570 C.E. (Christian Era) in Makkah, (today: Saudi Arabia) and he died in 633 C.E. in Yathrib (today: Madinah, Saudi Arabia)

    In Arabic the word prophet (nabi) is derived from the word naba which means news. Thus we deduce that a prophet spreads the news of God and His message, they are in a sense God’s ambassadors on earth. Their mission is to convey the message to worship One God. This includes, calling the people to God, explaining the message, bringing glad tidings or warnings and directing the affairs of the nation. All the prophets were anxious to convey God’s message sincerely and completely and this included the last prophet, Muhammad. During his final sermon Prophet Muhammad asked the congregation three times whether he had delivered the message, and called on God to witness their answer, which was a resounding “yes!”.

    As well as the essence of their call to One God, another accepted sign of the truth of the prophets is how they live their lives. The accounts of Prophet Muhammad’s life that we have inherited from our righteous predecessors illustrate that Muhammad’s Prophethood was guided by God from the very beginning. Long before, Prophethood Muhammad was being prepared to guide humankind to the straight path and his life experiences stood him in good stead for such a weighty mission. Then at the age of 40 when Prophethood was bestowed upon him, God continued to support and affirm his mission. Any account of Muhammad’s life is filled with examples of his exemplary character; he was merciful, compassionate, truthful, brave, and generous, while striving solely for the rewards of the Hereafter. The way Prophet Muhammad dealt with his companions, acquaintances, enemies, animals and even inanimate objects left no doubt that he was ever mindful of God.

    Muhammad’s birth was accompanied by many so called miraculous events and the talk of the extraordinary events no doubt functioned as signs of Prophethood,

    Special but not unique circumstances surrounded childhood of Prophet Muhammad and these undoubtedly had a bearing on his character. By the time he was eight years old he had suffered through the death of both his parents and his beloved grandfather Abdul Muttalib. He was left in the care of his uncle and great supporter Abu Talib. Thus even as a young boy he had already suffered great emotional and physical upheaval. Both the many chroniclers of Muhammad’s life and the Quran acknowledge his disrupted life.

    Did He not find you (O Muhammad) an orphan and gave you a refuge? (Quran 93:6)

    Muhammad’s uncle Abu Talib was poor and struggled to keep his family fed, thus during his adolescence Muhammad worked as a shepherd. From this occupation he learned to embrace solitude and developed characteristics such as patience, cautiousness, care, leadership and an ability to sense danger. Shepherding was an occupation that all the prophets of God we know of had in common. ‘…The companions asked, “Were you a shepherd?” He replied, “There was no prophet who was not a shepherd.”’[1]

    In his teens Muhammad sometimes travelled with Abu Talib, accompanying caravans to trade centres. On at least one occasion, he is said to have travelled as far north as Syria. Older merchants recognized his character and nicknamed him Al-Amin, the one you can trust. Even in his youth he was known as truthful and trustworthy. One story that is accepted by most Islamic scholars and historians is the account of one of Prophet Muhammad’s trips to Syria.

    The story goes that the monk Bahira foretold the coming Prophethood and counselled Abu Talib to “guard his nephew carefully”. According to biographer Ibn Ishaq, as the caravan in which Prophet Muhammad was travelling approached the edge of town, Bahira could see a cloud that appeared to be shading and following a young man. When the caravan halted under the shadow of some trees, Bahira “looked at the cloud when it over-shadowed the tree, and its branches were bending and drooping over the apostle of God until he was in the shadow beneath it.” After Bahira witnessed this he observed Muhammad closely and asked him many questions concerning a number of Christian prophecies he had read and heard about.

    The young Muhammad was distinguished among his people for his modesty, virtuous behaviour and graceful manners, thus it was no surprise for his companions to see him, even as a youth many years before Prophethood, shun superstitious practices and keep away from drinking alcohol, eating meat slaughtered on stone altars or attending idolatrous festivals. By the time he reached adulthood Muhammad was thought of as the most reliable and trustworthy member of the Meccan community. Even those who concerned themselves with petty tribal squabbles acknowledged Muhammad’s honesty and integrity.

    Muhammad’s virtues and good moral character was established from a young age, and God continued to support and guide him. When he was 40 years old Muhammad was given the means to change the world, the means to benefit the whole of humanity


    The greatest man to ever walk the earth - YouTube

  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #56 - October 30, 2020, 12:38 PM

    knowingly or unknowingly akay trying to sell TOTAL LIES as  " essence of facts.", ....  the only fact in his post is the  Quran verse 93.6., we will read that verse again in the next post 
    Muhammad ibn (son of) Abdullah ibn (son of) Abdul Mutalib, was born on 12 Rabi 'Awwal in the year 570 C.E. (Christian Era) in Makkah, (today: Saudi Arabia) and he died in 633 C.E. in Yathrib (today: Madinah, Saudi Arabia)

    In Arabic the word prophet (nabi) is derived from the word naba which means news. Thus we deduce that a prophet spreads the news of God and His message, they are in a sense God’s ambassadors on earth. Their mission is to convey the message to worship One God. This includes, calling the people to God, explaining the message, bringing glad tidings or warnings and directing the affairs of the nation. All the prophets were anxious to convey God’s message sincerely and completely and this included the last prophet, Muhammad. During his final sermon Prophet Muhammad asked the congregation three times whether he had delivered the message, and called on God to witness their answer, which was a resounding “yes!”.

    As well as the essence of their call to One God, another accepted sign of the truth of the prophets is how they live their lives. The accounts of Prophet Muhammad’s life that we have inherited from our righteous predecessors illustrate that Muhammad’s Prophethood was guided by God from the very beginning. Long before, Prophethood Muhammad was being prepared to guide humankind to the straight path and his life experiences stood him in good stead for such a weighty mission. Then at the age of 40 when Prophethood was bestowed upon him, God continued to support and affirm his mission. Any account of Muhammad’s life is filled with examples of his exemplary character; he was merciful, compassionate, truthful, brave, and generous, while striving solely for the rewards of the Hereafter. The way Prophet Muhammad dealt with his companions, acquaintances, enemies, animals and even inanimate objects left no doubt that he was ever mindful of God.

    Muhammad’s birth was accompanied by many so called miraculous events and the talk of the extraordinary events no doubt functioned as signs of Prophethood,

    Special but not unique circumstances surrounded childhood of Prophet Muhammad and these undoubtedly had a bearing on his character. By the time he was eight years old he had suffered through the death of both his parents and his beloved grandfather Abdul Muttalib. He was left in the care of his uncle and great supporter Abu Talib. Thus even as a young boy he had already suffered great emotional and physical upheaval. Both the many chroniclers of Muhammad’s life and the Quran acknowledge his disrupted life.

    Did He not find you (O Muhammad) an orphan and gave you a refuge? (Quran 93:6)

    Muhammad’s uncle Abu Talib was poor and struggled to keep his family fed, thus during his adolescence Muhammad worked as a shepherd. From this occupation he learned to embrace solitude and developed characteristics such as patience, cautiousness, care, leadership and an ability to sense danger. Shepherding was an occupation that all the prophets of God we know of had in common. ‘…The companions asked, “Were you a shepherd?” He replied, “There was no prophet who was not a shepherd.”’[1]

    In his teens Muhammad sometimes travelled with Abu Talib, accompanying caravans to trade centres. On at least one occasion, he is said to have travelled as far north as Syria. Older merchants recognized his character and nicknamed him Al-Amin, the one you can trust. Even in his youth he was known as truthful and trustworthy. One story that is accepted by most Islamic scholars and historians is the account of one of Prophet Muhammad’s trips to Syria.

    The story goes that the monk Bahira foretold the coming Prophethood and counselled Abu Talib to “guard his nephew carefully”. According to biographer Ibn Ishaq, as the caravan in which Prophet Muhammad was travelling approached the edge of town, Bahira could see a cloud that appeared to be shading and following a young man. When the caravan halted under the shadow of some trees, Bahira “looked at the cloud when it over-shadowed the tree, and its branches were bending and drooping over the apostle of God until he was in the shadow beneath it.” After Bahira witnessed this he observed Muhammad closely and asked him many questions concerning a number of Christian prophecies he had read and heard about.

    The young Muhammad was distinguished among his people for his modesty, virtuous behaviour and graceful manners, thus it was no surprise for his companions to see him, even as a youth many years before Prophethood, shun superstitious practices and keep away from drinking alcohol, eating meat slaughtered on stone altars or attending idolatrous festivals. By the time he reached adulthood Muhammad was thought of as the most reliable and trustworthy member of the Meccan community. Even those who concerned themselves with petty tribal squabbles acknowledged Muhammad’s honesty and integrity.

    Muhammad’s virtues and good moral character was established from a young age, and God continued to support and guide him. When he was 40 years old Muhammad was given the means to change the world, the means to benefit the whole of humanity


    The greatest man to ever walk the earth - YouTube

     with the exception of Qura verse 93.6.,  rest of it all what akay wrote is gibberish stories and GRABAGE VIDEOS.. and even those stories were    written  FOR LOOT & BOOTY that too 200 or so years after Prophet of Islam ( I CALL HIM FIRST  PREACHER OF ISLAM not prophet) died

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #57 - November 03, 2020, 07:18 PM

    The Quran does not differ from other scriptures
    It is an article of faith for every Muslim to believe in all the prophets and messengers of Allah and all unadulterated revelations of God. Some of these scriptures are still extant today but not in their pristine form as a result of human alteration. The Quran is the only divine scripture which has stood the test of time because Allah has taken upon Himself the responsibility of preserving it “We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will assuredly guard it (from corruption).” (Quran 15:9)

    Other revealed scriptures before the advent of Prophet Muhammad, such as the Old Testament and the Gospel, were recorded long after the demise of the prophets to whom they had been revealed. In contrast, the entire Quran was written down in its complete form during the lifetime of Muhammad on pieces of palm bark, leather parchment and bone, and arranged in the order designated by the Prophet. In addition, tens of thousands of the Prophet's companions committed it to memory as it was being revealed.

    The Quran is still memorized and read in its original Arabic text, and it continues to be taught and learned by millions of people the world over. In fact, with every succeeding generation of Muslims, the number of those who commit the whole Quran to memory has incredibly increased. There is no other book, religious or otherwise, which has been given this unparalleled care in recorded history.
    The Quran presents all the prophets of Allah as belonging to one single brotherhood; all had a similar prophetic mission and conveyed the same basic message, namely, the invitation to the worship of Allah alone. The source of their message was one: Allah, or Almighty God. Even if the other Scriptures agree with the Quran in the fundamental aspects of the religion, they address a specific people. Due to this, its rulings and regulations are particular to them. It is attributed to Jesus in the Bible that he himself said: “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house (children) of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24)
    On the other hand, the Quran was revealed to humanity at large and not to any specific nation “We have not sent thee but as a universal (Messenger) to men, giving them glad tidings, and warning them (against sin), but most men understand not.” (Quran 34:28)

    A Muslim cannot be a Muslim if he or she does not believe in Jesus. Muslims believe in Jesus and in all of Allah's prophets. It is a basic element of their faith to believe in all of His prophets and messengers. Muslims respect and revere Jesus and await his second coming. According to the Quran, he was not crucified but was raised into Heaven. Muslims consider Jesus among the prominent messengers of Allah - but not God or the son of God. Jesus' mother, Mary is considered a virtuous and noble woman, and the Quran tells us that Jesus was born miraculously without a father “The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was.” (Quran 3:59)

    Many non-Muslims are surprised to find out that Islam considers, Jesus, the son of Mary, to be one of the greatest messengers of Allah. Muslims are taught to love Jesus, and a person cannot be a Muslim without believing in the virgin birth and in the miracles of Jesus Christ. Muslims believe these things about Jesus not because of the Bible, but because the Quran says these things about him. However, Muslims always emphasize that the miracles of Jesus, and of all other prophets, were only possible by "Allah's permission" and His will.

    Muslims reject the idea that Allah has a son. The Quran stresses emphatically that God does not have a "son". Islam teaches that titles such as "Lord" and "Savior" are for Allah alone.
    It should be clarified that when Muslims criticize some of the teachings of Christianity, they are not attacking Jesus Christ. Christian doctrines such as the "Trinity" and "Atonement" are criticized by Muslims simply because they did not originate from Jesus. And when they evaluate the Bible they are not referring to "God's word", but to writings that are claimed to be God's word. Muslims believe that the book known today as “The Bible” only contains remnants of God’s original messages, and that it has been tainted by human input and altered through numerous translations. Muslims believe the original Gospel was the words and teachings of Jesus, not those of the ‘disciples’, Paul or other church fathers who strongly influenced Christianity throughout history. Islam actually endorses Jesus when it insists on the pure monotheism that Jesus himself preached and followed.

    Proof in the Bible | Khalid Yasin...
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #58 - November 10, 2020, 06:03 AM

    The Quran says nothing about Jesus
    Jesus was among the prominent messengers who were mentioned in detail in the Quran. In fact, there is a chapter in the Quran named Maryam (Mary) that speaks about Mary and her son Jesus. Jesus is also mentioned in various other places throughout the Quran. Here are some of the Quranic quotations regarding Mary and Jesus:

    “Relate in the Book (the story of) Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East. She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects. She said: "I seek refuge from thee to (Allah) Most Gracious: (come not near) if thou dost fear Allah." He said: "Nay, I am only a messenger from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son.

    She said: "How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?" He said: "So (it will be): Thy Lord saith, 'that is easy for Me: and (We wish) to appoint him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us': It is a matter (so) decreed." So she conceived him, and she retired with him to a remote place. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree: She cried (in her anguish): "Ah! would that I had died before this! would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!" But (a voice) cried to her from beneath the (palm-tree): "Grieve not! for thy Lord hath provided a rivulet beneath thee; "And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee. "So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye.

    And if thou dost see any man, say, 'I have vowed a fast to (Allah) Most Gracious, and this day will I enter into not talk with any human being'" At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: "O Mary! truly an amazing thing hast thou brought! "O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman

    unchaste!" But she pointed to the babe. They said: "How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?" He said: "I am indeed a servant of Allah: He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet; "And He hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live; "(He) hath made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable; "So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"! Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute. It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is. Verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord: Him therefore serve ye: this is a Way that is straight.” (Quran 19:16-36)
    Yusuf Estes - Jesus in Islam - YouTube
    Jesus Announces Arrival of Muhammad by Khalid Yasin (Q&A)...
  • The essence of the facts
     Reply #59 - November 13, 2020, 04:08 AM

    akay as usual writes gibberish   ...  akay says " The Quran says nothing about Jesus  but  wrote whole lot about Jesus  from Quran verses

    The Quran says nothing about Jesus
    Jesus was among the prominent messengers who were mentioned in detail in the Quran. In fact, there is a chapter in the Quran named Maryam (Mary) that speaks about Mary and her son Jesus. Jesus is also mentioned in various other places throughout the Quran. Here are some of the Quranic quotations regarding Mary and Jesus:

    Relate in the Book (the story of) Mary, when she withdrew from her family to a place in the East. She placed a screen (to screen herself) from them; then We sent her our angel, and he appeared before her as a man in all respects. She said: "I seek refuge from thee to (Allah) Most Gracious: (come not near) if thou dost fear Allah." He said: "Nay, I am only a messenger from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son.

    She said: "How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?" He said: "So (it will be): Thy Lord saith, 'that is easy for Me: and (We wish) to appoint him as a Sign unto men and a Mercy from Us': It is a matter (so) decreed." So she conceived him, and she retired with him to a remote place. And the pains of childbirth drove her to the trunk of a palm-tree: She cried (in her anguish): "Ah! would that I had died before this! would that I had been a thing forgotten and out of sight!" But (a voice) cried to her from beneath the (palm-tree): "Grieve not! for thy Lord hath provided a rivulet beneath thee; "And shake towards thyself the trunk of the palm-tree: It will let fall fresh ripe dates upon thee. "So eat and drink and cool (thine) eye.

    And if thou dost see any man, say, 'I have vowed a fast to (Allah) Most Gracious, and this day will I enter into not talk with any human being'" At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: "O Mary! truly an amazing thing hast thou brought! "O sister of Aaron! Thy father was not a man of evil, nor thy mother a woman

    unchaste!" But she pointed to the babe. They said: "How can we talk to one who is a child in the cradle?" He said: "I am indeed a servant of Allah: He hath given me revelation and made me a prophet; "And He hath made me blessed wheresoever I be, and hath enjoined on me Prayer and Charity as long as I live; "(He) hath made me kind to my mother, and not overbearing or miserable; "So peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)"! Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute. It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, "Be", and it is. Verily Allah is my Lord and your Lord: Him therefore serve ye: this is a Way that is straight.” (Quran 19:16-36)

    Yusuf Estes - Jesus in Islam - YouTube
    Jesus Announces Arrival of Muhammad by Khalid Yasin (Q&A)...

    akay you are wrong there., Quran speaks lot more about Jesus  in fact it says about Jesus more than it says anything about   Muhammad...

    you Know the word "Muhammad"   is only mentioned in four verses four  times  out of those 6300 verses or so?? where as word " Jesus " in Quran  is mentioned more than 70times in as many number of verses

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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