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 Topic: New Britain

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  • New Britain
     Reply #300 - January 05, 2025, 12:30 PM

    The most followed person on X says ''Jess Phillips is a rape genocide apologist'':

    it will be fun to watch her squirm between pretending to defend her uppity asian constituents while at the same time condemning them as congenital sex pests (which will be the official labour stance once wobbly keir does the maths).

  • New Britain
     Reply #301 - January 06, 2025, 10:50 PM

    I think she's got more than her constituents to worry about:
    A man has been charged following reports of threats towards Labour safeguarding minister Jess Phillips, Sky News understands.

    Jack Bennett, 39, has been charged with three counts of malicious communications, Devon and Cornwall Police said.

    The messages were sent between April 2024 and January 2025 involving three victims, including the Birmingham Yardley MP.

    It is understood the accused, from Seaton, east Devon, was charged over the weekend.
  • New Britain
     Reply #302 - January 06, 2025, 11:14 PM

    Also just to push back on the ''sex pest'' label, a number of the court accounts and from victims describe a whole level of depravity. Even ''grooming gangs'' doesn't quite cover it (although grooming is part of the process).
  • New Britain
     Reply #303 - January 07, 2025, 10:10 AM

    interesting timing to publish this story.

    Children in the Islamic community should be taught to identify themselves primarily as Muslim rather than British, the frontrunner to lead the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has said.
  • New Britain
     Reply #304 - January 07, 2025, 05:33 PM

    It's like shooting ducks in a barrel when it comes to the MCB. More worrisome IMO is when stuff like this gets published in the progressive bible that is The Guardian:
    I would also like to point out the historical inconsistency in the values being defended – Holden fails to mention that cousin marriage was once a common practice among the British aristocracy. I feel that grouping the whole Pakistani community as being subject to a “clan mentality” demeans them and highlights Holden’s intolerance.

    If the British aristocracy did it, what's the big deal? I dunno, maybe repeat cousin marriages (and the xenophobia that implies) within a sizable and growing minority population isn't a good look within a border society that is trying to become more egalitarian?
  • New Britain
     Reply #305 - January 07, 2025, 06:14 PM

    The non stop barrage towards Britain by Elon for a week has been something else. So much for the ''special relationship'' lol

    Just such a shame that it's taking someone like him with a global platform to embarrass Britain (with possible economic pressure) that some of the bien pensants amongst us have had to be forced into a more robust discussion. And yes Elon is bad news for those who need that to be heard.
  • New Britain
     Reply #306 - January 08, 2025, 08:42 PM

    Much of middle multicultural 'liberal' England breathes a huge sigh of relief I presume:
    An attempt by the Conservatives to have the government set up a national inquiry into grooming gangs has been voted down by 364 votes to 111 votes, a margin of 253.

    Sammy Woodhouse (victim):

    George Galloway, former MP of Rochdale:

    Ava-Santina (a few days before the vote):

    Just wanted to grab a few thoughts for those who say ''but we've haaaaaad an inquiry already! Just implement the IICSA's recommendations (and please can we move on?). This is just a far right talking point!
  • New Britain
     Reply #307 - January 08, 2025, 09:04 PM

    If Labour supporters need it desperately to be said to them to make themselves feel better then yes, shame on the Tories too for not having implemented the recommendations when they were in power.
  • New Britain
     Reply #308 - January 09, 2025, 09:59 AM

    uk borrowing costs going up - doomster keir has to find a distraction soon...
  • New Britain
     Reply #309 - January 09, 2025, 01:35 PM

    Economy is shite, shock horror! If he wanted to 'distract' the country, he was given ample opportunity to do that yesterday.
  • New Britain
     Reply #310 - January 09, 2025, 04:58 PM

    probably delaying to make it look like he decided to scapegoat evil brown people all by himself - not because everyone told him to.

    give it a week or two.
  • New Britain
     Reply #311 - January 09, 2025, 06:24 PM

    now I walk down the street and see unfamiliar faces, hear foreign tongues and smell alien aromas... fucking hell, I'm beginning to sound like tommy the twat robinson!

    anyway, a ghetto is a ghetto - it is not improved by changing its ingredients. the solution is to disperse migrants widely and not turn every medium sized town into a mini london shit hole. yet this labour govt will still play the patriotism card, shake its fist at small boats and all the while facilitate unlimited immigration - just like the tories did before them

    Imagine if Keir said that or bemoaning 'beardos'!

    But yes, I have no doubt Starmer will change his tune at some point on the inquiry.
  • New Britain
     Reply #312 - January 09, 2025, 06:26 PM

    Greater Manchester mayor Andy Burnham has said he would back a "limited" national inquiry into child grooming gangs to compel people to give evidence so "those who may have charges to answer are held to account"
  • New Britain
     Reply #313 - January 09, 2025, 06:33 PM

    There seems to be this clear misunderstanding/false narrative, however you see it, that somehow Pakistanis or/and Muslims are silent.
    Although this is categorically untrue and there is much evidence to prove this, for the record:

    As a British/Pakistani/MUSLIM, I condemn the acts of these Pakistani men, rape gangs. And Labour's voting against a national inquiry into these crimes is unacceptable. Survivors must receive justice.

    Bushra wanting to hate on 'evil brown people' for thinking survivors need to see justice.
  • New Britain
     Reply #314 - January 09, 2025, 07:09 PM

    Elon vs Starmer

    “The truth is a concept that Elon Musk clearly has very little interest in,” said Norfolk, emphasising that the grooming was only exposed through his years of painstaking reporting in The Times, during which he had the full support of its editors.

    Norfolk also defended Sir Keir Starmer after Musk accused the prime minster of being “complicit in the rape of Britain”.

    Starmer was director of public prosecutions when Norfolk revealed the grooming and sexual abuse of vulnerable girls by organised groups of men in towns and cities across the north, and the reluctance of child protection authorities to take action in towns including Rotherham, Rochdale and Telford.

    Starmer met Norfolk and they discussed how official guidelines were hampering prosecutions for a string of reasons, including a lack of coherent accounts from victims because they had been plied with drugs and alcohol.

    “I want to put the record straight on this,” Norfolk said. “It was Starmer who changed the rules to make more prosecutions possible. That happened and there was a huge increase in convictions.”

    Though I think it was Julie Bindel who first reported the story in the press.
  • New Britain
     Reply #315 - January 09, 2025, 10:53 PM

    Also I've started re-reading the 'muslim grooming gangs'' thread I made years ago where you said these groomers of Asian/Pakistani descent were just a product of our class system. Do you still agree with that crumble? I think disagreed with you vehemently in the emotional rage I was feeling when I started hearing about the convictions and failure of the authorities!

  • New Britain
     Reply #316 - January 10, 2025, 08:58 AM

    yes, the pak groomers are just another subclass - a subset of beardoes. like how white groomers tend to be a subset of chavs.

    I'll have another read of that thread - wonder if I have mellowed or gone further off the deep end lol
  • New Britain
     Reply #317 - January 10, 2025, 09:40 AM

    I forgot the desert poet me  Tongue

    non-muslims don't exist. muslims don't exist. bigotry is the result of delusion. everyone is deluded to some degree. so relax. t's sunday. the day of sun worship. on a rainy day. in britain.

  • New Britain
     Reply #318 - January 14, 2025, 02:05 PM

    kemi enoch powell observes significant numbers of offenders originate from parts of the potohar plateau which lack urban development...

    which translated in the common parlance is "pakis go home":

    She said the perpetrators came from “a very poor background, a sort of peasant background, very, very rural, almost cut off from even the home-origin countries that they might have been in”.
  • New Britain
     Reply #319 - January 14, 2025, 04:04 PM

    Maybe Kemi should say 'Pakis go home' if that is indeed what she means and clear any confusion. On the other hand reducing child gang rape to the actions of mere 'sex pests' isn't a good look either.
  • New Britain
     Reply #320 - January 14, 2025, 04:12 PM

    yes, the pak groomers are just another subclass - a subset of beardoes. like how white groomers tend to be a subset of chavs.

    I'll have another read of that thread - wonder if I have mellowed or gone further off the deep end lol

    Part of the problem in this debate is that data on group-based child sexual exploitation (CSE) is shockingly poor, especially with respect to ethnicity. A report last November from Hydrant, a national policing programme on CSE, noted that, in 2023, ethnicity was recorded in only a third of group-based CSE cases in England and Wales. Of these, 83% were white and 7% Asian, including 2.7% of Pakistani heritage. The figures for the first nine months of 2024 appear to be broadly similar. This data runs counter to the current narrative, though it is difficult to assess its reliability given that in most cases ethnicity is not recorded. It’s another reason to set up a national inquiry.

  • New Britain
     Reply #321 - January 14, 2025, 04:18 PM

    Mr Afzal, who is now Chancellor at the University of Manchester, said a perceived culture of denial at many town halls needs to be tackled. Speaking to the Northern Agenda podcast, he said: "I do have a sense of denial around the country. I've approached some towns for example, and said 'why aren't you carrying out a look into what's going on or had gone on in your areas?' and they said, 'we've moved on'.
  • New Britain
     Reply #322 - January 14, 2025, 04:21 PM

    Maybe Kemi should say 'Pakis go home' if that is indeed what she means and clear any confusion. On the other hand reducing child gang rape to the actions of mere 'sex pests' isn't a good look either.

    "won't someone think of the children??"

    it's about appealing to racist and stupid voters who might consider reform instead of labour/conservatives. this current hysteria has been re-manufactured on twitter (and then amplified by uk media) so could be a dead issue by the next election.

    in the meantime, reducing criminality amongst the underclasses is not as important as singling out brown perpetrators from a sea of their white compatriots, ie they don't give a shit about victims, it's just politics.
  • New Britain
     Reply #323 - January 14, 2025, 04:47 PM

    ie they don't give a shit about victims, it's just politics.

    Hmm calling reducing child gang rapists to mere 'sex pests'.
  • New Britain
     Reply #324 - January 14, 2025, 04:53 PM

    Afzal agreed, saying: “Don’t walk by. My 15-year-old boy was playing snooker a few months back and noticed these young girls and these older men. Maybe he is more aware than he ought to be, but he came home and told dad, and dad told the police and the police acted on that information. This is what we should be doing – routinely, daily, all the time, everywhere. When you are suspicious, you act on that suspicion.”

    He added: “People say to me: do you want us to grass every one up? Do you want whistleblowers? No! I want good neighbours. It could be your child, your friend’s child next. How are you going to make sure you share your suspicions and stand up for the society you are a part of.”
  • New Britain
     Reply #325 - January 14, 2025, 05:05 PM

    Hmm calling reducing child gang rapists to mere 'sex pests'.

    it's an incomplere quote but you seem to have a very charitable understanding of that phrase Roll Eyes - tomato potato I say!

    ps: isnt it interesting to see how brown crimes are elevated to ideological crimes? terrible isn't it lol

  • New Britain
     Reply #326 - January 14, 2025, 05:11 PM

    I didn't object to you using the word 'brown', I objected to you describing child gang rapists as mere 'sex pests'
  • New Britain
     Reply #327 - January 14, 2025, 05:16 PM

    technically, it was the future hypothetical position of a cynical politician rather than my own opinion but don't let that stop you from digging...

    (the brown thing was an aside - try to keep up!)

  • New Britain
     Reply #328 - January 14, 2025, 06:31 PM

    bradford was crowned city of culture for 2025 - someone on the committee has a perverse sense of humour,

    going by the strapline, this still seems to be an elaborate joke.

    We don’t have the swagger of Manchester or the sheen of Leeds, but Bradford has a radical culture all its own
  • New Britain
     Reply #329 - January 16, 2025, 08:14 AM

    it's an incomplere quote but you seem to have a very charitable understanding of that phrase Roll Eyes - tomato potato I say!

    ps: isnt it interesting to see how brown crimes are elevated to ideological crimes? terrible isn't it lol

    Isn't it interesting how you seem to sound like these people lol:

    ‘Several [council] staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.’

    From the 2014 Jay Report into Rotherham
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