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 Topic: Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?

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  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #180 - May 18, 2024, 12:25 AM

    110] So call to mind the time of day of judgement when Allah will say, O Jesus my prophet and messenger, chief administrator, manager, leader and successor of purpose based proper human community of Mariam, recount or call to your mind things about my purpose based proper guidance for mankind which I bestowed upon you for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom. This should make obvious to people you are sent for that I activated, triggered, energised, motivated and moved you with my inspiring revelation so that you could speak to those people wisely with maturity and courage because I taught you from my scriptures The Torah and The Injeel for making you wise and courageous and that is how you were able to revive, bring back to life and raise these people lying defeated in the dust who had given up on life worth living due to their falling away from my purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to their infighting because of being in pitch-darkness of ignorance, poverty and disease to heights of excellence as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom like a soaring bird with help of my revealed purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind to you by breathing into this human population a new breath of life and that is how you healed or restored or resurrected these people who were blind without light of my purpose based proper information and its purpose based proper understanding as well as you were able to end their isolation from each other because of which they neglected and boycotted each other and became isolated from each other as a people due to my purpose based proper plan and so you were able to bring these people who were at the brink of destruction by hands of each other by their internal strife back to life through my purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Furthermore call to mind how I saved and secured or protected you people from the violence of the people who claimed to be ideological and biological successors of Israel when you came to them with our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind yet those who rejected and opposed my purpose based proper guidance for mankind from among them said, this is nothing but a conspiracy against our religion and our people as well as against our existing way of life which was about striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing our own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    111] Moreover call to mind also the time when I inspired, moved and motivated your supporters and backers to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom on the basis of my revealed purpose based proper guidance for mankind through you my prophet and messenger so that they truly declare, we commit ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so count us of those who have truly and wholeheartedly committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom through our works or actions as well.

    112] That is because at the time supporters and backers of Jesus said, O Jesus the appointed prophet and messenger of Allah for the purpose based proper human community of Mariam, is it possible for your creator and sustainer to manifest through us his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind in reality? He said to them, if you want that to happen in reality then be consistent with purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind as well as with each other for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly by your thoughts and actions if you have truly committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and the plan of Allah will become a reality for you people by your own hands.

    113] They said, we surely intend to participate, interact and partake in this purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines purposefully properly by our thoughts and actions so that our minds become and remain satisfied about it because we intend to make it manifest, evident and obvious for other people and human populations that you have told us the truth in this regard so we will act as an evidence to witness about it for others to see and think as well as do likewise.

    114] Said then Jesus the appointed prophet and messenger of Allah for the purpose based proper human community of Mariam, O Allah our creator and sustainer, reveal to us your purpose based proper plan for our sustenance and let it be a repeatedly testable and verifiable program for our very first generation to our very last generation as proof from yourself, so grant us thereby our sustenance, subsistence, provision and livelihood because you are the only one who is the sustainer and provider of all things of need and want for all things.

    115] Allah said, I will reveal my purpose based proper plan for your sustenance in full for you the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom but I will turn it into a reality through my set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms for you the mankind only and only if you people will think and act or work according to it purposefully properly and faithfully. So if any of you people or the human populations will fail to fulfil our imposed duties, obligations and responsibilities upon you people regarding each other or you people will fail to have, to use and to do purposefully properly what you are told to have, to use and to do or if you people will ignore, avoid, neglect or disregard our prohibitions or if you people will have, use or do what you are told not to have, not to use or not to do then I will leave you the mankind on your own to suffer the terribly harmful and destructive consequences for disregarding my purpose based proper guidance for mankind, the consequences like of which have never been faced by any of the human populations in the human world before you people.

    116] However after the purpose based proper human community became established purposefully properly in our kingdom due to success of our assigned mission through very, very hard works of our missionaries yet in due course most of the people became slack in keeping up with our advised purpose based proper way of life for them so they fell away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that way they ended up with harmful and destructive as well as baseless and unfounded beliefs and practices whereby they ended up divided due to disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves. So Allah will asks Jesus his appointed prophet and messenger for the community of Mariam on the day of judgement, O Jesus our appointed prophet and messenger for the community of Mariam, did you say to the people you were sent to take my words and words of community of my supporters and backers as words of sovereign authorities instead of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind? He will say, right of God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of the kingdom of your creation only and only belongs to you. How could I say what I had no right whatsoever to claim? If I have ever made any such claim or if I have ever said any such thing, you will certainly be aware of it, because you are aware of what is even in my mind but I am not able to be aware of what is in your mind, for you have full awareness of all things that I have no knowledge of.

    117] I never said to them anything other than what you told me to say to them in this regard which was to carry out purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to his guidelines for mankind who is my creator and sustainer as well as yours. I bore witness to them to this fact for as long as I remained between or among them but when you decided to bring my participation in the mission to a close or completion, you were the only one who watched over them and your awareness surely compasses all things fully and comprehensively.

    118] I made clear to them the fact that I have no power or authority even to save and secure or protect anyone at all because I am only a human being just like rest of the human beings. I told them if you will leave them on their own to suffer the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other then they are surely your own creatures but if you will continuously avail them chances or opportunities to save and secure or protect themselves with help and support of your revealed purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind then that too is entirely your own decision about them because you are for sure mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of your own creation.

    119] Allah will say, this is the final period of time when those who will have truly committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind during their worldly life, their proving true of their commitment will benefit them greatly or prove of great value for them. It is because they will be entered into places which will be full of gardens of various kinds in which will flow rivers of all things of their need and want wherein they will stay and remain forever. Allah will be pleased with them due to their carrying out his assigned purpose based proper mission to them and they will be please with Allah because he will have provided them his purpose based proper guidance for mankind without which they could not have achieved what they will have achieved or accomplished. This will be their ultimate achievement.

    120] No doubt to Allah alone belongs God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation that is full of galaxies which are distanced from each other including this galaxy which include stars and planets and all that is within them as well as all that is in between them.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #181 - May 18, 2024, 12:26 AM

    SURAH 8      AL ANFAAL-  The purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah is the only way of life that can raise them to heights of excellence due to its advantages and benefits for them which can help them maximise their production and distribution of his provided sustenance and provisions so that thereby they could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them through their unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly so that that way they could overcome all eventualities through their surpluses and reserves by being well prepared in advance for all kinds of emergencies by way of their contingency plans and their executions.

    000] So O prophet and messenger! Proclaim to mankind this message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001]They will seek an explanation from you our prophet and messenger for them about producing more than they need to distribute for fulfilling their needs and wants for reserving it for contingency for meeting any emergency or eventuality. Tell them, saving and reserving through surpluses and extras in production and distribution chain is instructed and advised for you people by Allah through his prophet and messenger. So be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other through preparing yourselves for ensuring well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom purposefully properly by putting in place purpose based proper measures and mechanisms for production, distribution, saving and reserving of things through mutual consultations between or among yourselves to be fully self sufficient at all times. This is how you people should be consistent with program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind as well as with his prophet and messenger and with each other if you people as you people yourselves claim that you have in fact truly committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    002] Remember this fact always that truly committed, dedicated and devoted people to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind can only be those people who when they are made aware about purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind their minds become inspired, activated, excited and motivated to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly because his program, goals and guidelines for mankind are proclaimed to them whereby their self confidence grows that is why they end up relying and depending upon the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of their creator and sustainer purposefully properly instead of adopting harmful and destructive secular as well as baseless and unfounded religious beliefs and practices.

    003] It is because only and only people with ambitions and desires as well as mindsets, attitudes and behaviours like these who establish and maintain as well as abide by or live by purpose based proper human community network in our kingdom purposefully properly as their project involving various purpose based proper ideas, processes and mechanisms for their organisation and regulation as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for managing people and things purposefully properly through their politics for bringing about purpose based proper cultures that are suitable and conducive for as well as ensures their economic successes through purpose based proper systems, structures, procedures and practices whereby they can open up, extend, expand and widen their production and distribution chains of whatever we have provided for their sustenance for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    004] Such are the people who have truly in actual fact and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed, dedicated and devoted themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as they ought to purposefully properly therefore they are bound to reach heights of excellence according to set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of their creator and sustainer so they are bound to attain blissful, dignified and secure existence through securing honourable provisions for themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    005] It is for the struggle for this very set purpose, goal, task and objective or target your creator and sustainer brought you the mankind forth out of your traditional or ancestral ways of life whereby you people strove for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense to adopt his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind so that you become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind even though initially due to their unawareness and ignorance at the time a number of people who have by now committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom were showing dislike, hesitance, reluctance and resistance for adopting this our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    006] Some from among the hesitant and resistant group or party of people argued with you people against our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind after it had been proclaimed before them as if they were being driven to their sure defeat, death and destruction as a people or human population and they could clearly see it.

    007] However purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind inspired, moved, urged and motivated you people to work on either of the two parties (most prepared one and least prepared one) and even though you people settled for taking on the one that was poorly, ill or least equipped and prepared or interested in seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly as your target, Allah planned to prove his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind as truly fit and proper as well as in actual fact suitable and appropriate for a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom through his verifiable and confirmable purpose based proper guidance for mankind in order to completely undermine the harmful and destructive way of life of those who rejected and opposed his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    008] So that thereby he proves it true and firm as well as strengthens his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind fit for the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and the way of life that is harmful and destructive for mankind false and a fabrication or a concocted lie even if those who have committed themselves to working for that way of life whereby they commit crimes against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore that way they inflict damage and destruction upon human population in the human world even if they detest and dislike our this act or doing.

    009] If you people call to mind as to why and how all this happened, it happened because you people sought support of or from your creator and sustainer though his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly by preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that you could convince other people and human populations in the human world thereby. So he responded to you people by indicating to you, I will keep on delivering to you in a similar way on basis of my purpose based proper guidance for mankind for supporting you people from among these people who oppose you through my set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms a very large party of purposefully properly educated and trained therefore skilful missionaries who are purposefully properly organised and regulated successively one after the other who will love my assigned mission for them for accomplishing, maintaining and abiding by it for ensuring well being of mankind in the human world by spreading it between or among worldwide human beings.

    010] Allah did not make this good news known to you but for the reason so that thereby he raises your confidence in your minds so that your conviction in his purpose based proper guidance for mankind becomes and remains strong. The fact is, there is no firm, strong, solid and purpose based proper support, rest, footing, base and foundation for mankind to live by save that which is from Allah in form of his purpose based proper guidance. That is because only and only Allah alone is the mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation who can do such a thing and no one and nothing else.

    011] Remember long before the commencement of the campaign, struggle and battle for the establishment and maintenance of his assigned mission for you, he filled you people with confidence and stability of mind through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by raining down upon you his purpose based proper and lofty as well as outstanding program with goals and guidelines which raised and inspired courageous thoughts in your minds in order to free you people thereby of any mental and physical weaknesses and to remove from you people any harmful and destructive thoughts and actions which could be caused by an opponent or adversary of his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to put you people on firm footing and to solidly anchor your minds thereby in order to help you people to take firm steps for the success of his mission which he has assigned for you.

    012] At the time your creator and sustainer revealed to you his prophet and messenger for the people on the mission the message that I am with you through my purpose based proper guidance for mankind whereby he told you his prophet and messenger to inspire and encourage those who have truly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Soon I will thereby flood with doubts through confusing thoughts about their harmful and destructive beliefs and practices minds of those who reject and oppose the purpose based proper establishment of my purpose based proper rule of law in the human world which is based upon my purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly therefore go for the very foundation and lifeline of their human population and keep on dismantling each and every one of their main and principle aspects they stand and rely upon in every way till they see sense or end up destroyed by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    013] Things had to come to this and they had to be done this way because they commit atrocities against each other and inflict harms and destruction upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in defiance of purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind through his prophet and messenger for ensuring their well being and any people who reject and oppose mission of Allah via his prophet and messenger should be aware that Allah has put in place his systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms to hold people strictly to his purpose based proper plan according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them.

    014] All this explanation with evidences was provided so that you the mankind come to realise that people who reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind are bound to end up in fire of hatred against each other due to disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.

    015] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, when you people are challenged and drawn into any kind or form of combat, fight, battle or war you must be fully and purposefully properly prepared to strive very, very hard against those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and therefore they wage wars against our purpose based proper rule of law that is based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by oppressing and suppressing humanity because they live by a way of life whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so never should you budge from your position against them in any kind of any battleground or field of battle.

    016] This is why you people were alerted and warned at the time that if any party of you leaves its position in the battlefield or retreats, reverts or goes back to its previous or original position on any such occasion unless it is for battlefield strategy for its rearrangement, reorganisation, regrouping and joining its supporting force, it will be left alone on its own by Allah to continue living by any way of life of its own choosing that leads it to its own terribly painful and humiliating state of existence so think about how terribly painful and agonising state of existence that will be for it.

    017] Moreover you people were told to keep in your minds the fact that, you people did not enter in battle with your opponents and adversaries for letting the way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense win but for the reason because the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind assured you people about their ultimate defeat by your hands therefore when you bombarded them with all the needed explanations and evidences with which you need to bombarded them, it was all based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind so that he puts through hard work those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by way of a struggle for making the world a beautiful place for humanity. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind his vast and comprehensive purpose based proper awareness about all things.

    018] This is why that is something for you the mankind to think about because that is how Allah undermines all schemes, plots and conspiracies of those who reject and oppose purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the human world based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    019] If you the mankind sincerely wanted his advised purpose based proper way of life for becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind explained brilliantly for you then it has been explained with evidences brilliantly for you. So if you people will stop living by way of life whereby you think and act harmfully and destructively against each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense from now on as explained and made evident, manifest and obvious for you and adopt his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind then that will ensure your well being through help and full support of each other by your complementing each other purposefully properly but if you will still continue thinking and doing things the old harmful and destructive way after his advised purpose based proper way of thinking and doing things for mankind has been made clear for you then his setup purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms will continue making you people face the same kind of results of your very own thoughts and actions against each other as before and your numbers as a group no matter how large or numerous will not avail you at all because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms as revealed by Allah fully support and back up only and only those people who commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    020] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, be consistent with purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind along with his prophet and messenger as well as with each other and do not turn your backs on his purpose based proper guidance for mankind now that you have heard it and you have become purposefully properly aware about it.

    021] So do not be like those people who say, we have prepared ourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but they still live and think and do things like those who have not bothered to prepare themselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    022] Surely most harmful and destructive people for mankind in sight of Allah and sensible people are those who think and act as if they are deaf and dumb towards his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly because they do not learn sense of making purpose base proper sense of things as they should.

    023] Had Allah found in them beneficial and constructive ambitions and desires and based upon them their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as humanity then he will have indeed made their heeding to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind evident, manifest and obvious through their thoughts and actions based upon them. Even though he made sure that his purpose based proper message for mankind is delivered to them yet they turned away from it due to their ignorance based arrogance and that is the clue and evidence that they heard it not as they should have due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    024] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, respond purposefully properly in thoughts and actions as you should and as you ought to or as you are supposed to, to the purpose based proper mission of Allah which is assigned by him for you people by responding to purpose based proper call of his prophet and messenger when he invites you towards the struggle for the establishment and maintenance of that mission which is for giving you the mankind a brilliant future in form of your blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom. So be alert and aware about the fact that purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind surely acts as a link and connection between the harmful and destructive social environment in which a person is born and exists and the best possible social environment in which a person ought to exist and his mind and that is why in due course it is he according to whose purpose based proper guidance for mankind you all will become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    025] So guard yourselves thereby as a brotherhood of humanity as a purpose based proper human family in our kingdom which complements each other purposefully properly against ways of life which divide you the mankind into individuals and groups who rival each other and end up in disputes, animosities, fights and wars between yourselves for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and think not that those harms and destructions which people inflict upon each other within a human population or in between human populations only affects those of you who cause them but they affect rest of you also as individuals and groups because they drag into all of this all of you people, so be warned in advance that set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are quick and strict in holding people to account in accordance with his purpose based proper plan according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    026] That is why you should call to mind how he sheltered, screened and shielded you when you were only a few in numbers and you were lacking the needed power in the human world, always worrying in case your enemies take you as their slaves but he saved and secured or protected you people by helping you through his helpful and supportive purpose based proper guidance for mankind by making you people participate and interact with each other constructively and beneficially for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly so that you make purpose based proper use of his provided sustenance by establishing a place, land or kingdom based upon his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    027] Therefore O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind, do not betray intentionally, deliberately or knowingly purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and his prophet and messenger to you as well as each other nor violate and breach your trusts in each other or damage and destroy your reliance upon each other through your complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense knowingly and deliberately or intentionally on purpose.

    028] So be alert and on your guard always as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom regarding things you are provided with for your sustenance and livelihood for people under your management and care for your purpose based proper management and care to carry out his provided purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for mankind and that is why it is only and only Allah alone abiding by whose purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly rests the best possible outcome for your thoughts and actions for each other.

    029] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, if you truly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly wanted to be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah and with each other for ensuring well being of mankind by complementing each other purposefully properly then he has now provided you people with a standard, criterion and benchmark in order to prevent you people from harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in order to place you people upon his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind to save and secure or protect yourselves as a proper human community in his kingdom, because only and only upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind alone rests utmost degree of blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind.

    030] That is why you people should call to mind how at the time those who rejected and opposed his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind for ensuring their well being through their complementing each other purposefully properly were plotting against you people to hold you back from accomplishing your assigned mission by him to keep you enslaved in chains to keep you down or to keep you out of your rightful place and position in the human world. That is why and that is how they plotted, schemed and conspired to think and do things their way for achieving their targets, goals and objectives but Allah planned to do things his way and only and only Allah alone is the best planner of things because he alone plans things purposefully properly and perfectly.

    031] This is why at the time when our these purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind were proclaimed to them so that they become and remain stuck with them purposefully properly, they instead responded by saying, we have heard them before as well and if we wanted, we too could have proclaimed among people things like them because these are nothing but only proclamations of the ancient which were never turned by them into realities in the human world so why should we listen to or heed such message, advice or guidance?

    032] They responded to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind this way due to their ignorance based arrogance as they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly so they were confused, in chaos and anarchy so they continued creating disorder and behaved lawlessly and criminally towards each other instead of responding to our purpose based proper guidance, message and mission for mankind purposefully properly. That is why at the time instead of thinking and doing what they were supposed to think and do they said, O Allah, if this Quran is truly from you in actual fact which warns us about terrible consequences for our thoughts and actions against each other then rain down upon us those heavenly foretold consequences as they are told in it or make those terribly painful and humiliating consequences a reality for us by delivering them to us.

    033] However despite their challenging Allah due to their ignorance, he did not leave them on their own without providing them with his purpose based proper guidance so that they do not keep on suffering the painful torment as a result of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other the while you were in their midst delivering his message to them to help them uplift themselves thereby from the depths of their ignorance, poverty and disease they were in. Nor Allah is such a horrible tyrannical or monstrous being who lets any people suffer the terrible painful existence the while there are among them such people who are truly seeking their safety and security or protection through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their blissful, dignified and secure existence in his kingdom.

    034] But how can purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind save and secure or protect such people against terrible painful suffering by hands of each other if they themselves are avoiding learning and acting upon it purposefully properly and instead they are putting barriers, obstacle and hurdles in the path of the movement which stands or rises for establishing and maintaining his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly in the place or land they live, reside or stay in or they are settled in, in order to free the people in the place or land from all kinds of criminal activities against each other? The fact is, its supporters and backers can only be those people who purposefully properly prepare themselves for carrying out its program for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to its provided guidelines for mankind for ensuring their own well being by complementing each other purposefully properly by being consistent with it as well as with each other. However since most of the mankind do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly so they are not aware of things they ought to be thinking and doing for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.   

    035] So their social connecting, networking or joining each other against our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it, could not be for anything other than their gaining control and influence or dominance over each other for undermining each other to take undue advantages of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. That is why we say to people like these, then keep on suffering the terrible consequences as well due to your rejection and opposition to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    036] Surely such people as reject and oppose the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them by using whatever they have at their disposal to stop people from joining the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah they will spend and use yet more to try and stop people from joining his advised purpose based proper way of life for them. However in time to come that very way of their thinking and doing things will become a terribly regrettable thing for them because they will become completely overwhelmed and undermined by each other by inflicting terrible harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. That is how those who reject and oppose purpose based proper way of life based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind will be gathered together by each other into the ditch of fire of hatred due to continuing upon or adopting ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    037] In order to separate or distinguish or differentiate the people with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires therefore harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against purpose based proper human community from the people with beneficial and constructive ambitions and desires due to which they have beneficial and constructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards humanity, Allah leaves on their own people with harmful and destructive ambitions and desires to come together as a mass or as if they are layers of piled up mess upon one another and lets them land in the pit of fire of hatred of their own creating or making due to their hatred for each other because they are of those who support and back up the way of life whereby they land themselves in utter destruction by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. So they were and they are bound to be the losers.

    038] So tell those people who reject and oppose the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the human world which is based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, if they will stop rejecting and opposing our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and instead they will adopt it from now on, their losses by hands of each other due to their past harmful and destructive ambitions, desires, mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other will stop and their benefits and advantages will start but if they will continue living by their way of life whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense then let them reflect upon the terrible consequences which were delivered to people of similar traditions and practices who have passed away before them.

    039] However if they persist then continue campaigning, striving, struggling and fighting against them and these like people very, very hard until they give up causing disputes, rivalries, hatred, animosities, fights and wars between mankind any more on the basis of their self created, self imposed, baseless and unfounded beliefs, traditions, practices, rules of laws and ways of life whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore mankind become and remain free for adopting the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah purposefully properly but if they stop, repent and reform then Allah will surely make obvious for them all that they ought to be thinking and doing for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    040] But if they remain distant from purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by turning their backs on it then you people still remain steadfast and on your guard as well as fully and purposefully properly alert and aware of the fact that the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is surely your supporter and backer and it is your supporter and backer for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom as a blissful and dignified saviour and securer as well as protector.

    041] Due to this help and support of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for you the mankind you people are made aware of the fact that each and everything of any use, value or importance for you people which you people produce or come across or you have it or take it or possess it for management and use as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, reserve and save a reasonable and suitable part of it according to purpose based proper guidance and advice of Allah for mankind for all eventualities and make purposeful proper use of the rest of it according to the purpose based proper guidance and advice of his prophet and messenger as you people mutually decide as a purpose based proper human community for ensuring your own well being in his kingdom for the individuals and groups such as the settled people and the cut off and isolated newcomers and migrants within your reach and jurisdiction if you people have truly and wholeheartedly committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, which we have sent to our last and final prophet and messenger for this era or time period for manifesting, displaying or showing clear distinction between our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and the baseless and unfounded way of life people have invented, adopted and imposed upon themselves. No doubt only and only Allah alone has the right and the capability to set purpose based proper standard, criterion and benchmark as well as all the needed measures for all things including mankind.

    042] No doubt you people were on, close by, nearby or stuck with the right side of the dividing line or battleground due to your purpose based proper commitment to carrying out our purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines for mankind by campaigning, struggling and striving hard for its success but they were on the wrong side of the divide and their commitment was to goals and objectives which were distant and opposite to our set targets for mankind and they were harmful and destructive for mankind. Moreover think about the fact that even if you the mankind had promised each other to meet each other on the battleground at an agreed time and place yet you may have failed to do so but Allah decided to accomplish and fulfil what he had intended and planned so he gathered both of you the opposing sides of people on time in a place so that those who still wanted to continue living the way they were which led them to their painful state of existence by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense could continue living that way after our proof has been placed before or in front of them and those who wanted blissful, dignified and secure existence for a brilliant future may do so after our proof has been placed before or in front of them also. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that he is fully and purposefully properly aware of all affairs comprehensively therefore he is able to guide them purposefully properly to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    043] This is why through purpose based proper education and training as well as debating skills, in your minds Allah made them appear to you very limited in their objectives therefore in their supportive explanations and evidences, had he shown them to you widely aware then you will have surely lost courage and instead you will have quarrelled even among yourselves about this matter and that is how Allah helped you win them over for unity, peace, progress and prosperity because he makes evident the very motives in minds of people through results of their very own actions.

    044] So at the time when you locked them in the battle of wits he exposed them to you before your very eyes as a vulnerable people who had weak objectives as well as explanations and evidences to support them whereas he saw them taking you as merely an ill equipped minority in their eyes yet Allah let the truth about his purpose based proper plan become fully and purposefully properly established through that very party because ultimately only and only according to set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah all purpose based proper plans find their fulfilment.

    045] Therefore O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, when you people are facing your opposition you should be purposefully properly, fully and firmly grounded in your thoughts and actions through your purposeful proper education and training as well as the needed skills for achieving your objectives, that is how you should campaign, strive and struggle for spreading purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind far and wide in the human world so that you could end up successful in your given or assigned mission by us.

    046] That is why and this is how you people should be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with his prophet and messenger and with each other as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. So you people should never argue with one another over baseless and unfounded things which have nothing to do with his assigned mission for you people which unites you people and keeps peace between you people and helps you make progress to become and remain prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by way of your complementing each other fully and purposefully properly. However if you people will fail to stick to his this advice then you people will also become divided and disintegrate and remain divided and you will never become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so you people will lose your strength and you people will become and remain a weak people that way until and unless you people stick again to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly as well as with each other. Therefore instead of falling victim to such a terrible state of existence show endurance and persistence in pursuing his purpose based proper program by accomplishing its set out objectives according to our provided guidelines because purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind supports only and only those people who take steps steadfastly and consistently but sensibly towards his set out ultimate end goal for mankind.

    047] So do not be like those leading and dominant people who come forth from their premises or settlements wherein they are based, settled, stay or reside in disarray and confused due to their ignorance based arrogance to try and impress their people by imposing their way of life upon them and that way they intend to intimidate and stop others from joining the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah because they keep themselves ignorant and unaware about the fact that Allah has all their motives, goals, plans and moves well within his reach and control.

    048] That is how at the time of gathering of two opposing parties the harmful and destructive leadership which was rejector and opponent of purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah and which had made its way of life whereby they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense attractive to them encouraged them by saying to them, none of these people can overcome you people this day in this battle in this place because I am accompanying you or going along with you. However when both the opposing parties came face to face with each other for the battle for proving the superiority of their own ways of life respectively, there and then the leadership said to its supporters and backers, I am no longer on your side or with you people because I can now see the truth which you people may not be able to see therefore I am now concerned for the success of the mission of Allah for mankind because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah hold mankind swiftly and strictly to account according to his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    049] Before confirming and verifying or testing the strength of their own ways of life against our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind at the time the hypocrites and those who had harmful and destructive designs in their minds against mankind were saying to each other about supporters and backers of the Quranic message, their ideology for living their lives has misled them. However after finding out, confirming and verifying the truth in this regard for themselves they became aware and realised the fact that anyone who relies upon setup purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind will find Allah is in actual fact or truly mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    050] However only if you people could imagine the time when those people who reject and oppose purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world which is based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind are delivered purposefully properly the results of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other and the people on our assigned mission who strive for establishing and maintaining a place or land or kingdom based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly confront their leaders as well as their supporters saying, taste the result of the fire of hatred you have created and spread among yourselves as well as rest of mankind in the human world.

    051] This terrible situation you the mankind have brought upon yourselves all by yourselves by your own courses of thoughts and actions because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms by Allah never deliver any wrong results to any people or human population at all.

    052] The very same thing happened to people of Pharaoh and to those that had gone before them. They also rejected and opposed purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind and victimised people in their human populations so Allah found them caught up in their own mutual destructions by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Surely Allah is mighty, swift and strict in keeping mankind stuck to his purpose based proper plan.

    053] All that happened to them because Allah never changes blissful, dignified and secure state of existence of any people which he has bestowed upon them due to their seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly until and unless they themselves change their state of existence for the worst by ignoring, neglecting, avoiding or falling away from his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that his purpose based proper guidance is purposefully properly comprehensive and should be strictly adhered to purposefully properly and faithfully.

    054] To this very same rule or law of consequences were subjected people of Pharaoh and those who have gone before them, they rejected and opposed purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of their creator and sustainer for mankind so we found them caught up in due course in the process of their mutual destruction because they did terrible things to each other as a people or human populations for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    055] This is why the most harmful and destructive people in the sight of Allah are those who reject and oppose his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they do not truly want to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    056] Such as those people from whom you took oaths of allegiance yet time after time they violated their oaths because they did not want to become and remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with rest of the people for ensuring their own well being by complementing others purposefully properly as a part of the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    057] Because of their ignorance based arrogance due to their plotting, scheming and conspiracies against the purpose based proper human community if you people decide to counter them then send them into the purpose based proper education and training centres and educate and train them purposefully properly for making an example of them for others who may be thinking of following their example of plotting, scheming and conspiring against the purpose based proper human community so that they all may learn a good lesson that way. If any still fail then banish them and exile them from this place, land or kingdom.

    058] Also if you people have any factual information concerning any of the factions or human populations with whom you have any agreements about their committing treachery or deception then you should end those treaties with them before going to war with them because of their treachery and deception as purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind does not support and back any people who do not keep their word or do not fulfil their declaration of agreed upon pact, agreement, promise, accord or treaty.

    059] This you people should do so that you do not let rejecters and opponents of our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind assume that that way by their tricks and traps or methods and mechanisms they can overcome those who have truly, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed, dedicated and devoted themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Surely they can never succeed in stopping, preventing and hindering them from accomplishing their assigned mission by us.

    060] This is why you people should bring about and maintain or you should always have and keep ready for dealing effectively and decisively with these like people about whom you are aware as well as for those about whom you are not aware but Allah is aware of them all kinds of necessary and essential forces you need including a fighting force whereby you could deter, contain and keep at bay these like rejectors and opponents of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind who due to their ignorance based arrogance distance themselves and they are determined to remain distant from it as well as they try their best to keep others away from it and who take you the purpose based proper human community as their enemies because of your striving for success of his assigned mission for you people for establishing and maintaining his purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly for ensuring well being of you the mankind by way of your complementing each other purposefully properly for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Remember that you do not use anything at all which is fruit of your own toil, labour and hard work for actualising and turning into a reality the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah but full outcome for this use of your fruit of labour will be received by you people in here as well as in hereafter because you will not be treated and dealt with using improper, inappropriate, unjust and unfair laws in the place, land or kingdom based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.

    061] Nonetheless if these people who are distant from the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as from the purpose based proper human community show their sincere intention for joining you the purpose based proper human community according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind then accept them as a part of your community but all of you together always remain on your guard by relying upon set-up purpose based proper system and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah. That is how he makes obvious for you the mankind that he is comprehensive in his advice and guidance for you the mankind.

    062] However despite all these explanations and evidences yet if any people intend to deceive, trick and trap you people then still setup purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah should be relied upon by you people according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. It is because he strengthened you people thereby with those who have committed themselves truly, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    063] It is only and only because of his inspiring and motivating them through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind that they have become and remain a loving brotherhood of humanity for complementing each other purposefully properly. The fact is, even if you people had spent all that which exists in the human world even then you could not have brought about their meeting of minds in such a loving way nonetheless purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind has done it for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom because he is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    064] O you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind, surely setup purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are sufficient to rely upon for you and for those who support and back you up from among those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    065] O you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind, inspire, activate, energise, rouse, urge, move and motivate those who claim to have truly and wholeheartedly committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to prepare themselves fully and purposefully properly for all kinds of needed purpose based proper campaigning, struggling, striving, fighting and warfare as well as for all sorts of eventualities on a war footing. They should educate and train themselves to gain all kinds of needed purpose based proper skills to such degree that if there are twenty steadfast purposefully properly educated, trained and skilled people from among you people then they should be able to perform work of more than two hundred people and if there are one hundred such people from among you then they should be able to carry out the work of more than one thousand people in comparison to those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. That is because due to their ignorance based arrogance they fail to learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things so due to their lack of purpose based proper sense of things they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community and complementing each other purposefully properly like you people for ensuring your own well being for having blissful, dignified and secure existence.   

    066] Just now as things are, Allah is informing you people about the fact that you people are not prepared as well as you should be because there are individuals from among you who are weak in their knowledge, training and skills yet as things stand if there are one hundred steadfast good workers from among you, they should still be able to outdo two hundred and if there are one thousand, they should still be able to outdo two thousand of them because that is the declared plan of action for you people from Allah for preparing yourselves purposefully properly because the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah support and back up only and only those people who are steadfast and consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other therefore prepare yourselves for all eventualities as you are told and as you ought to or supposed to.

    067] Moreover remember always that it is never fitting for our prophet and messenger to wage wars on people in order to make them his slaves or to cause needless bloodshed in the human world despite the fact that it is you the mankind who always decide to strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you people inflict harms and destruction upon each other and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other for thinking and doing all that to each other. On the contrary Allah wants for you the mankind to have the best possible existence in this life as well as in hereafter. No doubt Allah is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation so he is in the best position for guiding you the mankind purposefully properly.

    068] Had it not been for the written down purpose based proper plan of Allah for guiding you people then you will have experienced terribly painful and humiliating state of existence permanently due to what you were caught in. That is you people were caught in horrible spiral of inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    069] Because you the mankind have been always having purpose based proper guidance from him since the beginning of his purpose based proper revelation for mankind that is why you people should participate, interact, partake, take part in or play a part in all that which is productive, useful, constructive, beneficial and advantageous for you people as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom because therefore it is all lawful, legal and purposefully proper for you to have and to use or to do. This is why you the mankind should be purposefully properly consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other for ensuring well being of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Surely only and only purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind offers safety and security or protection through his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind which can lead mankind to heights of excellence therefore to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom provided they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon it purposefully properly.

    070] So O you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind, tell those who support and back you up for accomplishing our assigned mission to you as well as those who are under your management or in your care from among those who have limited education, training and skills that if Allah finds improvement in your ambitions and desires as well as in your mindsets, attitudes and behaviours due to your purpose based proper education and training based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind then he will give you even better than what you have been found with and he will save and secure or protect you people from all kinds of harms and destructions mankind inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, because certainly purpose based proper education and training based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind saves and secure or protects mankind from harms and destructions by hands of each other which they inflict for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    071] However if any people from among them still harbour or have treacherous designs against you people after you have set them purposefully and properly free from ignorance, illiteracy, lack of education and training, rivalry and animosity about purpose based proper mission of Allah for mankind then that will not be anything new they have already demonstrated deception to Allah as well as to humanity that is why he gave them under your management and care for their reformation through their training and retraining so let them go in the real world to play their part after they have had their sessions for education and training when they are ready so that they may demonstrate if they have mended their ways. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that he is in actual fact the wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    072] As for those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they have migrated mentally as well as physically and they made efforts steadfastly and constantly themselves as well as they spent the fruit of their labour for establishing and maintaining in the human world the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law purposefully properly which are advised for mankind by Allah as well as those who are helped and supported them purposefully properly by giving them all kinds of purpose based proper help and support including asylum are indeed the true helpers, supporters and backers of one another for sake of and cause of Allah or because of Allah. However as for those who claim to have committed themselves purpose fully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom yet they migrate not physically, you people are not obligated or duty bound to save and secure or protect them until and unless they too migrate not only from their previous stances, viewpoints, objectives, targets or goals but also from their places of stay or residence wherein they are settled. Yet you people can help and support them if you are able to and you want to but it is your obligation, duty and responsibility to help and support them if they are oppressed or suppressed by any other people or human populations in the human world in matters which concern their contractual, constitutional and legal rights except against a people with whom you have a treaty and they have accepted to live under their rule of law for some justifiable reason but in that case you can take up the matter of beach of their agreement with them to put things right for them. Surely Allah is aware of all that you the mankind think and do for each other or against each other.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #182 - May 18, 2024, 12:26 AM

    073] You the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom should help and support those people who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind from among other human populations in other places or lands or kingdoms because the fact is that even after all our these explanations and evidences for mankind as far as those people are concerned who due to their continuous unawareness as well as due to their continuous ignorance based arrogance regardless of our explanations and evidences they still continue their rejection and opposition of purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world which is based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they are continuing their support and backing of each other against the establishment and maintenance of our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world regardless. So if you people will fail to think and do as you are advised, told or instructed then there will be continuity in disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between people or human populations in the human world and as a result there will continue corruption and destruction for you the mankind in the human world.

    074] This is why those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they have shifted and migrated mentally and physically from their existing ideological stances and viewpoints and places of their stay, residence or settlements accordingly and they have made efforts and worked very, very hard in the way or cause or mission of Allah for its successful establishment and maintenance in the human world purposefully properly as well as those who helped and supported them in every way purposefully properly, they are all for sure the true supporters and backers of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as each other. They will in time to come have freedom from all ills as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by having blissful, dignified and secure existence due to their complementing each other purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    075] As for those people who have committed themselves purposefully properly later on to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they have migrated mentally and physically and they have joined you people in your ideological struggle to establish and maintain the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world purposefully properly according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, they too are fully part of your purpose based proper human community in our kingdom just as you people are because they are all supporters and backers of each other who help and support each other by complementing each other purposefully properly according to the book of Allah for mankind for sake of him. No doubt only and only with Allah alone rests the responsibility of making all things essential manifest and obvious for mankind purposefully properly so that they seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for reaching heights of excellence for having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in the human world in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #183 - May 18, 2024, 12:28 AM

    Surah 4      AL-NISAA-The vital importance of purpose based proper organisation and regulation of human population in manageable chunks, sections or teams in the human world for the assigned ideological, societal, political, cultural and economy related project, goal, task, mission or objective according to purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them for their administration and management of themselves and his provided things for them for fulfilling their own needs and wants through vertical and horizontal structuring of administrations and managements as a people so that with help of systems, structures, procedures and practices they could carry out his provided program about production and distribution of things for them by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for them about their rights and responsibilities relative to each other so that thereby they could become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by way of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity for ensuring their own well being by having blissful, dignified and secure existence through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    000] So O our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind! Proclaim to them this last and final purpose based proper message from Allah who has already provided all things for biological, psychological and sociological development and growth of mankind for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    001] For that reason O you the mankind, be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of your creator and sustainer for mankind as well as with each other who has created and evolved you from a single cell of tree of life whereof he evolved its life support system and spread by means of both of these processes and mechanisms life forms in an organised and regulated manner including human beings as human population so that they become and remain purpose based proper human communities and administrations in his kingdom. So be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah as well as with each other because only and only on basis of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind alone you people can have any claim to your contractual, constitutional and legal rights from each other by fulfilling his imposed responsibilities upon you for or towards each other through your loving compassion based relationships with each other. No doubt set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah keep you people constantly and strictly in check according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind by delivering to you people outcomes of your very own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    002] So assign and deliver according to that constructive, beneficial and advantageous rule of law of Allah for mankind to the individuals and individual groups their rightfully due assignments of goods and services and substitute not with harmful and destructive rule of law the beneficial, advantageous and constructive rule of law which is based purposefully properly upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, nor take part in handling and managing what belongs to purpose based proper human community in our kingdom in a way to take it into your own private possessions for securing your own petty personal gains that way at the expense of the purpose based proper human community. Surely thinking and doing so is in actual fact an act of inflicting a great harm and destruction upon the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    003] For fulfilling that objective, purpose, goal or target when you the individual people come to realise or become aware of this fact that as things stand or as things are you people cannot assign and deliver goods and services for the individual people and individual groups purposefully properly as individuals then you people should organise and regulate yourselves as teams or communities and administrations or managements and governing bodies and contract purposefully properly educated and trained capable and suitable or fit people from among yourselves for the managements and administrations of the communities which you people purposefully properly judge or deem or think are appropriate and proper in your view for meeting and fulfilling the set out needed tasks by organising vertically and horizontally management, administration or governing bodies in multiple groups such as in groups of twos, threes or fours and so on to help you think and do what you are obligated and duty bound to think and do as a people. Therefore if you people become concerned that as things are you people as individuals will not be able to assign and deliver things of need and want to individuals and groups as you should justly and fairly or purposefully properly in shape or form of goods and services for the individual people and individual groups then there is only one purpose based proper solution for that situation that you people purposefully properly organise and regulate yourselves as chunks, blocks or sections under a single over all purpose based proper human community under your own over all management and administration within your own jurisdiction. That will be more suitable way for you to deal with the situation to prevent you people from acting partially against each other against the limits set by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.

    004] That is how you people should ensure that the rightfully due sustenance, provision, subsistence and livelihood is reaching all the chunks, blocks and sections of purpose based proper human community generously in abundance and purposefully properly. However, if any of them are happy to leave for you the rest of the sections of purpose based proper human community managements and administrations something out of it then you may use or redistribute it as you think will benefit most the sections under the overall purpose based proper human community.

    005] Since thinking and doing all this is of vital importance for you people so think and do it purposefully properly therefore do not place these community management and administrative responsibilities, obligations and duties upon shoulders of ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained or mentally and physically unsound or unstable people in the community for handling and managing your community and its resources which Allah has made a means of your sustenance and support so provide the community blocks, chunks and sections from it their livelihood to cover all their needs and wants as well as discuss and explain community and administration related things to them purposefully properly and nicely to educate and train them.

    006] As for the selected individuals under your care for their purpose based proper education and training for taking on administrative and management responsibilities and duties, keep putting them through examinations for testing their abilities until they reach the required standard for shouldering their administrative and management obligations and duties to be drafted in then take them in as in house trainees and if you find them purposefully properly capable and fit for needed sound judgements and physical actions then hand over to them their community responsibilities and the related stuff for which they are supposed to be responsible advising them, do not let this purpose based proper human community wealth be used in contravention of purpose based proper  program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind nor let the expenditure of the community exceed its production and distribution or growth. If the main administration of the main community has sufficient amount of stuff at its discretion then it should not take any more from the community to serve it but if it does not have sufficient stuff under its discretion then let it take what is appropriately needed for serving the purpose based proper human community purposefully properly. Also when you hand over to people their shares from the community wealth, keep records about it for evidence regarding them, for Allah advises efficiency as well as keeping purpose based proper accounts for preventing problems and troubles between the people of the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    007] For the new managers and administrators of the community it is their duty that they should work hard to improve upon what they inherit from their ancestral community administration and their related communities and administrations and likewise it is their duty that the communities also improve upon what they inherit from their ancestral communities and administrations and their related communities and administrations regardless what they inherit is little or much. They must make purpose based proper use of what they inherit as a matter of their duty, responsibility and obligation.

    008] Moreover when contractually, constitutionally and legally bound individual residents and settlers within the reach and jurisdiction are gathered at the time for distribution and allotment of shares of the community wealth, give out of community wealth to them their due shares and discuss all matters of mutual importance and concern with them appropriately and purposefully properly.

    009] Let those managers and administrators who distribute the community wealth to the members of their communities within their jurisdictions as well as the communities themselves show similar concerns in their thoughts and actions for the members of the purpose based proper human community for the purposes of assignment and delivery of things of their need and want in form and shape of goods and services as if it was their own personal wealth and these people were members of their own families for whose growth, development and success they were greatly and seriously or very much concerned. That is how they should be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other by expressing their heartfelt goodwill for each other.

    010] Be or become aware and alert about the fact that those who will unduly withhold or try and take away the contractually, constitutionally and legally assigned rights and things which are rightfully in possessions of individuals or are supposed to be rightfully in possessions of individuals, they are taking part in igniting and kindling the fire of hatred between the bodies of their people in their human populations or communities therefore soon they will be consumed by their self created, ignited or kindled fire of hatred between their people by way of bloodshed and destruction that will ensue as a result and pursue them due to their mismanagement and mishandling of things on purpose, intentionally and deliberately.

    011] In order to save and secure you the mankind from all these kinds of troubles and problems between yourselves Allah instructs and advises you people concerning your masses that have decided to come together and remain together as a single large purpose based proper human community in his kingdom to organise and regulate themselves into smaller easily manageable chunks, blocks, sections, companies, groups and parties or teams under a single main administration with subordinate horizontal and vertical layer of similar administrations. For example, in case there are more people, masses, populations or communities than can be managed by the two layers of administrations then divide them under three layers of administrations. However, even if you decide to have only one administration, it should still need to be efficiently sufficient to serve the purpose based proper human community purposefully properly. As for the subordinate main administrations, for each of them there can be several sub subordinate administrations to share the tasks provided there are people to serve as their administrators as well as there are people as communities to be served. However if there are no people to serve as administrators or there are no people to be served as communities then the responsibility of administration remains with the main administration but if there are two subordinate administrations and there are people to be served then share of responsibilities of mother administration is only one third. But if there are more supporting fellow administrations such as five administrations under the mother administration then responsibility of their mother administration would be one sixth after all administrations are agreed upon and installed and they work purposefully properly as they are advised according to his contractual, constitutional and legal obligations and responsibilities placed upon them. With regard to your main and subordinate administrators and populations or communities, you people do not really know in advance which of them will be of more benefit and advantage for you people as a community and as an administration therefore Allah issued this ordinance, direction, instruction or guideline so that you people observe and monitor as well as hold each and every person and institution of the administration as well as community accountable accordingly and purposefully properly. No doubt Allah is wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation who makes things obvious for humanity to make mankind wise enough so that in due course with experience they manage the human world purposefully properly for ensuring their own well being by way of complementing each other purposefully properly.

    012] Similarly for you the fellow administrations at horizontal level responsibility is to be shared purposefully properly and appropriately if there are no subordinate administrations and communities. However if you have three subordinate administrations and communities then your responsibility is one fourth after the agreement about it has been finalised or reached between you people according to the contractual, constitutional and legal obligations and responsibilities placed upon you. Your fellow administrations will likewise have one fourth of the responsibilities if you have no successors but they do. However if you too have three subordinate administrations then they are to get one eighth of responsibility just like you after the agreement is in place about it according to the contractual, constitutional and legal obligations placed upon you people. If an administrator or an administration has no mother or daughter administrator or administration but has five supporting administrators or supporting administrations, they each have one sixth of the responsibilities. However if they are more than that then they all have similar appropriate share of responsibilities agreed upon according to the contractual, constitutional and legal obligations placed upon you people without loss of rights and responsibilities of the others. This purpose based proper guidance is an advice from Allah, the all knowing for mankind which he made known for you the mankind to adopt to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom purposefully properly.

    013] These are the administrative, organisational and regulatory measures advised by Allah for mankind to put in place and live or abide by so that any people who are consistent with purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind as well as with his prophet and messenger and with each other could enter blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in places, lands or kingdoms in which they live or they are settled with rivers flowing of things for their need and want or livelihood under their own purpose based proper administrations and managements to continually live therein for as long as they live if they maintain this set standard for them because that will be something of great benefit and advantage for mankind to accomplish and maintain.

    014] On the contrary any people who will think and do things in opposition to purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind which are given to them through his prophet and messenger for them by transgressing his set out limits and measures he has put in place in shape of set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms they will in due course or in time to come end up in fire of hatred between themselves or against each other due to living by any way of life whereby they will strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and they will remain in that state of existence for all their lives if they will not repent by giving up their that way of life and reform and mend themselves by adopting his advised purpose based proper way of life for them and that is how they will taste, suffer, undergo or experience a terribly humiliating painful state of existence by hands of each other.

    015] Therefore if any of your administrations or communities are accused for breaking or breaching the set limits of Allah for mankind then look for at least a few independent instances with a few independent but reliable people as witnesses for evidence from among yourselves against them and if you find such evidence then hold them accountable, answerable and responsible according to the contractual and constitutional law till they have been delivered the relevant penalty fit for their crime for ending the crime and that is the way Allah has ordained for you the purpose based proper human community for dealing with such parties which commit such crimes among you people.

    016] So if either of the two groups from among you the communities and the administrations need corrective measures taken against them due to their breaking and breaching our set limits then put them both through purpose based proper corrective measures such as put them through purpose based proper education and training centres and if they then repent by giving up their that conduct which is prohibited and forbidden and reform by taking on the required conduct then leave them to carry on as usual or normal. Surely Allah attends to what people need to think and do through his purpose based proper blissful, dignified and secure existence providing guidance for mankind.

    017] The purpose based proper or true turning to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for correcting themselves according to the set standard of Allah for mankind is only and only of those administrators, individuals, administrations and communities which live by any way of life whereby they inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense out of their unawareness and ignorance about purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind but once they become aware and knowledgeable about purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly by seeking, receiving, studying and accepting it purposefully properly for acting upon it then from that time onwards they go not near that harmful and destructive way of life again whereby they used to inflict harms and destructions upon each other, because these are the people whom purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind guides purposefully properly because purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind surely makes people aware of the wisdom which they lack for running or managing the place, land or kingdom purposefully properly as a purpose based proper management and as a purpose based proper managed community.

    018] However turning to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is not purpose based proper of those administrations and communities which keep on living the way they used to so they keep on inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense despite having been made aware about purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly until any of them comes face to face with sure destruction by hands of each other and then it says, I will now turn to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly, nor of any of them which ends up destroying itself by itself due to rejecting and opposing the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, because for such people in our scheme of things is already declared as warning in advance in our scripture the terrible painful state of existence and destruction by hands of each other.

    019] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind yet you people continue thinking and doing things the way you used to or the way you should not by treating them suspiciously or hesitantly, so be or become purposefully properly aware of the fact that it is not lawful, legal, proper or appropriate for you people to forcefully take over and mishandle or mistreat any of the human communities or their administrations within your jurisdiction or within your reach or power against their will, nor are you people supposed to force them to accept your terms and conditions which they deem harmful and destructive for themselves to make them give up some of their granted rights and responsibilities as well as possessions or belonging by us as a community or administration unless they are clearly in breach of their contractual, constitutional and legal limits set by Allah for mankind. So that all of you people end up as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, deal with them purposefully properly for ensuring their well being as a part of your larger purpose based proper human community even if you may dislike dealing with them that way because it is possible that you may dislike thinking or doing something about someone or something in which Allah has placed greater good for you the human population in the human world.

    020] However if you people decide to help change the state of a community for the better from the state in which a community already is and therefore you have agreed to give any of them a lot of support then you should not withhold from it your help and support at all, will you people withhold from it your help that way which can cause bundles of problems and troubles for its administration which can prevent it from functioning purposefully properly or carrying out or discharging its duties, responsibilities and obligations purposefully properly or faithfully to its community merely due to your own self evident baseless and unfounded thoughts about each other?

    021] So how right can any of you the administrations and communities be for withholding your support for the other administrations and communities when each and every one of you have gone through this experience and you have benefited from each other indeed because that is why you people became and remained united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community and the people from among each of you have taken from you the communities and administrations a firm pledge according to the contractual, constitutional and legal obligations?

    022] However communities and administrations should not enter into new agreements on the same old basis with communities and administrations that already have agreements in place through predecessor administrations and communities in order to continue undercutting and unduly exploiting each other instead let bygone ways of thinking and doing things the wrong way be bygones. Surely it was a harmful and destructive way of life for parties to undercut and unduly exploit and manipulate each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    023] It is therefore unlawful, illegal, improper and inappropriate for you people as purpose based proper human communities and administrations to enter into agreements with other communities and administrations where purpose based proper agreements are already in place in order to undercut and unduly exploit each other such as your horizontally and vertically linked mother communities and administrations, your horizontally and vertically linked daughter communities and administrations, your horizontally and vertically linked sister communities and administrations, your supportive ideologically and physically horizontally and vertically closely linked communities and administrations, your supportive ideologically and physically horizontally and vertically linked distant or separate communities and administrations, the daughter horizontally and vertically linked communities and administrations of your ally communities and administrations, the daughter horizontally and vertically linked communities and administration of your sister communities and administrations, your mother horizontally and vertically linked communities and administrations which foster, teach, arm, equip, educate, train, cultivate, culturise, raise, nurture, groom and prepare you, your sister horizontally and vertically linked communities and administrations which are fostered, educated and trained along side with you, mother communities and administrations horizontally and vertically linked of your ally or partner communities and administrations, daughter horizontally and vertically linked communities and administrations of communities and administrations which are under your own care and management. Moreover you cannot enter in agreements even with those communities and administrations with which you have disputes or you do not get on with for undercutting, abusing or manipulating them. However there is no restriction for you people and it is lawful, legal, legitimate, proper, right and appropriate for you people to enter in contract or agreement with your own community administrators who are backbone of your purpose based proper human community for appropriate, right, proper, legal, lawful, legitimate purpose and reason purposefully properly. That is how you the people of purpose based proper human community in our kingdom should bring any number of communities under the very same main administration instead of continuing what went on before by your thinking and doing things by your old way of life whereby you people inflicted harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. No doubt Allah is saviour and securer or protector of mankind through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for them.

    024] Also enter not in agreements for alliance with or take not under your management and care any human populations and administrations that are ideologically distant or far removed from you people until they accept our provided terms and conditions for you the mankind for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of humanity as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, this is an instruction or advice of Allah for you the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. However you people are free to enter in agreements with any other administrations and communities for the purposes other than the ones stated (such as exploitation, abusive use, manipulation) which are, you intend to ensure their safety and security or protection as a people and you are not intending and desiring to secure your own undue advantages or petty personal gains from them at their expense. Instead you people intend and desire to give them their mutually agreed appropriate or purpose based proper revenue for community and administration as an obligation for the service of the community. However there is no blame on you as a people if you people happily change the agreements between administrations and communities with mutual consent for the benefit of all involved. This demonstrates and makes obvious the fact that rule of law of Allah for mankind is for sure based upon his comprehensive wisdom.

    025] Moreover if any of you the united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous blocks, chunks, sections of the purpose based proper human community and administration are not large and strong enough to form your alliances with other larger and purposefully properly established stronger purpose based proper human communities and administrations which work for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind because they are not there at all or they are at a distance from you for the time being therefore beyond your reach then you should enter in agreement with other communities and administrations that are smaller and are closer or nearer by you and they are willing to make alliance with you for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for the reason so that you could develop into a larger and stronger united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous purposefully properly organised and regulated human community in our kingdom. That is how Allah makes obvious for you that you people should care for each other by complementing each other purposefully properly because you are from and due to each other and you need each other for having the blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. So enter in agreement with these administrations and communities with open consent of their communities and administrations and give them whatever help and support they need and you are able to provide for ensuring well being of these communities. They too should become and remain fully and purposefully properly committed to agreements, not shaking hands with your rivals or those consider you people their enemies. Nor should they ally with your rivals after ratifying agreements with you looking forward to your demise by way of plots, schemes and conspiracies. Then if after they are drafted in to the agreements they breach the agreements or transgress against the agreements and mutual purpose based proper community interests then they should be made to compensate the communities as prescribed for any of the communities that are distant from the rule of law of Allah for mankind. This penalty is for the reason that people in contract with you pay purpose based proper attention to their thoughts and actions and their consequences. So if you people will manage, handle or deal with the teething or starting problems and difficulties sensibly then things will get better for you in due course because Allah saves and secures or protects mankind only and only through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms according to his blissful, dignified and secure state of existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    026] Allah desires to make his purpose based proper guidance for mankind manifest through you people in reality according to strategies, tactics, techniques, methods, procedures, action plans and practices of those people who succeeded in this regard before you so that thereby he helps and support you to be successful in establishing and maintaining his assigned purpose based proper mission for you. This is how Allah manifests the fact that he is all knowing and all wise.

    027] Just as Allah desires that he turns towards you people with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to help and support you people to fulfil his assigned purpose based proper mission for you so those people who have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires therefore they have harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours wish to see you people deviate far away from his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind which can lead them to unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for them so that you people become or remain disunited, rivals, enemies and in conflicts therefore you remain poor and weak by your fighting with each other instead of complementing each other for blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    028] Allah wishes that he makes things easier for you the human populations in the human world because man has been brought about by him in a simplest possible state of existence to grow, progress, develop and prosper there from biologically, psychologically and sociologically.

    029] For that reason O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, do not manage and handle your production and distribution of his provided things for your sustenance, livelihood and subsistence when you people are dealing with each other according to any manipulative and abusive harmful and destructive way of life to inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead let there be free flow of goods and services between or among yourselves for ensuring well being of each other, so that you people do not end up destroying yourselves by thinking and doing things the harmful and destructive way. No doubt way of life advised for mankind by Allah ensures blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them.

    030] So after all these explanations and evidences if any party or group of people still thinks and acts according to harmful and destructive way of life in contravention of his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind and that way inflicts harms and destructions upon each other for securing its own petty personal gains from each other at each other ‘s expense, we will let such a party or group of people drag itself in to the pit of fire of hatred and animosity to suffer terrible pain and suffering by hands of each other. To do so or let that happen is easy for the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    031] However if you the mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom will avoid thinking and doing to each other things which you people are not supposed to think and do to each other because they are gravely harmful and destructive for you as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom then we will not let your unintentional mistakes take you off our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind but instead we will thereby help and support you to rise to heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom due to your very own hard works according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    032] So never even think or wish about evading, averting, avoiding, neglecting or ignoring our duties, obligations and responsibilities placed upon you people for each other by your tricks and lies or falsehood for diverting, manipulating or abusing rights of each other with which Allah has bound some of you for others for complementing each other purposefully properly. As for the more capable and advantaged people, the results of their thoughts and actions should be according to what they are supposed to be capable of thinking and doing and as for the less capable and less advantaged people, the results of their thoughts and actions should be according to what they are supposed to be capable of thinking and doing. Therefore fulfil your responsibilities towards each other according to the best of your given abilities by him when you people demand from each other your given rights by him or deliver to each other your given rights by him in his very name or for sake of him regarding his provided bounties for your sustenance and livelihood. This is why and this is how Allah makes evident for you people as to what he is aware of and what you people ought to be thinking and doing so that you could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    033] This is why and this is how for each and every purpose based proper human community we bring forth from among them administrators and managers to handle whatever they have from the people of their relevant purpose based proper human communities and administrations or managements and resources. So those communities with whom you the administrators and managers enter in agreements deliver to them their due shares of rights and responsibilities purposefully properly. Surely set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah and his purpose based proper guidance for mankind constantly and consistently makes obvious for mankind how all affairs about everything are to be handled and taken care of by them for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    034] The administrators and managers are duty bound, obligated and responsible for administration and management of their communities as well as their resources purposefully properly by way of their appointments by their own communities because Allah has placed upon some people duties, obligations and responsibilities for delivery of his given rights and his provided sustenance for others to them. Therefore they should keep open for others whatever of the sustenance they have under their administration and management as his given right for them. That is how those administrations and managements which mend, repair and fix severed, broken, fractured and damaged relationships between the members of their communities become and remain consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars from between them for ensuring their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for guarding their future the best as Allah requires of them to guard. As for such administrations and managements of your communities about which you people become concerned due to their lack of consistency with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them as well as with their communities, keep monitoring and advising them and that way keep them purposefully properly stuck to their contractual, constitutional and legal obligations to their communities respectively but if they still fail then separate them from community administration and management and put them through education and training program till they are fit for the task. This is how you people should discipline them purposefully properly and appropriately. Thereafter if they become and remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for them as well as your community requirements then look not for ways for harming or inflicting damage upon them. Remember, the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is the best and it clearly stands out as such, so abide by it.

    035] However if you the purpose based proper human community sense or come across any conflict between any groups of people in your administrations and any parties of your people in your communities then set up arbiter bodies which comprise of people from among the administrators on one side and people from among the relevant communities on the other side then if they will truly go for reconciliation and solutions of the problems between themselves, set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah will facilitate harmony between them, that is how Allah makes manifest that he is all aware about all things purposefully properly.

    036] That is how you people should abide by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and accept no one at all as God, owner and ruler of his kingdom of creation other than Allah himself alone and that way according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind get the full benefit and take the full advantage of his provided things as administrations and communities to make the life or existence of mankind beautiful in the human world within his jurisdiction for the individuals such as local or native residents or settled people as well as of the refugees, asylum seekers, newcomers or migrants from near about places as well as of the refugees from distant or remote places and the ideological supporters of yours in distant or remote places as well as the people on a journey of learning knowledge or seeking livelihood who come under your management and care as well as they are within your reach and capability. Surely set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah supports not the arrogant and rebellious boastful rejecters and opponents of his purpose based proper rule of law for mankind which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    037] Such as those people who live by a way of life whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other in order to secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense therefore they reject and oppose our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and that is how due to their ignorance based arrogance they refuse to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. This is the reason they become and remain niggardly hoarders themselves and they encourage and force others to behave likewise and that is the reason they hide the abundance of wealth which Allah has let them have for spending it on others for ensuring their well being but they refuse to do so. For such rejecters and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind we have set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms to deliver them the horrible consequences of their very own harmful an destructive thoughts and actions against others whereby they end up and remain in terrible painful humiliating state of existence until and unless they repent by giving up their that way of life and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    038] All this happens to people like them because even if they use what they have to help others it is only for showcasing their own personal life style before the masses whereby they project, display, manifest or show their own dominance over others for undermining them because they do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, nor they work for securing the best future for the mankind in here as well as in hereafter. In fact any people who choose such harmful and destructive people as administrators or managers for their human populations they choose a deadly harmful and destructive people as administrators or managers for their human populations.

    039] What harm and destruction could befall upon these like people had they committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they had chosen and appointed purpose based proper administrators and managers for their human populations according to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring the best possible future for mankind in here as well as in hereafter by opening up for others all that Allah had provided them with? No doubt Allah is fully aware of them and he will expose their lack of concern for others in due course through their very own actions against mankind.

    040] Surely Allah does no harm to anyone even in the least degree. Not only that but also if anyone does anything least beneficial for others, he increases its benefit many folds through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    041] Just think about it who will prove right about our all these opposing claims during the time of ultimate and final judgement in hereafter, us or you the mankind when we will bring forth witnesses and evidences from each and every human population in the human world before you people and challenge you people to bring forth your witnesses and evidences against it as to who harmed and destroyed the human populations why and how, us or you people yourselves by your very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind?

    042] During that time period those who are campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind in the human world by our missionaries here in this world just now and therefore they are opposing our last and final prophet and messenger to them and his supporters they will wish they were consistent with them and on the very same ground, foundation and footing with them as the purpose based proper human community is instead of rejecting and opposing them, because they will no longer be able to reject, oppose or mask the actually true message of Allah for mankind  during that time period of final judgement. So they better prepare themselves for facing that ultimate judgement.

    043] Therefore O you people who claim to have committed, dedicated or devoted yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, you too are clearly warned well in advance that you should not get involved in tasks relating the purpose based proper human community the while you people lack sense of making purpose based proper sense of things until and unless you have learned sense of making purpose based proper sense of things and you have prepared yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and that way you people become aware and learned about the project, objective, goal, task or mission as to what you people are supposed to accomplish, nor should anyone who is a newcomer or a stranger to this project get involved in it unless first one has made oneself fully aware about it by undergoing relevant purpose based proper education and training program thoroughly and purposefully properly. However, if any of you people are weak in the needed or required knowledge and training or skills or you are on a journey to learning, or any of you have come from a less advantaged background, or you are stuck with your human populations and you have no access to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind then fulfil your ambition and desire by thinking and doing what ensures well being of mankind till you do reach our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. That is how you the mankind should tackle objectives yourselves as well as your supporters. Purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is indeed helpful and of vital importance for mankind for securing their very own blissful and dignified existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    044] Have you not considered the case of those to whom were given their shares from our scripture for their guidance before you people? Most of them instead decided to live by a way of life whereby they strove for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which landed them in a terribly painful and humiliating state of existence so they desire that you people also lose our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and disconnect yourselves from it just as they did.

    045] This is how set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah make obvious for you people those who have hatred, rivalry and animosity towards you the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom because sufficient is purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for your safety and security or protection as your supporter and backer.

    046] Among those who claim to be purposefully properly guided by us most of them due to their ignorance based arrogance take words in their shares of our scripture they have been given by us before this scripture out of their purpose based proper context and that way they twist their actual message and then on that basis they say with their tongues we hear what the scripture says but we rather go against what the scripture requires or demands of us, so their listening to our scripture is as good as they have not bothered to hear it because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly and that is why they have ended up criticising our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and our purpose based proper rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for them wrongly. Had they instead prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon their shares of our scripture purposefully properly and responded by declaring or saying we have heard the scriptures and we will become and remain consistent with them as well as with each other so keep an eye upon us so that we remain consistent with your purpose based proper scriptures as well as with each other then that will have ensured their well being by leading them to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community and keeping them in that state of existence that way. However Allah let them remain distant or stay away from his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and therefore he let them remain distant from blissful, dignified and secure state of existence due to their rejection and opposition of his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so they do not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom save a minority of them.

    047] Nonetheless O you people who have been given the shares of our scripture already and you have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to them already, commit yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to what we have revealed now in form of the Quran along with those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it so that you people become and remain stronger, more important and of much greater value than you already are. This new latest, last and final part of scripture from us is confirming the main message which you already have with you people from us before we leave your leading people to utterly disintegrate and undo you people and you people become of no importance or value at all and that way you become utterly disfigured beyond all recognition so you fall in trap of harmful and destructive stagnation and regression and that way you end up in a terribly painful humiliating state of existence from which you are unable to get out just as we left those people on their own who did that to do as they please who decided not to abide and live by our purpose based proper rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom before you. It is because the purpose based proper proclaimed plan of Allah is bound for reaching its fulfilment, completion or becoming a reality.

    048] So be aware of the fact that Allah does not save and secure or protect from harm and destruction any people who adopt any way of life in his name whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of purposefully properly adopting and sticking to the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law which are advised for mankind by him and which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because he saves and secures or protects from harm and destruction only and only those people who work for their own safety and security or protection according to his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law purposefully properly rather than working for the way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense in his very name. This is so because any human population that justifies any rule of law by anyone other than Allah has indeed invented and fabricated a great lie against Allah so it suffers grave consequences for doing that because it cannot escape such terrible consequences.

    049] Have you people not come across information about such human populations which claim to be free of all ills from between themselves due to their adopted ways of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense? The fact is, their such claims are nothing but lies because if you will examine them carefully as human populations then you will see that they are in actual fact not free from all ills as they claim nor do they truly want to be free of all ills because only and only way of life advised for mankind by Allah for this very purpose can free mankind from all ills if they work according to it purposefully properly but they have not adopted it so they can never be free from conflicts between themselves. However still no harm and destruction befalls them or comes to them even in the least measure save that which is results of their very own thoughts and actions against each other.

    050] See how daringly they invent falsehood and lies against purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and this in itself is clear enough to make obvious for sensible and knowledgeable people that they are far away from his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind which is sufficiently clear evidence of their criminal act.

    051] Have you not come across the information about those people who were given shares of our scripture to seek, receive, study, accept and act upon them purposefully properly? Instead they falsely claimed that they are seeking unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by their inventing and adopting ways of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other yet they said about those human populations which rejected and opposed our purpose based proper guidance for mankind that they have adopted a better way of life for living their lives in this world than those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    052] Such like are the people whom Allah leaves to themselves to carry on suffering in a terribly painful humiliating state of existence by hands of each other due to their living their lives in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind continuously and any people whom Allah leaves to themselves to undergo terrible painful suffering due to their own choosing you will not find them anyone who could help them out of it.

    053] Have we handed over to such people in writing even a least bit or part of our kingdom? Of course not but for sake of argument had we done that, they will not have given other people even the least bit of it.

    054] So what reason then people have to envy or covet each other just because of that which Allah has given some of the deserving from among them of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and a large chunk of land in his kingdom of creation to manage? We did give the book and the wisdom to organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom to the successors, supporters and backers of Abraham and blessed them with a large chunk of land in our kingdom of creation.

    055] However some of them thereby established and maintained unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom and encouraged others to do the same but some of them moved away from that state of existence and encouraged others for doing the same, therefore came about sufficient fire of hatred and animosity between themselves which harmed and destroyed them due to their inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    056] Surely those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind they are in due course thrown into the fire of hatred and animosity through rivalry and fighting between themselves to suffer terrible painful humiliating state of existence and destruction by hands of each other. No sooner their own strength, power or capability ends up destroyed by themselves that we let it become replace with another outside tyrannical power over them and that is how they keep on tasting, undergoing, suffering or experiencing terrible painful and humiliating state of existence unless they repent by giving up their that way of life and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind. This is how they taste the torment they bring upon themselves by their rivalry and infighting. No doubt Allah is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation so he is able to guide them purposefully properly but they do not heed or listen to his advice and instead they think and do to each other what they please or like.

    057] As for those who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they take actions to remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between mankind by removing obstacles, barriers and hurdles in their way to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity by mending, repairing and fixing fractured, broken and severed relationships between them, we will surely land them in blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in the places of their settlements in our kingdom in which under their own administration and management things of their need and want will flow like rivers wherein they will live for as long as they will remain consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other. Therein they will have such people as their companions who will think and do things for ensuring well being of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. That is how we let people like these enter blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as well as we save and secure or protect, shield and shelter them against harms and destructions.

    058] This is why Allah surely bids you the mankind to place duties, obligations and responsibilities for administration and management of people and things only and only upon shoulders of those people from among yourselves who are most capable of discharging and fulfilling them purposefully properly so when you people decide about distributing our imposed rights and responsibilities between people do so purposefully properly justly, fairly and appropriately. No doubt purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind advises you people for the best possible outcome of your thoughts and actions for yourselves according to it. It is because Allah is all hearing and all seeing so he makes evident for mankind what they ought to be thinking and doing for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    059] So O you people who claim to have committed, dedicated and devoted yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, be truly consistent with the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly by your actions and be truly consistent also with his prophet and messenger purposefully properly by your actions as well as with those whom you people yourselves as a community charge with duties, obligations and responsibilities to serve you the community for his sake as administrators and managers of affairs from among yourselves. However should there arise inconsistency between you the community and your administration or management then both of you the parties must refer to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and his prophet and messenger to become and remain consistent with them as well as with each other if you people are truly in fact and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring the brilliant future for mankind in here as well as in hereafter. This course of thoughts and actions will surely deliver for you people the best possible outcome for your thoughts and actions which will suit you people beautifully.

    060] Have you people not come across those people who also claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which is revealed for all of you people of this era as well as according to that which was revealed for people before you? Yet they desire that their matters, issues or affairs are decided, judged and settled by standards which contravene our purpose based proper guidance for mankind even though they were commanded to reject and oppose those standards because they are harmful and destructive for mankind. That is how their harmful and destructive leadership intends to lead them far away from our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind.

    061] This is why when they are invited to that which is revealed by Allah for purpose based proper guidance of mankind and to his prophet and messenger, you will see that those who like living in opposition to that standard show their utmost hesitation, reluctance, resistance and opposition in coming to it and adopting it.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #184 - May 18, 2024, 12:28 AM

    062] But then see how humbly and submissively they behave towards you people when they fall into problems and troubles with each other as well as with you people as a consequence of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other as well as against you people? Then they come to you with all sincerity swearing by Allah or calling Allah to be their witness that they intended and desired nothing but to promote mutual goodwill and to bring about a friendly and brotherly environment.

    63] Allah exposes and makes evident their true motives and what is really in their minds through their very own actions against each other as well as against purpose based proper human community but you the purpose based proper human community should overlook and ignore their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against you people instead of exacting revenge of them as it is appropriate and proper for you people, because they did all that to you due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as due to their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours and if appropriate instead advise them by saying to them the words that are effective in convincing their minds to help them change their ambitions, desires, mindsets, attitudes and behaviours for the best if possible.

    064] It is because we did not send any of our prophets and messengers to mankind but for the reason that he should be heeded or listened to and supported and backed up by people he is sent for according to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. So it will have been better for these people also to come to you when they had already suffered enough serious consequences for their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions so far against each other as well as against you people in order to seek solutions of those problems and troubles through safety and security or protection and refuge from the problems and troubles they have between themselves as well as between themselves and you people through purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as through help and full support of his prophet and messenger. Had they done that then they will surely have found purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind leading them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    065] No, according to wisdom of your creator and sustainer, they cannot be such people who truly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind until and unless they accept your decision, judgement or deliberation in all their disputed matters, issues and affairs according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and then they find no opposition or resentments in their hearts and minds against your decision or advice and accept it with complete satisfaction by acting upon it purposefully properly.

    066] However the fact is, these people who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and yet resent and oppose your decisions, judgements and arbitrations according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind about matters, issues and affairs that are disputed between themselves they are not truly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because had we bidden them to campaign for the success of our mission among the human populations of which they are a part or had we told them to leave the places wherein they are settled to join the purpose based proper human community to strengthen and empower it they will not have done so but only a minority or few of them. Nonetheless had they acted upon our advice, instruction, direction, guideline or commandment, it will have ensured their well being as well as it will have empowered them truly very strongly in actual fact.

    067] That is because we will have rewarded them with a great outcome for their these steps according to our promises for mankind through our scriptures if only they had taken those steps.

    068] That is how we will have made evident and manifest for people in the human world to see that we have guided them to our advised purpose based proper path or way of life for mankind that is firmly founded.

    069] It is because for any human population in the human world which becomes and remains consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with his prophet and messenger for them and with each other, Allah always empowers them by rewarding them with strength through his prophets and messengers or missionaries and through those who seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly by establishing and maintaining his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law as our assign mission for them as well as through those who bear witness about his message to their own human populations as well as to other human populations in the human world by delivering to them his purpose based proper guidance for mankind  and through those who mend, repair and fix fractured, broken and severed relationships between people in the human populations in the human world by removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between them as well as by removing obstacles, barriers and hurdles in the way of mankind which hold them back from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. What a beautiful companionship is this of mankind with each other in the human world which is based upon the foundation of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    070] Such are the benefits and the advantages of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind because sufficiently efficient and comprehensive is knowledge of Allah for guiding mankind purposefully properly.

    071] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, prepare yourselves purposefully properly for campaigning, struggling, striving, fighting and wars to free the oppressed and suppressed people in the human world from the domination of those who undermine them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense then go forth in detachments or all together as the need be for achieving, accomplishing or fulfilling this task, target, objective or goal .

    072] However be alert and aware of the fact that there is among you people such a group or party of people which will surely try to cause setback or they will try to avoid participation in this campaign, struggle, battle or fight so if you people come across a setback they will start saying, Allah has been kind to us because we did not go along with the rest for this mission or this setback will have caused us some harm or damage as well.

    073] Yet if you people return blessed with abundance of benefits and advantages as told by Allah for you people then they will say out of envy, jealousy, covetousness and undue greed, hatred and animosity towards you, we wish we had accompanied them or we should have been with them because that way we could have secured for ourselves a good part of a great benefit or advantage.

    074] So let only and only those people campaign, struggle, strive and fight wholeheartedly and purposefully properly for establishing and maintaining purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind successfully which is assigned for them as a mission to accomplish who prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly therefore they are willing to change their current or present terribly painful and humiliating state of existence for their brilliant future state of existence that is to come in here as well as in hereafter. For that reason whoever campaigns, struggles and strives purely objectively for the success of cause or mission of installing or establishing the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world whether he dies struggling for it or achieves the objective will soon be granted a great reward.

    075] So what justifiable excuse or reason do you people have not to campaign, struggle, strive or fight for installing the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind when you people are duty bound, obligated or responsible for saving and securing or rescuing and protecting the trapped and stuck helpless and oppressed men, women and children who are crying to Allah for help saying, our creator and sustainer, deliver us from this situation or place and state of existence wherein people in position of power and their supporters are thinking and acting as tyrants, bullies and cruel beyond all bounds or set limits, so bring forth for our rescue a group or party of people who support the establishment of your purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly so that they help us install your purpose based proper rule of law purposefully properly in this place as well.

    076] Such people as are truly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based proper guidance for mankind because only and only they campaign, struggle, strive and fight purposefully properly for installation of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world purposefully properly. In contrast or contrary to them those who reject and oppose the purpose based proper installation of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world campaign, struggle, strive and fight for installing and maintaining the rule of law of harmful and destructive forces which is harmful and destructive for mankind because thereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense whereby mankind end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other therefore fight against the supporters and backers (such as rulers, priests, money lenders, their touts, supporters and backers) of the rule of law which is harmful and destructive for mankind. No doubt the crafty plots, schemes and conspiracies of the crooked ruling elite, religious elite and money lending elite are weak.

    077] In contrast to these people who campaign, struggle, strive and fight wholeheartedly for the success of his assigned purpose based proper mission for them purposefully properly according to the Quran, which is all about establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world purposefully properly, have you people not considered the case of those people who were given shares of our scripture before you people in which they were told to stop living by any way of life whereby you people strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and instead live by our advised purpose based proper way of life and complement each other by forming and establishing a community network for becoming and remaining a purposefully properly organised and regulated purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and strengthen this purpose based proper human community by increasing its capability and capacity purposefully properly? So when they were duty bound, obligated or imposed upon to campaign, struggle, strive and fight for the success of our assigned this mission, task, objective or goal for them wholeheartedly, a group, party or section of them became so deeply buried under considerations for favours of powerful political, religious and wealthy leading people in their human populations as they ought to be overwhelmed by considerations for free gifts of Allah for them or even yet more than that and in their minds they wished as if by saying, our creator and sustainer, why have you imposed upon us this campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for the success of your this assigned mission for us? Could you not exempt us from this struggle for our life time? Tell them, the enjoyment of this life as you are living is limited to a very tiny minority of you people and only for a short period of time but the life that will result after the success of this mission will be much better for those who will be consistent with purpose based proper rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring well being of mankind and rest assured that you people will not suffer any harm and destruction even in the least degree that you are suffering now by hands of each other once the rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is purposefully properly put in place and implemented purposefully properly.

    078] As for your defeatist and cowardice mindsets, attitudes and behaviours, unless you people change them no matter where you people are they are going to stick with you even if you are in fortified towers, that is how behaviour of such people makes their defeatist mindsets and attitudes very obvious for others to see. These people who were given their shares of our scripture before you people are such a people that when due to their consistency with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind any benefits and advantages reach them because of you people they say, they are from Allah but if they suffer any harms and destructions or losses due to their own inconsistencies with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind then they say, these are because of you people, (that is due to our prophet and messenger and his supporters and backers). Tell them, all this happens to all of mankind including you people according to set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. What is wrong with these people that they are not bothered with learning how to make purpose based proper sense of things purposefully properly such as of real world realities as well as our purpose based proper guidance for mankind?

    079] Regardless of their response to our messages explain for them the fact that whatever benefits and advantages reach you the mankind that is because of your own thoughts and actions which coincide with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and whatever harm and destruction you people suffer by hands of each other for securing your own petty persona gains from each other at each other’s expense, that too is result of your own thoughts and actions which you people think and do against each other in contravention of our purpose based upon guidance for mankind. That is the reason why we have sent you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to explain these things for them and set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are sufficient for evidence to prove these facts purposefully properly for mankind and that is how your claim of our prophet-hood and messenger-ship is proven for them should they use their ability of reasoning things purposefully properly.

    080] This is why anyone who is consistent with our prophet and messenger by supporting and backing him for accomplishing our assigned purpose based proper mission for him purposefully properly is in fact consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. As for those who reject and oppose our this assigned mission for you they should become aware about the fact that we have not sent you to stand guard over them to force them to install and maintain our this rule of law in the human world because the fact is they themselves will suffer serious consequences for not establishing and maintaining our rule of law in the human world.

    081] When you our prophet and messenger to them explain things for them, they do say, we agree with you the while they are in your presence but when they leave you, some of them meet together with others in private and secretly at night to plot, scheme and conspire against what you advise them. That is why and that is how Allah leaves them on their own to themselves to expose their intentions through their very own actions about their secret plots and schemes. However leave them to the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions by trusting and relying on the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as process and mechanisms of Allah are sufficiently efficient for disposal of all affairs purposefully properly as explained in his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    082] Why do mankind who have already received shares of our scripture throughout times and places in the human world do not ponder over this our last and final share of scripture the Quran for whole of mankind of this era objectively and purposefully properly? Had it been from any human being instead of Allah, they will have found in it many random, irrelevant and conflicting statements as well as statements which will have contradicted the real world realities and statements which had nothing at all do with our purpose based proper plan for mankind for their purpose based proper guidance.

    083] Despite having a purpose based proper program from us to carry out by accomplishing its purpose based proper goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines for mankind for organising and regulating themselves as a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom according to it yet when there comes to their attention some matter of community concern about state security these like people thoughtlessly spread it among people or public at large causing panic even though it was better for them if they had referred the matter to our prophet and messenger for them for his attention or to other concerned people in the community administration among them who are able to draw purpose based proper conclusions about it to deal with the arising situation purposefully properly. Had it not been for the sake of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which he bestowed upon you people through his prophet and messenger to turn you people thereby into a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, save a minority all of you could have ended up living by a harmful and destructive way of life which was invented and imposed upon mankind by rulers, priests and money lenders which will have landed you people in a terribly painful and humiliating state of existence forever due to you people securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    084] Therefore campaign, struggle, strive and fight hard O you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind along with your supporters and backers in order to fully and purposefully properly implement and maintain purpose based proper rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring their well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. You and your supporters and backers are not obligated or duty bound to make efforts but as much as it is within your capability and capacity that is given to you people by us, so inspire, encourage, move, motivate and urge on those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. It is with support and backing of people themselves purpose based proper guidance of Allah will overthrow the might of those who reject and oppose his program, goals and guidelines for mankind, because purpose based proper guidance of Allah is mighty in strength and foundation as well as strict in holding humanity firmly to his purpose based proper plan for it.

    085] Let mankind know that any human population which intervenes for what is beneficial, advantageous and constructive as well as ensures their well being it will end up benefiting from its intervention itself as well and any that intervenes for furthering what is harmful and destructive for mankind it will end up getting harmed and destroyed by it itself as well, because so Allah has set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and he has put in place all the needed measures for everything for the purpose of fulfilment of his purpose based proper plan for humanity.

    086] So if any people help and support you people for having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom then you people should also help and support them even more for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. No doubt set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah keep all things working according to his purpose based proper plan for mankind.

    087] Such is Allah, none is God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation save he himself alone. He will for sure bring all of you people together when his purpose based proper rule of law becomes purposefully properly established and maintained by his missionaries in the human world and there should not be any doubt about it. And in any case whose word can prove more truthful than that of Allah himself?

    088] What is the matter with you people of the purpose based proper human community that you are in two minds concerning people who want to continue living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which is self evident by their very own continuous actions but still by their tongues they assert we have committed ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah. Regardless of their baseless and unfounded assertion Allah has made them obvious to you as a consequence of their very own continuous misdeeds? Do you people still want to waste your energies on trying to convince these like people whom Allah has left on their own in their self created chaos and confusion due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly due to which they act harmfully and destructively? Surely, any group of people or human population whom Allah finds ignoring his purpose based proper guidance for mankind you can never enlighten such people at all in order to bring them to purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah.

    089] Their aim and objective is to see to it that you people also reject and oppose as they did the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, so that you all become the people of the same harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour towards each other and so you all end up on the wrong side of his clear dividing line for truth and falsehood and right and wrong. This is why you people should not look for or rely upon help and support from within their ranks for installing and maintaining the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind unless they fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly or mentally as well as physically move towards the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world but if they continue rejecting and opposing instead then target them by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against them wherever you find them plotting, scheming, conspiring, campaigning, struggling, striving or fighting  against the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and do not take any of them as human friendly or helpers of humanity unless they reform or change and become so both mentally as well as physically.

    090] Your campaigning must continue against such like elements anywhere and everywhere save against those people who live with another people with whom you people have signed a peace agreement and they stop them from plotting, scheming and conspiring, campaigning, struggling, striving, fighting or attacking you as well as those who turn to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by repenting from their way of life and reforming themselves according to our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and they come over to join you people to show their solidarity with you people because their minds have stopped them thinking and doing harmful and destructive things against you due to being convinced that they were thinking and doing wrong by plotting, scheming, conspiring, campaigning, struggling, striving or fighting against you as well as against the people they come from. Had purpose based proper guidance of Allah left them any justification to fight for, they could have continued their campaign against you so if they leave you in peace by not campaigning against you people anymore and instead they sincerely offer you a peace treaty, in that case Allah does not grant you the right to target any such campaign against them anymore.

    091] But you have yet another people also who play against both of you the parties (the purpose based proper human community and the people with whom you people have sincere peace agreement) and they still wish to remain safe from you as well as from their own people or human population. They plunge into plotting, scheming and conspiracies to cause fights, wars and hostilities as soon as they get any opportunities. Therefore if they do not move away and keep themselves away from thinking and doing these things against you people and they do not offer you a sincere peace agreement nor cease their hostilities against you then you may target them and fight them anywhere and wherever you find them campaigning against the purpose based proper establishment of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind but do keep in mind that, only against such troublesome mischief makers we have granted you people the right to such campaign or fight against.

    092] Moreover keep in mind that it is neither sensible nor fitting or lawful for a person who has committed himself wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind that such a person should intentionally, deliberately, wittingly or premeditatedly kill another person who has also committed himself wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but it can happen inadvertently or accidently by mistake, so if any worker for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind kills another worker for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by mistake and if such a person is from within your own purpose based proper human community then his neck should be spared by you the purpose based proper human community and its management from charge of murder through a written affidavit whereby he reassures the community about his commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community through confirmation of his past behaviour as an accepted rule for bringing about and maintaining continuous peaceful existence of the community and if the person is a newcomer into the community then again he should give an undertaking that as far as it is within his power he will be more careful to not to let such a thing happen again in the future and that he will do all he can to prove his undertaking true. However if the victim is from a human population which is unconnected with you people through any peace treaty but the victim had committed himself wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind then freeing the neck of the person who caused his death by accident from murder charge is sufficient on the basis of his written affidavit for reassuring his commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind to the purpose based proper human community of which he is a member and if need be matter should also be settled justly and fairly with his human population as well for sake of keeping peace between both the human populations. However if such a victim belongs to a people with whom you people are already connected through a peace treaty then blood money should also be paid to his family or people as well as the person who caused his accidental death should be freed from charge of murdering him on basis of his written affidavit for reassuring his purpose based proper human community about his commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and that he has full regard for peace agreements between his own community and the human populations with which it has peace agreements. Anyone who is taking part in campaigning for the establishment  and maintenance of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world who is not found sure about his role in cases of peace and war situations he should be put through purpose based proper education and training program about the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to learn how to think and act purposefully properly, because purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is able to make obvious for them the information and the understanding needed for the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    093] The reason why a person who is truly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity , peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind  cannot kill anyone deliberately without any purpose based proper justification is because any person who intentionally kills any person who is truly, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, the outcome for his such an action is to live with anguish for rest of his life in here in this world. It is because such a person has moved oneself away from the blissful, dignified and secure state of existence into a state of existence that is full of painful and humiliating suffering and as mankind have been already warned by Allah there also awaits for such people grave painful suffering in hereafter as well for thinking and doing so.

    094] So in order to avoid such accidental and unintentional mistaken killings of innocent people O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, when you people go forth on campaigning trips for the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world as an assigned mission of Allah for you, observe and investigate carefully and purposefully properly any people you go for or target or come across for delivering our message to them before you attack them merely on the basis of your own baseless and unfounded assumptions or unreliable false information about them instead make things sure before taking any extreme steps against them which may involve harm and destruction or injury to human lives. Moreover do not refuse to accept by your baseless excuses offers of any people who sincerely express their desire for joining you people as a part of your purpose based proper human community in order to work together with you for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind just by telling them you people cannot work with us for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of our purpose based proper human community so that you people could have an excuse to attack them for loot and plunder like bandits under false pretext like you used to do before you accepted to live by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind in order to work for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. If you really want good life in this world then instead of thinking and doing what is harmful and destructive for mankind carry out purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to his guidelines because in carrying out purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind rests most worthy and most valuable blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind in this world. Do not forget that once upon a time you people yourselves were in the same situation before you placed your trust in the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which he conferred upon you people as his blessing by preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. Therefore ensure things very carefully and purposefully properly before taking any steps which may involve harm and destruction for any human beings or put them in danger. No doubt Allah is comprehensively aware of all things therefore he makes it obvious for you the mankind what you people ought to be thinking and doing as well as purposefully properly for having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance.

    095] Therefore participate, interact and take part all of you as a duty bound purposefully properly organised and regulated purpose based proper human community in all purpose based proper activities purposefully properly according to the best of our given abilities to you because those who do not play their part in the community imposed activities wholeheartedly, effectively and purposefully properly despite having nothing wrong with them which could limit their participation are not to be honoured like those who campaign, struggle and strive hard for the establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah using what they have due to their own labour for ensuring well being of their own purpose based proper human community as well as of rest of mankind. Allah holds such people who participate, interact and take part in campaign and struggle all by themselves due to their self motivation with whatever they have as fruit of their labour for establishing and maintaining his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind purposefully properly by degrees above those who do not participate, interact and take part in duty bound community activities for this purpose. However purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind does promise a good outcome for all of them as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom yet much greater reward as award from Allah awaits those in hereafter who campaign, struggle and strive hard for carrying out his program as a mission by achieving his set out goals, objectives or targets according to his provided guidelines for mankind than for those who stay put.

    096] Heights of excellence and dignity are only and only for those according to him who remove all ills from between themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom in order to reach blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. That is how Allah saves and secures or protects them through his blissful, dignified and secure state of existence providing program when mankind prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    097] As for the human populations which strive for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they inflict harms and destructions upon each other therefore when our missionaries come to them to fulfil our promise to them by delivering to them our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to help them escape this horrific situation or terribly humiliating state of existence so they ask or inquire of them, what is your state of affairs and how can we help and support you people? The weaker ones from among them reply, we are oppressed and suppressed in the place or land or kingdom we live in. They are asked, was the purpose based proper guidance as a purpose based proper foundation not provided for you people by Allah to escape, shift or migrate from this way of life you people live by to start living by his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind to start a new life free from oppression and suppression by each other for ensuring your own well being by your complementing each other purposefully properly? They reply, yes but we ignored it and did not pay any attention to it. Such are the people who eventually end up in a terrible painful state of existence as keep their eyes shut as to what is going on all around them and act not to stop the harm and destruction when it begins and starts spreading till gradually it overwhelms them making their life hell and that is a terrible way of living one’s life to end up in such a horrible state of existence.

    098] Even though they end up entrapped yet these trapped people should come together as a purposefully properly organised and regulated management and managed purpose based proper human community which works for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of themselves and other human beings to effect things the way they should be because they have no other way to escape the facing situation save the help and support by some other people if they are around.

    099] This is why and this is how Allah brings about ways and means to help entrapped people to escape their state of terrible painful existence provided they too play their part in this process purposefully properly because Allah is generous in giving people time and opportunities to correct and overcome their mistakes by removing the culture of harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    100] So any people who want to make a move from the way of life they live by towards the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah for establishing and maintaining the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind purposefully properly in the place or land they live in, they will find a very fertile and very accommodating as well as solid ground and foundation that can home their this desire with abundant resources that are available for them to make purpose based proper use of. However any person who leaves his place to move to live according to purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind as it is established and maintained by his last and final prophet and messenger for mankind but the person fails to reach his destiny he is due his reward which Allah will make obvious as fruit of his thoughts and actions for this purpose in due course in here as well as in hereafter. That is how Allah makes his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind for their safety and security or protection evident through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    101] So whenever you the purpose based proper human community decide to undertake a journey for establishing and maintaining the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind purposefully properly anywhere in the human world, be prepared fully and purposefully properly for it so that there is no setback for you people along the way in case you people are held back from carrying out or accomplishing this mission due to your lack of purpose based proper education, training and needed skills for the purpose of accomplishing this task, objective or goal. For that reason educate, train and prepare yourselves full well and purposefully properly for all times and all eventualities because you cannot do so while you are engaged in carrying out the task on the go as you have very limited, little or no time for doing all this, especially when you are concerned that the troublemakers, mischief-makers and  warmongers against the purpose based proper mission of Allah for mankind for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind may assault, attack or ambush you people the while you are unattentive and unalert or unaware not paying attention to them, particularly for the reason that rejectors and opponents of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind take you people as their declared enemies.

    102] Therefore O our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind while you are among these people who support and back you for the success of our assigned mission lead them to a new as well as needed refreshing education and training program by letting a party of them commence the education and training session with you armed with their needed weapons. After they have completed their session, let them withdraw to take their required position and let another party of them who have not yet had their education and training session come forward to get educated and trained with you, however let all of them be on their guard at all times armed with their needed equipments and weapons. The people who take you people for their enemies wish to see you people neglect your needed armed education and training as well as your sense of duty, obligation and responsibility in this regard, so that they could suddenly attack and overpower and overwhelm all of you in one go. However, there is no blame on you if you people relax your attention to armed education and training when environment is calm and you have no concerns and worries for being attacked but you should still be fully and purposefully properly prepared and on your guard appropriately and purposefully properly. No doubt set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah in due course will make evident the terrible humiliating painful state of existence that awaits for the enemies of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    103] So when you the purpose based proper human community have purposefully properly completed your armed education and training sessions then strive hard to think out for ways and means for establishing and maintaining the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world purposefully properly by rising up and camping along with all your adjacent human populations for this purpose. Moreover when you have accomplished this missionary task and you have become satisfied with the outcome then rise up for accomplishing and maintaining purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the rest of human world purposefully properly. It is because establishing and maintaining purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world is a duty which is imposed upon or prescribed for those who have committed themselves fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

     104] So do not be slack or neglectful, unconcerned or uncaring in pursuing and going after human populations for delivering to them our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for establishing and maintaining our purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world purposefully properly. If pursuing this target, goal, objective or carrying out this task or mission means going through hardships for you people then realise this fact also that they too suffer similar hardships in order to pursue their goals, objectives or targets, however, in your case you have the hope to benefit much more from the successful outcome of this mission in here as well as in hereafter due to living or abiding by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind the while they do not have this advantage or benefit or hope. This is why and this is how Allah makes his wisdom obvious for mankind so that they establish, maintain and abide by his purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    105] This is the very reason why we have revealed to you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for the last and the final time for the purpose of bringing about unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind so that they become and remain a truly purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it because thereby you are to allot, assign, decide, judge and advise rights and responsibilities for mankind towards each other as Allah has taught or shown you thereby, so that you and people who support and back you are never of those who cheat and deceive each other regarding these rights and responsibilities in our very name for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    106] For that reason you should seek blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for them as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom through purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, because the book of Allah for mankind surely provides purpose based proper guidance for them for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.

    107] Therefore never pursue the way of life of those leading people who ruin themselves as well as their human populations due to or through creating or causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between them by imposing the way of life upon them whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, for set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah never supports and back up such people who are given to cheating and deceiving each other of their given rights by us.

    108] These like people may succeed for a while in hiding their these like crimes against each other from the people they manipulate and abuse but they cannot hide them from the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah, for he makes evident thereby by delivering to them the outcomes for all to see all that these people think and do against each other in due course because they are constantly and consistently under his observation and monitoring. The fact is, his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms are monitoring them even when they are plotting, scheming and conspiring by night in words which he does not approve but instead condemns. The set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah encompass all that they think and do so they make obvious for people to see in due course all their these like motives through their very own actions.

    109] Think about it, for now as things are at present in the human world and you the mankind have freedom to think and act freely as you like therefore the leading people from among you the mankind can choose to advocate and impose their way of life upon the rest of you to satisfy their greed for power and wealth in order to have a hold on others or to be their masters the while way of life and rule of law of Allah are not yet fully and purposefully properly established and maintain as well as lived by in the whole of human world but who will argue, campaign, struggle, strive and fight for establishing and maintaining their way of life against the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah when it gradually due to education and training based revolution becomes fully and purposefully properly established and maintained as well as lived by in the whole of human world by purpose based proper human community in his kingdom or who will be left in the human world to advocate for it?

    110] For this very reason if any human population does any harm to another or their own people but then it seeks safety and security or protection of Allah for its brilliant future by turning to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for reforming itself according to it, such people will surely find purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind protecting them through his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind which can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom provided they prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    111] However if any human population still continues thinking and doing harms to its own people or any other human population then in actual fact it is only harming and destroying itself by harming and destroying its own people or any other people because whatever harm and destruction they deliver to others will eventually come back to them in due course, that is why Allah makes obvious for mankind benefits and advantages of his purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for them which are based upon his wisdom so that they do not think and act for securing their own petty personal gain from each other at each other’s expense.

    112] Despite all these explanations if any people still commit any crimes against another people and put the blame on yet another people for their crimes, such people should be held liable, responsible, accountable and answerable for their self evident false allegations and accusations as well as for their intentional and deliberate harms to their victims and they should be dealt with appropriately and purposefully properly.

    113] Had Allah not blessed you people with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, a party of people was determined to mislead you people. However they can only misled those people who only and only listen to them due to their ignorance based arrogance and due to that they follow them blindly wherever they lead them but they can do no such harm to you people at all because Allah has revealed to you people his purpose based proper book for your purpose based proper guidance whereby he taught you people all that which you people ought to know but you knew it not before its revelation. However you people know it now but that happened only and only because you people prepared yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. Great indeed is purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for blessing you the mankind with unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence due to your complementing each other purposefully properly.

    114] There is no benefit or advantage in itself for humanity in cooperating, complementing, supporting and backing up each other because most of the consultations between groups or parties of people are in private and in secret for their plotting, scheming and conspiracies against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they end up harmed or destroyed. Nonetheless supporting and complementing each other is most beneficial and advantageous for those people only who complement each other purposefully properly on basis of supporting and backing up our verifiable and confirmable revealed purpose based proper guiding truth for mankind which is self evident and which is purposefully properly knowable for them that can bring mankind together and keep them together as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence because it can help them remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between themselves as well as it can help them mend broken, fractured and severed relationships between themselves. So any group or party of people that will get together and complement or back up each other purposefully properly for that purpose according to requirements of Allah for sake of Allah, his set-up purpose based systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms will soon reward them with the best possible outcome in here as well as in hereafter.   

    115] However any group or party of mankind that will plot, scheme or conspire for hostilities against our prophet and messenger to mankind as well as against his purpose based proper supporters and backers after the purpose based proper guidance from Allah for mankind has been purposefully properly conveyed to it and yet it continues living by any way of life other than our advised purpose base proper way of life for mankind whereby live purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, we will leave it on its own on that very path it has chosen for itself and let it land itself in life of painful suffering, which is a terrible state of existence to be in.

    116] Surely purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind becomes ineffective when it is rendered useless so it no longer can save and secure or protects such people from any harms and destructions they inflict upon each other who mix, adulterate or confuse it with their own self invented falsehood whereby they justify their striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Nonetheless it does offer safety and security or protection for mankind but only and only in its pure and unadulterated form against all kinds of harms and destructions which could result from disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves for those who commit themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly for working according to it. As for any people who mix their falsehood with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, they have totally and utterly distanced and disconnected themselves from the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah for ensuring their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it.

    117] Such people who join with purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah their own self invented falsehood to have things their way for their own purposes invite to nothing against the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah but baseless and unfounded religious and secular ideologies and practices which harm and thereby weaken humanity because they not only holdback mankind from their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity but also they thereby create disputes, rivalries, animosities, fight and wars between them therefore they call to nothing but slavery and bondage of harmful and destructive administration, management and leadership.

    118] The very harmful and destructive leadership, administration or management that is rejected and condemned by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind because it leads mankind away from the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for them by him for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. All because when it is said by our missionaries to it to live by way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah it rejects and opposes it by saying, I will try any way I can to take hold of my share of people you have created as much as I can and use them for furthering my own personal goals, objectives and agendas

    119] and that way I will surely lead them away from your advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind through harmful and destructive ambitions and desires and convince them to treat each other in ways which stop, prevent or hinder their works for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based proper guidance for them. I will inspire them by my clever tricks, techniques and mechanisms to change their conduct inspired by Allah in a way that leads them to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other. This is why any people who will take the path or adopt the way of life of harmful and destructive leadership against the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah will surely end up in a terrible loss that is self evident, obvious or manifest.

    120] The harmful and destructive leadership makes them promises only to condition their minds or to implant, instil or program in them harmful and destructive ambitions and desires, surely the harmful and destructive leadership makes them promises only to give them baseless and unfounded false hopes.

    121] The terrible state of existence in which such people who listen to it will land will be full of humiliating painful suffering from which they will find no escape or way out unless they repent by leaving or giving up their that way of life and reform by adopting the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah.

    122] However those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they take steps to remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between people as well as they remove obstacles, barriers and hurdles in the way of people which hold them back from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity and they mend, repair and fix broken, severed and fractured relationships between people to bring them together as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. Due to their such hard works we will soon land them into places or lands or kingdoms in which under their management things of their need and want or livelihood will flow like rivers and they will live therein for as long as they will maintain their this state of existence. This is a promise of Allah that surely stands as good as fulfilled because who can express such self evident truth other than Allah?

    123] Say to those who live their lives against the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind without claiming to have any book from him as well as those who claim to have a book from him, neither according to your baseless and unfounded harmful and destructive ambitions and desires or your baseless and unfounded religious and secular ideologies and practices nor according to the baseless and unfounded harmful and destructive ambitions and desires or baseless and unfounded religious and secular ideologies and practices of those who claim to be the people of the book instead the results of your own thoughts and actions for and against each other will be determined and decided as well as delivered to you people only and only by the set-up purpose based proper systems and law as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah, so any administration or community or leadership which will inflict harms and destructions upon others for securing its own petty personal gains from them at their expense will end up with harming and destroying itself due to inflicting harms and destruction upon each other among themselves and such an administration or community or leadership will find none to save and secure or protect or help it against the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah.

    124] However whichever administration and community or leadership and following takes steps which are constructive and beneficial for mankind because thereby they remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, fight and wars from between mankind or thereby they remove barriers, obstacles and hurdles in the way of people which hold them back from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that that way they could become and remain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind or thereby they mend, repair and fix broken, severed and fractured relationship between mankind, regardless it is a large and strong administration and community or leadership and following or a small and weak provided it remains purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, it will be surely entered into blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in a place or land in the kingdom of Allah because its people will not harm each other even in the least and instead they will help each other to their utmost according to the best of our given abilities to them to build a great life for themselves by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #185 - May 18, 2024, 12:29 AM

    125] So which of these human populations has a better way of life and a better rule of law, the one which commits itself purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and it works for making the human world a beautiful place for mankind by establishing, maintaining and living by way of life and rule of law by which lived Abraham the true and sincere believer in one true God or the other? The one which lives by purpose based proper way of life and rule of law that is advised for mankind by Allah whereby lived Abraham is better due to which he declared Abraham as his sincere, true and faithful worker for his assigned mission.

    126] It is because only and only to Allah alone belongs all that is within all the distanced galaxies including this galaxy as well as all that is in between them so only and only he alone is able to guide mankind purposefully properly. That is the reason only and only set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah comprehensively control operations and workings of each and everything in kingdom of his creation purposefully properly according to his purpose and plan.

    127] This is why your people will also seek information from you our last and final prophet and messenger to them about issues which are related to organisation and regulation of human populations and administrations for their purpose based proper operating, working and functioning. Say to them, Allah has explained things about them already in his book concerning unorganised and unregulated individuals who live their lives in isolation cut off from each other showing no concern for painful suffering of each other in their human populations. Those individuals whom you the leaderships of human populations do not assign responsibilities and rights purposefully properly as told by him instead you people try to get hold of them to have control over them by not sharing responsibilities with them and by not giving them their due rights as told by him and that way you entrap and enslave them making them dependent upon you for their existence. For that reason O our prophet and messenger to mankind and his supporters and backers rise up or stand up for the isolated and cut off individuals for ensuring their purpose based proper existence in the human world. You people will think and do nothing at all for ensuring their well being but it has been already made obvious for you people through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    128] So if any party, section, company or human population from among human populations becomes concerned and expresses or shows its concern about its administration, management or leadership due to its going beyond its contractual, constitutional and legal rights and responsibilities or due to its moving away from them, there should be no obstacle, barrier, hurdle or any precondition in the path of both the parties for agreeing upon terms, conditions, procedures and practices for putting things back on the purpose based proper track or path between themselves purposefully properly. After all appropriate and purpose based proper compromise between mankind is the best thing to bring people back together again and to keep them together but they should be brought together and kept together only and only according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as purposefully properly. Keep in mind the fact that drive to struggle for survival or existence is present in human beings but it can be channelized by them purposefully properly by being consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as by their consistency with each other which can save them from living by any way of life whereby they end up striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which they can end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. So mankind should be able to see that Allah is purposefully properly aware about all things comprehensively therefore he is able to guide you people purposefully properly.

    129] As it is not always possible for you the mankind to be absolutely consistent with our purpose based proper guidance and with each other due to presence of possibility of human error in your very being so possibility of human error is present in all your managements and all your human populations as well as people therefore you people cannot be absolutely just and fair always when you deal with each other even if you fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly desire things to be that way but so long as you do not raise one side or person or management to the extent that you end up pushing down the other side or person or managed human population and thereby you create an obvious imbalance then you people should be fine if you will work out a mutually beneficial and advantageous purpose based proper understanding between yourselves and be consistent with it. This is how Allah saves and secures or protects mankind through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    130] This is how if any parties disagree between themselves then Allah provides ample solutions for vast or huge amount of their problems between themselves for each and every one of them. All because Allah takes care of all affairs in his kingdom of creation due to his purpose based proper vast and comprehensive knowledge about things.

    131] That is so because only and only to Allah alone belongs all that is in all the distanced galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy of which he alone takes care. This is why and this is how we directed, instructed, guided and advised the people who got their shares of our scripture before you people and now we advise you people also to be consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other in your dealings with each other. We did this because if you the mankind did not receive our purpose based proper guidance for mankind at all from us or if you people still went against it after receiving it by ignoring it then be clearly warned that your living your life without it will prove terribly harmful and destructive as well as humiliating for you people. And since only and only to Allah alone belongs all that is in all the distanced galaxies as well as all that is in this galaxy so he knows what he is telling you and Allah has no harmful and destructive ulterior motive or agenda because he is self-sufficient for his existence to whom alone belongs God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of whole of this kingdom of his creation.

    132] Since only and only to Allah alone belongs all that is in all the distanced galaxies and all that is in this galaxy therefore if you people will ponder over things purposefully properly it should make amply clear for you the mankind that set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are sufficiently efficient to deal with all affairs of his created things therefore you the mankind should also think and act according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind to be successful in living your lives purposefully properly.

    133] Had it been his purpose and plan to do away with you the mankind and bring in your place some other creatures then he could have destroyed you all and brought about other things in your place because Allah had the power to do so but this was not his purpose and plan for creating you the mankind instead he desired that you live by his book knowing his purpose and plan for you so that you stay safe and prosper by fulfilling his purpose according to his plan for you people.

    134] This is why any human populations, administrations, managements or leaderships which think and do things with intention of benefitting themselves only by taking undue advantage of others at their expense in the human world the delivery of outcome for their such harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others in this world rests with set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah and moreover the outcome for their such harmful and destructive thoughts and actions will also be there for them in hereafter as well. It is because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah constantly and consistently observe and monitor all that which mankind think and do in order to deliver to them the results for them.

    135] Because mankind  are delivered results of their very own thoughts and actions in here as well as in hereafter therefore O you people who claim to have committed yourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, stand firmly upon and stick to what is purposefully properly true, right, just, fair and appropriate therefore think and do things purposefully properly. If you give evidence or you are called upon to bear witness or you have to testify about something then give evidence or bear witness only and only for sake of Allah alone and speak the truth about the matter under consideration as you know it without taking any side or being biased or prejudiced against anyone or anything even if what you have to say goes against your very own settled community or its management or against newcomers within your jurisdiction or within your reach regardless they are strong or weak. The main concern of provided purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is to ensure well being of all the parties involved, so do not say anything as witnesses based upon your own baseless and unfounded biases or prejudices or assumptions instead bear true witness for the issue of concern or under consideration. Should you people deviate from what is true and right when you are giving evidence or should you avoid giving evidence or bearing witness and that way try to hide the truth knowingly then remember the fact that set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are constantly and consistently at work and they deliver outcomes to people according to their very own thoughts and actions and mankind are to be delivered their outcomes in here as well as in hereafter.

    136] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, commit yourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind along with his prophet and messenger indeed by backing up your claim or declaration by your thoughts and actions according to his last and final book which he has sent to his this last and final prophet and messenger as well as according to the scripture which was sent before it. So any people or human population which will reject and oppose purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind through his missionaries and his books as well as through his prophets and messengers in actual fact rejects and opposes its own brilliant future because it has gone far off the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by him for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    137] Particularly such people who come from average section of people from among those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but after they become well off and sufficiently stable they reject and oppose their that declaration and think and do things against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as they used to do in order to secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. However when things start getting harder for them then again they make another similar declaration of commitment as before but they reject and oppose it again after they become well off and stable again so they end up going back to their old way of life to live their lives again as before so they start thinking and acting against our purpose based proper guidance for mankind once again and they keep on increasing their activities against our purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the human world. For that reason purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind cannot save and secure or protect such like people from the harmful and destructive results of their very own thoughts and actions against humanity because they make not their sincere efforts purposefully properly for preparing themselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    138] So announce the terribly painful state of existence for such hypocrites in here as well as in hereafter as the consequence of their very own transgressions against purpose based proper human community in our kingdom in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    139] Those who take the rejecters and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as their administrators, managers, guides and protectors instead of those who are truly, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, they are looking for power and wealth through them but they cannot get purpose based proper power and wealth through them because their way of life is all about striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands each other. It is because the fact is, having power and wealth purposefully properly as a proper human community totally and completely only and only rests for mankind upon their living by purpose based proper way of life and rule of law that is advised for mankind by Allah because thereby mankind become and remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah as well as with each other therefore they complement each other purposefully properly for rising to heights of excellence and for having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.       

    140] That is why he has explained for you the purpose based proper human community through his book that whenever it comes to your attention that purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for you the mankind are being rejected and opposed as well as they are taken lightly instead of being taken seriously by any people, you people should not sit quietly and go along with them but instead they should be engaged by you people in a purpose based proper and meaningful dialogue about whatever alternative of that seems purposeful and proper to them. If you will not do that then in due course you too will also end up like them. Be warned that Allah has set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms to gather together the secret rejectors and opponents of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as its open rejectors and opponents in life of terrible painful suffering in here as well as in hereafter.

    141] These secret rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind from within you the purpose based proper human community wait for outcomes or results of discussions, debates, campaigns, struggles, fights or wars for the establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life or rule and law of Allah which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to decide how they should react or respond to take credit for them any way they can. So if discussions, debates, campaigns, struggles, fights or wars for the establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind open the way for all of you involved people in them to your unity, peace, progress and prosperity, they claim the credit for it in front of you saying, did we not help and support you for achieving this end result or outcome? But on the other hand if rejectors and opponents of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind gain a partial advantage point for a short while, they claim credit before or in front of them by saying, did we not have the advantage over you yet we prevented your exposure by hands of the missionaries by plotting, scheming and conspiring against them and that way we did not let them succeed against you people? Allah will make benefits and advantages of his purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind fully manifest for you the mankind during the time period when it becomes fully and purposefully properly established and maintained by his missionaries as well as lived by mankind purposefully properly. So Allah will never let rejectors and opponents of his purpose based proper mission triumph over those who are fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind in any way.

    142] Surely these hidden rejectors and opponents from among you people of our purpose based proper rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind try their utmost to undermine the campaign and struggle for the purpose based proper installation and maintenance of our purpose based proper rule of law for mankind in the human world but we let them thereby expose themselves because if you observe, monitor or watch them how they participate in the campaign or struggle for the purpose based proper installation and maintenance of our purpose based proper rule of law in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind which is based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, they go along with the campaign or struggle in the name of Allah hesitantly and reluctantly only to be seen by the masses to be doing something to deceive them because they actually do not support and back up the idea of living their lives by purpose based proper way of life and rule of law which are advised for mankind by Allah but only a little as they are forced by their own situations and circumstances.

    143] It is because they are born ignorant and they are staying ignorant so they are utterly confused and in identity crisis therefore they keep changing their minds, belonging neither to one side or the other. It is because people whom Allah finds straying and misleading themselves due to their lack of making efforts for preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly, you people cannot lead them to his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    144] Therefore O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, do not choose those people as your administrators, managers, leaders, guides, directors, pointers or teachers for your purpose based proper human community who reject and oppose installation, maintenance and living by our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind instead of those who are truly, fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Do you people deliberately want to go against the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah by thinking and doing things in contravention of his provided purpose based proper guidance for you the mankind and suffer the terrible consequences for thinking and doing so?

    145] Surely the secret rejectors and opponents - of campaign and struggle for installation and maintenance of our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind in the human world which are based upon our purpose based proper guidance for them - from among you people have fallen to the lowest degree possible in humanity in kindling, igniting, lighting, striking or starting the fire of hatred between you people and the rest of mankind so you will not find any helper for them to drag them out of their that state of mind as well as their that state of existence other than their own effort to learn and to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    146] However, those of them who will repent by leaving their that way of life and reform by turning to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by adopting his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind and hold fast onto them sincerely for their true safety and security or protection and become as well as remain sincere supporters and backers of campaign and struggle for installation and maintenance of his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind in the human world which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, such people will be counted as actual part of purpose based proper human community in his kingdom and Allah will soon reward all people who are truly, fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind in here as well as in hereafter.

    147] Just think about it, why or how can set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah leave you the mankind in painful and humiliating state of existence if you are all consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other by working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind? It is because Allah through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for mankind ensures success of those people who are consistent in their efforts for making their human world beautiful and purposefully proper as it ought to be according to his requirement and set standard.

    148] This is why purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind does not allow or approve even the use of words between people for hurting each other let alone it allowing or approving their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense yet one can get hurt by someone unintentionally so if possible purpose based proper human community should take purpose based proper steps to compensate the hurt person without penalising anyone who has caused the unintentional hurt. However be warned about the fact that set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are constantly and consistently at work and they deliver to mankind outcomes of their very own thoughts and actions for or against each other.

    149] So regardless you people benefit each other openly or in private and secret stop and prevent each other from inflicting any harms and destructions upon each other for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, it is because Allah has put in place measures including providing you the mankind with his purpose based proper guidance to save and secure or protect, shield and screen you people from any harms and destructions thereby but which could destroy you people as a result of your own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other.

    150] Nonetheless it has been always the case that those who due to their ignorance based arrogance have been rejecting and opposing purpose based proper installation and maintenance of and living by purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world which are advised by him for them and which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them which he gave to mankind through his prophets and messengers, they have been plotting, scheming, and conspiring to cause confusion and thereby conflicts and fights between mankind by using purpose based proper and brilliant statements and expressions of Allah through his prophets and messengers by twisting them from their intended purpose based proper contextual meanings and turning them into confusing and conflicting statements and expressions by their confusing and twisted interpretations of them. On that basis then they told their supporters and backers to accept some of them which suited them and reject the rest which did not suit their objective or purpose. That is why they decided to create a confusing and conflicting harmful and destructive way of life and rule of law in form of religion and secularism through their rulers, priests and money lenders for securing their own petty personal gains from the rest at their expense against purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind which are based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind to ensure their well being by their own complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    151] Such like were and are the people who were and are rejecters and opponents of our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but we have set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and also we have put in place all the needed measures to deliver to them their due outcomes for their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against others in here as well as in hereafter.

    152] In contrast to such people for those who have fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind through his prophets and messengers and they did not and they do not cause confusion and thereby conflicts between mankind in the name of even one of them soon he will deliver to them their rewards for their beneficial and constructive thoughts and actions for others in here as well as in hereafter. It is because blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind saves and secure or protects mankind in here as well as in hereafter provided they prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    153] Despite all these brilliant explanations due to their ignorance based arrogance for keeping divisions based upon religion and secularism alive some of the people from among those who have already received their shares of our scripture before this last and final share of scripture for mankind demand of you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind that you should make Allah send a book from heaven for you in front of them so that they could witness its revelation in person. The fact is, people of similar mindset, attitude and behaviour made an even more absurd demand of Moses as well. They said to Moses, show us Allah himself bringing about a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom right before our very eyes. They made that demand of him because their minds became enwrapped in terrible ignorance based arrogance due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. All because they invented and imposed upon themselves a way of life whereby they strove to dominate each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so they remained in that state of existence till there came to them our brilliant purpose based proper guidance for mankind whereby we saved and secured them and that way cured them of their this problem of lack of purpose based proper understanding of things. This is why we gave Moses our brilliant purpose based proper program for mankind to accomplish its goals according to its purpose based proper guidelines.

    154] That is how and that is why we bound them together as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by asking them to agree upon our given rights to them regarding each other as well as our imposed responsibilities upon them about each other by imposing upon them our purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind to live and abide by and that is why we said to them, enter through this purpose based proper gate for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for carrying out our purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines for mankind. Moreover we told them, do not contravene, transgress or breach our agreed upon covenant by being lazy about carrying out our program as you have promised us with your full sincerity.

    155] However for the reason of breach of agreement with Allah by some of them by their rejecting and opposing his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind and their campaigning, striving and fighting against his prophets and messengers to them without any justification whatsoever and their claim that our minds already encompass all we need to know so we do not need to learn what you the claimants of prophet-hood and messenger-ship of Allah claim to have been sent with for mankind, therefore Allah left them on their own because they isolated themselves from learning about his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly as per their own choosing so for these like reasons these people will not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his this last and final revelation for mankind also save only a minority or a small number of them.

    156] Among the reasons for their rejection and opposing our purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind is their false accusation against the purpose based proper human community by name of Mariam for a serious crime such as rebellion against the rest of human population in the land or kingdom they lived in.

    157] They also made a false claim that we have defeated the defender and saviour, Jesus the final successful leader of purpose based proper human community by name of Mariam, the last and final prophet and messenger of Allah to them from among themselves. The fact is, they defeated him not in his assigned mission by us for campaigning, struggling and striving for establishing and maintaining our purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, nor they managed to take hold of him instead they are confused about this whole affair. So those who dispute as to what really happened are surely in doubt about his actual mission and his missionary campaign and struggle. They have no real knowledge about it and instead they follow nothing but their baseless and unfounded assumptions, conjectures and guesses or made up stories about him. The fact is, they defeated him not.

    158] Rather he was successful in carrying out our assigned mission to him so no he was not defeated at all instead Allah raised him to heights of excellence due to his successful completion of his assigned mission to him and he led him to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in his kingdom because only and only Allah alone is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    159] So there should not be any person of the people from among the people who have been given their shares from our scripture but each and every one of them should commit oneself fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly
    to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind before his death or demise and certainly before the arrival of the day or time period of final judgement in hereafter when he (Jesus) will give evidence or stand as a witness for or against them as to how they responded to his call or invitation for establishing, maintaining and living or abiding by our purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.   

    160] It is due to their harmful and destructive way of life whereby they lived due to which they strove for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because of which they inflicted harms and destructions upon each other that we let things which ensure well being of mankind if they are had and used purposefully properly by them become distanced from them or out of their reach which they could have had and used if they had lived by our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly but instead they stopped, prevented, hindered and held most of the people back from establishing, maintaining, abiding and living by purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    161] So due to their living by harmful and destructive way of life whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense from which they were stopped, they dispossessed masses of fruits of their labour by devouring their fruits of their labour without any purpose based proper justification. So due to their cheating each other out of our given rights to mankind and due to their not fulfilling our imposed responsibilities upon them towards each other, we let those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind prepare for themselves terribly painful and humiliating state of existence.

    162] On the contrary those from among them who are well grounded in knowledge of our kingdom of creation as well as our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as those who have committed, dedicated and devoted themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly from among you people, they are all purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which is revealed to you as well as according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which was revealed before you people. They all work for establishing and maintaining purpose based proper human community as well as for strengthening and expanding it in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly because they have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community on the basis of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for their brilliant future in here as well as in hereafter. These are the people whom we have and we will award with great reward.

    163] Surely we have sent this revelation to you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind just as we sent revelations to Noah and our other prophets and messengers to mankind who came after him. For example, we sent our revelations to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, their biological and ideological descendants or successors such as Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron and Solomon. Moreover to David we gave the Zuboor.

    164] Also we sent our revelations to many other our prophets and messengers before you, stories of some of whom we have mentioned to you and stories of some of whom we have not mentioned to you. We did speak to Moses also as we were supposed to talk to him purposefully properly.

    165] All our prophets and messengers to mankind conveyed our purpose based proper messages to them purposefully properly giving them glad tidings about their brilliant future in here as well as in hereafter if they will prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon them purposefully properly but they also warned them well in advance about terrible consequences for them as well in here as well as in hereafter. All this was done so that mankind do not have any excuse against Allah after all these prophets and messengers have come to them to deliver to them his purpose based proper guidance for them for not succeeding in having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in here as well as in hereafter as their reward for doing so. No doubt Allah is wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    166] This is why Allah bears witness that what he has sent to you his last and final prophet and messenger to mankind, he has sent it to make it evident for you the mankind for the last and final time his purpose and plan for you the mankind and so do make this very fact evident, those people who are charged with missionary task and sufficient is testimony or statement of Allah as a proof for mankind to accept it as his purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines for them to make it evident, manifest or obvious or a real world reality in the human world.

    167] Surely those who themselves reject and oppose as well as stop and hinder others from establishing and maintaining purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah purposefully properly in the human world which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, they have indeed distanced themselves from the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by him.

    168] Such as those who reject and oppose purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind cannot save and secure or protect such people from their own deliberate and intended or planned self inflicted troubles and problems between themselves because it cannot guide those people who do not purposefully properly prepare themselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    169] Such people are hell bent upon sticking only and only with their self created and self imposed harmful and destructive way of life which can lead them only and only into terribly painful and humiliating state of existence for as long as they will live so they cannot be guided to purpose based proper way of life purposefully properly unless and until they repent by giving up their that way of life and reform by adopting his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind.

    170] So O you the mankind, surely there has now come to you the people of current era from your creator and sustainer his promised or foretold last and final prophet and messenger with purpose based proper information about real world realities therefore if you people will commit, dedicate and devote yourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, that will ensure your well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by your complementing each other for this purpose, goal, objective or mission purposefully properly. However should you people reject and oppose all this for your continuous living by the way of life you live by whereby you people secure your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other as a result then remember this fact that all that is within all those distanced galaxies as well as in this galaxy and all that is in between them belongs only and only to Allah alone and he is all knowing ruler of this kingdom of his creation so you can never know and do things better than he has told you through his purpose based proper guidance for you.

    171] So O you people who have received from us shares of our scripture already before this, exchange not our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for you and the rest of mankind with any other way of life and rule of law which is baseless and unfounded as well as harmful and destructive for humanity and that way do not attribute to Allah any such way of life and any such rule of law which are based upon lies and falsehood instead attribute to him only and only that way of life and that rule of law which are truly advised for mankind by him. As for the case of Jesus the last and final successor and saviour of human population by name of Mariam, he was only and only a prophet and a messenger of Allah, the information that was conveyed about him as a good news to Mariam community was for motivating it which was a revelation by him through his another prophet and messenger at the time. So commit yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind just like his prophets and messengers did along with their supporters and backers and do not attribute baseless and unfounded hearsay lies and falsehood to him. If you people will hold back yourselves from doing that it will ensure your own well being as a purpose based proper human community. After all the explanations and evidences that have been made obvious for you the mankind there should be no doubt in your minds at all that Allah is one and only God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation. He is free of all false attributions to him by people and all efforts by mankind should be according to only and only his directions, instructions, guidelines and suggestions alone to serve only and only his purpose alone according to only and only his plan alone therefore how can anyone succeed him when all that is within all the distanced galaxies as well as all that is within this galaxy and all that is in between them belongs only and only to him alone? So Allah alone is sufficiently efficient to take care of all things in his kingdom of creation comprehensively needing no assistant or assistance at all.

    172] Never did the Messiah show rebellion, arrogance, haughtiness, disdain or contempt in working for the purpose based proper mission of Allah as a member of a purpose based proper human community along with people nor did the missionaries who worked closely with him because anyone who rejects and rebels against his purpose based proper mission for mankind he will soon after their death round them up all together before himself for pronouncing his final judgement to them in hereafter.

    173] As for those who will commit themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they will take steps to mend, repair and fix broken, fractured and severed relationships between mankind which result from disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves as well as they will remove barriers, obstacles and hurdles in the way of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind so that they could become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, he will reward them with their due awards as well as he will give them more than their due from himself in here as well as in hereafter. However he will leave on their own to remain in terribly painful humiliating state of existence in here as well as in hereafter those who will earn it because they are disdainful, arrogant and rebellious against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind so they will find none to protect or help them get out of this situation or state of existence.

    174] So O you the mankind, in order to save and secure yourselves from disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between yourselves and to have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom there has come to you a convincing proof in form of the Quran from your creator and sustainer because we have sent to you a glorious torch of knowledge to lighten up the path of unity, peace, progress and prosperity for you so that due to it you people could become and remain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.

    175] So those who will commit themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom by holding fast onto it by their thoughts and actions, he will soon cover them up and overwhelm them with his blessings in abundance and he will keep on leading them along the path that is firmly founded for blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind in his kingdom.

    176] Therefore you will be asked about yet more things regarding the issue of individual people and their organisation and regulation into communities and administrations. Say, Allah further advises you people regarding the issue of individual people and their organisation and regulation into communities and administrations as well as about their dismantling, winding up, undoing or restructuring or reorganisation. If matter is relating winding up of an administration that has no community or people to serve but has any similar sister administration then that administration should take back half of its rights and responsibilities and the other half of its rights and responsibilities should be taken over by its mother administration for the purpose based proper redistribution. That is how its supporting administration will inherit its rights and responsibilities for purpose based proper redistribution in case there is no community to manage or serve. If there were two similar sister administrations then two thirds of rights and responsibilities will go back to two sister administrations and the one third to their mother administration for purpose based proper redistribution. However if an administration and community worked with multiple larger and smaller administrations and communities then the share of rights and responsibilities for each and every larger and smaller administration and community will go back to the administration and the community from which they inherited them for purpose based proper redistribution. That is how Allah explains his commandments, instructions, directions and guidelines for you the mankind in case you people do things in ways which cause problems and troubles between yourselves. No doubt Allah has comprehensive knowledge about each and everything.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #186 - May 18, 2024, 12:31 AM

    SURAH 9    AL-TAUBAH – This Surah is most important in the whole of the Quran because it contextualises the Quranic text purposefully properly so it should be taken as second part of each and every Surah of the Quran. This is the reason it does not begin with bismillah verse like all other Surahs of the Quran because it is as if continuation of each and every Surah in the Quran. This Surah tells mankind what the actual message in the Quran is all about and what mankind need to think and do as well as what problems Quranic missionaries will face from mankind for which they must prepare themselves purposefully properly. It is all about what Allah wants of his human creatures and its missionaries are told to campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard for delivering its message throughout human world so that once people become aware of this message then they come together to bring about a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his this purpose based proper guidance for them. This Surah tells mankind to stop living the way they do and start living by the way of life and rule of law which are advised for them in the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind in the Quran. The message is very clear for mankind that if you will not live by this purpose based proper guidance from Allah then do not complain about whatever terrible and humiliating existence you people have, taste, undergo, experience or suffer. This is why it is also a declaration of disassociation from Allah through his prophet and messenger to mankind about his supporters and backers who have entered any treaty with any other people who associate Gods, owners and rulers with Allah in his kingdom of creation so they think and do as they are told by them or as they all by themselves think and do instead of what they are advised or told by him. So Allah disassociates himself from what people think and do to each other or against each other in contravention of his purpose based proper guidance for them for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. The Quran is the last and the final purpose based proper program from Allah for mankind to carry out by accomplishing its goals according to its guidelines purposefully properly so that they could reach heights of excellence and have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. Failing that can only and only mean terribly painful and humiliating existence for mankind. So mankind will have to be either with the Quran or against it. The choice is theirs and so are there outcomes and consequences for them which are to be delivered to them and which they are to receive in here as well as in hereafter. So if mankind will not live by the Quran then they are free to think and do to each other as they please and face the consequences for doing so.

    001] Freedom is granted to you the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom from Allah through his last and final prophet and messenger to you regarding your mutual contractual dealings with people who attribute God-ship, ownership and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation to others than him as well as to others along with him.

    002] However seek all of you the mankind blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind in the human world due to this granted freedom for you the mankind but remember the fact that should you the mankind fail to do that purposefully properly then you people cannot frustrate, stop, prevent or hinder purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind from becoming established and maintained as well as fulfilled by his missionaries and in that case Allah will surely leave those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper plan for mankind on their own to end up in a terrible humiliating state of existence by hands of each other.
    003] So this Quran is the last and the final call or invitation from Allah through his last and final prophet and messenger to mankind for the last and final time period of great campaigns, struggles, strives, fights and wars between mankind for uprooting of all other ways of life and rules of laws based upon different versions of religion and secularism which are harmful and destructive for mankind as well as for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which are advised for them by him. Surely Allah, his prophet and messenger as well as his missionaries are free of being associated with harmful and destructive thoughts and actions of those who attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of creation of Allah to others than him or to others along with him and they live by any way of life and any rule of law which are against the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law that are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they are advised for them by him through his last and final prophet and messenger to them. However if you the rejectors and opponents of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind will stop attributing God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of creation to others than Allah and you will stop living by ways of life and rules of laws which are against his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based up-on his purpose based proper guidance for mankind then it will be most beneficial, advantageous and constructive for all of you people because that will ensure your own well being through your own unity, peace, progress and prosperity by your complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. But if you people will keep yourselves away from thinking and doing what you are told to think and do then be warned that you cannot frustrate and derail the purpose based proper plan of Allah for mankind by not preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly or by rejecting and opposing it. However in that case let such people know who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind that terribly painful and humiliating state of existence will continue for them till they repent by giving up their harmful and destructive way of life and rule of law and they reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind.

    004] Nonetheless those who live by any way of life and rule of law other than the ones advised for mankind by Allah yet at least they honour your agreed contractual peace treaty in each and every essential detail and aid none against you people. Fulfil your contractual agreement for peace with them to the end of their term because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah support only and only those who are consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with each other.

    005] However if peace treaty or accord or contractual peace agreement between you people becomes terminated, annulled, cancelled or breached due to naked aggressions that are committed against you people by any party of those who live by any way of life and any rule of law other than the ones purposefully properly advised for mankind by Allah then on those grounds you people are free to retaliate against such people as disregard even their very own word or promise to you people from among them as you people see fit wherever you find them causing you people problems and troubles. You people should seize them, besiege them and lie in wait for them to catch them in the act or to ambush them using any appropriate stratagem for fighting this sort of criminal mindset, attitude and behaviour by them to make them pay for whatever damage they inflict upon you people. However if they repent by stop living the way they live and they stop their hostile activities such as causing you various kinds of problems and troubles by assaulting, attacking and ambushing you people and instead they reform by joining you people as a part of you the purpose based proper human community to help and support you people purposefully properly to establish and maintain purpose based proper human community network and that way they help you increase your strength as a purpose based proper human community and thereby help you attain freedom for mankind from their harms and destructions they inflict upon each other then surely blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is a saviour and securer or protector of mankind as a purpose based proper program with goals and guidelines for mankind.

    006] As for people who do not cause you people problems and troubles even if any section, party or group of those who live by any way of life or any rule of law other than the ones advised by Allah for mankind request you people first for assurance for safety and security to visit the place you people are settle in or live in for inquiry or learning about what you people stand for and how you people live your lives, grant it the requested assurance for safety and security to visit you people as it is appropriate and purposefully proper for all of you involved people so that the visiting group or party could learn about the program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind and that is how you people should lead any such group or party of people to a stage where at it feels itself truly safe and secure in its existence in actual fact. This is to be done for all such people who are in this state of their existence because they are not yet aware about the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly.

    007] Nonetheless how can Allah advise his prophet and messenger to you the mankind that he should give his word of assurance to any such people who take for a way of life and rule of law other than the ones advised for mankind by him when they keep on disregarding their promises to you people by keep on breaching their peace accords, treaties or agreements but exception is for likes of such people as live by any way of life and any rule of law other than the ones advised for mankind by Allah to whom you people gave your word of assurance for their safety and security on behalf of the place, land or kingdom based upon our rule of law and they never disregarded, breached or broke it? Therefore stick to your given word to them so long as they keep on sticking to their given word to you people, because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah support only and only those people who are consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring their well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    008] So do not enter in contractual agreements with those who repeatedly breach and break their peace treaties, agreements or promises with you, how can you trust any such people who when they see any advantage over you they break their treaties, pacts, contracts or promises with you bearing or shouldering no responsibility for anything based upon those agreements or promises? So this means they simply try to take you into their confidence by their smooth talk to gain your trust but in their minds they have other harmful and destructive plans for you because most of them work against the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law which are advised for mankind by Allah by causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind and that way they work against well being of humanity.

    009] Such people have traded purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind with its goals and guidelines for them for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community for their own individual petty personal gains at the expense of purpose based proper human community as well as each other that is why they stop, obstruct, prevent and hinder others from joining his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind. Harmful and destructive indeed are their thoughts and actions for humanity.

    010] They neither help and support others by honouring their promises to them based upon their social relationships nor do they observe their obligations of treaties with those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. These people are such a people for sure who have transgressed beyond all bounds which are needed or are necessary for survival of humanity.

    011] Still if they repent by giving up their this way of life and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and they accept responsibility for their wrongdoings and they start helping and supporting you people as a part of you people to establish and maintain our way of life and rule of law in the human world purposefully properly to help you people attain freedom from all ills in the human population then they are your ideological brethren according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. That is how we explain our purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines in detail for people who prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon them purposefully properly.

    012] But if they violate their peace treaty with you people yet again after agreeing to it by their intervention and interference with your installation and maintenance of our purpose based proper program for mankind for ensuring their well being within your reach or jurisdiction then you are free to campaign, strive, struggle and fight against such ringleaders and their supporters and backers who are blood thirsty trouble makers and warmongers. Since their peace agreements prove worthless due to their persistent breaches so fighting or war is the only option or way to stop them from carrying out their harmful and destructive designs against mankind.

    013] Why should you people not campaign, struggle, strive and fight against such people as have broken their peace accords, treaties or agreements with you again and again and they also plotted, schemed and conspired to expel our prophet and messenger to them from the place and land he lived as well as they were always the first to start any open aggressions against you people? Are you people trying to show them such caring concern for them that they do not really deserve? No, you people should not do that instead it is Allah’s purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind that are more deserving of your attention if you people are fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because peace is not possible with people who only want to cause problems, troubles, disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind.

    014] Therefore campaign, struggle, strive and fight against them to defeat them that is how set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah will make them suffer the painful consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against humanity by your hands in order to contain them that is why he will support you people against them and that is how he will soothe and calm the hearts and minds of those who are fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by putting back their trust in human population by eliminating power and strength of such untrustable, untrustworthy and unreliable ringleaders and their supporters and backers.

    015] That is how he will take away all the ignorance based arrogance and rancour from their hearts and minds making them realise by becoming aware about the truth after their defeat because Allah turns towards his blessed purpose based proper revealed guidance for mankind whoever so desires and works hard towards it, that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that only and only he alone is God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation the one who is full of wisdom.

    016] Do you people assume that if you people will not campaign, struggle, strive and fight for the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind then you people will be left alone by these like people who strive for dominance over others for undermining them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense? Not at all rather they will keep on pushing their harmful and destructive agendas against mankind regardless of your response and anyhow Allah has not yet made known to you people from among yourselves as to which of you people will exert your utmost effort for furthering his cause and assigned mission to you as well as which of you will not rely upon other than purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon his purpose based proper revealed guidance for mankind through his prophet and messenger and those who claim to have committed themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. That is how Allah shows that he is fully well aware of all that you people need to think and do for ensuring your own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.

    017] It cannot be expected of any such leadership and its supporting human population that keeps breaching or breaking the peace treaties and agreements with you people from among those who live by any way of life and by any rule of law other than the ones advised by Allah for mankind that they can install and maintain the constitutional and legal institutions based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind because they make it amply clear for all human populations involved to see by their such thoughts and actions against the purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines of Allah for mankind. It is such people whose thoughts and actions based upon their ignorance based arrogance lead to harms and destructions to humanity whereby all end up in a terrible humiliating painful state of existence through fire of hatred and animosity against each other wherein they remain due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    018] Purpose based proper constitutional and legal institutions based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for serving mankind purposefully properly can only and only be established and maintained in a place, land or kingdom purposefully properly wherein are settled those people who have fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring their own well being through their complementing each other purposefully properly for making and keeping the place, land or kingdom free of all ills between themselves for their bright future in here as well as in hereafter because they work very, very hard for strengthening and expanding their community network and they have no concern for anything other than what Allah himself has warned them about well in advance. Such like are the people who end up guided purposefully properly because they prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.   

    019] So after all these explanations are you people who claim to be the purpose based proper human community in the place you live in still taking those people from among yourselves who are given to causing and keeping alive already existing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between yourselves in this place, land or kingdom which is supposed to be free of all kinds of problems and troubles between yourselves to those people who have committed themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their brilliant future in here as well as in hereafter because for establishing and maintaining in the human world purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they have campaigned, struggled, strove and fought? They are not equal in the sight of Allah and Allah does not impose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind upon those who reject and oppose it by working against it due to which they end up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    020] Since those who truly commit, dedicate and devote themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind therefore for that very purpose they leave their harmful and destructive baseless, unfounded and false ideas and practices as well as their homes or places they live in for supporting and backing up purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah in the human world which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is how they campaign, struggle, strive and fight using whatever fruit of their labour they have along with their supporters and backers as a community for that reason within their reach become heights of excellence according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind so that is why they are bound to be a successful people for accomplishing his assigned task, goal or mission for them or for achieving their assigned objective by him.

    021] That is why their creator and sustainer gives them glad tidings from himself with his full approval about their blissful, dignified and secure existence for them in places, lands or kingdoms wherein will be all kinds of blessings for them for as long as they will maintain those places purposefully properly.

    022] They will abide therein for as long as they will live purposefully properly by way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind according to his purpose based proper guidance for them. Surely it is purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind working according to which depends great reward for them.

    023] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, do not support your leading people from among your own human populations or your fellows members of your own human populations if they love rejecting and opposing our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for creating problems and troubles for them by causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between them by setting them up against each other through their plotting, scheming and conspiracies for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of striving for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. So if any of you will still support and back them up after all these explanations and evidences then such people are to be taken as supporters and backers of those people who contravene or transgress against purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as against humanity itself due to which they inflict harms and destructions upon each other and end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.

    024] O you our prophet and messenger to mankind say to these people who claim to support and back you up, if despite their working against the mission for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your wives, your relatives, your fruits of your labour, your losses in your businesses about which you people are concerned and your pleasing dwelling places are dear to you people than campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for the success of the mission of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind that is assigned for you the mankind by him through his prophet and messenger to you then wait till set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah deliver to you people the results of your own such thoughts and actions. No doubt purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind does not guide to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence such people as cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves or mankind.

    025] No doubt through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind Allah has helped you in life on many occasions in many places and times and most recently during the time period of turmoil that faced you because during that time period you people overestimated or valued yourselves very high as individuals against each other due to your ignorance based arrogance whereby you people ended up in disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, so your those ambitions and desires and your those very mindsets, attitudes and behaviours based upon those ambitions and desires did not help you at all. Instead the place or land you live in despite its vastness and wide expanse seemed closing in upon you as a people so you retreated from the very brink of death and destruction due to his revealed purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    026] That is why Allah send his this last and final purpose based proper manifesto and program with goals and guidelines for mankind through his last and final prophet and messenger for them to give real hope for blissful, dignified and secure existence to those who will truly commit themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and for that purpose this way he brought forth a huge community of people like of which you the mankind have never seen before whereby he stopped in their tracks and defeated those who rejected and opposed his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as they opposed those who supported and backed it up. That is how he made those who rejected and opposed his purpose based proper guidance for mankind face the consequences of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against humanity.

    027] Despite their such harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as their such mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as against humanity he kept the door to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind opened for all of them so that if any of them made efforts to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly then they could benefit from it. It is because only and only purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind alone can lead mankind to their blissful, dignified and secure state existence in his kingdom.

    028] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, become and remain fully alert and aware of the fact that no matter what those who break and breach their promises, accords, agreements or treaties with you from among your relatives and other people who live by any way of life or any rule of law other than the ones advised for mankind by Allah they have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against mankind therefore they have impure or dirty or harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours towards humanity because they are wholly and fully submerged, sunk or soaked in harmful and destructive motives and designs against humanity therefore do not let them in on your plans by letting them come close to you or near you for undermining and derailing your movement for bringing about the place, land or kingdom based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind that is free of all kinds of problems and troubles or ills between people living therein after the given period of general amnesty and reconciliation so that they are stopped from harming the community spirit in people among you as well as they are stopped from obstructing your ongoing reform and reconciliation program. If for keeping such people away from your missionary plan you people are concerned about loss of their large support from among yourselves then soon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind will enrich and bless you people with yet bigger support and backing because so Allah wills and so he has decided. That is how Allah manifests, makes evident or obvious for mankind that he is mighty wise ruler of his kingdom of creation.

    029] Therefore keep campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting hard against all such people to kill their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity as well as their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours based upon them against humanity who do not commit themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they do not work for brilliant future of humanity because they do not forbid and make unlawful such activities which Allah has forbidden or declared unlawful through his prophet and messenger to mankind and because they do not live by his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind even from among those who have received their shares of his scripture from him until they become convinced and become consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with purpose based proper human community by giving up their rebellious ambitions and desires as well as their  mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against them willingly which are based upon their ignorance based arrogance.

    030] Despite our these explanations and evidences still a particular party from among those who claim to be purposefully properly guided from among the people who have received their share of scripture from us claims the way of life and rule of law established on the foundation provided by Ezra is purpose based proper according to Allah for mankind and a particular party from among those who claim to be helpers and supporters of Christ claims the way of life and rule of law established on the foundation provided by the Christ is purpose based proper according to Allah for mankind. That is what they claim on the basis of whatever hearsay accounts they have without any purpose based proper explanations and evidences, borrowing their these baseless and unfounded harmful and destructive ideas and practices of those who used to reject and oppose the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind in the past. Challenge of Allah is upon them to prove their these claims so that they come to know how disconnected and distant they are from his actual purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to giving themselves over to beliefs and practices which are harmful and destructive for mankind, so where are they heading with their these like beliefs and practices other than to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other?

    031] They have taken words of their religious and secular leaders who make fool of them by making things alluring and enticing for them in various ways to entrap them (such as rulers, chiefs, politicians, money lenders, money dealers, money changers, rabbis, monks, mystics, sages, mullahs and priests etc) to base their ways of life and rules of laws upon them instead of taking the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind through his appointed leadership of community of Mariam in shape of Christ as foundation for their way of life and rule of law as human populations despite being commanded to take word of God as the sole basis for formation of way of life and rule of law for setting up and managing or running a human society in a place, land or kingdom as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. That is because none has the right to God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation other than Allah himself alone. It is because blissful, dignified and secure existence of mankind rests only and only upon their seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and it is not possible through any other way of life or any other rule of law and he is free of having any partners and rivals in his God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation and that is why his missionaries campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard for accomplishing his assigned mission which he has assigned for them against all that falsehood and lies which they attribute and ascribe to him.

    032] These religious and secular leaders and their supporters and backers want to extinguish the light of Allah's purpose based proper guidance for mankind by spreading their own self invented falsehood and lies in form of religious and secular ideas, beliefs and practices or agendas against it using their tricks and mechanisms in his very name which are harmful and destructive for mankind. However Allah will certainly fulfil his assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind purposefully properly through his missionaries by helping and supporting them for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind in the human world even if these people who reject and oppose it hate its establishment and maintenance in the human world.

    033] It is because it is he who has sent this his last and final prophet and messenger to mankind with this his last and final message as a purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for them to establish and maintain as well as abide by his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world purposefully properly so that this way he makes their glory manifest, obvious and self evident over and above all other ways of life and rules of laws even if such happening is hated by those who attribute God-ship, owner-ship and ruler-ship of this kingdom of his creation to others than or along with Allah.

    034] They resent, dislike or hate this happening O you people who claim to have committed yourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because for sure most of the religious and secular leaders and their supporters and backers take away his given rights to mankind to his provisions, sustenance, subsistence and livelihood  for them by spreading their self invented ideas, beliefs and practices in forms of different versions of religion and secularism in the very name of Allah by using their forces, tricks, techniques and mechanisms to entrap them and that is why and that is how they stop, prevent, hinder and obstruct them from joining the campaign, struggle and fight for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. They do all this to keep all the treasures of Allah of highly useful and therefore highly valuable things for mankind within their reach in the human world including gold and silver under their control as their personal wealth and they do not keep them open for mankind for the purpose for which they have been provided by Allah for mankind to benefit the human population at large purposefully properly so that thereby they could enslave humanity. For that reason make them alert and aware about the terrible painful consequence for their these like harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against the rest of human population.

    035] Unless they give up their such harmful and destructive ambitions and desires and their such mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against humanity the time period is surely coming in due course when the treasures of useful things which they steal from others in various ways which Allah has given mankind for fulfilling his purpose according to his plan will produce fire of hatred like hell among their own people whereby their leaders, their team members and their backers and supporters or followers will end up being targeted by their victims for revenge besides their fights between or among themselves. They will be told at that time by our missionaries, this is the outcome of your very own thoughts and actions for stealing and hiding away or storing away the treasures of useful things for mankind for securing your own personal future at the expense of the rest of mankind so taste the pleasures of what you hoarded for securing your own future at the expense of rest of humanity.

    036] In order to avoid such consequences through needless and unnecessary continuous bloodshed, lawlessness, anarchy, chaos and confusion by sudden outbreaks of violence and upheavals by one party against the other between mankind it is prerequisite in the sight of Allah from mankind that they should promote between themselves sound and purpose based proper understanding of real world realities and they should allow this process to prevail at a massive scale among mankind for coming about of a most developed self organised and self regulated exemplary and praiseworthy purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to the purpose based proper guiding book of Allah for mankind. This absolutely necessary requirement of Allah was made known to mankind from the time period when humanity became divided due to striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they ended up in disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves and that way some people who gradually became more advantaged took over positions of power by force and they became masters of others because the others did not develop and grow to the same extent as they should have so they became less advantaged than them therefore they became enslaved by them to live as their slaves due to which the dominant people kept them ignorant, stagnant, poor and weak by dividing them and keeping them divided so they regressed and their development and growth became restricted and strangled instead of their becoming and remaining united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. That is the way mankind lived during that time period therefore Allah sent for them his purpose based proper guidance so that they do not continue living their lives that way anymore to remain in the same harmful and destructive state of existence wherein they suffered terribly painfully by hands of each other by keep living their lives the very same way instead of campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against those who became Gods, owners and rulers of this kingdom of his creation other than or along with Allah because they lived by any way of life and any rule of law other than the ones which were then advised for mankind by Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This is how came about unity, peace, progress and prosperity of all of them during the time period of our prophet and messenger Adam due to our purpose based proper guidance for them. This was the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law which we advised for them to establish and maintain as well as live by permanently and that is how we told them to not to inflict any harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense between yourselves. This is why we told all of them to continue campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting all together against all those who take for Gods, owners and rulers of this kingdom of creation of Allah other than him or along with him. Moreover be alert and aware of the fact that set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah support and back up only and only those people who are purposefully properly consistent with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as they are fully and purposefully properly consistent with each other.   

    037] Surely ignoring our these explanations and evidence causes increase in revengeful thoughts and actions between people about which are in confusion those who reject and oppose purpose based proper establishment of our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to their ignorance based arrogance against them that even though they hold them binding in some aspects sometimes, they ignore them in other respects at other times, so that that way they could create a situation that is consistent with their own harmful and destructive ambitions and desires and that is how they make lawful such activities which are forbidden or declared unlawful by Allah for mankind. Their suchlike harmful and destructive courses of thoughts and actions seemingly give them advantages over each other that is why purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind guides not a people who instead of preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly reject and oppose it any way they can.

    038] O you people who claim to have committed, dedicated and devoted yourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, what is the matter with you people that when you are asked by our prophet and messenger to mankind to come along for campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are advised by us for mankind to live by for ensuring their own well being through complementing each other purposefully properly some of you cling heavily and strongly to your homes, dwelling places, places of your residence or settlement instead of going forth along with him for this task, cause, goal, objective, purpose or mission? Have you people become complacent to the terrible standard of living that many of you people have in the human world at present for yourselves instead of trying to change it for the best possible in the hope of your own best future in here as well as in hereafter? If so even the little comfort you have at present will not last for very long because harmful and destructive ways of life and rules of laws will keep on spreading through these harmful and destructive people if you will sit idle and do nothing in response to that and moreover that will also render your very own hard works to nothing which you have already done and if you are already too late then any effort you will make now it will become useless once you are fully trapped and contained by those who take you people for their enemies. So be alert and aware of the fact that comfort in your life as your life currently is will prove short lived as compared to the life you can bring about for your future in here as well as in hereafter so letting that opportunity slip by is not going to be good for you.

    039] However after all these explanations and evidences if you people still do not see the need for going forth with his prophet and messenger and his revealed message containing his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring their own well being then he will leave you people on your own to think and do as you please and face consequences for thinking and doing so by falling and remaining in your painful humiliating state of existence through his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms therefore in time to come he will find you people replaced by another people because you the mankind will not find any disruption or interruption in his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms, because Allah has set-up universal systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and he has also put in place measures to govern all operations and working of all things in his kingdom of creation.

    040] So it is unlike you people that you will not support and back up our prophet and messenger to you the mankind because you know full well that he is purposefully properly supported and backed up by Allah for his assigned purpose based proper mission by him. You people can call to your minds the time when rejectors and opponents of our assigned mission to him decided to drive him out of his place of living and township and we brought him out of there safely and securely as well as provided him with safe and secure place to live in and to carry on working for the success of our assigned mission to him and they were only two people at the time who were involved in thinking and planning for carrying out this missionary work to make it a success but look at your numbers now. The while they became isolated in a cave during their migration the second of the two said to his companion who expressed worry about the success of this mission, have no worries about the success of this mission because it is a mission from Allah for ensuring well being of mankind so he will support and back us up for making it a success as he has promised. So as you people can now see for yourselves, in due course Allah fulfilled his word of promise that was sent by him to his prophet and messenger and in due course due to his inspiration, motivation and encouragement as well as his own very hard work he strengthened him with forces which you could not imagine at that time and that is how we undermined and rendered ineffective the ignorance and arrogance based influence of those who rejected and opposed purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our purpose based proper way of life and rule of rule based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This is how word of Allah became widely known as supreme because only and only Allah alone is mighty wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation.

    041] So march forth for accomplishing, completing and fulfilling our assigned mission for you the mankind for the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind regardless you people are equipped, armed, decorated or ornamented lightly or heavily and that way campaign, struggle, strive and fight for the cause or mission of Allah using all the fruits of your own labour which you have along with your supporters and backers. That will certainly ensure your very own well being for you people if you will prepare yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    042] As for the evaders of campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for the success of this mission, had this been a short journey for the trade with vast personal gains for them then they will have certainly accompanied you people but this journey for furthering the assigned mission of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind seems too far and too hard for them to undertake. To justify their evasion they even call Allah to be their witness saying, if we were able to then we will have certainly marched along with you. That is how they try to defeat the very purpose of existence of the purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah by not supporting even their fellow community members for accomplishing their assigned mission by him but Allah makes obvious their these motives and thoughts through the results of their very own actions that they are inconsistent with their claim or declaration of commitment to his assigned purpose based proper mission for them.

    043] Allah has granted you his prophet and messenger and your supporters and backers success in campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for the success of his assigned mission for you without support and backing of such people but why did you let them stay behind? It will have been better if you had not done that because it could have become clear for you people which of them declared their commitment to the mission in actual fact and which of them did not so they invented false excuses to be exempted from the campaign, struggle and fight for the success of the mission.

    044] Surely those who have truly, fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed, dedicated and devoted themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for the brilliant future of mankind in here as well as in hereafter, never ask you for exemption through false excuses from going on a missionary campaign with whatever they have along with their personnel or supporters and backers. That is how Allah makes obvious for the purpose based proper human community those who are consistent with his assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind for ensuring their own well being through their complementing each other purposefully properly.

    045] Only those people ask for exemption through false excuses who have not truly, fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed, dedicated and devoted themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for ensuring brilliant future for them in here as well as in hereafter because their minds are filled with confusion therefore with doubts about the success of this mission due to their remaining ignorant about it so they have no solid reason to support and back up his assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind.

    046] Had they actually intended to march forth with you people then they will have certainly made the needed necessary preparations for it but they did not, that is how Allah exposes them as not fit and suitable for going forth with you people for campaigning for the success of his mission and instead he left them on their own to themselves to sit idle at home and that is why they were told, stay at home along with those who stay behind.

    047] Had they gone along with you people they will have added nothing but problems and troubles through their mischiefs and they will have made efforts to create disorder, chaos and confusion among your ranks and there will have been some among you who will have heeded them or listened to them. This is how Allah exposes those who work against his assigned purpose based proper mission for ensuring well being of mankind despite being explained things purposefully properly.

    048] Surely they plotted, schemed and conspired to cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between yourselves before as well and that way they created problems, troubles and disturbances to make your working for the success of purpose based proper mission of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind unsuccessful until the mission became successful and so the truth about it became manifest and that way plan of Allah prevailed even though they worked very hard against it.

    049] Among these people there is such a party that says, grant me exemption and put me not through trouble and bother for preparing myself for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly for spreading its message to rest of humanity in the human world. Have they not noticed that by their responses they have already disclosed their thoughts through their actions so they have fallen into problems and troubles already by avoiding to learn, think and do what the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind demanded of them and that is why they avoided getting involved in campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against harmful and destructive forces? Surely in due course terribly humiliating painful state of existence overwhelms those who ignore and oppose purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because letting ignorance and arrogant based harms and destructions have their way cannot lead humanity to its unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    050] Moreover if you gain any successes in your missionary campaigning, struggling and fighting, it grieves them but if you face difficulties and hardships or suffer any setback they say, we already knew this outcome for this campaigning so they go back to their homes rejoicing.

    051] Tell them, we do not expect any outcome for our campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for the success of the mission other than what Allah has planned for us according to his set-up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms. He is our supporter and backer so in set-up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah should put their trust those who truly, fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    052] Say, how can you people therefore expect any outcome for our missionary campaigning other than either of the two beautiful expected outcomes which are successful purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah in the human world based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by us for ensuring their well being in this life or life in paradise for us in hereafter as promised by Allah? However we expect for you people terrible consequences for your very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against the mission of Allah according to his set-up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms including your defeat by our hands. So look forward to this happening to you if you will if you will not desist we too along with you people are looking forward to what is in store for us in due course to see who will prove right in this regard in the end.

    053] Say, regardless you people participate freely and voluntarily or you are forced by your situation or set of circumstances to participate in the purpose based proper human community during the time of ease or in the time of difficulty, your participation is not expected therefore not accepted for ensuring its well being according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind because you people are such a people who work against his assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind for securing your own petty personal gains from the rest of people at their expense as well as at the expense of purpose based proper human community and that way you people create and cause divisions in the community through creating disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars.

    054] So the reason why their taking part or participation in the missionary work along with the purpose based proper human community is not acceptable is because they participate therein to reject and oppose purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind through his prophet and messenger to them by showing resistance, hesitance and reluctance for working for the objective or goal of purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper human community network so they participate or contribute in that cause hesitantly and reluctantly as if they are forced to partake, participate or take part in there.

    055] For this reason do not give any importance, significance, value or approval in your sight or mind to whatever they have secured or gathered at the expense of others or wrongfully or their wrongful support and backing because Allah has surely setup purpose based proper systems and law as well as processes and mechanisms for delivering outcomes to mankind for their very own thoughts and actions for or against his assigned purpose based proper mission for them so they are bound to fall in a terrible state of existence in here as well as in hereafter and they are to remain therein due to their rejection and opposition to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind unless they repent by stop living this way and reform by start living by his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind purposefully properly.

    056] They call upon Allah to be their witness that they are for sure part of you the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind but the fact is, they are not part of you because they are a people of opposite mindset, attitude and behaviour to you people due to their having harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity for securing their own petty personal gain from them at their expense due to which they cause and create disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars even between the people within the purpose based proper human community.

    057] The fact is, if they could find a safe place to live in, they will have rushed there and from there they could have taken control of everything they desire so that they could become and remain masters of all others.

    058] This is why people like these raise false allegation against people like you the members of the purpose based proper human community and its administration concerning the assignment or allotment and fulfilment of rights about the community provisions. If they are assigned or allotted rights to community provisions and they are also delivered those provisions then they are well pleased even though they are already self sufficient and if they are not assigned or allotted rights to community provisions or those provisions are not delivered to them because they do not need them then they become outraged or full of anger and resentment.

    059] If they were truly committed to working for the success of the mission assigned by Allah for mankind, it will have been beneficial and advantageous for them if they have been consistent with what Allah has assigned for them as their purpose based proper right through his prophet and messenger for mankind and instead of thinking and doing what they thought and did they had said, purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind in the human world will soon make us self sufficient because soon Allah will complete and fulfil his purpose based proper mission for mankind through us along with his prophet and messenger to us for our unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. For that reason and in that hope, to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind we turn for our purpose based proper guidance purposefully properly.

    060] Surely to prove true the advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by fulfilling the assigned rights of all those with needs and wants who fall within the jurisdiction, reach, place, land or kingdom based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind is a duty and an obligation imposed by Allah upon their place, land or kingdom administrators and managers to the point of satisfaction of their minds for instilling love, loyalty and trust between themselves through transparent feedback monitoring systems of the institutions such as set the standards for various administrations and managements and their officers for carrying out his purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines for the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom purposefully properly even when the place, land or kingdom, its administration and its community is going through process of transition for the betterment, improvement and refinement of all involved. This is a contractual, constitutional and legal duty, responsibility and obligation that is imposed by Allah upon purpose based proper human community and its administration in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is how Allah makes evident, manifest and obvious for mankind that his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind are based upon his wisdom in his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #187 - May 18, 2024, 12:32 AM

    061] Despite his carrying out his program for mankind purposefully properly particularly for the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind there are still some people or elements among them who try to inflict damage upon the missionary work of the last and final prophet and messenger of Allah to mankind by saying, he lends his ears to anyone and everyone. Say, he listens to all of you for all of your concerns before deciding all community related issues so it is all for ensuring your own well being as a people because he then thinks and does what benefits and gives you people advantages as a purpose based proper human community and that is because he has fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed, dedicated and devoted himself to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind along with the rest of the members of the purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah who are also committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in the kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because he wants to ensure blissful, dignified and secure existence for those of you the mankind who have truly, fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind. As for those who try to inflict harm or damage upon the purpose based proper mission of Allah which he has assigned for his last and final prophet and messenger to mankind, they are bound to end up and remain in a terribly humiliating state of existence in here as well as in hereafter if they will stop not from their such thoughts and actions and reform not themselves according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.

    062] In order to seek your approval they assure you the purpose based proper human community under oath in the very name of Allah that they are fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in order to regain your trust but the purpose based proper thing to think and do for them was to seek approval of Allah and his prophet and messenger to mankind by purposefully properly supporting and backing up their mission for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah in the human world which are advised for mankind by him and which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind which he sent through his last and final prophet and messenger to mankind if they were truly, fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    063] Have they not been made aware already about the fact that any people who reject and oppose purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by rejecting and opposing his prophet and messenger to mankind they are bound to end up in life of terrible painful suffering by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense for as long as they live unless they stop thinking and doing so and reform themselves purposefully properly? That surely is the worst possible humiliation which such people bring upon themselves in here as well as for their hereafter.

    064] These hypocrite evaders and avoiders of community duties, responsibilities and obligations are concerned and afraid in case a method and mechanism or way is revealed by us to our prophet and messenger for the purpose based proper human community for catching them in their acts or activities which clearly expose them to the community as to what is actually in their minds regarding the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Say, fool about all you like as you wish but the fact is, set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are bound to bring to light through your very own activities or actions in due course for all to see all that you are trying to hide or keep secret which is in your minds against the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human word which are based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    065] Although these people gather together secretly, in private at night to plot, scheme and conspire against our assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are based upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but if you people will question them about it as to what are they up to in their these gatherings, in order to lay you people off their backs they will say, we just talk aimlessly about unimportant and irrelevant or purposeless things for killing or passing our time. Say, are you people by wasting your time on thinking and doing such things not showing or making obvious for us that you people are taking purpose based proper program of Allah with its goals and guidelines for mankind through his prophet and messenger for mankind so lightly and as a joke instead of taking it with utmost seriousness which it demands as well as deserves and is that not the reason that you people are not going forth with us for campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for its successful establishment in the human world?

    066] Say to them, make no baseless and unfounded false excuses to fool us because your activities clearly tell us that you people are fully committed to rejecting and opposing purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and which are advised for mankind by him for ensuring their very own well being through their very own complementing each other purposefully properly after your false declaration of commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Even if we the purpose based proper human community accept repentance and reformation of some of you who succeed in convincing and satisfying us, we will certainly penalise the rest of you appropriately and purposefully properly due to their continuous secret harmful and destructive activities and actions against us because they are such terrible criminals who have refused to repent and reform truly in actual fact.

    067] As for the hypocrite leaders and the hypocrite parties, some of them support and back up others. They support, promote and actively encourage what is harmful and destructive for the purpose based proper human community and rest of humanity according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by holding back, stopping and discouraging each other from thinking and doing what is beneficial, advantageous and constructive for the purpose based proper human community and rest of humanity that is why and that is how they make moves and take steps to take all highly useful and highly valuable things for mankind under their full control as their owners and masters which Allah has given to humanity for their purpose based proper administration and management so that that way they fulfil his assigned purpose according to his plan as told by him in his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. However these hypocrites avoid, ignore and neglect it by not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly so he leaves them on their own to ignore, avoid and neglect it and face the terribly humiliating consequences for doing so because hypocrites think and do things in contravention of purpose based proper program and plan of Allah for mankind whereby they try to break up the purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind into numberless groups, parties or sections as it suits them so that that way they could control and rule them.

    068] However it is a clear warning of Allah to the hypocrite leaders and the parties of hypocrites as well as to those who reject and oppose his purpose based proper guidance for mankind well ahead of its time that in due course they are bound to end up and remain in a terrible humiliating state of existence for as long as they will live, unless they repent by giving up their way of life and reform by adopting purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah, due to the fire of hatred and animosity between themselves which they will ignite, kindle, light up, activate or trigger by securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense because of which they will inflict harms and destructions upon each other. That state of existence will sufficiently suffice for them as their reward for their very own horrible thoughts and actions against each other as well as against the rest of humanity. This is how they will distance themselves from the blissful, dignified and secure state of existence which is promised by Allah for those who will live according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. For them this will be the state of existence permanently unless they repent and reform.

    069] Just like leaders who ruined themselves and the rest of people of their human populations before you because they were individually more powerful for oppressing people in their human populations even more than you people are for having much more personal wealth and supporters at the expense of their enslaved masses. That is how they enjoyed their participation and interaction in their human world in their given time and you are enjoying your participation and interaction in your human world in your given time just like the people before you enjoyed their participation in their human world in their given time, so you people are participating in your human world in your given time just like they did by ignoring, avoiding and neglecting purpose based proper study, acceptance and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. Such are the people whose very hard works come to nothing at all and go to waste because they are of no purpose based proper benefit and advantage for the purpose based proper human community in the human world in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind nor are they going to be of any benefit even for their own very selves in the world to come and that is why people such as these will end up in utter and complete loss.

    070] Have these people not heard or received the news, histories or stories about chiefs of those people who have gone or passed away before them? Such as chiefs of people of Noah, Ad and Thamud. The chiefs of people of Abraham, people of Madyan and the people of other cities who lived their lives by the very same harmful and destructive way of life. They were a people who lived by any way of life and any rule of law whereby they secured their own petty personal gains from others at their expense by inflicting harms and destructions upon them which destroyed them by their hands by turning their social, political, cultural and economic systems, structures, procedures and practices upside down through revolts, uprisings, upheavals, tumults, turmoils, disturbances and infightings. Their prophets and messengers came to them from us with our brilliant purpose based proper program to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines for them warning them about terrible consequences for their adopted way of life and rule of law whereby they strove for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other. That is how Allah provided them with opportunities to help them in order to prevent them from harming and destroying each other but instead of benefitting from the purpose based proper advice and guidance of Allah for mankind they rejected and opposed it and they continued harming and destroying their own human populations so much so that they ended up utterly destroyed through atrocities against each other.

    071] In contrast to these people the leaders, administrators or managers as well as the purpose based proper human communities who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they support and back up each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. They motivate, push, drive, inspire, urge, encourage and activate each other for thinking and doing what is beneficial, advantageous and constructive for the purpose based proper human community as well as the rest of humanity and they forbid, stop, prevent, hinder and discourage each other from thinking and doing what is harmful and destructive for the purpose based proper human community as well as the rest of humanity and that is why and that is how they campaign, struggle, strive and fight for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are advised by Allah for mankind through his purpose based proper guidance for them and that is how they bring about and maintain the purpose based proper human community network and strengthen its ability and capacity by its growth and development by expanding it and that is how they become and remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind along with his prophet and messenger to them. Allah will soon enter them in state of blissful, dignified and secure existence in here as well as in hereafter. It is because purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is for sure full of his purpose based proper wisdom for mankind.   

    072] This is why Allah has promised their leaders, administrators and managers as well as the purpose based proper human communities who have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind blissful, dignified and secure existence in the places, lands or kingdoms in which they live or will live and under their management therein will flow rivers of all things they will need or want to continue abiding therein for as long as they will continue living purposefully properly by purpose based proper way of life and rule of law which are based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind so they will have beautiful buildings, structures or mansions in these blessed places, lands or kingdoms which will be full of all kinds of raw materials for them to show and express their own creativities. They will achieve all this due to their purpose based proper thinking and acting according to approval of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind who is great in his wisdom. That will be their magnificent achievement for themselves.

    073] Therefore O you our prophet and messenger to mankind, campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard using this Quran with utmost effort for convincing and winning over those who due to their ignorance based arrogance reject and oppose openly by open warfare and secretly by plotting, scheming and conspiring against purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are advised by us for mankind for ensuring their own well being and which are based upon our purpose based proper guidance for them. Therefore be steadfast in this campaign, struggle and fight against them making it absolutely clear for them that terribly humiliating and painful state of existence is going to be their loot or destination in due course wherein they will remain for as long as they will live and that will be the worst state of existence to be in for them unless they repent by giving up their that way of life and rule of law which are harmful and destructive for them and they reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind.

    074] They swear by Allah under oath or they call upon Allah to be their witness to assure you people that they said and did nothing at all against the campaign, struggle and fight for the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are advised for mankind by Allah and which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them, which could show or make obvious the fact that they have rejected and opposed the missionary campaign and struggle. However the fact is, they did say and do things which show that they did reject and oppose the campaign and struggle for the success of the mission after their declaration of commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is because they thought of a plot or scheme which they were unable to carry out or carry through or turn into a reality. The fact is, they had no reason to be revengeful like they were against the purpose based proper mission of Allah for mankind and the purpose based proper human community instead they had every reason to appreciate the fact that Allah through his prophet and messenger has enriched them by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. So if they repent and reform it will be the best thing to think and do for them but if they will continue living by their own way of life then Allah will leave them on their own to fall in the terrible painful state of existence in here as well as in hereafter and they will have none in the human world to support and protect them from all this happening to them.

    075] There are some people among them who made a promise with Allah saying, if he bestows us with his abundant sustenance, provision, subsistence and livelihood then we will surely use it for ensuring well being of mankind purposefully properly and that way we will become truly of those who work hard in actual fact for unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose base proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by removing from between them disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars and by removing obstacles, barriers and hurdles in the way of their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as well as we will mend, repair and fix their severed, broken and fractured relationship between themselves.

    076] However when he did bestow upon them of his bounties they became unduly greedy, niggardly, miserly, stingy and tight fisted and that is how they went back on their promise and became evasive and evaders instead.

    077] That is how he found hypocrisy taking roots in their minds, which manifested itself through their attitudes and behaviours towards other human beings in opposite to what they promised and declared so this hypocrisy will last in them till the day they meet its consequences according to set-up, purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah unless they repent and reform because they breached their commitment for carrying out purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind by not accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for mankind whereby they denied rights to provisions of Allah to rest of mankind.

    078] Did it not occur or dawn upon them that Allah can make their secret thoughts and motives and their secret counsels and gatherings obvious through results of their very own actions in due course because Allah makes obvious in due course all that is purposefully properly hidden from them as well as rest of mankind?

    079] It is they who falsely accuse for mismanagement, mishandling, misuse and abusive use of people and things those who are part of the administration and management of the purpose based proper human community and its resources for production and distribution who have fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for the delivery of our provisions to them purposefully properly as their right from us and that is why and that is how to undermine them they target their criticism at those who offer their services for ensuring well being of purpose based proper human community wholeheartedly and purposefully properly according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Soon set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah will show them results of their ignorance and arrogance based false accusations and criticism to undermine them because in due course their these mindsets, attitudes and behaviours are bound to land them in a terribly humiliating painful state of existence and keep them in there unless they repent and reform.

    080] Therefore it is the same whether you people assign and deliver to them their rights to our provided sustenance, provision, subsistence and livelihood for their safety and security or protection to their satisfaction or not they will continue thinking and doing what they think and do against our assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind. Even if you people assigned and delivered to them our assigned rights and provisions for them manifolds more in form of our sustenance, provision, subsistence or livelihood yet Allah does not find them feeling safe and secure or protected to their satisfaction according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. That is because they reject and oppose purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as they are advised by him through his prophet and messenger for them. So purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind does not guide such people to blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom who do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly and instead they work against it for causing and creating disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between mankind.

    081] Happy they were in their rejection and opposition of our assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind therefore they were comfortable in their sitting idle at their homes against the call of prophet and messenger of Allah to mankind for initiating and continuing a powerful, consistent and constant campaign, struggle and fight for the purpose based proper fulfilment, completion or accomplishment of the purpose based proper mission of Allah for mankind for ensuring their well being because these people hated and resisted joining the campaign, struggle and fight using whatever they had and their people or personnel for the success of the mission of Allah for mankind. Moreover they said to each other, do not join this campaign, struggle and fight due to the hard work, hardship and sacrifices it involved. Tell them the fact that hard work for personal gains at the expense of each other and the hardship that comes about as a result of it and the sacrifices which need to be made as a result of it make life yet more difficult due to fire of hatred which develops in minds of people against each other from which they are being saved and secured by our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but only if they could realise this fact by preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.

    082] Let them not be too happy about it just now because in due course they have a lot to cry about as a result of what they have thought and done to the purpose based proper human community by staying away from the campaign, struggle and fight for the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world for ensuring their own well being which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for them.

    083] As of now if Allah brings you his prophet and messenger to mankind back among them to set out on another missionary undertaking and any of them ask for your consent and permission to go forth or come along with you people for campaigning and fighting for the success of the mission, say to them, you are not allowed to accompany me and my supporters anymore nor are you people allowed to fight an enemy in my company. It is because you people chose to sit idle at home the last time therefore you can sit idle this time as well along with those who stay at home by ignoring, avoiding and neglecting my call.

    084] Moreover you should never support any of these people who are heading for their self destruction as a result of their own course of thoughts and actions nor ever accept their ideological foundation because they reject and oppose purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind through his prophet and messenger for them whereby they distance or cut themselves off from the purpose based proper human community because they are a people who cause fractures in the community through causing frictions between people.

    085] So do not give them importance and do not take these people and what they have as individuals as well as their supporters and backers into account when you go forth for campaigning, struggling, striving  and fighting for the success of the purpose based proper mission of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind  because Allah has set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms for delivering consequences to people for their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against his purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as against purpose based proper human community in his kingdom so they are bound to end up in a terrible state of existence in this very life and because they die rejecting and opposing his purpose based proper guidance for mankind so they will also end up in a terrible state of existence in hereafter as well.

    086] All this because whenever any Surah is revealed by Allah telling hypocrites to give up their hypocrisy and commit themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and strive very, very hard along with his prophet and messenger to mankind to spread his message in the human world, the leading people from among them say, leave us with those who are to sit at home.

    087] They choose to be with those who stay behind as a result of doubt and therefore resistance, hesitation and reluctance they have developed in their minds against working for the purpose of ensuring well being of purpose based proper human community and the rest of mankind purposefully properly and they show this by not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly.

    088] In contrast to that our prophet and messenger to mankind and those who have committed themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they strive very, very hard along with him with whatever they have including their supporters and backers under their management and supervision. So they are the ones who are bound to end up with all that is good for ensuring their own well being as a purpose based proper human community so they are the ones who are bound to be successful in their campaign, struggle and fight for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah in the human world which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    089] This is the purpose based proper roadmap which Allah has prepared for them to land them in blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in places and lands in his kingdom in which flow rivers of all kinds of purpose based proper useful things of their need and desire under their very own purpose based proper administration and management wherein they will abide for as long as they will maintain them and that will be a worthy grand achievement for them.

    090] Just like local or native or known or Arab hypocrites some hypocrites from among distance or remote places who are unknown or unfamiliar or strangers or foreigners or outsiders or non-Arabs also came with their excuses requesting for exemption from participation in the campaign and struggle for the success of the mission to sit idle just like the local hypocrites who sat idle. However those who have made false declarations of commitment for carrying through program and mission of Allah along with his prophet and messenger to mankind but yet they sat idle and contradicted their words by their actions. Soon in due course a terribly painful state of existence will seize all those from among them who have rejected and opposed our purpose based proper mission for ensuring well being of mankind in actual fact instead of supporting and backing it up with their thoughts, words and actions as well as with all that they have.

    091] Surely there is no blame on the old, the disabled, the incapacitated and the sick or on those lacking the ways and means for participating in the campaign so they are forced to stay behind so long as they stand firmly and purposefully properly along with his prophet and messenger to mankind for the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. There is also no blame for staying behind on such as are truly, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they work very, very hard for the success of his assigned mission for mankind for ensuring their own well being within their own capacity given to them by us within their own assigned and allotted positions and places by their own communities because purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is saviour and securer or protector of all such people purposefully properly.
    092] Likewise is the case of those who came to you our prophet and messenger to mankind and the community requesting for the things needed for this purpose such as conveyance and livelihood and you said to them, I am unable to provide for you such things as conveyance and livelihood and they returned home with their eyes floating and streaming with their tears in them because they were filled with sorrow for missing the opportunity that they had no resources or things needed for going along with you on the campaign for the success of our assigned mission for mankind for ensuring their well being purposefully properly.

    093] The blame is only on those who requested you people for exemption from participation in the campaign and struggle for the success of our assigned mission for mankind for ensuring their own well being purposefully properly despite the fact that they are a people of means as well as they are physically fit so they had no excuse to sit idle by staying behind yet they chose to be of those who remained behind at their homes in the comfort of their homes. That is how Allah found them with resistance, hesitance and reluctance in their minds against thinking and doing things which could ensure well being of the purpose based proper human community as well as the rest of mankind. All this happened because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    094] They will come and apologize to you people when you will return to them or come back among them after your campaigning trip for the success of our mission is successfully and purposefully properly completed. Say to them, apologize not now because we will not accept your apologies of you as Allah has already informed us about your affair. That is why Allah and his prophet and messenger to mankind as well as the rest of purpose based proper human community will see how you people will conduct yourselves in the future from now onwards therefore you are directed to think and act according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind who makes known in the future results of present thoughts of peoples through their very own actions in the future and that is why he informs you as to what you ought to be thinking and doing in the future for your brilliant future as members of purpose based proper human community in his kingdom if you wish to prove your claim of commitment to it true by your very own actions.

    095] They will swear to you people by Allah when you people will return to them in order to assure you people under oath about their loyalty and support for the mission of Allah for mankind so that they regain your trust and you people let them off the hook. However after explaining things to them with evidences for the time being leave them on their own to think over things for themselves because at the present as thing are despite their apologies their heads are filled with rejection and opposition against the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind therefore terribly agonising and painful is their state of existence which is the fitting consequence for their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against our assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind for ensuring their own well being purposefully properly.

    096] They will swear to you people under oath in order to assure you to regain your trust so that they are accepted back into the purpose based proper human community by you the community but even if you do accept them back Allah will never approve of such tricksters and deceivers who promised to work for the success of his assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind for establishing and maintaining purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind purposefully properly which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind yet they did nothing at all to fulfil their this declared and promised commitment and instead they rejected and opposed the mission.

    097] Some of the non- Arab or foreigner or stranger or unfamiliar people to you are much more firmer than your local or native or familiar people in rejecting and opposing our assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind through their plotting, scheming and conspiring against the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world for ensuring their own well being purposefully properly which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind which he has revealed through his prophet and messenger to them because they have not purposefully properly prepared themselves for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly so they may remain unaware and ignorant about it. Regardless of their response to your explanations and evidences the fact is, Allah is all knowing wise ruler of this kingdom of his creation so his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms will deal with them as they will deserve.

    098] It is due to their ignorance based arrogance even some of the leading non- Arabs or foreigners or strangers or outsiders or leading people who came to this place or land from distant or remote or foreign places or lands to join this purpose based proper human community and took advantage of and benefitted from this community but who did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and therefore they look upon their community imposed or assigned duties, obligations and responsibility which are imposed upon them or assigned for them according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for organising and regulating the purpose based proper human community purposefully properly for ensuring its well being purposefully properly, which means purpose based proper organisation and regulation of community production and distribution also for ensuring well being of purpose based proper human community in our kingdom purposefully properly but which are taken by them as a penalty imposed upon them by the community for penalising them so they wait for some calamity, catastrophe or misfortune to befall or strike you people of the purpose based proper human community so that the purpose based proper human community ends up disintegrated, destroyed and annihilated by infighting so that they do not have to make their contributions for ensuring its well being purposefully properly. They are such ignorant people who are foolish to such degree that they do not realise the fact that if they will not contribute towards ensuring well being of the purpose based proper human community purposefully properly then calamity, catastrophe or misfortune can strike or befall them for sure in shape and form of infighting between themselves due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity and due to their having
    such mindset, attitude and behaviour towards our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as towards the community which is based upon it so if they will not repent by giving up their these like ambitions and desires as well as their these like mindsets, attitudes and behaviours and reform themselves by preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly then they are bound to end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other as well as by hands of people of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. This is why they must learn, think and do what is required of them if they wish to be counted as a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. That is the very reason and purpose for which Allah makes obvious for mankind through his purpose based proper guidance for them all that which they need to learn and understand as well as think and do because he is fully and purposefully properly as well as comprehensively aware about all things in this kingdom of his creation.

    099] Not all non-Arabs or outsiders who came to join this purpose based proper human community are the same because some of them have prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly therefore they have truly committed, dedicated and devoted themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for their own brilliant future in here as well as in hereafter, so they do not look upon whatever duties, obligations and responsibilities they are imposed or assigned by the community according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for organising and regulating the community purposefully properly as penalties to penalise them but as a means for bringing them closer to completion and fulfilment of our assigned mission for mankind for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world which are based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and due to which our prophet and messenger to mankind expresses his best wishes for them. Surely their mutual best wishes will draw them closer creating loving bond between them to keep them closer to each other and that is why soon Allah will enter them in state of blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. It is because for sure set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah save and secure or protect such people by delivering them blissful, dignified and secure state of existence through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind due to their acting upon it purposefully properly.

    100] This is why those who took lead for starting, beginning, initiating or commencing the movement which campaigned, struggled, strove and fought for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind by their own complementing each other purposefully properly and those who supported and backed them up from among those who migrated mentally and physically and those who accommodated, sheltered and supported them purposefully properly from among the host human population for the purpose of bringing about the beautiful human world for mankind, Allah found them consistent in their commitment to his cause and mission through their course of thoughts and actions for it and they too found his purpose based proper guidance for mankind consistent, suitable and fit for its claimed purpose. That is what he prepared his purpose based proper plan for mankind to land them in blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in places and lands in his kingdom in which they are settled, so that under their own administration and management flow rivers of all kinds things they need and desire wherein they can express their creativity through raw materials found in there and wherein they can live for as long as they can maintain them purposefully properly and that is indeed an achievement that will be worth their effort in actual fact.

    101] Just as those people were and are consistent with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other so are consistent some people from among the non- Arab people from round about places near you people as well as some from among the locally settled people of the settlement or township or city. However in contrast to them some non-Arabs or strangers from round about places near you people as well as some of the native or locally settled people in the city are hypocrites as well and they have also become adamant in their hypocrisy. You people do not know them yet but we do know them so you people should not accuse them of hypocrisy just as yet instead let our set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms expose them purposefully properly in due course through results of their very own yet more harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against our purpose based proper mission for mankind as well as against the purpose based human community because soon due to that result of their thoughts and actions we will find them caught up in a state of existence which will be twice as much bad and painful for them than the state of existence in which they currently are wherein they will suffer terribly severely.

    102] There are also yet another type of people among you who have realised what wrong they have done and they have owned up to it as well as they are determined to not to let such a thing happen again. They have truly, fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but they fell a little short of what was expected of them through their actions, since they always did what was expected of them for the purpose of bringing about and maintaining unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but they fell slightly short of being fully consistent with their declaration of commitment by their actions this time, so Allah will certainly accept their self correction and reward them accordingly for it because Allah is saviour and securer as well as protector of mankind through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    103] Therefore you the community administration and management should accept from them fruits of their labour without any resistance, hesitation or reluctance because they offer it happily, joyfully and purposefully properly for ensuring well being of the purpose based proper human community according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and by doing so let them freely fulfil their assigned duties, obligations and responsibility towards the community and that way free them from all problems, troubles and ills by making them love and support each other through setting up a purpose based proper supportive network for them. Surely your helping them to love and support each other through a supportive network will bring them closer and give them self confidence and thereby peace of mind and that is how Allah makes evident for people that he is vastly comprehensive in his observation and knowledge.

    104] Those hypocrites who reject and oppose purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by plotting, scheming and conspiring against it as well as against the purpose based proper human community in his kingdom should they still not bother to learn and know that Allah appreciates by increases their capabilities and strength of such of his human creatures who turn to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they think and do things as guided or told by him therefore he accepts their purpose based proper services they offer purposefully properly in his name for supporting each other by complementing each other purposefully properly ? That is how Allah appreciates by increasing their abilities and strength of any people through his blissful, dignified and life securing purpose based proper guidance for mankind?

    105] So tell them, as of now conduct your affairs as you should according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind being aware of the fact that Allah and his prophet and messenger as well as those who are committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community are watching your thoughts through your actions as members of their community because that is the reason you people were invited to be part of it and that is the reason you people freely accepted to be part of it according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind for carry out his purpose based proper program by accomplishing its goals purposefully properly according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines for mankind who makes obvious the results of your thoughts through your very own actions in due course as you conduct yourselves within the community for or against it. That is why he informs you about all that you ought to be thinking and doing and whether you are getting nearer or closer to completion of your assigned or given mission, task, goal, destination, target and objective or you are moving away from them.

    106] There are still others who are held in suspense regarding whom Allah has not made his decision obvious yet. It is up to his universal set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms whether they will continue suffering the painful results of their very own harmful and destructive thoughts through their very own actions or whether he will find them turning to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly for reforming themselves according to it because that is how Allah makes obvious for mankind that his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind are based upon his comprehensive wisdom.

    107] Despite our these explanations and evidences still there are people who have their hidden agendas due to which they have mentally not accepted our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so they have been mentally rejecting and opposing it and they have put in place an alternative program for harming and destroying harmony between those who claim to have committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind on the directions of such a leadership that has been already at odds or at war with the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law which are advised for mankind by Allah and which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind through his prophet and messenger. Since you people have been made aware about their actual intentions they will for sure swear to you in the very name of Allah under oath in order to assure you to regain your trust that their intentions were only to ensure well being of the community thereby but Allah has made their thoughts obvious through their very own actions so they are a bunch of liars.

    108] So you should not support or back them up for their program or stand with this bunch of people ever. Instead you should continue backing and supporting purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as those people who have been living by it as a purpose based proper human community from the very beginning of the movement, so the proper thing for you to do is, stand by this advice and guidance as well as with the community. It is because in that community are people of their words who back up their words with their actions and who love to be free of all social ills and who love to remain free of all social ills in their human population so purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is fit, suitable and perfect for those people who love to be free from all ills in their human population.

    109] Moreover think about which human group or party from among human populations can have purpose based proper knowledge purposefully properly therefore that human population can think and act purposefully properly, that which prepares itself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly and for that reason it builds its building of purpose based proper human community on the solid purpose based proper foundation provided by Allah for mankind for ensuring their own well being according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind with their complementing each other purposefully properly or that group or party from among the human populations that has not prepared itself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly therefore it has no solid foundation but its self invented and self imposed baseless and unfounded or imaginary way of life and rule of law upon which it basis itself therefore it crumbles and tumbles down under its own weight and turns into a ruin due to fire of hatred between its people due to disputes, rivalries, animosities and fights between themselves due to having harmful and destructive way of life and rule of law for its foundation because of which its people strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they inflict terrible atrocities upon each other instead of complementing each other purposefully properly and so they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other? This is why purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind cannot and therefore does not guides such people as learn it not purposefully properly because due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviour they carry on inflicting harms and destructions upon each other instead of taking the trouble for preparing themselves purposefully properly for having purpose based proper knowledge of real world realities as well as of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.

    110] So any social or societal system, structure, procedure and practice of those who so build it or set it up can never be free from instability even in their very own minds which pulls their minds in different directions thus their society or human population ends up torn apart. That is how Allah makes obvious for mankind to see the fact that his purpose based proper guidance for mankind is based upon his comprehensive wisdom therefore it provides a stable and solid foundation for mankind for their raising and maintaining a purpose based proper human community or society according to it.

    111] This is why for sure Allah through his covenant has promise of those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind that they will campaign, struggle, strive and fight as well as work very, very hard together by complementing each other purposefully properly for purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world purposefully properly which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind using all things and people they have for bringing about and maintaining blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for mankind in the human world purposefully properly. This is the reason for which they campaign, struggle, strive and fight as well as work very, very hard so that they could fulfil, accomplish and complete the mission of Allah that is assigned for them by him and this is the very reason they are campaigned, struggled, strove and fought against by those who take them for their enemies. This agreement through a covenant between Allah and mankind was always the very same ever since our revelations began through Adam for mankind as it was stated in the Torah and the Injeel and now it is state in this Quran also which is the last and the final revelation from us through our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind and this promise of Allah with mankind always came to pass and proved true because who has more right to fulfilment of his agreement by mankind than Allah? Therefore you people also fulfil this agreement of yours with Allah and enjoy its outcomes, results or fruits as he promises you and that will be a great achievement for you the mankind.

    112] So become and remain of those who have stopped living the harmful and destructive way and they have declared their commitment to living by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly and they also work for bringing about a purpose based proper human community that makes manifest glory of the purpose based proper way of life and the rule of law of Allah in the human world which are advised for mankind by him therefore they make missionary journeys, trips and expeditions and mould, shape, bend and model themselves according to requirements of missionary works and carry out duty of promoting such participation and interaction between people as is beneficial and constructive for mankind because it ensures their well being by leading them to blissful, dignified and secure state of existence and they discourage any interaction and participation between people that is harmful and destructive for mankind, and that is how they observe and guard the limits set by Allah for ensuring well being of mankind, therefore give glad tidings to such people who are so committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    113] It is therefore not right for our prophet and messenger to mankind and those who are fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed along with him to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind that they should seek help and support or backing for any such people as adopt and promote any way of life and any rule of law in opposition to those which are advised for mankind by Allah and to rebel against the land in which these people themselves live alongside with purpose based proper human community people as a part of them which provides them with blissful, dignified and secure existence according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind even if they happen to be individually their very own close relatives after it has become obvious to them that these people take as their enemy the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as the purpose based proper human community and the rest of humanity because they are utterly consumed by fire of hatred and animosity for mankind due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires for dominating others by undermining them for securing their own individual petty personal gains from them at their expense.

    114] Just as it was not right for Abraham to seek help, support and backing for his human population and its leadership beyond the governing system they had in place at the time in the land they lived in of which he was a part due to being born in there among them. When he grew up it occurred to him or dawned upon him or it became clear to him that the leadership of his human population and his human population itself were striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and in this process they were being damaged and destroyed by hands of each other so he started looking for our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and received it from us in order to stop them from living that way so he tried to guide them away from their way of life and rule of law to our advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind but they took our purpose based proper guidance for mankind as their enemy as well as they took Abraham and his supporters and backers as their enemies also, so he and his supporters and backers disassociated themselves from them. That is because by then Abraham and his supporters and backers became a right minded as well as a tender hearted people who did not like the response of rest of their people to our assigned purpose based proper mission for mankind through Abraham.

    115] All because it is not the way of Allah to let a people continue living in chaos and confusion after he has granted them his purpose based proper guidance for mankind that is why he makes it absolutely clear for them in it as to what they ought to save and secure or protect themselves from or against in order to become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a people because Allah has taken it upon himself to make obvious for mankind all that is necessary for them to know and do through his purpose based proper guidance for them to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in his kingdom as a purpose based proper human community.

    116] That is because there is no doubt at all that it is only and only to Allah alone belongs the kingdom of his creation which includes all the distant galaxies that are full of stars and planets as well as this galaxy which is also full of stars and planets and all that which in within them as well as in between them. He brings dead, fallen, defeated, despaired and hopeless human populations back to life and raises them to heights of excellence through his purpose based proper guidance for them when they prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly as well as he leaves them on their own to think and do as they please and perish if they do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly. That is how you should come to know that you have nothing at all other than purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind to protect you and support you.

    117] That is why through his this purpose based proper guidance for mankind Allah turned to his this prophet and messenger to mankind as well as to those who migrated and their host supporters and helpers who stood by him as well as them in the time of hardship even though a party of them changed their minds thereafter but they came back to their senses and that is because Allah proved to them that he is the only ruler whose advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law can bestow blissful, dignified and secure state of existence upon them through his purpose based proper program for them provided they carry it out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for them.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #188 - May 18, 2024, 12:33 AM

    118] Moreover he also turned to the case of those who stayed behind on the basis of their false excuses and they whispered for spreading harmful and destructive rumours against the purpose based proper human community whose case was waiting to be decided. So despondent and desperate were they after being found out that the human world all around them with all its vastness seemed caving in upon them for smothering, choking and crushing them because even their very own families were closing their doors upon them for suffocating them yet more. That is how they came to realise that there was no safety and security or protection against the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah save in purposefully properly abiding by his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. That is why he turned to them through his purpose based proper guidance for mankind because they turned to it for his purpose based proper guidance for them for repenting and reforming themselves according to it. That is because no doubt Allah turns to mankind by way of his blissful, dignified and secure life providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    119] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, become and remain consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly for ensuring your own well being as a purpose based proper human community by thinking and doing what is required of you and that way be of those who prove their declarations of commitment true by their activities or thoughts and actions.

    120] It was therefore not right for some of the locals and natives of this settlement nor of some of the outsiders or foreigners who came to join this purpose based proper human community to take lightly or disregard or reject and oppose the purpose based proper mission of Allah which he assigned for mankind through his prophet and messenger to mankind or to take their own selves as more importance than his self or any other member of the purpose based proper human community. That is because they never taste, experience, undergo or suffer any thirst, hunger, fatigue, injury or loss of life at all when campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for the success of the purpose based proper mission of Allah for ensuring well being mankind purposefully properly including any steps they take which enrage rejectors and opponents of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind or they recover any losses from them but it is all credited to them because it is all done for mending, repairing and fixing fractured, broken and severed relationships between mankind which result from disputes, rivalries, animosities and fights between themselves and which act as barriers, obstacles and hurdles in their way of unity, peace, progress and prosperity. Since these people think and do what is required of them for making their own human world beautiful for themselves therefore their reward for here as well as for hereafter is never allowed to go to waste or be lost.     

    121] So they use nothing be it small or large or travel, cut through or across any place or valley for campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for the success of the mission of Allah for ensuring well being of mankind but it is all written to their credit therefore Allah rewards them according to the best of their thoughts and actions for ensuring well being of mankind purposefully properly.

    122] Remember also that it is not required nor it is proper that those who have fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance that they should go forth all together all at once for any missionary campaign, struggle, striving or fighting but instead they should organise and regulate themselves purposefully properly so that they could carry out all the needed tasks for ensuring well being of the purpose based proper human community as a fully and purposefully properly educated, trained and skilled people. For that reason there should be groups or sections in the community which should be specifically purposefully properly educated, trained and skilled for carrying out their particular tasks for keeping the purpose  based proper human community intact and fully as well as purposefully properly functional at all times. That way the main body of the community will feel at home for thinking and doing so because only required people from groups or parties of people who are fully educated, trained and skilled for particular tasks should go forth or be sent forth to deal with all the relevant situations that arise or need to be dealt with purposefully properly including groups which need to go forth or need to be sent forth for campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for the success of the mission. Moreover these educated, trained and skilled people or experts in various fields of knowledge or disciplines should continue educating and giving training to people who are left behind at home when they return from their assigned missions after they have completed or accomplished them so that these people too become updated with new or latest information through their further education and training for gaining needed latest skills.

    123] So O you people who have committed yourselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, campaign, struggle, strive and fight very, very hard against those who campaign, struggle, strive and fight you from among those who reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so that they find you indefectible and impregnable. That is how you should make it obvious to them that purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind provides solid purpose based proper foundation for those who are consistent with it as well as with each other for ensuring well being of mankind purposefully properly through their complementing each other purposefully properly for this very purpose.

    124] This is why whenever any Surah of the Quran is revealed for mankind by us some of these people ask others, whose confidence and trust from among you people has this Surah increased in their commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community? So they are replied by them, certainly it has increased the confidence and the trust of those who have already committed themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind therefore they rejoice and celebrate over its revelation.

    125] However in contrast to them those in whose very core of their personality due to their ignorance based arrogance rests rejection and opposition against purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring their very own well being through their own complementing each other purposefully properly it further adds rage and agony to their existing rage and agony so they are consumed by it the while they reject and oppose it in secret in their privacy.

    126] Do they not see that they are put through terrible ordeal, hardship and difficulty each and every year repeatedly by hands of each other? Yet they do not realise and accept the fact that their way of life is for sure harmful and destructive for mankind so they should stop living that way and that they should reform by preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    127] Still whenever any Surah is revealed for mankind by us to help them think and do so these like people instead of thinking and doing what they are advised for ensuring their own well being each of them looks at others and asks, does anyone of us think that this Surah talks about any of us or refers to any of us? So they tell each other, it has nothing at all to do with us so they go away as they came and continue living the way they have been. Due to their ignorance based arrogance Allah has found at the very heart of their personalities no interest or concern for preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.

    128] Had they instead pondered and reflected over each and every Surah of the Quran purposefully properly like you people of the purpose based proper human community, they too will have become aware of the fact that there has come to you the mankind a prophet and messenger from us from among yourselves who is an ordinary human being like yourselves who grieves at your slightest loss through harms and destruction you the mankind inflict upon each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense so he is excessively anxious desiring your unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community and he also tries his best to think and do all he can for ensuring well being of those who claim to have committed themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.

    129] But if after all these explanations and evidences they have decided to still reject and oppose our purpose based proper guidance for mankind which you deliver to them then say to them, set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are sufficiently efficient for me to rely and depend upon for fulfilment, completion or accomplishment of my assigned mission by him. There is no God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation but only and only he himself alone. Upon his set-up purpose based proper universal systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms I rely, for only and only he alone is God, owner and ruler of all this huge kingdom of his creation.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #189 - May 26, 2024, 01:19 PM

    Now that I have completed my interpretation of the quran, before I go over it again to expand upon it for yet more clarity I need to explain some vitally important very basic terms people must come to know so that they could see how they are supposed to be related to each other otherwise they never make purpose based proper sense to people.

    The quran is a book that claims to be from God and it gives people a project to complete. The project is that mankind must bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of God.

    Since all projects involve processes and mechanism whereby end products are achieved therefore what these terms mean and how they are related or linked and interconnected needs to be understood purposefully properly.

    Since each and every project involves thoughts and ideas for various purposes therefore in case of any project the over all ideology becomes most important because it tells about the main or over all purpose of the project which also has  relevant sub ideologies as well.

    The main ideology of the Quranic project is all about bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of God.

    Now to bring about such a community this project involves people and things and when people and things become involved then they need to be organised and regulated and managed purposefully properly so that end product could be achieved. This is why to manage people and resources people must come together and work together to get the end product or to complete the project.

    This is why people need to form and become a human society, association, organisation etc etc. Since people and things need to be managed so there comes about need for politics because politics is all about managing people and things in such a way whereby the project could be completed successfully or purposefully properly.

    In order to achieve the end product human society must manage people and things in such a way that a culture conducive to the end product comes about. In other words a friendly environment needs to be brought about wherein people and things could be managed smoothly to produce the required or needed end result.

    The end result in this case is to fulfil needs of all people so that is what economy is all about. This is why mankind must come to know what ideology, society, politics, culture and economy mean in the purpose based proper quranic context.

    In order to organise and regulate people and things mankind also need to know as to what systems, structures, procedures and practices are and what they do,  how they do it and why they do it. That is because projects involve systems, structures, procedures and practices.

    A system is any complete unit which serves its purpose for which it is brought about or created. It is complete within itself having all its parts which make it what it is. For example, a bike is a system with all its parts. So is a car or aeroplane or a government or a human body etc etc. In a human body all its parts are connected together in such a way that they make it a human being eg body, brain, heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc.

    Structure is the way the parts of a system are located and interconnected to work together to make the thing what it is. In a human body heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc are located and interconnected to make the human body function as a human being. In a building if it is house then its structure includes bedrooms, public rooms, kitchen, bathrooms etc etc. In a government system there are various departments which are located within the country and they are interlinked to work together to help government function as a governing system etc etc.

    Procedures are ways the way departments of a government work to fulfil their functions within a governing system.

    Practices are the ways people follow the laid down procedures so that purpose for which a depart is set up produces the end result. For example, a passport office has its own procedure which people follow and get their passports made etc etc.

    So one can see how projects, processes and mechanisms interconnect. They also see how ideologies, societies, politics, cultures and economics interconnect and what part systems, structures, procedures and practices play.

    All these things need people to educate themselves about them and get trained about them to gain needed skills about them so that they could understand what is going on in their human world purposefully properly and so that they think and do things which need to be thought and done. This is why there has to be consistency through and through or things will make no sense and nothing will get done purposefully properly. So one can see why purpose based proper education and training of people is absolutely necessary so that they could gain the needed skills to think and do what needs to be thought and done if we truly want our human world to be good for human beings.

    Not only the quran wants mankind to bring about a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of God but this is what human beings themselves also need for themselves. The question is why?

    It should be very much obvious from my posts what actual deen of islam is.

    It is a project given to mankind by God to complete. The purpose, goal or objective of project is to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in the human world in his kingdom.

    Why mankind must bring about a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer? It is because it is requirement of Allah of mankind to do so. However it is also our human need as well.

    Think about it, which of us human being is born in this world all by himself? The answer is none. All of us are born through people whom we call our parents. Which of us after our births looked after themselves needing no help and support of other people? The answer is none.

    If we cannot come into this world without other people bringing us into it and if we cannot look after ourselves therefore need other people to raise us then does that not tell us that we need other people for our help and support? Not only that we also need to be raised purposefully properly to be good human beings we need to be so that we too could do the very same for all the other people who come into this world and need our help and full support. This means we need a purpose based proper human community to help us be good human beings in the human world.

    The other undeniable reason is, we all get old and so we need help and support of others till we die. Does this not tell us we need to be looked after purposefully properly by each other so that we are all happy living with each other? These like reasons make it absolutely clear that human beings cannot have good life in this world or in hereafter without being good with each other.

    Not only these reasons but other reasons also require that we look after each other and that we need help and support of each other the best we can give to each other and the best we can get from each other. For example, we humans are prone to mistakes and accidents whereby many of us end up disabled and incapacitated so we need other people to help and support or look after us and not only look after us but do it nicely and with love and respect and not abuse us.

    People also have many health problems which limit and even cripple them. So one can see why, how and what kind of human society we need to bring about so that with help and full support of each other we could have the best possible life we can have.

    This is what actual deen of islam is all about. This is what islamic purpose based proper education and training are all about so that all people could have the needed purpose based proper education, training and skills to fulfil and complete this project purposefully properly.

    This is why mankind cannot afford to waste their time in religious and secular nonsense and instead they need to study the real world realities and book of God purposefully properly to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer.

    This is why all those people who reject and oppose these things and fight with each other are enemies of God as well as humanity. These like people come about because they do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer purposefully properly.

    This makes it very obvious and clear for mankind which interpretation of the quran is purpose based proper and which is work of ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained, unskilled, foolish and stupid people to mislead mankind.

    The quran is the main book upon which islam is based. To understand the quran purposefully properly it is absolutely necessary to establish a purpose based proper state based upon it in the human world. To do that people need to understand vitally important human languages. The question is, what are vitally important human languages and why that is the case?

    1)People must learn their mother tongue to the best of their God given abilities. To do this is vitally important because otherwise one cannot communicate with other human beings effectively for expressing what is in one's own mind to others. Not only that but one cannot understand what others are trying to express which is in their minds. Each person's life begins between people among whom one is born. So there is no escape from learning one's mother tongue. If one is good at learning one's own mother tongue then it makes it very easy for a person to learn other languages.

    2)The other language one has to learn is the one which is language of the most advanced and progressed people at any given time. It is because they develop their language as they progress and develop with time. It is because they learn new things for which they need modified or new words. Backward people do not develop and progress so their languages also remain backward and very limited. This is why if a people want to grow, develop and progress then they must link themselves with such people or they will become and remain stagnant or keep on regressing instead of growing, progressing and developing.

    3)Another language people must learn is the one which gives them their purpose based proper moral foundation. It is because without purpose based proper moral foundation no people can advance and progress beyond a limit due to their infighting over things to have them any way they can from each other at each other's expense. This language also requires people to learn other human languages because without knowing them they cannot extend purpose based proper moral foundation to them.

    So anyone who has learned the needed sense of making purpose based proper sense of things should be able to see how things are interconnected in this regard which gives things their purpose based proper context.

    Sources of islamic constitution and its laws are; the Quran according to its confirmable true interpretation, the confirmable true hadith both chain wise as well as interpretation wise, qayaas or analogy, ijma or unanimity and majority consensus.

    For a people in a place to live according to governing system of islam they must know these things as individuals and they must teach them to others as well as they must agree upon them otherwise they can never live as muslims anywhere in the human world at all.

    This is why no interpretation of the quran can be accepted true unless it is consistence within itself as well as consistent with real world realities.

    This is why no hadith and its interpretation can be accepted true unless it is consistent with the consistent quranic interpretation and real world realities.

    No analogy can be accepted true unless it is consistent with true interpretation of the quran and the true interpretation of the true hadith.

    Likewise no unanimity or majority consensus is acceptable against the true interpretation of the quran and the true hadith.

    Why muslims need confirmable and verifiable true interpretation of the quran as well as of the true hadith? To be able to live by actual or true or real islam.

    The quran tells mankind what they ought to think and do, why and how.

    The hadith or history is supposed to have record of precedents that were set by the earlier generations which lived by actual or true islam. This information from the past can be helpful for present and future generations of mankind if it is available and intact. Otherwise people will have to work harder to get the needed information direct from the quran itself and the real world realities. It is because otherwise actual islam cannot be known therefore it cannot be practiced in reality.

    Analogy, unanimity and majority consensus is also of vital importance because if people do not agree on something then it cannot be put in to practice by them or disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between them will start over things. So again actual islam will not become and remain a reality in the human world.

    This should make it very obvious for people why people who claim to be muslims cannot ignore, avoid, neglect or ignore these like points because they are of such vital importance.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #190 - June 07, 2024, 11:14 PM

    In addition to what I have stated already in my above post, it is vitally important for people to realise some more main points.

    As pointed out already by me, it is not possible for mankind to come into existence all by themselves and to survive without help and support of each other. In addition to those points one should also realise that we humans cannot even fulfil our own daily needs as individuals without help and support of each other. For example, both man and woman need each other to reproduce if they wish to continue human generations. None of us can do each and everything we need and want for ourselves as individuals. We cannot grow our own food for ourselves, we cannot prepare our food for ourselves. We cannot make our own footwear for ourselves, we cannot make our clothes for ourselves. We cannot make our own houses for ourselves. Not only that we need each other to educate each other to train each other to help gain skills and experience through help and support of each other and the list goes on and on. This is why we have no choice but to organise and regulate ourselves into a group or human society or community so that with help and support of each other we could manage all works we need to carry out to meet our needs and wants by dividing and distributing our tasks between ourselves.

    These works we can then easily manage if we help and support each other purposefully properly by complementing each other purposefully properly. However if we do not do this then we can only do some things but not others and if instead of helping and supporting or complementing each other we start disputing, competing, rivaling and fighting each other then nothing can get done because we have a fixed amount of time in a 24 hour day in which we can either fight each other or help each other. So the very idea that mind your own business I will do what i like does not let us get very far. This is why we cannot give each other freedom to do whatever we like or the human world cannot function purposefully properly the way it should. This is why it is important that we limit our freedom on basis of some worthwhile objectives which help humanity function the best possible it can.

    The Quran teaches mankind those objectives and gives them a purpose based proper program to carry out by accomplishing its goals according to its guidelines purposefully properly. This is why the quran is the best and the most important book in the human world today. However, even though the quran claims to be the book from God yet its purpose based proper understanding and abiding by that depends fully and wholly or completely upon people themselves. This is why the main question is, why it is not just difficult but impossible to translate the quran purposefully properly?

    Although I have covered most of the reasons already as to why the quran is difficult or impossible to translate but it is of vital importance that people understand two main points very well. One, the quran being word of God and its understanding depending upon people so people need to realise the fact that human beings cannot know mind of God without applying some kind of process and mechanism which work reasonably well so that this project could be understood by them and completed the way it should be completed.  The project is all about human beings bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This limits meanings of all the words used in the quran because it gives them a definite purpose based proper context. This is why anyone who is ignorant of this point will not be able to pay any attention to this very point and translate the quranic text as one likes instead of interpreting it purposefully properly. The other reason why anyone will mis-translate and misrepresent the quran is, because one has some agenda against the quranic program for humanity. Again anyone who will do so is bound to be the most foolish person because otherwise why anyone will take the risk for going against God his creator and sustainer as well as humanity which brought him into this world and raised him to be a good citizen of their human world. Such people no matter what they may claim to be and what their supporters may think about them, they cannot be called educated and trained people who have skills and who are experts.

    The other main point why the quranic text cannot be translated is, the quranic text is full of verses which have multiples parallel meanings some of which are correct and consistent with each other. This is why the quranic text can convey much more information within the less amount of text. These points force each and every person who wishes to understand the quran purposefully properly not to translate it but instead interpret it contextually and rationally. This stops people from mistranslating and misrepresenting it because that way the purpose based proper sense the quranic text wants to convey to humanity will be lost making it very difficult to understand the quranic text. This is why original text of the quran is important because it helps to keep things purposefully proper as they should be. For example, in the quran we see words like NAHAAR  and LAIL but they do not only mean day and night but time periods of good days and bad days in life of a human population. In word for word translations if we use one word then the rest of sense which that words conveys is definitely lost. This is why the quranic text at best can only and only be purposefully properly interpreted or explained and cannot be translated at all. This is why all quranic translations are either 100% wrong or lack the clarity the quranic text conveys. So the quran must never be translated but instead it should always be explained but purposefully properly.

    Moreover it is time people asked each other some tough questions throughout the human world. For example, what are the degrees of people worth from the so called the best educational institutions in the world? It is because those degree holders do not have purpose based proper education, training and skills to solve human world problems to fix them purposefully properly and instead they are responsible for creating them and making things yet more difficult for mankind. All we see is all groups of people are not only fighting each other but are also fighting among themselves as well. Take religious people they are fighting each other eg hindus, parsies, jews, christians, mustlims sikhs etc etc all have been fighting each other always. In fact hindus have been fighting hindus, christians have been fighting christians and muslims have been fighting muslims etc etc. Black and white people have been fighting each other as well as blacks have been fighting blacks and whites have been fighting whites. Same has been going on in the secular world where one secular party or group has been busy fighting all the rest and even people within each secular party or group have been fighting with all the rest in their own parties and groups. We can also talk about so called human families. Each family is fighting with all the others in the human world. Not only that there are always fights going on within the human families themselves. Parents and children fight each other, children themselves fight each other so what have human beings learned from each other and what have they been teaching each other? 

    Are these the right kind of education, training and skills we are teaching each other and learning from each other? All this is clear proof that people who think they are good and civilised people are in fact not so. All this is happening in the human world because people have no purpose based proper moral compass or sense so we are forcing each other to be criminals and then we complain about it as to why such and such is thinking and doing this and that or the other to us.

    The human world is so full of all kinds of problems and troubles which we all can see clearly yet we are diverting each other's attention from all these vitally important matters to things which are useless such a various kinds of entertainments be they in form of music, songs, movies, games and game shows etc etc. Not only that we are letting manpower go to waste by harming and destroying billions of human lives for what?

    Likewise religions were used to divert our attention from problems which needed solving through creating baseless and unfounded harmful and destructive beliefs and ritualistic practices. We were told to look for saviours and forgiveness of our sins rather than preparing people for things to think and do which needed to be thought and done for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of our creator and sustainer. We were told God will sort out things for us if we prayed to God sincerely and seriously etc etc.

    Who built religious temples and placed in them paid priests but why? So it is time for people to correct their direction for thinking things through thoroughly but purposefully properly. People talk about american values and british values, indian values and chinese values, eastern values and western values, secular values and religious values etc etc. No one is thinking about universal values which their creator and sustainer has given them to live by. If anything these values are masked by false religious beliefs, practices and teachings in the very name of God. So does any human qualify for being called a decent human being in the whole of the human world today?

    Education does not mean just learning random information and wasting our time or training ourselves for useless things by ignoring the actual issues which stare us right in the face. What good is education and training about playing football for learning football skills if we have to grow our food? All education, training and skills have to be purpose based proper or they will prove useless. If we want to make our human world good then that is the kind of education, training and skills we need to learn and teach each other or we are wasting our time and energy on thinking and doing wrong things. If we do not learn and teach sense to each other that turns humanity into awesome, marvellous and wonderful creation of God then whatever happens to each and every one of us human beings we deserve it. This is why people must stop participating and interacting in things which are unimportant and they must start participating and interacting in things which matter for humanity. That is what will most definitely prove mankind are not stupid but sensible species.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #191 - June 16, 2024, 10:53 AM

    The very first question to answer for oneself for anyone who claims to be a muslim or nonmuslim is, is islam a religion or a governing system?

    Why this question arises? It arises because when a human being comes into this world he comes into this world through other people. One does not raise oneself rather other people raise him. The fact is, where other people are involved or become involved or remain involved then their organisation and regulation is or becomes and remains a necessity. It is because if they do not organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community for these like reasons then they cannot fulfil these objectives or goals purposefully properly as they should be fulfilled. 

    This is why islam is not a religion but a governing system from God. It cannot be a religion at all if it is truly from God rather it out of necessity has to be a governing system for organising and regulating humans into a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer. Why? Because each and every human being needs help and full support of other human beings otherwise one cannot come into this world, one cannot raise oneself, one cannot look after oneself when one grows old, one cannot look after oneself if one by mistake or by accident becomes invalid or incapacitated or disabled etc etc. Not only that but one may have or develop health problems at any stage during one's life when one needs help and support of others. So one can see why God has given humanity a perfect purpose based proper governing system in order to ensure well being of mankind through their own help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for these like reasons.

    These are not the only reasons why people need each other rather there are also other reasons as well. For example, none of the human beings can meet all one's needs and wants all by oneself. Now think about what are daily needs of a human being and how they can be met. From footwear, clothes, food, shelter, education etc etc etc.

    The other main reason why people need a purpose based proper governing system is, so that they stick together for peace between themselves so that they could make the needed necessary progress for their prosperity in order to meet their daily needs. Think about if people will not stick together and instead they will get involved in disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other's expense then how will they be able to help and support each other to ensure well being of each other without which they cannot come into the human world or remain in existence in beautiful way way as they should?

    Any sensibly person knows for a fact that if one's needs and wants are not met then one's lifeline is cut off. This is why where people can meet needs of each other but they do not then instead of friends they become and remain enemies of each other. Since the quran wants people to become and remain a united and peaceful brotherhood of humanity as an ummah therefore people must think, plan and do all they can to help and support each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.   

    This is why 5 pillars of islam are primary or main or key or fundamental aims and objectives of quranic constitution according to which islamic laws are to be legislated and formed. TOWHEED and SALAAH simply mean gathering of mankind under one true God as an ummah. The God who has made himself known to mankind through his prophets and messengers from among mankind themselves throughout times and places. Starting with adam and completing with muhammad. This is why towheed does not mean belief in pooja of one God. This is why salaah does not mean pooja ritual. Moreover salaah ritual cannot be performed in the human world due to days and nights in the human world not being constant and consistent and one cannot face towards kaabah due to the earth itself being a round or spherical object.

    For the very same reasons SOWM does not mean holding back oneself from eating and drinking etc etc but to hold oneself back from thinking and doing anything which causes break up or dismantling of the purpose based proper human community that is brought about because it also needs to be maintained. Moreover day and night times are not consistent on the earth therefore such way of fasting cannot be performed in the human world.

    For the very same reasons ZAKAAH does not mean 2.5% charity for poor but to think and do all one can for growth, development and strengthening of the purpose based proper human community for expanding it in all directions in the human world and in each and every way which is good and ensures its well being. ZAKAAT the way it is told by mullaans can only and only keep a few muslims very rich and therefore very powerful and all the rest poor and therefore weak and that way it can cause and maintain tensions between rich and poor muslims. This also gives rise to rulers and ruled or masters and slaves. Which makes such islam a controlling, manipulating and abusing mechanism. Islam is a governing system where ummah selects and employs officials for serving community. Muslim government officials are put in place for serving people and not for ruling them.

    For the very same reasons HAJJ does not mean a journey to makkah in saudi arabia for visiting a cubical stone structure called kaabah but a sacred journey or undertaking by the purpose based proper human community for bringing about a place or land or kingdom wherein live or reside or stay or dwell people of the purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them. This is why once these people have a place to live this way they are to maintain it according to the best of their God given abilities in line with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. So HAJJ is a campaign and struggle or fight by the purpose based proper human community for bringing about and maintaining such a kingdom in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind with their help and support by their complementing each other purposefully properly and it is not about making rulers of saudi kingdom rich. Moreover muslim population is nearly 2 billion in the human world and it is continuously increasing and place for gathering of people for HAJJ is not vast enough to accommodate that many people. On one hand God tells people to come freely to it and on the other there is not enough space to accommodate people so they are stopped from coming there. Can such a commandment be from God? So one can see why mullaans and their supporters and followers are a brain dead people who believe and do senseless things.

    This is the purpose based proper islam according to the quranic teaching which is a governing system for humanity. This is why islam cannot be a religion because religion is invented by mankind themselves and it has been mainly used to divert mankind from thinking, planning and doing things God told mankind to think, plan and do for their own good for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why religion has been backed up by dominant people always because it gives them freedom to use and abuse rest of people at will in the very name of God to further their own harmful and destructive agendas against humanity.

    I have explained in detail benefits and advantages of God given governing system but can any mullaan or mullaan supporters and followers explain the benefits and advantages of religion? Can secular leaders and supporters or followers do the same for secularism? No way.

    From my these explanations one should be able to see what islam is or can be and what islam is not and cannot be. Islam is a purpose based proper way of life for mankind to live by which can ensure their well being which no other way of life or rule law can do for humanity. All other ways of life and rules of laws can only and only lead mankind to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other sooner or later.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #192 - June 16, 2024, 10:58 AM

    Quranic Research Inc

    Haq studies

    hafiz atif

    Al Moses PhD - Quran Student

    Pegham-e- Haqq

    AS Ansari




    Ahle aqal

    Question Quran


    More and more people are beginning to question mullaan islam as education becomes available to more and more muslims.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #193 - June 24, 2024, 07:45 AM

    Every Type of Government Explained in 10 Minutes

    Every Type of Government Explained

    Every Political Ideology Explained in 8 Minutes

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #194 - July 05, 2024, 10:43 AM

    From my posts it should be very obvious for each and very sensible person that we human beings need each other no matter what. It is because our needs cannot become fulfilled without each other. Since none can argue against this fact, now it is only and only up to us human beings how we get each other to come together so that we could get our needs and wants met. We can do that willingly or by use of our tricks and force against each other. We can do this by providing each other with the needed purpose based proper education and training for having all the needed skills for this very purpose and reap the benefits as a positive outcome or we can trap and blackmail each other instead and suffer the consequences by hands of each other with no end in sight for our troubles and problems with each other.

    This is why all governing systems in the human world no matter whatever names we give them can only and only be for our serving each other happily, compassionately and respectfully with dignity or for our controlling each other by making fool of each other or by using negative incentives or force. It is because we are driven by our drives for whatever we do or not do. Fear, hunger, thirst, sex etc etc. This is why all governing systems control us either for ensuring our own well being through our help and support of each other by our purpose based proper complementing each other or for our own harm and destruction by hands of each other by entrapping each other by using various manipulative processes. methods and mechanisms. Whichever governing systems we use therefore gives our intentions away or makes them obvious.

    If we will think and do things harmful and destructive way then we all will be forced to commit crimes against each other because we will be driving each other away from each other and that way we will be alienating each other and forcing each other into all kinds of crimes against each other. Our campaigns, struggles, strives, fights and wars will be for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing our own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. This is why and this is how we will end up harming and destroying each other. This is how a human population which thinks and does things this way criminalises its people. This is why all such human populations become criminals in the eyes of God and humanity.

    Also these like are the reason each and every human population is forced and bound to brainwash, indoctrinate and condition its people so that they could function at some level in some way, be it good or bad. All because human beings pay no purpose based proper attention to what their purpose of existence is or has to be so that they could organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community in this world for accomplishing or fulfilling that purpose or mission. 

    This is why and this is how we can come to see who is truly sincere with message of God for ensuring well being of humanity and who is a hypocrite and a deceiver or a devil in disguise due to one's preparing oneself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly or not doing so by avoiding or neglecting or ignoring it and that way keeping oneself ignorant about it or remains ignorant about it. If our over all picture about the purpose of our existence is incorrect therefore harmful and destructive for us then whatever we will think and do will not and cannot benefit us purposefully properly as a human population. This is why it is vitally important that we have the best possible over all picture in our minds as to how we wish to live and what for. So one can see how vitally important it is for human beings to pay purpose based proper attention to their existence so that they do not waste away their lives by living their lives for all the wrong reasons.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #195 - August 04, 2024, 07:53 AM

    As explained already, each and every person is product of his own environment. It is because each and every person comes from a particular background ie a particular place or area in the human world and parents, siblings, relatives and wider society of which one is a part by being born in it. The way of life which raises a people and helps them survive becomes their way of life so over generations they get used to living by a particular way of life and make their rule of law according to that to suit themselves. Particularly those who lead them and dominate them make sure these people live by their way of life and their rule of law. This is why each and every person becomes and remains brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned that way till one is forced to change for one reason or another and so some people rebel against their own dominant people and environment, way of life and rule of law because they become a hurdle or an obstacle in their way for one reason or another. This is how environments come about and affect their people and their people affect their environments ie people create their environments and environments create their people which is a continuous interaction based process. So if we human beings want to help each other change our mindsets, attitudes and behaviours for the best then the only effective way for doing that is purpose based proper education, training and skills. Random approaches cannot be as effective as they need to be in this process for a change. Coercion and use of force is going to cause big problems and plenty of bloodshed. It is because no one wants to leave their own comfort zone be one of the dominant or undermined people. This is why a worthy purpose based proper program is needed for people to carry out with goals worth pursuing according to guidelines worth adhering too so that thereby people could be inspired, motivated and moved and so that that momentum could be maintained. This is why the quran is the best possible guidance for mankind to abide by according to its purpose based proper interpretation.

    It is absolutely necessary for mankind to live by the quran because otherwise the best possible state of existence is not possible for them because without people organising and regulating themselves purposefully properly they cannot have a life worth living due to lack of purpose based proper coordination between themselves. People throughout the human world are thinking and doing things haphazardly due to rivalling and competing against each other instead of cooperating with each other and complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why almost all projects by people are in a mess because independent individuals and companies do things the way it suits them instead of coordinating their works by cooperating and complementing each other. This is why they cannot even lay down a road purposefully properly because they have divided their works between different competing people and companies. That is why when one company comes and lays down a new road another comes and digs it up to lay pipe work. After that another one comes and digs it up again to lay wirings for electricity, phone and internet etc etc. This is why over all governing system is absolutely necessary so that coordination, cooperation and complementation could be achieved otherwise a lot of manpower and resources go to waste through negative competition between people and companies. All these are methods used by dominant people in human populations for fooling ignorant people in their human populations who lack sense of purpose as well as sense of what their rulers are doing to them who claim to serve them.

    This is why people need to become sensible so that they could change the governing system to the one which suits them in actual fact or they will be kept on made fool of each and every time by each other and so they will keep on suffering the terrible consequences by hands of each other without end in sight. Suppose a person wants to get a house built for himself then first of all he has to get all the needed information about it and make purpose based proper sense of it. After doing that he needs to carefully plan the work and the process to be involved as well as get all the people and things needed for completion of this project. After that he need to organise and regulate involved people and things so that each and every person does what one is suppose to do and each and everything is put in place where it ought to be. All this needs carefully worked out program and plan as well as execution before one could end up with the end product ie a house one wanted to get built. The quran is a building map for building, raising or erecting a purpose based proper human societal building. The day human beings come to know this map purposefully properly and turn it into a reality in the real world they will have a great life worth living.

    So islam is not at all about giving people an excuse to sit idle and do nothing at all with their lives other than praising their God. It is because it is the most demanding ideology for mankind due to being an assigned mission by God for mankind to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community so the harder they will work for it with help and fuoll support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly the better life they will have in here as well as in hereafter. Without the quran people will keep on thinking and doing things the way they have been and they will keep on suffering terribly painfully by hands of each other without any end in sight. So choice is very clear for humanity to make and reap the benefits and advantages or keep on facing the terrible consequences for what they think and do against each other.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #196 - August 12, 2024, 01:23 AM

    What is sexual morality according to the Quran? According to human beings their own needs and wants dictate their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours. Their needs are their drives which motivate them to act because they give rise to their desires and ambitions upon which they act as it suits them. This is why each and every human population is controlled by its own environment and its own environment is controlled by its own human population. Human beings pass on their life experiences to each other and particularly to their future generations but still it is their own human life experience which is based upon their exploitations, manipulations and abuses of each other beyond which they cannot see or go all by themselves. However the Quran on the other hand brings in an over all picture to human mind if they could try and understand it as it ought to be understood ie purposefully properly. The Quranic message is not going to make any sense to humanity if people will not try to think outside the box they have built themselves around themselves and they have boxed themselves in it. It is because the Quran is not a human product but an external source of information for humanity. This is why in the Quranic context sexual morality is nothing like the sexual morality as it is thought about, brought about, understood and lived by humanity. Human understanding of sexual morality is based upon their own baseless ideas and practices which came about because of dominant and powerful people from among themselves who have been devising methods and mechanisms whereby they have been exploiting and blackmailing each other in various ways for controlling each other as much as they could. The Quran in contrast to that gives solid foundation to humanity to live by. Because the Quran tells mankind to live and act as a single human family or an ummah therefore it tells all of them to ensure well being of each other purposefully properly by complementing each other purposefully properly. This means blood, colour, race and area based relationships between people are not important at all and instead purpose based proper ideological based relationships according to the Quran are of vital importance. This is why human family must organise and regulate itself on that basis alone to be able to benefit and take advantage of the Quranic message. So each and every community related decision must be made by the community as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer.

    This is why individual family system does not exist in actual deen of Islam or Islamic governing system and it is not important nor needed instead all people are free to think, plan and do things as it mainly suits the purpose based proper community as well as its individual members. Each and every person must therefore treat its community elders as his own elders as well as its community children as his own children. This being the case no one needs his own family at all. This is why sexual relations are also open which means anyone can have sex with anyone as and when one needs or wants provided the involved people agree with each other and they have consent of each other but reproduction is to be decided and controlled by the community so that people do not reproduce unwanted and needless children because it is their own responsibility as a purpose based proper human community to look after and raise children the best possible way purposefully properly. So they must not reproduce unwanted children or children whom they cannot look after and raise purposefully properly. People can have single sexual partners as well as multiple. It is their own decision to make ie of the involved people. No matter what people must ensure they are compassionate towards each other and that they love and respect each other as well as complement each other purposefully properly. There should not be any exploitation, manipulation or abusive use of each other at all. The ummah due to being an open and a transparent purpose based proper human community does not have any marriage concept in it at all whereby people try to create their own individual families and get involved in power struggles against each other for dominating each other to become dynasties to transfer their legacies to their children in form of power and wealth etc etc. On the contrary legacy of purpose based proper human community is, holding on to purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind and passing it onto to their future generations faithfully and purposefully properly. This is how power and wealth of purpose based proper human community passes onto its future generations also. It is because of power and wealth dominant powerful and wealthy people only get married into alike status people to gain and maintain more and more power and wealth from the rest of human populations by exploiting, manipulating and abusing them. This is why these people invented and imposed religions upon the rest of human populations so that thereby they could make those people fools in the very name of God and control them. This is why dominant people do not give undermined and enslaved people any rights at all instead enslaved people need to fight them to secure their rights from them but then religious elite comes to their defence by telling people at large you have no right to disobey these people because it is will of God that these people have been given power and wealth to rule over you people. This is why these people control each and everything whereby rest of humanity could fulfil its needs and wants which also includes exploitative, manipulative and abusive sexual rules and regulations as well and marriage is also one of them whereby men dispossess women folk of their rights and possessions just as powerful and wealthy men dispossess undermined men.

    When a people are deprived of things of their needs whereby they could fulfil their needs then frustration settles in and revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions become inevitable. This is why all religious people are evil and devils in disguise due to their ignorance and stupidity. So people who go to Hindu, Parsee, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Sikh or any other religious temples are not good people but supporters of devils. They by their these like baseless, harmful and destructive beliefs and practices help harm and destroy humanity but due to their ignorance and foolishness they do not realise this fact. Likewise due to their ignorance and stupidity as well as due to their conditioning, indoctrination and brainwashing undermined and enslaved people are manipulated by worldwide governments and people who run places, lands, countries and kingdoms who themselves are front-men of those who hide behind them. They have devised all these exploitative, manipulative and abusive methods and mechanisms because that is their actual project to use humanity for their own evil harmful and destructive agendas. To make transition from the ways of life and rules of laws whereby people are living their lives they need to devise a carefully planned method and mechanisms so that they could bring about and maintain Quranic way of life and rule of law so that they could have the needed freedom to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    As for the sexual reproduction process, it is very much obvious throughout the living world. For example, look at plants, animals, insects, birds and even human beings. People themselves breed various species of animals as they like. Even when people get married their families look for suitable partners for boys and girls. We will find sex anywhere and everywhere. Not all human being wear clothes in the human world rather many walk about naked. So does it not look stupid that some try to tell others to cover up themselves in order to stop people from having sexual urges and feelings towards each other when this is the way God has chosen to continue existence of most of living things if not all generation after generation including human beings? Sexual urges and feelings are as natural as feeling hungry or thirsty. We will look stupid to tell each other hide food and water so that hunger and thirst disappear from minds of people. People have sexual experiences even during their sleep ie while dreaming so sexual feelings or urges cannot be masked or suppressed no matter what just as hunger and thirst cannot be masked or suppressed. It is because some people try to mask and suppress sexual feelings and urges of other people that is why people use other ways to relieve their sexual frustration, urges and feelings when they are stopped from doing so the natural way. If people will not organise and regulate themselves sensibly for food and water they will kill each other to try to stay alive at the expense of each other. After all food chain is designed that way and that is why human beings kill animals for their food. Because some people try to stop, prevent and hinder others from fulfilling their needs and wants the right way that they end up stealing and robbing things from each other. This is what leads mankind to criminal acts like theft and stealing as well as robberies. If people will not let things happen purposefully properly and they will not do things purposefully properly then they will end up at odds with each other in many different ways. Moreover after a while all these perversions including sexual perversion become a normal experience for them. This is why the Quran leaves mankind free to organise and regulate their own human populations purposefully properly in this respect. It is because it tells them to look after each other purposefully properly therefore it controls their reproduction by telling them don’t reproduce as many as you cannot look after as you should as a purpose based proper human community. This is why it tells people to avoid reproducing genetically damaged off spring or such reproduction will cause you problems as a purpose based proper community. It is because people ought to reproduce such off springs which are useful and productive so that they could carry out purpose based proper program of their creator and sustainer by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines purposefully properly. This is why purpose based proper human community must not allow reproduction by such people about whom it becomes clear that they have damaged genetic material for their reproduction. This does not mean that those reproduced genetically damaged people should not be looked after purposefully properly rather they should be but such reproductions must be limited and avoided as much as it is humanly possible so that mankind have healthy people to be able to accomplish what humanity needs to accomplish. God did not create genetically damage people but he did give people the right to choose so some of their choices caused them these like problems just like the rest of problems people cause for each other by thinking, planning and doing things the way they should not. However as human world is becoming more and more learned and knowledgeable so they should make better and better choices so that their future generations have less and less problems to worry about and to take care of. There is no point in mankind making ignorance based wrong choices and then blaming God for it. God has provided all things people needed for fulfilling his assigned purpose for them including his purpose based proper guidance for them so it is up to mankind themselves to become learned about his revelation and creation to do what is purposefully proper and right for them to do and reap the benefits.

    Mankind therefore must create and maintain purpose based proper institutions wherein they are educated, trained and looked after purposefully properly with love and due respect be they children, adults or old folks. When they will become organised and regulated the way the Quran advises then mankind will only have inevitable problems and not any needless problems which they create with each other all by themselves due to working against each other instead of complementing each other purposefully properly as members of a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. God wants people to be fully transparent for each other so that there is no need for deception through plotting and scheming between themselves against each other due to having no harmful and destructive intentions towards and motives against each other. Instead they should have benevolent and advantageous intentions and motives for each other otherwise they cannot ensure well being of each other with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. This does not mean people do not need to wear clothes because they do due to saving themselves from harmful and destructive elements such as weather conditions. Just as people should protect themselves against animals which pose dangers to them so there are creatures invisible to naked eye which could cause fatal diseases to human beings and so they can prove dangerous for them. The other main point for mankind to remember is the fact that they come from their own individual backgrounds so they cannot come to the Quranic way of life and rule of law all at once rather this needs a purpose based proper worked out plan which they ought to follow through purposefully properly. That is first they themselves must gain purpose based proper education, training and skills as individuals and then they must pass them on to rest of human beings to gain that sort of education, training and skills. Only when there comes about sufficient support for the Quranic way of life and rule of law people should start living and abiding by them as a purpose based proper human community purposefully properly. If things are not done purposefully properly and sensibly by people who are involved in this campaign, struggle and fight for ensuring well being of mankind then things could turn even uglier than they already are instead of what is intended or aimed for. The Quranic way of life and rule of law cannot be imposed upon human beings by force or by tricks and making fool of them. If the Quranic way of life and rule of law are good for mankind then people themselves will come forth and impose them upon themselves for their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community so there is no need for their imposition by force by some people over others.

    From all this explanation it should be very much obvious that there is no such thing as marriage in governing system of Islam. It is because in mullahs made Islam women are deprived of independence and when some people depend upon others for things of their needs and wants then they are exploited, manipulated and abused by their abusers just as dominant people exploit, manipulate and abuse undermined people in their human populations. This is what causes revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions in human populations when many if not most people get fed up with the existing set up for exploitation, manipulation and abuse in a human population. However when there is no an established Islamic governing system in the human world then whatever way of life and rule of law human beings are living by that is how Muslims must also live till they establish the Islamic governing system in a piece of land. This is why when there is no an established purpose based proper Islamic governing system already in a place in the human world then the only duty of Muslims is to think, plan and do all they can to try their best according to their God given abilities to bring it about by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for it wherein purpose based proper way of life and rule of law could be adopted, practiced and implemented by mankind purposefully properly. Unless and until purpose based proper Quranic way of life and rule of law are purposefully properly established and maintained by mankind there is not going to be any purpose based proper unity, peace, progress and prosperity for them and therefore no blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for them. This is why Muslims must wake up to actual deen of Islam and let go of their religion which is nothing more than a set of useless, harmful and destructive beliefs and practices. The sooner they will do that the better it will be for them as well as the rest of humanity. One can see on various platforms so many useless debates and discussion on issues which do not matter at all for humanity at large because they do not address the actual problems which people pose for each other and which actually cause them problems.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #197 - August 21, 2024, 12:02 AM

    From what I have explained already it should be very clear that almost all people in the human world still have totally wrong understanding of the God sent scripture and the world in which they are born and live. It is because people who have interpreted the information in the scripture and the information about the real world realities they have followed the wrong path as if they deliberately wanted to divert humanity from the right path whereby they should live their lives in actual fact. However this is result of their lack of purpose based proper understanding of revelation and creation of their creator and sustainer because they have been confused by each other due to working against each other instead of working with each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why they say God is good yet they do not hesitate from attributing to him all kinds of nonsense which reflects badly upon nature of God. The real issue for humanity is their own existence and survival and not existence of God and nature of being of God. It is because comprehensive nature of being of God is beyond comprehensive understanding of mankind no matter what they think and do to try and understand nature of God in detail. It is because people come from various backgrounds or environments so they try to make sense of things within those contexts which do not and cannot work in case of God issue. It is because God is someone beyond direct experience of mankind and human experience is not very good within the human world. Therefore unless and until human beings try to understand the holy scripture and the world in which they are born and live they can never make purpose based proper sense of things purposefully properly. For this reason and purpose they have no choice but to think outside of their environmental boxes they have boxed themselves in. For so long as people will try to bend holy scripture to justify their own environments from which they come they can never interpret the holy scripture purposefully properly. The reason the holy scripture needs to be interpreted outside their environmental boxes is because it is an external source of information. So if it is not understood that way then it cannot be interpreted as it should be.

    This is why I stated several facts regarding real world realities about which none can rationally dare to disagree. On that basis and in that purpose based proper context holy scripture and real world realities are to be understood and interpreted and not in any other context because all other contexts which people try to employ are clearly wrong and the reason they are wrong is because they contradict my stated undisputable facts. This is why even dominant people in the human populations such as rulers, priests and money lenders cannot dare disagree with these facts. The same is true about atheists, theists, scientists, politicians or religious scholars etc etc. This is why when a Hindu makes the claim about Ram Raj or kingdom of Ram then it can only and only mean a way of life and a rule of law which ensures well being of humanity with help and full support of each other. Any other nonsensical claim cannot be justified by any Hindu at all. The very same is true about any Christian who makes the claim about kingdom of God. Because that too can only and only mean a way of life and a rule of law which ensures well being of mankind in this world with help and full support of each other. The same is true about Islam when any Muslim makes the claim that Islam will rule the human world. Anyone who tries to interpret any such claim any other way is clearly ignorant or lying because that claim clearly contradicts the undisputable facts which I have stated already as to how much mankind depend upon each other for their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. This is why Ram, Christ or Muhammad etc etc are only good people if they campaigned, struggled, strove and fought for ensuring well being of mankind and not otherwise. This is why Hinduism, Christianity or Islam etc etc are only good ways of life and rules of law or governing systems if they are for ensuring well being of mankind through their complementing each other purposefully properly. It is because otherwise they are only and only means of exploitation, manipulation and abusive use of mankind by each other which can only and only harm and destroy humanity by hands of each other. The very same is true about secularism, democracy, capitalism, communism and socialism no matter what PhD degree holders philosophers and doctors tell us against my stated facts to fool people in support of their nonsensical claims. This is why if dominant, disadvantaged and undermined  people want the best possible human world for themselves then they must give up their harmful and destructive desires and ambitions as well as their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other otherwise that world is not going to come about all by itself. This is why any way of life and rule of law which is claimed in the name of creator and sustainer must be consistent with undisputable self evident facts stated by me. So if people want the best possible human world then they have no choice but to spread this message between mankind throughout the human world.

    People write many books about many things but none about the Quran the way it should be purposefully properly understood and acted upon. It is because their primary objective is not to give others purpose based proper education, training and skills but to make money and to become famous at the expense of each other. One has to only look at copyright law for example whereas all people have been copying each other right from the day they were born. Each and every person has been copying his parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and members of wider human society. It is because otherwise people could not have learned anything from each other at all. Our intellectual property comes from our common human ancestors and it is not our own. By not leaving sources of knowledge open for humanity and not helping and supporting each other with purpose based proper education, training and skills we are playing a very negative role against each other in order to exploit, manipulate and abuse each other when we know for a fact that we need help and full support of each other for our coming into this world and our survival through complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why we must identify those elements in our human populations who brainwash, indoctrinate and condition us to think, plan and act against each other and help them repent and reform and if they do not then they should be isolated or even eliminated due to their presence posing certain danger to humanity and its blissful, dignified and secure existence. All such people are enemies of God and humanity who needlessly create divides, hatred, animosity, rivalries, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars between human beings so that that way they could gain dominance over others by undermining them so that then they could exploit, manipulate and use them abusively for their own harmful and destructive agendas which are harmful and destructive for humanity. It is these like people who are behind all kinds of needless, useless, unwanted, harmful and destructive debates and discussions as entertainments whereby they try to keep people away from discussing and debating actual issues which matter for humanity for ensuring its well being purposefully properly. The very same people are behind misinterpretations of the God sent scripture and the misinformation about the real world realities for the very same reasons and purposes. Their certificates and degrees are not worth the paper they are written upon. That is because each school of thought rejects ideologies of all others. For example, Hindus reject understanding of their scriptures by all others. Parsees reject understanding of their scriptures by all others. Jews do the same and so do Christians, Muslims and Sikhs etc etc. So whose qualifications are worth anything at all unless they are based upon the self evident facts which benefit humanity as whole? The case is very same within various sects of a religion ie one sect does not accept interpretations of their scripture by all others. So people in the human world need to wake up and start thinking, planning and doing what needs to be done rather than being led by people who have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against humanity. However rather than bringing about revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions they should try their best to bring about education, training and skills based revolution by helping and supporting each other purposefully properly worldwide. Otherwise painful state of existence will continue for billions throughout the human world. So there is no point in complaining about it if one is not doing what one is supposed to do to eliminate this state of existence for human beings throughout the human world.

    Humanity has tried and tested various governing systems throughout times and places but nothing has worked for it save the purpose based proper governing system which was based upon purpose based proper guidance of its creator and sustainer. This too failed each time it was installed and put in place when people failed to maintain it by keeping up with it. Also once it failed then it was never reinstalled till people went through a lot of needless painful suffering by hands of each other and so they were forced to bring it about with help of prophets and messengers of their creator and sustainer. This also happened during life time of the last and final prophet and messenger of creator and sustainer of this kingdom of creation. Now the torch of purpose based proper guidance of creator and sustainer of the kingdom of this creation has passed onto mankind themselves as his missionaries so the Quranic governing system can only and only be brought about by people themselves. This is why the Quranic governing system is not going to become a reality in the human world till mankind make each other suffer terribly and they see no way out of their such a horrible state of existence. Even then it will only become a reality if people will prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly and not otherwise. How soon humanity can bring about the Quranic governing system depends upon how many of them shoulder this mission and how hard they work for it. If more and more people get involved then it will take less time but if less and less people will get involved then it will take longer and longer time. Meanwhile terrible painful suffering of mankind by hands of each other will continue throughout the human world.

    Human painful suffering by hands of each other will only end when people will start living and abiding by purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer purposefully properly. This means all people as individuals must have freedom of thought, planning and actions for this purpose. This means capitalism, communism and socialism must end as well as religion, secularism and democracy. The Quran does not allow any kind of harmful and destructive divisions and discriminations or groupings between people whereby they could become divided and remain divided and in conflict with each other by keep on competing, rivalling and fighting against each other as rivals and enemies. This is why dominant harmful and destructive elements within the human populations must be brought under purpose based proper rule of law or they must be isolated or eliminated altogether. The Quranic rule of law does not allow anyone to take control of any person or thing either by fooling or tricking them or by force. It is because God’s world belongs to all the people in his world. So things can be shared between people by their consent and agreement alone. This is why each and every person has the right to have his needs and wants fulfilled as well as each and every person must play his given role by rest of human population so long as that role is according to the purpose based proper Quranic guidance for mankind and it proves to be good for humanity. This is why the Quran challenges humanity to bring forth any governing system which is like the Quranic governing system or is even better than it otherwise humanity must live and abide by it for ensuring its own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. The Quranic way of life and rule of law gives all individuals freedom to make choices and decisions about things but they must prepare themselves for it through purpose based proper education, training and skills purposefully properly. Their decisions about issues are to be based upon their unanimity or according to their majority as individuals. The Quranic democratic system is a party-less and classless democratic system. This is why it is very different from a single party system as well as multiparty system where people support only their own parties and their own classes. Tokenism is not allowed by the Quranic governing system. In the Quranic context justice means a rule of law which ensures well being of all human beings as individuals so the law also has to be fair for fair judgement of a case. If law is already biased in favour or against someone then fair judgement of issues or cases will become impossible. It is because the human world is run and managed by exploiters, manipulators and abusive users of mankind therefore they have employed misinterpreters of  the holy scripture in form of mullahs in order to try to prove the Quranic text is worse than existing ways of life and rules of laws. This is why all places of religious worship and all religious schools are funded by those who benefit from their existence. I have not detailed these things because if people read books which people have written against each other they contain all these details as to how masses are controlled by authoritarian and imperial powers. Only and only if people will study the Quran purposefully properly the way it ought to be understood only and only then they will come to realise what is going on in the human world and why or how. Why human world is all messed up and who is responsible for it in actual fact.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #198 - August 22, 2024, 12:01 PM

    hello Mughal..   I am glad to see you are still at it , it is almost 20years ago that i interacted with you on different forums.,  I must bow to you for your innocence . after all you are not a 15/20 year old kid ..

    your explanation of Quran.. Islamic Government rules.. that stems  from some 20 verses of Quran and whole lot of bullshit hadith and worse  is the Sunnah of Muhammad .. that is stories of Muhammad in  his last 13 years of his life.. makes me to say,  Muslims of the planet ..all 2 billion of them must make you new prophet of Islam  with new way of understanding Quran, The only thing that is needed to your Quran is hadith and sunnah of the New Prophet of Islam..

    and I wonder some to cold remove that "Ex-Muslim"  tag from Mughal name and something like EXOTIC MUSLIM...??

     Any way My good wishes to you dear Mughal and let me watch this

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #199 - August 24, 2024, 01:51 AM

    Dear yeezevee, greetings. How are you? Nice to see your response. Yes, I have been on internet for quiet some time. I started posting on secularislam website in guestbook section which was started by ibn warraq. Ali sina also had a website by name of gulshan or something long before faithfreedom I think but he too used to post on secular islam site. I used to post on baloch forum, forum Pakistan, internet infidels, infidel guy, turkish forum, afghanistan forum, global it forum, brights forum, scientific forum, hiphop forum, sceptics forum, islamicity forum, Islamic board, pak links, pak corner, pak news, Indian forums, bangladeshi forums and many others which I do  not even remember by now. Many forums are no longer there any more.

    I too am getting old as well as having health problems. But I see the need for keep going which keeps me motivated and hopefully people will also try to see where I am coming from and where I am trying to help humanity reach. 

    As for me, I do not agree with anyone who thinks islam is a religion. Even people who claim islam is a governing system I disagree with almost all of them as well because they still take religion as part of deen of islam. This should be very obvious to anyone who reads through my posts. In my view islam is only and only a governing system for humanity in which religion has no place at all.

    I do not accept ritualism as part of islam because it wastes time of people which could be better used for doing what needs to be done for managing people and things purposefully properly. Moreover I say islam is a governing system because that is the reality which we all observe all the time throughout human world ie no one comes into this world all by oneself. After coming into this world no one looks after oneself or raises oneself. All people who survive till old age need looking after by others. All people who suffer any accident which affect their functionality need help and support of others. Anyone can develop debilitating, crippling and paralysing health problems at any time during one's life time so one needs help and support of others. No one can meet all one's needs such as food, clothes, shelter, education, training and skills all by oneself so all of us need help and full support of each other and that help and support we need from each other with compassion, respect and love and not with abuse. All these are such facts about which no ruler, mullah or money lender can disagree. Nor any theist, atheist, scientist or philosopher can dare disagree.

    These facts call upon humanity to have a purpose based proper governing system in place which could help them fulfil their these needs compassionately and respectfully as well as with love for each other. These facts force any individual to interpret the Quranic text in this context so that there comes about a good purpose based proper human community or society in the kingdom of God and so that it is maintained by mankind. This gives humanity such a huge task which leaves no room and no time for anyone to waste it for baseless, harmful and destructive beliefs and practices in the name of God.

    This is why islam is a governing system as a mission for mankind from God for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of God according to the purpose based proper Quranic guidance for mankind. This is why as for I am concerned mullahs are ignorant fools who have their own baseless ideas and practices which they call islam. These people are mentally so damaged that they cannot see beyond their self invented beliefs and practices which they try to impose upon rest of humanity.

    Since islam is a purpose based proper governing system therefore it needs a worldwide purpose based proper movement for its purpose based proper establishment and maintenance. Therefore people need purpose based proper education, training and skills for doing that in order to complete the project or mission. Wasting time here and there can only and only prove a setback for this project or mission and therefore for humanity at large as well. This is why people who claim to be muslims almost all of them have become worthless and useless in the human world. They are busy fighting each other over nonissues which do not matter at all for humanity at large.

    In fact this is the main reason all movements started by mullahs have failed because they have no worthwhile objectives to aim for which could attract human support worldwide. Who wants to die or kill for making people worship one God, for praying 5 times daily to one God, for fasting for one month for one God, for a little bit of charity for others for one God or for visiting a small worthless structure in makkah Saudi Arabia once in a lifetime? People are not that stupid, they know these things cannot be from God but since governing authorities in place in the human world enforce their self made laws to keep their hold on masses so they devise various processes and mechanisms as their projects to keep people in the dark and under their control. This is why they fund these mullahs as well because they are their stooges or lapdogs.

    You can see people fight over meanings of words used in the quran but they have no solid foundation to base their arguments upon. This is why their explanations and evidences have no value at all. This is despite the fact that mullahs spend their lifetimes for learning what they claim islam to be. They tell you ways to understand the Quranic text but those ways do not work because they themselves are confused about them. I have pointed out these like things in my posts. This is why it is up to individuals to go through my posts and see if my explanations and evidences make the sense I wish to convey or not. Mullahs and their students are frogs in the well or they are like donkeys which are carrying books on their backs without knowing what is actual message in them. I rather use my time which could benefit others than waste it on arguing with brainless mullahs and their followers. People who wish to know mullah islam they can read books of people who belong to different religions and sects. It is because these books not only expose them but they expose them fully.

    Mullahs claim their beliefs and practices have been transmitted to them consistently so they cannot be wrong. Problem is, this notion in itself is false because of differences of opinions, beliefs and practices people have formed, invented and adopted. Can any mullah prove that there no difference of opinion between believers and disbelievers? Can any mullah prove that there is no difference of opinions between people who claim to be believers or people who claim to be disbelievers? If these are facts then it proves mullahs are foolish who claim unanimity and consistency of opinions about anything at all. This is why humanity needs a rule as a solid foundation whereby it could judge what is true and what false or what is right and what is wrong. A rule which works for each and every person. This is why the quran should not be interpreted according to baseless harmful and destructive beliefs and practices of people but according to some solid rules which provide solid foundation for its purpose based proper interpretation. People are products of their own cultures and environments and the quran wants to bring them out of their cultures and environments so that they could become human beings worth the name. Instead of interpreting the quran the way it should be for the purpose it is sent for people try to bend it according to their own cultures and environments. This is why humanity remains in depths of darkness of ignorance instead of stepping into the light of knowledge. But there is still hope that one day mankind will find their way to mount of light. Hopefully that day comes sooner rather than later.

    Anyway nice to have you back on the forum. Take care and all the best.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #200 - September 11, 2024, 12:59 PM

    An explanation about the context of the Quranic text

    Mankind must come to know the fact that only and only the Quran is the actual revealed word of God for people of this era and there is no sustainable doubt about it at all. However to understand the Quranic text purposefully properly we human beings need help and support of each other as much as we can give each other as well as we can get from each other so that we human beings could benefit most possible and take most possible advantage of the purpose based proper guidance of the Quran purposefully properly. The fact is if our elders and colleagues as well as youngsters did not help us at all then we could not know things we came to know due to their help and support. This is why any purpose based proper information from prophets and messengers of God as well as rest of human beings we can get is good for us so that we could develop purpose based proper sense from that about the Quran as well as the world in which we are born and live. However only and only God sent purpose based proper information is free of faults so any other information we get from any other source we must make sure as much as it is humanly possible for us that it is true and right before using it for the purpose we need to use it for. The Quran cannot be understood purposefully properly at all without following this path for its purpose based proper understanding. The main thing for us to ensure is the fact that the Quranic text is interpreted purposefully properly and not translated so that one does not end up with contradictions and conflicts as well as lacks of needed necessary information in one’s interpretation of the Quran which then becomes attributed to the actual Quranic text which then appear as contradictions and conflicts within the Quranic text or between the Quranic text and the self evident facts about the real world realities or which shows lack of needed necessary information missing from the Quranic text. If this happens then people will not be able to make sense of purpose from the Quran nor the way to fulfil that purpose. This is why any interpretation of the Quran by anyone is invalid if it contains such contradictions and conflicts or lacks of needed necessary information when it is possible to interpret the Quranic text without such contradictions and conflicts or lacks of necessary information. I will explain these points yet further as we go along on this journey of discovery for making purpose based proper sense of the Quranic text purposefully properly so one has to be steadfast and consistent in undertaking this journey of learning and understanding things as they ought to be understood and acted upon.

    From now onwards I need to explain some vitally important very basic terms which all people must come to know so that they could see how they are supposed to be related, connected or interlinked to each other otherwise they cannot make purpose based proper sense to people so they cannot understand the Quranic text in its purpose based proper context. The Quran is a book that claims to be from God and it gives people a project to complete. It is because God decided to express himself so he created his kingdom of creation for expressing himself through his creativity as well as gave mankind freewill and his purpose based proper guidance for them as to what they are to think, plan and do to complete their given or assigned project. The project is, mankind must bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of God. Since all projects involve thoughts, processes and mechanism whereby the end products are achieved therefore what these terms mean and how they are related or linked and interconnected needs to be understood purposefully properly. Since each and every project involves thoughts and ideas for various purposes therefore in case of any project the overall ideology becomes most important because it tells about the main or whole purpose of the project which also has relevant sub ideologies as well. The main ideology of the Quranic project is all about mankind themselves bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of God for ensuring well being of each and every human being with their own help and support for each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly instead of their rivalry and animosity against each other whereby they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other due to securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.

    Now to bring about such a purpose based proper human community this project involves people and things and when people and things become involved then they need to be organised and regulated and managed purposefully properly so that the end goal or objective, target or purpose or product could be achieved or this mission could be accomplished purposefully properly. This is why a purpose based proper human society, association or organisation becomes absolutely necessary and to manage people and things people must organise and regulate themselves hence politics also become absolutely necessary to get the end product or to complete the project. So purpose based proper politics are all about managing people and things in such a way whereby the project could be completed successfully and purposefully properly. In order to achieve the end product human society or people involved must manage people and things in such a way that a culture conducive to the end product comes about. In other words a friendly environment needs to be brought about wherein people and things could be managed smoothly to produce the required or needed end result. The end result needed in this case is to fulfil the needs of each and every person purposefully properly and that is what purpose based proper Quranic economic system is all about and it has to be all about that. This is why mankind must come to know what ideology, society, politics, culture and economy mean in the purpose based proper Quranic context. In order to organise and regulate people and things purposefully properly mankind also need to know what systems, structures, procedures and practices are and what they are all about ie what they are, what they do, how they do it and why they do it etc etc. That is because projects involve systems, structures, procedures and practices. A system is any complete unit of any sort which serves its purpose for which it is brought about, came about or it is created and maintained. It is or it has to be complete within itself by having all its parts which make it what it is. For example, a bike is a system with all its parts. So is a car or aeroplane or a government or a human body etc etc. In a human body all its parts are inside it and they are connected together in such a way which make it a purposefully properly functioning human being eg body, brain, heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc etc.

    Structure is the way the parts of a system are located and interconnected to work together to make the thing what it is to be able to function for the purpose it is supposed to serve. For example, in a human body heart, lungs, kidneys etc etc are located and interconnected to make the human body function as a human being. In a building if it is house then its structure includes bedrooms, public rooms, lounge, sitting rooms, kitchens, bathrooms etc etc. In a governing system there are various departments which are mostly located within the country and they are interlinked to work together to help the government or governing body function as a governing system etc etc. Procedures are ways the way departments of a government work to fulfil their functions within a governing system. For example, a passport office tells people what they need to do and how to get their passports made so when they follow the recommended procedure they get their passports made. Practices are the ways people follow the laid down procedures so that purpose for which a government department is set up produces the end result. For example, a passport office has its own procedure which people follow and get their passports made etc etc. So one can see how projects, processes and mechanisms interconnect. They can also see how ideologies, societies, politics, cultures and economics interconnect and what part systems, structures, procedures and practices play in this whole thing. This is why all these things need people to educate themselves about them and get trained about them to gain needed skills about them so that they could understand what is going on in their human world and whether it is being done purposefully properly or not and so that they think, plan and do things which need to be thought, planned and done purposefully properly. This is why there has to be consistency through and through or things will make no sense and nothing will get done purposefully properly. So one can see why purpose based proper education and training of people is absolutely necessary so that they could gain the needed skills to think, plan and do what needs to be thought, planned and done if we truly want our human world to be good for human beings to live in.

    Not only the Quran wants mankind to bring about a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer for themselves but this is what human beings themselves also need for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly for the multiple reasons contained in this explanation of things. So it should be very much obvious for all people from this explanation what actual way of life and rule of law of Islam is or has to be if the Quran is from God in actual fact. Islam is a purpose based proper program for mankind with goals for them to accomplish according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines. This is why it is a project assigned for mankind as a mission to carry out and complete by their creator and sustainer. The purpose, goal or objective of project for mankind is to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community in the human world in kingdom of their creator and sustainer. Why mankind must bring about a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer? It is because on one hand it is a requirement of the creator and sustainer of mankind to do so but on the other hand it is also absolutely necessary need of human beings themselves as well so that they could have a purpose based proper blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community.

    Think about it, which of us human being is born in this world all by himself? The answer is none. All of us are born through other people who bring us in this world and we have no choice in this matter. Which of us after our births looks after oneself needing no help and full support of others? The clear cut answer again is none. So if we cannot come into this world without other people bringing us into it and if we cannot look after ourselves therefore need other people to raise us then does that not clearly tell us that we need other people for our help and support? Not only that we also need to be raised purposefully properly to be good human beings we need to be so that we too could do the very same for all the other people who come into this world and need our help and full support. This means we need to become and remain a purpose based proper human community so that we help and support each other by being helpful, useful and productive human beings for each other in our human world so that we could have blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community. Another undeniable reason for that is, many of us reach old age so we need help and full support of others till we die. Does this not tell us we need to be looked after purposefully properly by each other so that we are all happy to live with each other? Yet another fact is, we humans as individuals cannot fulfil all our needs and wants all by ourselves. For example, we cannot grow our own food. We cannot make our own clothes and houses. We cannot educate and train ourselves and learn skills without help and full support of other people. This means we need to distribute tasks we need to carry out between ourselves as a purpose based proper human community so that things could be done purposefully properly through our purpose based proper coordination and management of people and things. These like reasons make it absolutely clear that human beings cannot have good life in this world or in hereafter without being helpful and useful for each other.

    It is because we definitely need help and full support of each other therefore we need to purposefully properly educate, train and instil needed skills in each other so that we all become useful and productive members of our purpose based proper human community according to the best of our God given abilities. In other words we need to brainwash, indoctrinate and condition each other for this purpose for these reasons so that we could bring about and maintain an environment in the human world which is conducive, friendly, compassionate, loving and respectful for all human beings. So that we could look after each other by giving each other all the needed help and support the best we can and so that we could get the needed help and support the best we can with compassion, respect and love for each other. So one can see why, how and what kind of human society and institutions we human beings need to bring about and maintain so that with help and full support of each other we could have the best possible life we can have by complementing each other purposefully properly. This is what actual way of life and rule of law of actual Islam is which has to be based purposefully properly upon the Quran. This is what purpose based proper Islam is all about. This is what Islamic purpose based proper education and training are all about so that all people could have the needed purpose based proper education, training and skills to fulfil and complete this project purposefully properly by being able to think, plan and do what needs to thought, planned and done. This is why mankind cannot afford to waste their time in thinking, planning and doing things which take them in the opposite direction or in any other aimless direction. This is why people need to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them. This is why they need to study the kingdom of creation of their creator and sustainer as well so that they could interpret his provided purpose based proper guidance in the Quran purposefully properly for becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. It is because the creation and the revelation of the creator and sustainer for mankind need to be understood in light of each other.

    This is why all those people who reject and oppose these things and create needless disputes, divisions, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind are enemies of God as well as humanity. These like people come about because they do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer purposefully properly. This makes it very obvious and clear for mankind which interpretations of the Quran are purpose based proper and which are works of ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained, unskilled, foolish and unthinking people or which are works of people who have misguiding, misleading, confusing and manipulative harmful and destructive agendas against humanity. Regardless of what foolish people are up to the Quran is the main book upon which way of life and rule of law of Islam are based. To understand the Quran purposefully properly it is absolutely necessary for a person to establish or accept an already established undisputable purpose based proper foundation to interpret the Quranic text purposefully properly according to that. This purpose based proper foundation is facts about real world realities which none can deny and which stare in the face of the whole of mankind throughout times and places in the human world all the time and of which I have already mentioned some here in this explanation. To do that people also need to understand all the human languages people use in the human world. The question is, why learning some human languages is of vitally importance for individuals? Reason 1)people must learn their own mother tongue to the best of their God given abilities. To do this is vitally important because otherwise one cannot communicate with other human beings effectively for expressing what is in one's own mind to others. Not only that but also one cannot even understand what others are trying to express which is in their minds. Each person's life begins between a people among whom one is born. So there is no escape from learning one's mother tongue. If one is good at learning one's own mother tongue then it makes it very easy for a person to learn other languages.

    Reason 2)the other language one has to learn is the one which is language of the most advanced and progressed people at any given time if one is not born among such people oneself. It is because they develop their language as they progress, develop and prosper with time. It is because they learn new things as well as invent new things for which they need modified or completely new words. Backward people do not develop and progress so they lack prosperity as well as they do not invent new things nor learn new things so they become stuck and remain stagnant or even regress with time due to standing still or going backwards, so their languages also remain backward and very limited. This is why if a people want to grow, develop and progress then they have no choice but they must link themselves with such people or they will become and remain stagnant or keep on regressing instead of growing, progressing, developing and prospering so they will in time to come end up in a terrible painful state of existence and suffer horrific harms and destructions by hands of each other due to not being able to meet their necessary needs and wants. Reason 3)another language people must learn is the one which gives them their purpose based proper moral foundation. It is because without purpose based proper moral foundation no people can advance and progress beyond a limit due to their infighting over things sooner or later to have them any way they can from each other at each other's expense. The moral can only and only come from God alone and not humanity because humans do not have the capacity to come up with absolute moral values. Even if they get absolute moral values from God they still need to understand them purposefully properly which in itself is uphill task for human beings. This is why moral values are absolute from the stand point of God but relative from stand point of humanity because they still need to take their time for learning and making purpose based proper sense of them. Since moral values come from God therefore learning language of the God sent scripture is absolutely necessary for mankind. Moreover since people need to get support of rest of humanity for the God sent moral values therefore they also need to learn other human languages as well because without knowing them they cannot extend purpose based proper moral foundation to them in order to become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous.

    So anyone who has learned the needed sense of making purpose based proper sense of things should be able to see how things are interconnected in this regard which gives things their purpose based proper context. Sources of Islamic constitution and its laws are; the Quran according to its confirmably true purpose based proper interpretations, the confirmably true purpose based proper Hadith (or Hadees) both chain of narrators wise as well as interpretations wise, qiyas or qayaas means analogy in Islamic jurisprudence for making needed necessary changes to Islamic constitution and for legislating any new laws about things which are not already told about in the Quran or in prophetic precedents, jumhur means majority opinion of true scholars of Islam regarding a legal matter and ijma  means unanimity or consensus between true scholars of Islam about making some changes to Islamic constitution and its laws about activities of people for having, using and doing things. For a people in a place to live according to governing system of true Islam they must know these things as individuals and they must teach them to others as well as they must agree upon them otherwise they can never live as Muslims anywhere in the human world at all. This is why no interpretation of the Quran can be accepted true and valid unless it is consistence within itself as well as it is consistent with the real world realities. This is why no Hadith and its interpretation can be accepted true unless it is consistent with the consistent purpose based proper Quranic interpretations as well as with the real world realities. No analogy can be accepted true and valid unless it is consistent with the true interpretations of the Quran and the true interpretations of the true Hadith. Likewise no majority opinion of true scholars or their unanimity or consensus is acceptable against the truly valid purpose based proper interpretations of the Quran and the truly valid purpose based proper interpretations of the verifiably true Hadith.

    Why Muslims need confirmably and verifiably true interpretations of the Quran as well as of the true Hadith? To be able to live by actual or true or real purpose based proper Islam. The Quran tells mankind what they ought to think, plan and do, why and how. The Hadith are historical records of prophetic time which are supposed to be having records of precedents that were set by the prophet and earlier generations which lived by actual or provably true Islam. This information from the past can be helpful for present and future generations of mankind if it is available and intact. Otherwise people will have to work harder to get the needed information direct from the Quran itself and the real world realities. It is because otherwise actual purpose based proper Islam cannot be known therefore it cannot be adopted and practiced in reality. Analogy, majority and unanimity or consensus is also of vital importance because if people do not agree upon something then it cannot be put in to practice by them or disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between them will start over things. So again actual Islam will not become and remain a reality in the human world. This should make it very obvious for people why people who claim to be Muslims cannot ignore, avoid or neglect these like points because they are of such vital importance. This is why people must learn sense of making purpose based proper sense of things so that they could save themselves from being misdirected and misled by each other. For so long as they will keep themselves ignorant, illiterate, uneducated, untrained and unskilled by not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly they will remain in a terribly painful and humiliating state of existence in here as well as in hereafter.

    Islam is not just a way of life and a rule of law based governing system but a way of life and rule of law whereby mankind are supposed to fulfil the purpose for which their creator and sustainer has created them. That purpose is not and cannot be beliefs and practices which waste time of people as individuals and as groups and they are also harmful and destructive for humanity. Because God has designed the world in which each and everything depends upon other things for its existence and survival therefore nothing can exist in this world on its own or in isolation. This world has been created by God for mankind to fulfil his assigned purpose for them by using his provisions therefore mankind have been given the authority to use this world and things in it purposefully properly. This is why all those governing systems which people come up with but they are not based upon purpose based proper guidance of God for mankind they are declared invalid and they not acceptable to God so they should not be accepted by humanity as well. What mankind live by are governing systems which are anti Islam because they do not let mankind fulfil the purpose for which God has created them and for which he has guided them purposefully properly. This is why religion and secularism based governing systems and their economic systems such as capitalism and communism or socialism are not acceptable to actual Islam as well as its true supporters. This is why democracy be it single party system or multiparty system is also not acceptable. It is because way of life or rule of law of Islam based upon the Quran purposefully properly does not allow grouping between people. This is why all sects be they based upon religious differences or political differences or class differences are not acceptable. It is because Islam gives maximum possible freedom to individuals to think, plan and act according to the Quran purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in the kingdom of their creator and sustainer. 

    Religion and secularism are anti Islam because they mislead people through false sense of security whereby secular and religious leading people fool masses through each other. One may ask, what harms and destructions can religion and secularism inflict upon humanity? For a start they can waste time of human beings by making them think, plan and do things which have no benefits for them in living their lives purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community. We only have 24 hours in a day. We need 8 hours for rest. We also need 8 hours for work.  So we have only 8 hours to think, plan and do all other things we need to do such as preparing ourselves for rest or work. This includes getting things of need ie shopping, cooking, cleaning, looking after kids etc etc. So we have very limited time left to waste it on things which have nothing at all to do with living our lives such as studying and practicing religious ritualism. For example, people usually say prayer ritual only takes a few minutes. This is because they never think about what they are saying. It is because you cannot perform prayer ritual unless and until you learn things about it purposefully properly otherwise your prayer is declared invalid so it means nothing at all. The differences of opinions about performance of prayer are as many as there are number of people who perform prayer ritual. One mullah of one sect tells you to do your prayer one way and another the other way. So a person becomes totally confused what one actually needs to do to be in good books of God. The same is true about any other religious ritual or practice. Who has the time to find out what is the right position in any religious matter? So it is therefore very much obvious that religious beliefs and practices are a total waste of people's time which they do not have in the first place to begin with. These religious scholars, clerics, priests and preachers spend many years of their lives for studying these things yet they fail to get them right and that is why even they themselves differ in their opinions about prayers.

    This is why all mullahs of all religions, all rulers and politicians and all money lenders and economists and their backers and supporters are donkeys with useless books laden upon their backs. They write thousands of useless books so on one hand they waste their own time and on the other hand their readers also waste their own time when they read them. All these people can use their time better if they produce things which people need in actual fact and which are useful and beneficial for mankind. It is because people need to do far too many things which they are not doing for the betterment of humanity which will only ensure their own well being as individuals. If people are at odds with each other in the human population in the human world then human population is not going to do well at all and that means terrible painful suffering for human being themselves. However for so long as people will have religious and secular ambitions and desires they will keep on developing religious and secular mindsets, attitudes and behaviours so they can never be free of troubles and problems between themselves. Therefore there cannot take place any real change in their world for the best possible outcome for humanity no matter what they think, plan and do. It is because they do not have any worthy purpose based proper reason to live for so they do not and they cannot have any purpose based proper way to achieve it. Religious and secular people are like headless chickens. Such directionless people go in each and every direction aimlessly just for sake of it because they go in any direction they are facing and they continue in that direction regardless of its consequences upon their livelihood and living conditions due to their senselessness and stupidity. As for the religiously minded people all they do is complain and cry to God for their miserable state of existence without trying to purposefully properly learn the scripture of God he sent for them to think, plan and do what he tells them in order to change things for the best possible for themselves. These points clearly show why many people do not believe in existence of God. It is because they are ignorant about actual message of God as they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for studying the real world realities and for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them purposefully properly.

    The day mankind will actually start doing that they will come to know actual knowledge they need to know for making the human world the best possible beautiful place for themselves with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. Till then they will continue using religion, politics and economics for bringing about and maintaining the environment of insecurity, instability, harm and destruction for humanity throughout the human world by competing and rivalling against each other. Instead of one for all and all for one they have gone for one against all and all against one ideology. There is no doubt where they are going to end up unless they repent and reform by leaving the way of life they live by and adopt the way of life God has advised for them. It is due to such pressure which each and every person puts upon others as individuals all people are suffering from worry and anxiety all the time throughout the human world because there is no safety and security at all for individuals in the human world. This is why so many people in the world end up committing suicide and so many harm and even kill each other as well as so many are on various kinds of drugs and anti depressants etc etc. Who is doing all this to humanity other than people who have established this kind of system and maintain it and the masses being stupid for letting this happen in their world when people need no proof for seeing the fact that they need help and full support of each other all the time. Who is giving us wrong education, training and skills to exploit, manipulate and abuse each other? We hear about top schools, colleges and universities in the world but is this the best people they have produced who have failed humanity instead of making it successful? We have Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and MIT graduates, masters and doctors yet this is where they have brought us human beings at the very edge of harm and destruction by hands of each other. It is time educational institutions and training centres gave people purpose based proper education and training as well as skills so that people could build the best possible human world for humanity of which we all could be proud. For the time being not only madrasa graduate mullahs are stooges and lapdogs of rulers and money lenders but so are all others who come out of any so called educational institutions and training centres which serve religion and secularism, capitalism and communism or socialism or single party and multiparty democratic systems. We need education, training and skills which unite us human beings and not divide us. None can point out any such institution in whole of the human world. People thereby have been sleep walking into state of existence which has been harming and destroying them by hands of each other. This will continue happening till people wake up and change their track for their best possible future..

    People need purpose based proper institutions which serve humanity according to purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer or human suffering will continue due to their own ignorance and stupidity due to which they hate each other and fight like enemies and due to which they compete against and rival each other for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and so they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. All this necessitates that we human beings must try and do all we can to put things right in the human world if we truly want humanity to do the best it can with help and full support of each other. This is why people must help and support each other fully for getting educated, trained and skilled for this very objective and purpose. Islam is not a religion and it cannot be a religion if it is truly from creator and sustainer of this kingdom of his creation rather it has to be a governing system for mankind to live and abide by. Even people who claim Islam is a governing system as well as a religion are utterly wrong for the reasons I have explained in my this work. A religion is nothing more than some baseless make beliefs and useless ritual practices which have no benefits at all for humanity. This should be very obvious to anyone who reads through this explanation. I do not accept ritualism as part of Islam because it wastes time of people which could be better used for doing what needs to be done for managing people and things purposefully properly. Moreover I say Islam is a governing system because that is the reality which we all observe all the time throughout the human world ie no one comes into this world all by oneself. After coming into this world no one looks after oneself or raises oneself. All people who survive till old age need looking after by others. All people who suffer any accident which affect their functionality need help and support of others. Anyone can develop debilitating, crippling and paralysing health problems at any time at any stage during one's life time be one a child, an adult or an elderly person so one needs help and support of others. No one can meet all one's needs such as food, clothes, shelter, education, training and skills all by oneself so all of us need help and full support of each other and that help and support we need from each other with compassion, respect and love and not with abuse, exploitation and manipulation or black-mailing. All these are such facts about which no ruler, mullah or money lender can disagree. Nor any theist, atheist, scientist or philosopher can dare disagree.

    These facts call upon humanity to have a purpose based proper governing system in place which could help them fulfil their these needs compassionately and respectfully as well as with love for each other. These facts force any individual to interpret the Quranic text in this context so that there comes about a good purpose based proper human community or society in the kingdom of God and so that it is maintained by mankind. This gives humanity such a huge task which leaves no room and no time for anyone to waste it for baseless, harmful and destructive beliefs and practices in the name of God. This is why Islam is a governing system as a mission for mankind from God for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper Quranic guidance for mankind. This is why rulers, money lenders and users as well as mullahs and their blind supporters and backers are ignorant fools who have their own baseless ideas and practices which they call Islam. These people are mentally so damaged that they cannot see beyond their self invented beliefs and practices which they try to impose upon the rest of humanity by any ways and means they can. Since Islam is a purpose based proper governing system therefore it needs a worldwide purpose based proper movement for its purpose based proper establishment and maintenance in the human world. Therefore people need purpose based proper education, training and skills for thinking, planning and doing that in order to complete the project or mission. Wasting time here and there can only and only prove a setback for this project or mission and therefore for humanity at large. This is why people who claim to be Muslims almost all of them have become worthless and useless in the human world. They are busy fighting each other over nonissues which do not matter at all for humanity at large.

    In fact this is the main reason all movements started by anyone including mullahs have failed because they have no worthwhile objectives to aim for which could attract human support worldwide. Who wants to die or kill for making people worship one God, for praying 5 times daily to one God, for fasting for one month for one God, for a little bit of charity for others for one God or for visiting a small worthless structure in Makkah Saudi Arabia once in a lifetime? People are not that stupid, they know these things cannot be from God but since governing authorities in place in the human world enforce their self made laws to keep their hold on masses so they devise various methods, processes and mechanisms as their projects to keep people in the dark and under their control as much as possible and for as long as they can. This is why they fund all kinds of so called educational and training institutions including schools, colleges, universities as well as religious schools throughout the human world because they are all their stooges or lapdogs. The so called the very best institutions like Oxford and Harvard etc have failed to produce scholars of the Quran worth the name. Why? Because people in these like institutions are puppets of the decision makers whom they represent as their front men before the ignorant masses. This is why for so long as people will not get purpose based proper education, training and skills needed for bringing about the best possible human world the human world will never change for the best possible state of existence it can have. As explained, each and every person is product of his own environment. It is because each and every person comes from a particular background ie a particular place or area in the human world and parents, siblings, relatives and wider society of which one is a part by being born in it. The way of life which raises a people and helps them survive becomes their way of life so over generations they get used to living by a particular way of life and make their rule of law according to that to suit themselves. Particularly those who lead them and dominate them make sure these people live by their way of life and their rule of law. This is why each and every person becomes and remains brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned that way till one is forced to change for one reason or another and so some people rebel against their own dominant people and environment, way of life and rule of law because they become a hurdle or an obstacle in their way for one reason or another. This is how environments come about and affect their people and their people affect their environments ie people create their own environments and environments create their own people which is a continuous interaction based process.

    So if we human beings want to help each other change our mindsets, attitudes and behaviours for the best then the only effective way for doing that is purpose based proper education, training and skills. Random approaches cannot be as effective as they need to be in this process for a change. Coercion and use of force is going to cause big problems and plenty of bloodshed. It is because no one wants to leave their own comfort zone be one of the dominant people or the undermined people. This is why a worthy purpose based proper program is needed for people to carry out with goals worth pursuing according to guidelines worth adhering too so that thereby people could be inspired, motivated and moved and so that that momentum could be maintained. This is why the Quran is the best possible guidance for mankind to abide by according to its purpose based proper interpretation. It is absolutely necessary for mankind to live by the Quran because otherwise the best possible state of existence is not possible for them because without people organising and regulating themselves purposefully properly they cannot have a life worth living due to lack of purpose based proper coordination between themselves. People throughout the human world are thinking, planning and doing things haphazardly due to competing against each other and rivalling each other instead of cooperating with each other and complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why almost all projects by people are in a mess because independent individuals and companies do things the way it suits them instead of coordinating their works by cooperating and complementing each other. This is why they cannot even lay down a road purposefully properly because they have divided their works between different competing rival people and companies. That is why when one company comes and lays down a new road another comes and digs it up to lay pipe work. After that another one comes and digs it up again to lay wirings for electricity, phone and internet etc etc. This is why over all governing system is absolutely necessary so that coordination, cooperation and complementation could be achieved otherwise a lot of manpower and resources go to waste through negative competition between people and companies. All these are methods used by dominant people in human populations for fooling ignorant masses in their human populations who lack sense of purpose as well as sense of what their rulers are doing to them who claim to serve them.

    This is why people need to become sensible so that they could change the governing system to the one which suits them in actual fact or they will be kept on made fool of each and every time by their dominant people and so they will keep on suffering the terrible consequences by hands of each other without an end in sight. Suppose a person wants to get a house built for himself then first of all he has to get all the needed information about it and make purpose based proper sense of it. After doing that he needs to carefully plan the work and the process to be involved as well as get all the people and things needed for completion of this project. After that he need to coordinate and manage to organise and regulate involved people and things so that each and every person does what one is suppose to do and each and every thing is put in place where it ought to be. All this needs carefully worked out program and plan as well as execution before one could end up with the end product ie a house one wanted to get built. The Quran is a building map for building, raising or erecting a purpose based proper human societal building. The day human beings come to know this map purposefully properly and turn it into a reality in the real world from then they will have a great life worth living. So Islam is not at all about giving people an excuse to sit idle and do nothing at all with their lives other than praising their God. It is because it is the most demanding ideology for mankind due to being an assigned mission by God for mankind to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community so the harder they will work for it with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly the better life they will have in here as well as in hereafter. Without the Quran people will keep on thinking and doing things the way they have been and they will keep on suffering terribly painfully by hands of each other without any end in sight. So choice is very clear for humanity to make and reap the benefits and advantages or keep on facing the terrible consequences for what they think, plan and do against each other.

    From this explanation it should be very obvious for each and very sensible person that we human beings need each other no matter what. It is because our needs cannot become fulfilled without each other. Since none can argue against this fact, now it is only and only up to us human beings how we get each other to come together so that we could get our needs and wants met. We can do that willingly or by use of our tricks and force against each other. We can do this by providing each other with the needed purpose based proper education and training for having all the needed skills for this very purpose and reap the benefits as a positive outcome or we can trap and blackmail each other instead and suffer the consequences by hands of each other with no end in sight for our troubles and problems with each other. This is why all governing systems in the human world no matter whatever names we give them can only and only be for our serving each other happily, compassionately and respectfully with dignity or for our controlling each other by making fool of each other or by using negative incentives or force. It is because we are driven by our drives for whatever we do or not do. Fear, hunger, thirst, sex etc etc. This is why all governing systems control us either for ensuring our own well being through our help and support of each other by our purpose based proper complementing each other or for our own harm and destruction by hands of each other by entrapping each other by using various manipulative processes. methods and mechanisms. Whichever governing systems we use therefore gives our intentions for each other away or makes them obvious. If we will think and do things harmful and destructive way then we all will be forced to commit crimes against each other because we will be driving each other away from each other and that way we will be alienating each other and forcing each other into all kinds of crimes against each other. Our campaigns, struggles, strives, fights and wars will be for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing our own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. This is why and this is how we will end up harming and destroying each other. This is how a human population which thinks and does things this way criminalises its people. This is why all such human populations become criminals in the eyes of God and humanity. Also these like are the reason each and every human population is forced and bound to brainwash, indoctrinate and condition its people so that they could function at some level in some way, be it good or bad. All because human beings pay no purpose based proper attention to what their purpose of existence is or has to be so that they could organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community in this world for accomplishing or fulfilling that purpose or mission.

    This is why and this is how we can come to see who is truly sincere with message of God and humanity for ensuring well being of mankind and who is a hypocrite and a deceiver or a devil in disguise due to one's preparing oneself purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly or not doing so by avoiding or neglecting or ignoring it and that way keeping oneself ignorant about it or remaining ignorant about it. If our over all picture about the purpose of our existence is incorrect therefore harmful and destructive for us then whatever we will think, plan and do will not and cannot benefit us purposefully properly as a human population. This is why it is vitally important that we have the best possible over all picture in our minds as to how we wish to live and what for. So one can see how vitally important it is for human beings to pay purpose based proper attention to their existence so that they do not waste away their lives by living their lives for all the wrong reasons. From this explanation it should be very, very clear for all sensible human beings that there have been operating only and only three types of governing systems in the human world no matter whatever names some people have been giving them for their own reasons and purposes. One, authoritarian governing system, two, governing system God and three, mixed governing system. All kinds of authoritarian governing systems were always invented and imposed by dominant people over the rest whom they subdued and controlled as they liked to exploit, manipulate and use them abusively to further their own agendas. In this type of governing systems people were either masters or slaves for each other always. Throughout human world these types of governing systems were always dominant for most of the times in most of the places. The God sent governing systems were also brought about but they were maintained only for very short periods of time and within very limited places in the human world. So if mankind want to live a good life then they must organise and regulate themselves for this very purpose or they cannot have a good life at all no matter what. This means mankind need to be trapped or controlled by each other for this purpose by some sort of mechanism. People can control each other only and only psychologically and physically. Psychologically they can convince each other to not to have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against each other and therefore that can help them stop themselves from having harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other. Physically they can put in place mechanisms which can help them keep an eye on each other just for preventative and protective measures.

    In this explanation I clarify all major economic systems including actual Islamic economic system and anyone is welcome to bring any economic system which any person of any version of religion or secularism thinks is equally good or even better than Islamic economic system. I intend to try to prove thereby beyond any reasonable doubt that all versions of religion and secularism are harmful and destructive for humanity. Not only that but I also intend to prove beyond any reasonable doubt that Islamic governing system is the best system for humanity to live by. All mullahs of all religions and all leading people of all versions of secularism act against humanity this is why the human world is in a terrible state of existence that it is in. This is why people have no choice but to adopt Islamic governing system and remain purposefully properly faithful to it if they wish to get out of crisis in the human world and they want to stay out of crisis in the future as well. So mullahs and their thoughtless supporters and backers are warned to not to promote Islam as a religion because Islam is not a religion but a purpose based proper governing system. It forbids ruling of some people by others to control them in order to use them for their own harmful and destructive agendas and instead it tells mankind Allah alone is their God, owner and ruler. So they should live by his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law which are based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and so they should serve humanity according to it as their service to their creator and sustainer. All because Allah tells mankind he has created them for a set purpose which can only be fulfilled by a particular way of life and a particular rule of law which can lead them to their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. For that reason people need to prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly which is with them in form of the Quran. The Quran contains a purpose based proper program for mankind to carry it out by accomplishing its goals according to guidelines provided in it so that they could reach heights of excellence and so that they could have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter. This is actual Islam and anything other than that is not Islam at all.

    In any case all mullahs were always ignorant fools because either they were not capable of thinking and understanding the actual Quranic message purposefully properly or they were used by rulers as their stooges to further their own agendas and they did not figure this out and so they were foolish enough to be used that way by them. In either case the blame rests upon them for the state of Muslim ummah. It is because the very first question to answer for oneself for anyone who claims to be a Muslim or a non-Muslim is, is Islam a religion or a governing system? Why this question arises? It arises because when a human being comes into this world he comes into this world through other people. One does not raise oneself rather other people raise him. The fact is, where other people are involved or become involved or remain involved then their organisation and regulation is or becomes and remains a necessity. It is because if they do not organise and regulate themselves into a purpose based proper human community for these like reasons then they cannot fulfil these objectives or goals purposefully properly as they should be fulfilled by them for their own good. This is why Islam is not a religion but a governing system for mankind from their creator and sustainer. It could not be and cannot be a religion at all if it is truly from God rather it out of necessity has to be a governing system for organising and regulating human beings into a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer. Why? Because each and every human being needs help and full support of other human beings otherwise one cannot come into this world, one cannot raise oneself, one cannot look after oneself when one grows old, one cannot look after oneself if one by mistake or by accident becomes invalid or incapacitated or disabled etc etc. Not only that but one may have or develop health problems at any stage during one's life when one needs help and support of others. So one can see why God has given humanity a perfect purpose based proper governing system in order to ensure well being of mankind through their own help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly for these like reasons. These are not the only reasons why people need each other rather there are also other reasons as well. For example, none of the human beings can meet all one's needs and wants all by oneself. Now think about what are daily needs of a human being and how they can be met. From footwear, clothes, food, shelter, education, training and skills etc etc etc.

    The other main reason why people need a purpose based proper governing system is, so that they stick together for peace between themselves so that they could make the needed necessary progress for their prosperity in order to meet their daily needs. Think about if people will not stick together and instead they will get involved in disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other's expense then how will they be able to help and support each other to ensure well being of each other without which they cannot come into the human world or remain in existence in a beautiful way as they should? Any sensibly person knows for a fact that if one's needs and wants are not met then one's lifeline is cut off. This is why where people can meet needs of each other but they do not then instead of friends they become and remain enemies of each other. Since the Quran wants people to become and remain a united and peaceful brotherhood of humanity as an ummah therefore people must think, plan and do all they can to help and support each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why five pillars of Islam are and have to be primary or main or key or fundamental aims and objectives of the Quran based constitution according to which Islamic laws are to be legislated and formed. TOWHEED and SALAAH simply mean gathering of mankind together under one true God as an ummah ideologically as well as practically for their unity. For the sake of God who has made himself known to mankind through his scriptures, prophets and messengers from among mankind themselves throughout times and places as their sole creator and sustainer, owner and ruler. He started his revelations with Adam and completed them with Muhammad. This is why TOWHEED does not mean belief in one God who wants people to worship him ritualistically. This is why SALAAH does not mean prayer ritual. Moreover SALAAH ritual cannot be performed in the human world due to days and nights in the human world not being constant and consistent and one cannot face towards KAABAH in Makkah during prayer due to the earth itself being a round or spherical object. Not only that but also there is not enough room or space for all people to gather in Makkah to pray together. Moreover day and night do not occur at the same time all over the earth. For that reason all people who claim to be religious Muslims cannot perform prayer ritual at the same time in the human world to show their unity as a people.

    For the very same reasons SOWM does not mean holding back oneself from eating and drinking etc etc but to hold oneself back from thinking and doing anything which causes break up or dismantling of the purpose based proper human community that is brought about because this unity also needs to be maintained. Hungry and thirsty people cannot carry out their daily tasks due to lack of energy and attention deficit. Moreover day and night times are not consistent on the earth therefore such way of fasting cannot be performed in the human world. Days and nights are very, very long near poles of the earth. So how could God tell people to believe and practice such things as are impossible to believe and practice? For the very same reasons ZAKAAH does not mean 2.5% charity for poor but to think and do all one can for growth, development and strengthening of the purpose based proper human community for expanding it in all directions in the human world and in each and every way which is good because that ensures its well being. ZAKAAT the way it is told by mullahs can only and only divide people who claim to be Muslims by keeping a few Muslims very, very rich and therefore very, very powerful and all the rest poor and therefore weak and that way it can cause or create and maintain tensions between rich and poor Muslims. This also gives rise to rulers and ruled or masters and slaves. This makes such Islam a controlling, exploiting, manipulating and abusing mechanism whereby some people can abuse others in the very name of God, Islam and Quran. Whereas Islam is a governing system according to which ummah selects and employs officials for serving the purpose based proper human community for sake of God and not for ruling community. This is why Muslim government officials are put in place by ummah for serving people and not for ruling them. Islam does not allow divisions and sectarianism this is why it has nothing at all to do with charity concept whereby some people look to others for fulfilling their needs as if they are their Gods and masters. In Islam people are not allowed to dispossess each other of things of need by any harmful and destructive ways and means instead they are duty bound by God to ensure well being of each other as a purpose based proper human community in his who alone owns all there is in his kingdom of creation.

    For the very same reasons HAJJ does not mean a journey to Makkah in Saudi Arabia for visiting a cubical stone structure called kaabah but a sacred journey or undertaking by the purpose based proper human community for bringing about a place or land or kingdom wherein live or reside or stay or dwell people of the purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them. This is why once these people have a place to live in by actual Islamic way of life and governing system they are to maintain it according to the best of their God given abilities in line with the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. So HAJJ is all about purposefully properly campaigning, striving, struggling and fighting for purposefully properly bringing about and establishing as well as maintaining a purpose based proper human community in a place according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. Moreover people who claim to be Muslims their population is nearly two billion in the human world and it is continuously increasing and the place for gathering of people for HAJJ is not vast enough to accommodate that many people. On one hand God tells people to come freely to it and on the other there is not enough space to accommodate people so they are stopped from coming there. Can such a commandment be from God? So one can see why mullahs and their supporters and backers are a brain dead people who believe and do senseless things and call them Islamic. This is the purpose based proper Islam according to the Quranic teaching which is not a religion but a governing system for humanity. Islam is not and cannot be a religion because religion is always invented by mankind themselves and it has been mainly used by anti Islamic governing systems and rulers for diverting and misdirecting mankind from thinking, planning and doing things God told mankind to think, plan and do for their own good for ensuring their own well being with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why religion has been backed up by all dominant people always throughout human world because it gives them freedom to use and abuse rest of people at will in the very name of God to further their own harmful and destructive agendas against humanity with help of so called religious scholars and religious leaders. I am explaining in detail benefits and advantages of God given governing system but can any mullahs or mullahs supporters and backers explain the benefits and advantages of their religion? Can any secular leaders and supporters or backers do the same for their secularism? No way.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
  • Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
     Reply #201 - September 11, 2024, 01:01 PM

    From this explanation of mine one should be able to see what Islam is or can be and what Islam is not and cannot be. Islam is a purpose based proper way of life for mankind to live by which can ensure their well being which no other way of life or rule law can do for humanity. All other ways of life and rules of laws can only and only lead mankind to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other sooner or later. So it should be very clear from my explanation, the Quran wants mankind to have a purpose based proper one over all government in the human world according to it. It lays down the basis or foundation upon which that government should be based. This means borderless and moneyless world that is purposefully properly managed by people themselves according the best of their God given abilities with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly. Instead of people raising armies for fighting each other they are to rise as an army of people who are purposefully properly educated, trained, skilled and experienced in carrying out purpose based proper program of God for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to his provided purpose based proper guidelines purposefully properly. Mankind will have to survey their world to see what is available for them in there and how much and where it is located and they will have to work out ways to get it and make use of it for the good of whole of humanity. The Quran wants people to have an open and fully transparent human community as a single family wherein all people think, plan and do what is best possible for all the rest of them. The overall government in the name of God is to be managed and run by people themselves by employing various other governing bodies at subordinate levels so that well being of each and every person in the purpose based proper human community is purposefully properly ensured. The office holders of all governing bodies are to be appointed or are to be put in place by purpose based proper human community to serve it and not for ruling and controlling it. All institutions and their officials are to abide by constitution its laws as put in place by the community.

    As pointed out already by me, it is not possible for mankind to come into existence all by themselves and to survive without help and support of each other. In addition to those points one should also realise that we humans cannot even fulfil our own daily needs as individuals without help and support of each other. For example, both man and woman need each other to reproduce if they wish to continue human generations. None of us can do each and everything we need and want for ourselves as individuals. We cannot grow our own food for ourselves, we cannot prepare our food for ourselves. We cannot make our own footwear for ourselves, we cannot make our clothes for ourselves. We cannot make our own houses for ourselves. Not only that we need each other to educate each other to train each other to help gain skills and experience through help and support of each other and the list goes on and on. This is why we have no choice but to organise and regulate ourselves into a group or human society or community so that with help and support of each other we could manage all works we need to carry out to meet our own needs and wants by dividing and distributing our tasks between ourselves. These works we can then easily manage if we help and support each other purposefully properly by complementing each other purposefully properly.

    However if we will not do this then we cannot do anything at all and soon troubles between us are bound to break out because we will start disputing, competing, rivalling and fighting with each other over anything and everything and then nothing can get done because we have a fixed amount of time in a 24 hour day in which we can either fight each other or help each other. So the very idea that you should mind your own business I will do what i like does not let us get very far. This is why we cannot give each other freedom to do whatever we like or the human world cannot function purposefully properly the way it should. This is why it is important that we limit our freedom on basis of some worthwhile objectives which help humanity function the best possible it can. The Quran teaches mankind those objectives and gives them a purpose based proper program to carry out by accomplishing its goals according to its guidelines purposefully properly. This is why the Quran is the best and the most important book in the human world today. However, even though the Quran claims to be the book from God yet its purpose based proper understanding and abiding by that depends fully and wholly or completely upon people themselves. This is why the main question is, why it is not just difficult but impossible to translate the Quran purposefully properly? I will cover most of the main reasons as to why the Quran is difficult or impossible to translate but it is of vital importance that people understand two main points very well. One, the Quran being word of God and its understanding depending upon people means people need to realise the fact that human beings cannot know mind of God without applying some kind of process, method and mechanism which work reasonably well so that this project could be understood by them and completed the way it should be completed.

    The project is all about human beings bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. This limits meanings of all the words used in the Quran because it gives them a definite purpose based proper context. This is why anyone who is ignorant of this point will not be able to pay any attention to this very point and translate the Quranic text as one likes instead of interpreting it purposefully properly. The other reason why anyone will misrepresent the Quran is, because one has some agenda against the Quranic program for humanity. Again anyone who will do so is bound to be the most foolish person because otherwise why anyone will take the risk for going against God his creator and sustainer as well as against humanity which brought him into this world and raised him to be a good citizen of their human world. Such people no matter what they may claim to be and what their supporters and backers may think about them, they cannot be called educated, trained and skilled or expert people who do this to book of God and to humanity. The other main point why the Quranic text cannot be translated is, the Quranic text is full of verses which have multiples parallel meanings some of which are correct and consistent with each other and expand what is told in the actual text of the Quran. This is the main reason why the Quranic text has to be interpreted rather than being translated. This way the Quran conveys much more information within the lesser amount of text. This is the main reason why the Quranic text has multiple readings. These points force each and every person who wishes to understand the Quran purposefully properly not to translate it but instead interpret it contextually and rationally. This stops people from mistranslating, misinterpreting and misrepresenting it because that way the purpose based proper sense of the Quranic text which the Quran wants to convey to humanity will be lost making it very difficult to understand the Quranic text purposefully properly. This is why original text of the Quran is important because it helps to keep things purposefully proper as they should be. For example, in the Quran we see words like NAHAAR and LAIL but they do not only mean day and night but time periods of good days and bad days in life of a human population. In word for word translations if we use one word for a word then the rest of sense which that word is supposed to conveys through explanation is definitely lost. This is why the Quranic text at best can only and only be purposefully properly interpreted or explained and cannot be translated at all. This is why all Quranic translations are either 100% wrong or lack the clarity the Quranic text conveys. So the Quran must never be translated but instead it should always be explained but purposefully properly because that is the only way it can benefit humanity and not any other way. If any people will misinterpret it, be it deliberately or mistakenly then it will definitely not guide people purposefully properly and that can make matters worse for humanity than they actually are. It is because for human beings to deal with the Quran the way it should not be dealt with has its own terribly serious consequences for mankind. 

    It is high time for people to ask each other some far reaching serious and tough questions throughout the human world. For example, what are the certificates and degrees of people worth from the so called the best educational institutions and training centres in the human world? It is because those degree holders do not have purpose based proper education, training and skills to solve human world problems to fix them purposefully properly and instead they are responsible for creating them and making things yet worse and more difficult for mankind. All we see is they have created many groups of people and they are all only and only fighting against each other as well as among themselves. Take religious people for example. They are fighting each other eg Hindus, Parsees, Jews, Christians, Muslims and Sikhs etc etc. This fight did not start today rather they all have been fighting each other always ever since they were brought about or came about. It is a fact that Hindus have been fighting Hindus, Christians have been fighting Christians and Muslims have been fighting Muslims etc etc. Black and white people have been fighting each other as well as blacks have been fighting blacks and whites have been fighting whites. Same has been going on in the secular world where one secular party or group has been busy fighting all the rest and even people within each secular party or group have been fighting with all the rest in their own parties and groups. We can also talk about so called human families. Each family is fighting with all the others in the human world. Not only that there are always fights going on within the human families themselves. Parents and children fight each other, children themselves fight each other so what have human beings learned from each other and what have they been teaching each other? Hence the question, are these the right kind of education, training and skills we are teaching each other and learning from each other? All this is a clear proof that people who think they are good and civilised people are in fact not so. All this is happening in the human world because people have no purpose based proper moral compass or sense so we are forcing each other to be criminals and then we complain about it as to why so and so is thinking, planning and doing such and such or this and that or the other to us.

    The human world is so full of all kinds of problems and troubles which we all can see clearly yet we are diverting each other's attention from all these vitally important matters to things which are useless such a various kinds of entertainments be they in form of music, songs, movies, games and game shows etc etc. Not only that we are letting manpower go to waste by harming and destroying billions of human lives for what? Likewise religions and money mechanisms were used to divert our attention from problems which needed solving through creating baseless and unfounded, time wasting, harmful and destructive beliefs and ritualistic practices. We were told to look for saviours and forgiveness of our sins rather than preparing people for things to think, plan and do which needed to be thought, planned and done for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of our creator and sustainer. We were told God will sort out things for us if we prayed to God sincerely and seriously etc etc. Who built religious temples and placed in them paid priests but why? So it is time for people to correct their direction for thinking things through thoroughly but purposefully properly. People talk about American values and British values, Indian values and Chinese values, eastern values and western values, secular values and religious values etc etc. No one is thinking about universal values which their creator and sustainer has provided them with to live and abide by. If anything these values are masked by false religious beliefs, practices and teachings in the very name of God. The very same is true about all other political, social, cultural and economic values, ideologies and practices people are taught in so called secular institutions. So does any human at all qualify for being called a decent human being in the whole of the human world today? Education does not mean just learning random information and wasting our time or training ourselves for useless things by ignoring the actual issues which stare us right in the face all the time. What good is education and training about playing football for learning football skills if we have to grow our food?

    This is why all our education, training and skills have to be purpose based proper or they will prove useless. If we want to make our human world a great place for ourselves then that is the kind of education, training and skills we need to learn and teach each other or we are wasting our time and energy on thinking, planning and doing wrong things. If we do not learn and teach sense to each other that turns humanity into awesome, marvellous and wonderful creation of God then whatever happens to each and every one of us human beings by hands of each other we deserve it. This is why people must stop participating and interacting in things which are unimportant and they must start participating and interacting in things which matter for humanity. That is what will most definitely prove mankind are not stupid but sensible species. I am not saying music, songs, dance or playing football, hockey or basket ball etc etc not good because they too are good but only when we have sorted out our problems which humanity as a whole. In other words we need to prioritise things purposefully properly. For example, to live we need clean air to breath, so what have we done to get that? For to live we need clean water to drink, so what have we done about that so far? To live we need to grow sufficient healthy food to survive, so what have we done about that for last thousands of years? Instead we have been getting education, training and skills to fight each other so that we could dominate each other for undermining each other for securing our petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way we have harming an destroying each other using various false pretexts and excuses or justifications against each other. Religious people have been fighting over origins and meanings of words in their scriptures the while their secular opponents have been using those disputes between them to discredit the scriptures so that they could think, plan and do what they like to fulfil their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires against humanity. In fact one can see people fighting over origins and meanings of words used in the Quran in order to try and discredit it but they have no solid foundation to base their arguments upon as one can see in this explanation of mine about these things. This is why their explanations and evidences have no value at all. This is despite the fact that mullahs spend their lifetimes for learning what they claim Islam to be. They tell you ways to understand the Quranic text but those ways do not work because they themselves are confused about them. I am pointing out these like things in this explanation of mine. This is why it is up to individuals to go through my explanation and see if my explanations and evidences make the sense I wish to convey or not. Mullahs and their students are like frogs in the well or they are like donkeys which are carrying useless books on their backs without knowing what is actually written in them and why. I rather use my time which could benefit others than waste it on arguing with brainless mullahs and their supporters and backers. People who wish to know mullah Islam they can read books of people who belong to different religions and sects. It is because these books not only expose them but they expose them fully.

    Mullahs claim their beliefs and practices have been transmitted to them consistently generation after generation so they cannot be wrong. Problem is, this notion in itself is false because of differences of opinions, beliefs and practices people have formed, invented and adopted. Can any mullah prove that there are no differences of opinion between believers and disbelievers? Can any mullah prove that there are no differences of opinions between people who claim to be believers or people who claim to be disbelievers? If these are facts then it proves mullahs are foolish who claim unanimity and consensus as well as consistency of opinions about anything at all. This is why humanity needs a rule as a solid foundation whereby it could judge what is true and what false or what is right and what is wrong. A purpose based proper rule which works purposefully properly for all people in the human world purposefully properly. This is why the Quran should not be interpreted according to baseless harmful and destructive beliefs and practices of people but according to a solid purpose based proper rules which provide firm foundation for its purpose based proper interpretation or explanation. It is because people are products of their own cultures and environments and the Quran wants to bring them out of their cultures and environments so that they could become fair minded human beings worth the name. It is because each people are programmed, brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned by their own environments and so long as they stick to them they cannot judge things as they should be judged. This is why instead of interpreting and explaining the Quran the way it should be for the purpose it is sent for, people try to bend it according to their own cultures and environments. This is why humanity remains in depths of darkness of ignorance instead of stepping into the light of knowledge. But there is still hope that one day mankind will find their way to mount of light of knowledge. Hopefully that day comes sooner rather than later. For that reason it should be very clear that almost all people in the human world still have totally wrong understanding of the God sent scripture and the world in which they are born and live. It is because people who have interpreted the information in the scripture and the information about the real world realities they have followed the wrong path as if they deliberately wanted to divert and misdirect humanity from the right path whereby they should live their lives in actual fact. However this is result of their lack of purpose based proper understanding of revelation and creation of their creator and sustainer because they have been confusing each other due to working against each other instead of working with each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why they say God is good yet they do not hesitate from attributing to him all kinds of nonsense which reflects badly upon being of God.

    The real issue for humanity is their own existence and survival and not existence of God and nature of being of God. It is because comprehensive nature of being of God is beyond comprehensive understanding of mankind no matter what they think and do to try and understand nature of God in detail. It is because people come from various backgrounds or environments so they try to make sense of things within those contexts which do not and cannot work in case of God issue. It is because God is someone beyond direct experience of mankind and human experience is not very good within the human world. Therefore unless and until human beings try to understand the holy scripture and the world in which they are born and live they can never make purpose based proper sense of these things purposefully properly. For this reason and purpose they have no choice but to think outside of their environmental boxes they have boxed themselves in. For so long as people will try to bend holy scripture to justify their own environments from which they come they can never interpret the holy scripture purposefully properly. The reason the holy scripture needs to be interpreted outside their environmental boxes is because it is an external source of information. So if it is not understood that way then it cannot be interpreted as it should be. This is why I stated several facts regarding real world realities about which none can rationally and logically consistently dare to disagree. On that basis and in that purpose based proper context holy scripture and real world realities are to be understood and interpreted or explained and not in any other context because all other contexts which people try to employ are clearly wrong and the reason they are wrong is because they contradict my stated undisputable facts. This is why even dominant people in the human populations such as rulers, priests and money lenders cannot dare disagree with these facts. The same is true about atheists, theists, scientists, politicians or religious scholars etc etc. This is why when a Hindu makes the claim about Ram Raj or kingdom of Ram then it can only and only mean a way of life and a rule of law which ensures well being of humanity with help and full support of each other by their complementing each other. Any other nonsensical claim cannot be justified by any Hindu at all. The very same is true about any Christian who makes the claim about kingdom of God. Because that too can only and only mean a way of life and a rule of law which ensures well being of mankind in this world with help and full support of each other. The same is true about Islam when any Muslim makes the claim that Islam will rule the human world. Anyone who tries to interpret any such claim any other way is clearly ignorant or lying because that claim clearly contradicts the undisputable facts which I have stated already as to how much mankind depend upon each other for their blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.

    This is why Ram, Christ or Muhammad etc etc are good people only if they campaigned, struggled, strove and fought for ensuring well being of mankind through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly and not otherwise. This is why Hinduism, Christianity or Islam etc etc are only good ways of life and rules of law or governing systems if they are for ensuring well being of mankind through their own complementing each other purposefully properly. It is because otherwise they are only and only means of exploitation, manipulation and abusive use of mankind by each other which can only and only harm and destroy humanity by hands of each other. The very same is true about secularism, democracy, capitalism, communism and socialism no matter what PhD degree holders philosophers and doctors tell us against my stated facts to fool people in support of their nonsensical claims. This is why if dominant, disadvantaged and undermined  people want the best possible human world for themselves then they must give up their harmful and destructive desires and ambitions as well as their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against each other otherwise that kind of world is not going to come about all by itself. This is why any way of life and any rule of law which is claimed in the name of the creator and sustainer must be consistent with undisputable self evident facts stated by me because that is the way God has set up this world to work. So if people want the best possible human world then they have no choice but to spread this message between mankind throughout the human world. People write many books about many things but none about the Quran as to how it should be purposefully properly understood and acted upon. It is because their primary objective is not to give others purpose based proper education, training and skills but to make money and to become famous at the expense of each other. One has to only look at copyright laws for example whereas all people have been copying each other right from the day they were born. Each and every person has been copying his parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and members of wider human society. It is because otherwise people could not have learned anything from each other at all. Our intellectual property comes from our common human ancestors and it is not our own. By not leaving sources of knowledge open for humanity and not helping and supporting each other with purpose based proper education, training and skills we are playing a very negative role against each other in order to exploit, manipulate and abuse each other when we know for a fact that we need help and full support of each other for our coming into this world and our survival through complementing each other purposefully properly.

    This is why we must identify those elements in our human populations who brainwash, indoctrinate and condition us to think, plan and act against each other and help them repent and reform and if they do not then they should be isolated or even eliminated due to their presence posing certain danger to humanity and its blissful, dignified and secure existence. All such people are enemies of God as well as enemies of humanity who needlessly create divisions, hatred, animosities, rivalries, disputes, conflicts, fights and wars between human beings so that that way they could gain dominance over others by undermining them so that then they could exploit, manipulate and use them abusively for their own harmful and destructive agendas which are harmful and destructive for humanity. It is these like people who are behind all kinds of needless, useless, unwanted, harmful and destructive debates and discussions as entertainments whereby they try to keep people away from discussing and debating actual issues which matter for humanity for ensuring its well being purposefully properly. The very same people are behind misinterpretations and misrepresentations of the God sent scripture and the misinformation about the real world realities for the very same reasons and purposes. Their certificates and degrees are not worth the paper they are written upon. That is because each school of thought rejects ideologies of all the others. For example, Hindus reject understanding of their scriptures by all others. Parsees reject understanding of their scriptures by all others. Jews do the same and so do Christians, Muslims and Sikhs etc etc. So whose qualifications are worth anything at all unless they are based upon the self evident facts which benefit humanity as whole? The case is very same within various sects of a religion ie one sect does not accept interpretations and explanations of their scripture by all others. So people in the human world need to wake up and start thinking, planning and doing what needs to be done rather than being led by people who have harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours against humanity. However rather than bringing about revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions they should try their best to bring about education, training and skills based revolution by helping and supporting each other purposefully properly worldwide. Otherwise painful state of existence will continue for billions of people throughout the human world by hands of each other. So there is no point in complaining about it if one is not doing what one is supposed to do to eliminate this state of existence for human beings throughout the human world.

    Humanity has tried and tested various governing systems throughout times and places but nothing has worked for it save the purpose based proper governing system which was based upon purpose based proper guidance of its creator and sustainer for them. This too failed each time it was installed and put in place when people failed to maintain it by keeping up with it. Also once it failed then it was never reinstalled till people went through a lot of needless painful suffering by hands of each other and so they were forced to bring it about with help of prophets and messengers of their creator and sustainer. This also happened during life time of the last and final prophet and messenger of creator and sustainer of this kingdom of creation. Now the torch of purpose based proper guidance of creator and sustainer of the kingdom of this creation has passed onto mankind themselves as his missionaries so the Quranic governing system can only and only be brought about by people themselves. This is why the Quranic governing system is not going to become a reality in the human world till mankind make each other suffer terribly and they see no way out of their such a horrible state of existence. Even then it will only become a reality if people will prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly and not otherwise. How soon humanity can bring about the Quranic governing system depends upon how many of them shoulder this mission and how hard they work for it. If more and more people get involved then it will take less time but if less and less people will get involved then it will take longer and longer to come about. Meanwhile terrible painful suffering of mankind by hands of each other will continue throughout the human world. Human painful suffering by hands of each other will only end when people will start living and abiding by purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them purposefully properly. This means all people as individuals must have freedom of thought, planning and actions for this purpose. This means capitalism, communism and socialism must end as well as religion, secularism and party based democracy. The Quran does not allow any kind of harmful and destructive divisions and discriminations or groupings between people whereby they could become divided and remain divided and in conflict with each other by keep on competing, rivalling and fighting against each other as rivals and enemies. This is why dominant harmful and destructive elements within the human populations must be brought under purpose based proper rule of law or they must be isolated or eliminated altogether. The Quranic rule of law does not allow anyone to take control of any person or thing either by fooling or tricking them or by force. It is because God’s world belongs to all the people in his world. So things can be shared between people by their consent and agreement alone.

    This is why each and every person has the right to have his needs and wants fulfilled as well as each and every person must play his given role by rest of human population so long as that role is according to the purpose based proper Quranic guidance for mankind and it proves to be good for humanity. This is why the Quran challenges humanity to bring forth any governing system which is like the Quranic governing system or it is even better than it otherwise humanity must live and abide by it for ensuring its own well being through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. The Quranic way of life and rule of law give all individuals freedom to make choices and decisions about things but they must prepare themselves for it through purpose based proper education, training and skills purposefully properly. Their decisions about issues are to be based upon their unanimity or according to their majority as individuals. The Quranic democratic system is a party-less and classless democratic system. This is why it is very different from a single party system as well as multiparty system where people support only their own parties and their own classes. Tokenism is not allowed by the Quranic governing system. In the Quranic context justice means a rule of law which ensures well being of all human beings as individuals so the law also has to be fair for fair judgement of a case. If law is already biased in favour of or against someone then fair judgement of issues or cases will become impossible. It is because the human world is run and managed by exploiters, manipulators and abusive users of mankind therefore they have employed such interpreters of God sent scripture who misinterpreted it in order to misdirect and misguide people so that rulers and money lenders have free hand to rule, exploit and misuse masses as if they are their Gods and masters instead of Allah. They did this to try to prove the Quranic text is worse than what people write and its advised way of life and rule of law are worse than what people themselves have put in place. This is why all places of religious worship and all religious schools are funded by those who benefit from their existence. I have not detailed these things because if people will read books which people have written against each other they contain all these details as to how masses are controlled by authoritarian and imperial powers.

    Only and only if people will study the Quran purposefully properly the way it ought to be understood only and only then they will come to realise what is going on in the human world and why or how. Why human world is all messed up and who is responsible for it in actual fact. Only and only then mankind will try to come out of their comfort zones and put things right as they should be. Worldwide governments and people who live under their rule are all divided into many groups on various grounds due to their very different backgrounds such as religious, social, political, cultural and economic from which they come. That is why they do not have the very same moral values and they cannot have the very same moral values because they hardly agree upon anything at all in the human world. This is why absolute moral value have to come for them from an external source ie their creator and sustainer. This is why the Quran must be sought, received, studied, accepted and acted upon by them purposefully properly. People instead of bending the Quranic message according to their own wishes they must bend, mould and model themselves according to it. This is only possible for humanity if they will understand the Quran as it ought to be understood. People take issue of sex very seriously in their human populations. The question is, why they do that? For the very same reasons as people are held back from fulfilling their other needs such as sense of safety and security, food and drink etc etc. Just as dominant people try their best to control food and drink of masses so they try their best to control their sexual needs so that that way they could control their ambition and desires as well as their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours so that then they could exploit, manipulate and use them abusively for fulfilling or furthering their own agendas against humanity. The question is, what is sexual morality according to the Quran? The fact is humanity is driven by its drives such as fear, hunger, thirst and sex etc etc. In other words according to human beings their own needs and wants dictate their mindsets, attitudes and behaviours. Their needs are their drives which motivate them to act because they give rise to their desires and ambitions upon which they act as it suits them. This is why each and every human population is controlled by its own environment and its own environment is controlled by its own human population. Human beings pass on their life experiences to each other and particularly to their future generations but still it is their own human life experience which is based upon their exploitations, manipulations and abusive uses of each other beyond which they cannot see or go all by themselves. However the Quran on the other hand brings in an over all picture to human mind if they could try and understand it as it ought to be understood ie purposefully properly.

    The Quranic message is not going to make any sense to humanity if people will not try to think outside the box they have built themselves around themselves and they have boxed themselves in it. It is because the Quran is not a human product but an external source of information for humanity. This is why in the Quranic context sexual morality is nothing like the sexual morality as it is thought about, brought about, understood and lived by humanity. Human understanding of sexual morality is based upon their own baseless ideas and practices which came about because of dominant and powerful people from among themselves who have been devising methods and mechanisms whereby they have been exploiting and blackmailing each other in various ways for controlling each other as much as they could. The Quran in contrast to that gives solid foundation to humanity to live by. Because the Quran tells mankind to live and act as a single human family or an ummah therefore it tells all of them to ensure well being of each other purposefully properly by complementing each other purposefully properly. This means blood, colour, race and area based relationships between people are not important at all and instead purpose based proper ideological based relationships according to the Quran are of vital importance. This is why human family must organise and regulate itself on that basis alone to be able to benefit and take advantage of the Quranic message. So each and every community related decision must be made by the community as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer. This is why individual family system does not exist in actual Islam or Islamic governing system and it is not important nor needed instead all people are free to think, plan and do things as it mainly suits the purpose based proper human community as well as its individual members. Each and every person must therefore treat its community elders as his own elders as well as its community children as his own children. This being the case no one needs his own family at all. This is why sexual relations are also open which means anyone can have sex with anyone as and when one needs or wants provided the involved people agree with each other and they have consent of each other but reproduction is to be decided and controlled by the purpose based proper human community so that people do not reproduce unwanted and needless children which the purpose based proper human community cannot look after purposefully properly because it has only a limited capacity to be able to things the best it can. Since it is peoples’ own responsibility as a purpose based proper human community to look after and raise children the best possible way purposefully properly therefore it has to be the community decision how many children should the community produced so that they could be looked after and raised as they ought to be raised and looked after.

    So they must not reproduce unwanted children or children whom they cannot look after and raise purposefully properly. People can have single sexual partners as well as multiple. It is entirely their own decision to make ie of the involved people. No matter what people must ensure they are compassionate towards each other and that they love and respect each other as well as complement each other purposefully properly. There should not be any exploitation, manipulation or abusive use of each other at all in the purpose based proper human community. The ummah due to being an open and a transparent purpose based proper human community does not have any marriage concept in it at all whereby people try to create their own individual families and get involved in power struggles against each other for dominating each other to become dynasties to transfer their legacies to their children in form of power and wealth etc etc. On the contrary legacy of purpose based proper human community is, holding on to purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind and passing it onto to their future generations faithfully and purposefully properly. This is how power and wealth of purpose based proper human community also passes onto its future generations. It is because of power and wealth dominant powerful and wealthy people only get married into alike status people to gain and maintain more and more power and wealth from the rest of human populations by exploiting, manipulating and using them abusively. This is why these people invented and imposed religious beliefs and practices about marriage as well  upon the rest of human populations so that thereby they could make those people fools in the very name of God and control them. This is why dominant people do not give undermined and enslaved people any rights at all instead enslaved people need to fight them to secure their rights from them but then religious elite comes to their defence by telling people at large you have no right to disobey these people because it is will of God that these people have been given power and wealth to rule over you people. This is why and this is how these people control each and everything whereby rest of humanity could fulfil its needs and wants which also includes exploitative, manipulative and abusive sexual rules and regulations as well and marriage is also one of them whereby men dispossess women folk of their rights and possessions just as powerful and wealthy men dispossess undermined men. They mistreat same sex relationships for the very same reasons when the fact is all people are creations of God regardless of their sexual gender or orientation.

    The fact is, when a people are deprived of things of their needs whereby they could fulfil their needs then frustration settles in and revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions become inevitable. This is why all religious people are evil and devils in disguise due to their ignorance and stupidity. So people who go to Hindu, Parsee, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Sikh or any other religious temples are not good people but supporters of devils. They by their these like baseless, harmful and destructive beliefs and practices help harm and destroy humanity but due to their ignorance and foolishness they do not realise this fact. Likewise due to their ignorance and stupidity as well as due to their conditioning, indoctrination and brainwashing undermined and enslaved people are manipulated by worldwide governments and people who run places, lands, countries and kingdoms who themselves are front-men of those who hide behind them. They have devised all these exploitative, manipulative and abusive processes, methods and mechanisms because that is their actual project to use humanity for their own evil harmful and destructive agendas. To make transition from the ways of life and rules of laws whereby people are living their lives they need to devise a carefully planned method and mechanisms so that they could bring about and maintain Quranic way of life and rule of law so that they could have the needed freedom to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. As for the sexual reproduction process, it is very much obvious throughout the living world. For example, look at plants, animals, insects, birds and even human beings. People themselves breed various species of animals as they like. Even when people get married their families look for suitable partners for boys and girls. We will find sex anywhere and everywhere. Not all human being wear clothes in the human world rather many walk about naked. So does it not look stupid that some try to tell others to cover up themselves in order to stop people from having sexual urges and feelings towards each other when this is the way God has chosen to continue existence of most of living things if not all generation after generation including human beings? Sexual urges and feelings are as natural as feeling hungry or thirsty. We will look stupid to tell each other hide food and water so that hunger and thirst disappear from minds of people.

    People have sexual experiences even during their sleep ie while dreaming so sexual feelings or urges cannot be masked or suppressed no matter what just as hunger and thirst cannot be masked or suppressed. It is because some people try to mask and suppress sexual feelings and urges of other people that is why people use other ways to relieve their sexual frustration, urges and feelings when they are stopped from doing so the natural way. If people will not organise and regulate themselves sensibly for food and water they will kill each other to try to stay alive at the expense of each other. After all food chain is designed that way and that is why human beings kill animals for their food. Because some people try to stop, prevent and hinder others from fulfilling their needs and wants the right way that they end up stealing and robbing things from each other. Likewise people fulfil their sexual needs any way they can when they are stopped from doing so the natural way. This is what leads mankind to criminal acts like theft and stealing as well as robberies and rapes etc etc. If people will not let things happen purposefully properly and they will not do things purposefully properly then they will end up at odds with each other in many different ways. Moreover after a while all these perversions including sexual perversion become a normal experience for them. This is why the Quran leaves mankind free to organise and regulate their own human populations purposefully properly in this respect. It is because it tells them to look after each other purposefully properly therefore it controls their reproduction by telling them don’t reproduce as many as you cannot look after as you should as a purpose based proper human community. This is why it tells people to avoid reproducing genetically damaged off spring or such reproduction will cause you problems as a purpose based proper community. It is because people ought to reproduce such off springs which are useful and productive so that they could carry out purpose based proper program of their creator and sustainer by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines purposefully properly. This is why purpose based proper human community must not allow reproduction by such people about whom it becomes clear that they have damaged genetic material for their reproduction. This does not mean that those reproduced genetically damaged people should not be looked after purposefully properly rather they should be but such reproductions must be limited and avoided as much as it is humanly possible so that mankind have healthy people to be able to accomplish what humanity needs to accomplish. God did not create genetically damage people but he did give people the right to choose so some of their choices caused them these like problems just like the rest of problems people cause for each other by thinking, planning and doing things the way they should not.

    However as human world is becoming more and more learned and knowledgeable so they should make better and better choices so that their future generations have less and less problems to worry about and to take care of. There is no point in mankind making ignorance based wrong choices and decisions and then blaming God for them after receiving the results of their own bad decisions and wrong choices. God has provided all things people needed for fulfilling his assigned purpose for them including his purpose based proper guidance for them so it is up to mankind themselves to become learned about his revelation and creation to do what is purposefully proper and right for them to do and reap the benefits. Mankind therefore must create and maintain purpose based proper institutions wherein they are educated, trained and looked after purposefully properly with love and due respect be they children, adults or old folks. When they will become organised and regulated the way the Quran advises then mankind will only have inevitable problems and not any needless problems which they create with each other all by themselves due to working against each other instead of complementing each other purposefully properly as members of a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind. God wants people to be fully transparent for each other so that there is no need for deception through plotting and scheming between themselves against each other due to having no harmful and destructive intentions towards and motives against each other. Instead they should have benevolent and advantageous intentions and motives for each other otherwise they cannot ensure well being of each other with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. This does not mean people do not need to wear clothes because they do due to saving themselves from harmful and destructive elements such as weather conditions. Just as people should protect themselves against animals which pose dangers to them so there are creatures invisible to naked eye which could cause fatal diseases to human beings and so they can prove dangerous for them. The other main point for mankind to remember is the fact that they come from their own individual backgrounds so they cannot come to the Quranic way of life and rule of law all at once rather this needs a purpose based proper worked out plan which they ought to follow through purposefully properly. That is first they themselves must gain purpose based proper education, training and skills as individuals and then they must pass them on to rest of human beings to gain that sort of education, training and skills whereby they could fulfil the assign mission of God for them.

    Only when there comes about sufficient support for the actual Quranic way of life and rule of law people should start living and abiding by them in a place as a purpose based proper human community purposefully properly by bringing about such a place in the human world. If things are not done purposefully properly and sensibly by people who are involved in this campaign, struggle and fight for ensuring well being of mankind then things could turn even uglier than they already are instead of what is intended or aimed for due to people thinking, planning and doing harmful and destructive things to each other in contravention of the God sent scripture for them. The Quranic way of life and rule of law cannot be imposed upon human beings by force or by tricks and by making fool of them. If the Quranic way of life and rule of law are good for mankind then people themselves will come forth and impose them upon themselves for their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community so there is no need for their imposition by force by some people over others. From all this explanation it should be very much obvious for people that there is no such a thing called marriage in governing system of Islam nor any needless covering up. It is because in mullah made Islam women in particular are deprived of independence and when some people depend upon others for things of their needs and wants then they are exploited, manipulated and abused by their masters and abusers just as dominant people exploit, manipulate and abuse undermined people in their human populations throughout the human world. This is what causes revolts, uprisings and bloody revolutions in human populations when many if not most people get fed up with the existing set up for exploitation, manipulation and abuse in a human population in the human world. However when there is no an established Islamic governing system in the human world then whatever way of life and rule of law human beings are living by that is how Muslims must also live till they establish the Islamic governing system in a piece of land. This is why when there is no an established purpose based proper Islamic governing system already in a place in the human world then the only duty of each and every Muslim be it male or female is to think, plan and do all they can to try their best according to their God given abilities to bring it about by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for it wherein purpose based proper way of life and rule of law could be adopted, practiced and implemented by mankind purposefully properly. Unless and until purpose based proper Quranic way of life and rule of law are purposefully properly established and maintained by mankind there is not going to be any purpose based proper unity, peace, progress and prosperity for them and therefore no blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for them.

    This is why Muslims must wake up to actual Islam and let go of their religion and secularism which are nothing more than a set of useless, harmful and destructive beliefs and practices. The sooner they will do that the better it will be for them as well as the rest of humanity. One can see on various platforms so many useless debates and discussion on issues which do not matter at all for humanity at large because they do not address the actual problems which people pose for each other and which actually cause them problems. As explained already, each and every person is product of his own environment. It is because each and every person comes from a particular background ie a particular place, area or location in the human world and parents, siblings, relatives and wider society of which one is a part by being born in it. The way of life which raises a people and helps them survive becomes their way of life so over generations they get used to living by a particular way of life and make their rule of law according to that to suit themselves. Particularly those who lead them and dominate them make sure these people live by their way of life and their rule of law. This is why each and every person becomes and remains brainwashed, indoctrinated and conditioned that way till one is forced to change for one reason or another and so some people rebel against their own dominant people and environment, way of life and rule of law because they become a hurdle or an obstacle in their way for one reason or another. This is how environments come about and affect their people and their people affect their environments ie people create their environments and environments create their people which is a continuous interaction based process. So if we human beings want to help each other change our mindsets, attitudes and behaviours for the best then the only effective way for doing that is purpose based proper education, training and skills. Random approaches cannot be as effective as they need to be in this process for a change. Coercion and use of force is going to cause big problems and plenty of bloodshed. It is because no one wants to leave their own comfort zone be one of the dominant people or the undermined people. This is why a worthy purpose based proper program is needed for people to carry out with goals worth pursuing according to guidelines worth adhering to so that thereby people could be inspired, motivated and moved and so that that momentum could be build and maintained. This is why the Quran is the best possible guidance for mankind to abide by according to its purpose based proper interpretation and explanation.

    It is absolutely necessary for mankind to live by the Quran because otherwise the best possible state of existence is not possible for them because without people organising and regulating themselves purposefully properly they cannot have a life worth living due to lack of purpose based proper coordination between themselves. People throughout the human world are thinking and doing things haphazardly due to rivalling and competing against each other instead of cooperating with each other and complementing each other purposefully properly. This is why almost all projects by people are in a mess because independent individuals and companies do things the way it suits them instead of coordinating their works by cooperating and complementing each other. This is why they cannot even lay down a road purposefully properly because they have divided their works between different competing people and companies. That is why when one company comes and lays down a new road another comes and digs it up to lay pipe work. After that another one turn up and digs the road up again to lay cables and wirings for electricity, phone and internet etc etc. This is why over all governing system is absolutely necessary so that coordination, cooperation and complementation could be achieved otherwise a lot of manpower and resources go to waste through negative competition between people and companies. All these are methods used by dominant people in human populations for fooling ignorant people in their human populations who lack sense of purpose as well as sense of what their rulers are doing to them who claim to serve them. This is why people themselves need to become sensible so that they could change the governing system to the one which suits them the most in actual fact or they will be kept on made fool of each and every time by each other and so they will keep on suffering the terrible consequences by hands of each other without end in sight. Suppose a person wants to get a house built for himself then first of all he has to get all the needed information about it and make purpose based proper sense of it. After doing that he needs to carefully plan the work and the process to be involved as well as get all the people and things needed for completion of this project. After that he need to organise and regulate involved people and things so that each and every person does what one is suppose to do and each and everything is put in place where it ought to be. This is how a purpose based proper human society or community is supposed to be raised and maintained. All this needs carefully worked out program and plan as well as execution before one could end up with the end product ie a house one wanted to get built. The Quran is a building map for building, raising or erecting a purpose based proper human societal building. The day human beings come to know this map purposefully properly and turn it into a reality in the real world they will have a great life worth living.

    So actual Islam is not at all about giving people an excuse to sit idle and do nothing at all with their lives other than praising their Lord. It is because it is the most demanding ideology for mankind due to being an assigned mission by God for mankind to bring about and maintain a purpose based proper human community so the harder they will work for it with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly the better life they will have in here as well as in hereafter. Without the Quran people will keep on thinking and doing things the way they have been and they will keep on suffering terribly painfully by hands of each other without any end in sight. So choice is very clear for humanity to make and reap the benefits and advantages or keep on facing the terrible consequences for what they think and do against each other.

    I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.
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