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New Britain
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 Topic: New Britain

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  • New Britain
     Reply #270 - August 11, 2024, 01:52 PM

    sunny spell incoming - wonder if racists and religionists will decide to spoil the last bits of summer?

    someone should look into why these people don't value a good summer's day - being poor or uneducated don't seem believable reasons for rejecting peaceful enjoyment of pleasant weather.

    Sections of the working class have become open to identitarian arguments because of the way that much of the left – indeed much of society – has embraced politics of identity at the same time as deprecating the politics of class. For many today, the frameworks through which they make sense of their relationship to the world are less political – “liberal” or “conservative” – than cultural or ethnic – “Muslim”, “white”, “English”.

    ... It has also allowed the far right to rebrand racism as white identity, a rebranding given legitimacy by mainstream conservatives who now casually talk of white Europeans “losing their homelands” and “committing suicide”, of Britons “surrendering their territory”, bemoaning cities like London becoming less white.
  • New Britain
     Reply #271 - August 12, 2024, 09:31 AM

    Counter-protesters are also being giving sentences intended to send a message.
  • New Britain
     Reply #272 - August 16, 2024, 11:00 PM

    Sections of the working class have become open to identitarian arguments because of the way that much of the left – indeed much of society – has embraced politics of identity at the same time as deprecating the politics of class. For many today, the frameworks through which they make sense of their relationship to the world are less political – “liberal” or “conservative” – than cultural or ethnic – “Muslim”, “white”, “English”.

    ... It has also allowed the far right to rebrand racism as white identity, a rebranding given legitimacy by mainstream conservatives who now casually talk of white Europeans “losing their homelands” and “committing suicide”, of Britons “surrendering their territory”, bemoaning cities like London becoming less white.

    Well gee, no one saw this coming of course lol
  • New Britain
     Reply #273 - August 27, 2024, 09:51 PM

    austerity 2.0 incoming: cutting spending and raising taxes is the opposite of creating growth - but it's great for bolstering racism and division.
  • New Britain
     Reply #274 - September 14, 2024, 10:20 AM

    distraction politics: ignore frozen pensioners, shout about russia.
  • New Britain
     Reply #275 - September 18, 2024, 02:11 PM

    Hanif Kureishi (would've posted this as a separate topic but the forum is playing up)
  • New Britain
     Reply #276 - September 22, 2024, 10:55 AM

  • New Britain
     Reply #277 - September 24, 2024, 10:45 PM

    Hanif Kureishi (would've posted this as a separate topic but the forum is playing up)

    nearly forgot to watch this so thanks for the reminder.

    almost forgot that liberal english asians were still around - these are the role models which the beeb won't typically broadcast unless they're dead or on their last legs. they even let him be frank about the danger of religious plonkers without editing him to oblivion.

    anyway, regular programming will shortly resume with the likes of mobeen the comedy gangster and nadiya the hijabi baker.

  • New Britain
     Reply #278 - October 02, 2024, 07:07 PM

    yasmin is on the other side of the liberal asian coin.

    The truth about being a Muslim in Britain today.

    Our continuing advancement depends on honesty, cultural liberation and productive alliances
  • New Britain
     Reply #279 - October 12, 2024, 09:24 AM

    I saw a headline about "british indian voters" and it reminded me about the recent influx of migrants from places like africa, east asia and of course, the subcontinent. since COVID, my own town has been transformed from being a mostly pakistani ghetto into a bewilderingly diverse ghetto.

    rapidly staffing hospitals with nigerians and raising fleets of indians on deliveroo bikes might plug the demands of the system but what about social cohesion and all the other bollocks that govts pumped out for the last 20yrs? now I walk down the street and see unfamiliar faces, hear foreign tongues and smell alien aromas... fucking hell, I'm beginning to sound like tommy the twat robinson!

    anyway, a ghetto is a ghetto - it is not improved by changing its ingredients. the solution is to disperse migrants widely and not turn every medium sized town into a mini london shit hole. yet this labour govt will still play the patriotism card, shake its fist at small boats and all the while facilitate unlimited immigration - just like the tories did before them

    so what about british pakistanis? as the rest of this decade plays out, they will fall down the rankings as objects of hatred. the focus of racists will switch to the new arrivals and their children. british africans (evangelical christians) and british indians (bjp hindus) will be on the menu, plus a side dish of british chinese (obscure oriental ideologues).

    the future is bright, the future is orange. (orange fake tan chavs rioting outside temples and churches - welcome to 2030s britain!)

  • New Britain
     Reply #280 - October 26, 2024, 02:18 PM

    that east-is-east movie needs a sequel - but without the comedy.

    She told jurors there was noise coming from downstairs from the first night she moved in, including a smacking and “gut-wrenching scream”.

    She said: “It was a person smacking another person. A smack followed by a scream and then being told ‘go to your room’.”

    Ms Redwin said: “Some nights were louder than other nights. Even during the day you would hear noise. The only time it was quiet was when they were away on holiday.”

    The witness said an adult female would often say ‘shut the f*** up”, “shut the f*** up you bastard” and “shut the f*** up you c***s.”

    Jurors were told the woman would make those remarks in response to a “distressed scream” that sounded like it came from a child aged seven or eight.
  • New Britain
     Reply #281 - October 30, 2024, 01:03 PM

    It's already been made lol, albeit without anything as dark as child beating. If I remember correctly it was a cuddly movie about going back to your roots:
  • New Britain
     Reply #282 - October 30, 2024, 08:34 PM

    sounds like a betrayal of the original's dark humour.

    it's been 25yrs already? bloody hell.
  • New Britain
     Reply #283 - November 20, 2024, 05:41 PM

    Sequels in general tend to be insipid tbh. The dad in East is East reminds me a lot of my own dad, at least the same level of ferocity he has in the movie. Although I wasn't inflicted with any of this arranged marriage business. Just the Islam bashing. Although what's actually creepy is how I resembled the kid Saj, and I had a green hoodie at that age!
  • New Britain
     Reply #284 - November 29, 2024, 08:17 AM

    keir pretends to be shocked that brexit was used to turbocharge immigration to 1 million people a year (mostly from india and nigeria) but offers no plan to deal with it.

    I expect that the office for national statistics (/lies) will be told to be more creative with their figures next year - not counting 'international students' (aka care staff, deliveroo drivers and their families) should significantly reduce the headline numbers (on paper if not in any sense of reality).

    Sequels in general tend to be insipid tbh.

    imagine a third film where saj is middle aged and set in a future britain that has been fully reversed colonised - the plot line would involve searching for his green hoodie and having funny misunderstandings with new britons along the way... I'm depressed just reading that, so a guaranteed hit!

    we are basically cultural dinosaurs about to be hit by the meteor of demographic change....yay for extinction lol
  • New Britain
     Reply #285 - December 04, 2024, 03:41 PM

    ..diverse ghetto...........anyway, a ghetto is a ghetto - ......................

    so what about british pakistanis? .....................

    the future is bright, ..................welcome to 2030s britain!)

    well Sultana UK vs Sultan o Australia.,  You Islamophobes STOP MAKING HER CRY...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • New Britain
     Reply #286 - December 06, 2024, 12:39 AM

    well Sultana UK vs Sultan o Australia.,  You Islamophobes STOP MAKING HER CRY...

    there's a few of these in labour that play the teary victim card - all very cynical and very badly acted by individuals who are not very religious.

  • New Britain
     Reply #287 - December 06, 2024, 01:30 AM

    randomly visited the below site and stumbled upon a thread which compares closed borders japan to open borders uk:

    mostly nonsense arguments from people stuck in their own positions but have a read if bored.
  • New Britain
     Reply #288 - December 08, 2024, 10:08 AM

    There's a very relaxed view on immigration in that forum:

    My only question would be is this, was it so bad when some immigration rules (and I say some since it's quite funny how overall immigration ballooned under Tory rule!) became more restrictive and therefore was one of the reasons that led to this?

    The number of people in Bradford's Pakistani community who have married a cousin has fallen sharply in the past 10 years, a study suggests. Higher educational attainment, new family dynamics and changes in immigration rules are thought to be possible reasons.
     I don't have a particular interest in whether immigration in big numbers is needed to 'plug the system' or whatever but I still care about that little word: integration (where in certain political circles there is resistance to it as it's seen as a automatic euphemism to demand conformity to whiteness). I suspect having a monarchy with deep links to colonialism doesn't help the argument. Which is why I'd root out the monarchy and therefore end the United KINGDOM. I don't think it's a suprise that immigrants to America in general don't have as much of a hangup to integrate there. And I have a feeling that supporting strong multiculturalism through faith is suiting our Maj quite well, it gives them a reason to cling onto their status in a otherwise increasingly faithless society...
  • New Britain
     Reply #289 - December 08, 2024, 10:09 AM

    Many churches in urban areas are experiencing huge growth. As the already critically-acclaimed book This is Not America argues, we’ve immigrant Christians and their children to thank for holding back the tide of secularism in the UK, says Kayode Adeniran
  • New Britain
     Reply #290 - December 08, 2024, 10:30 AM

    Hey yeez, hope you're well! Sultan should probably cool it with the Tommy Robinson fanboyism. As for Sultana, she's irritating as fuck but leave her alone, she has the same Mirpuri ancestry as me! Though she's probably bringing up salient points of concern in Parliament about the UK's support for Israel, I dunno. Personally I've  had a detached feeling towards Israel-Palestine for a big part of my life largely because my better elders were largely obsessed about juicy juice (don't mind me borrowing one of your phrases yeez lol) as a people through fundamentalist preaching. It's funny because I witnessed this in between the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and yet so much of the ire around me was around the juicy juice and wider kaafir society lol. Not a word about Zionism even!
  • New Britain
     Reply #291 - December 24, 2024, 11:04 AM

    David Lammy turning his back on his Kurdish constituents
  • New Britain
     Reply #292 - December 25, 2024, 02:44 AM

    a merry middle class muslim xmas from yasmin - might be mean to caricaturise the article with the below quote but it's just too perfect to resist:

    Back to 1989. My ex-husband had left us that January. That December, the white Englishman who became my second husband bought a tree, put wrapped presents under it, and cooked a full yuletide feast. It will never be forgotten. It was magical
  • New Britain
     Reply #293 - December 31, 2024, 08:33 PM

    warsi on how to spin a fantasy world that is convenient for a tory career.

    When she joined it two decades ago, it seemed to embody everything she believed in: family values, decency, tolerance, fairness, the rule of law.

    Slowly, the UK's first female Muslim cabinet minister's eyes opened. She came to realise that it wasn’t like that at all.
  • New Britain
     Reply #294 - January 02, 2025, 08:02 AM

    more an observation rather than an allegation...

    The new allegation in Islamophobic discourse is that even Muslims who appear ‘well-integrated’ hate the west
  • New Britain
     Reply #295 - January 02, 2025, 01:51 PM

    oh dear, kemi scavenging musk's tweets for ideas.

    Kemi Badenoch has called for a national inquiry into the UK’s “rape gangs scandal”, after Elon Musk hit out at Sir Keir Starmer over the issue.
  • New Britain
     Reply #296 - January 02, 2025, 11:31 PM

    warsi on how to spin a fantasy world that is convenient for a tory career.

    Reminds me of Mehdi Hasan praising the Daily Mail for their robust defence of ''family values'' and such (he also used scripture to compare non believers to cattle, though of course he did apologise)
  • New Britain
     Reply #297 - January 03, 2025, 01:38 AM

    More context:
    Conservative leader Kemi Badenoch has called for a full national public inquiry into the UK's "rape gangs scandal".

    It comes after Home Office minister Jess Phillips rejected Oldham Council's request for a government-led inquiry into historical child sexual exploitation - saying the council should lead it instead.

    Her decision, taken in October, was reported by GB News on Wednesday and then picked up by Elon Musk on his social media platform X, and several senior Tories.

    This from Home Office Minister Chris Philip:
    Philp told Radio 4's World at One programme he supported Oldham Council's call for a government-led inquiry, despite the previous Conservative government rejecting a similar request from an Oldham councillor in 2022.

    But, he added, "rape gangs" were "a bigger question than just Oldham".

    Asked why the Tory government had not conducted a national public inquiry into such gangs, Philp pointed to IICSA but added "I don't think it was, frankly, as comprehensive on this topic as it should have been".
  • New Britain
     Reply #298 - January 03, 2025, 05:30 PM

    I came across this tweet by Tommy Robinson lauding the ''late great Christopher Hitchens'':

    Worth pointing out to the Israel fans Hitchens' own views on Zionism and Israel regardless of his own dislike of Hamas:

    It’s reasonably well-attested that the growth of Hamas originated partly with a very cynical Israeli decision to build up fundamentalism in Gaza as a weapon against the secular and leftist elements who were then running the Palestinian resistance.

    ...These tactics of divide and rule must now presumably be a cause of regret to the Israelis who stupidly thought they were so cleverly manipulating the situation.

    ...It’s agonizing to watch the Palestinians choose a leadership that is openly aligned with the moribund and vicious dictatorships in Iran and Syria. The time when the PLO called for a democratic secular state seems a very long while ago. But just look at the primeval propaganda of Hamas, which speaks of a land that is holy to one god and dedicated only to his fanatical supporters. Where has one heard that evil rubbish before? Only imagine if the Israelis had been forced to recognize a West Bank and Gaza state when the PLO first accepted it 20 years ago. Ariel Sharon’s real monument will be the fact that he acknowledged all this at precisely the moment when it had become too late to do so. It becomes plainer than ever that Israel is not the alternative to the diaspora, but an especially embattled and compromised part of it.

  • New Britain
     Reply #299 - January 03, 2025, 11:33 PM

    The most followed person on X says ''Jess Phillips is a rape genocide apologist'':

    As a member of the incoming Trump administration in the US maybe he should focus on fixing Israel-Palestine where Israel faces allegations of genocide.

    Not that I don't have a sobering view on the ''asian grooming gangs'' myself. I don't frequently parrot the comfortable liberal talking point of ''over 80% of sex offenders in Britain are white men'' as a response.
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