Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
Reply #184 - May 18, 2024, 12:28 AM
062] But then see how humbly and submissively they behave towards you people when they fall into problems and troubles with each other as well as with you people as a consequence of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against each other as well as against you people? Then they come to you with all sincerity swearing by Allah or calling Allah to be their witness that they intended and desired nothing but to promote mutual goodwill and to bring about a friendly and brotherly environment.
63] Allah exposes and makes evident their true motives and what is really in their minds through their very own actions against each other as well as against purpose based proper human community but you the purpose based proper human community should overlook and ignore their harmful and destructive thoughts and actions against you people instead of exacting revenge of them as it is appropriate and proper for you people, because they did all that to you due to their harmful and destructive ambitions and desires as well as due to their harmful and destructive mindsets, attitudes and behaviours and if appropriate instead advise them by saying to them the words that are effective in convincing their minds to help them change their ambitions, desires, mindsets, attitudes and behaviours for the best if possible.
064] It is because we did not send any of our prophets and messengers to mankind but for the reason that he should be heeded or listened to and supported and backed up by people he is sent for according to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. So it will have been better for these people also to come to you when they had already suffered enough serious consequences for their very own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions so far against each other as well as against you people in order to seek solutions of those problems and troubles through safety and security or protection and refuge from the problems and troubles they have between themselves as well as between themselves and you people through purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as through help and full support of his prophet and messenger. Had they done that then they will surely have found purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind leading them to their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.
065] No, according to wisdom of your creator and sustainer, they cannot be such people who truly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly commit to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind until and unless they accept your decision, judgement or deliberation in all their disputed matters, issues and affairs according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and then they find no opposition or resentments in their hearts and minds against your decision or advice and accept it with complete satisfaction by acting upon it purposefully properly.
066] However the fact is, these people who claim to be committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and yet resent and oppose your decisions, judgements and arbitrations according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind about matters, issues and affairs that are disputed between themselves they are not truly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind because had we bidden them to campaign for the success of our mission among the human populations of which they are a part or had we told them to leave the places wherein they are settled to join the purpose based proper human community to strengthen and empower it they will not have done so but only a minority or few of them. Nonetheless had they acted upon our advice, instruction, direction, guideline or commandment, it will have ensured their well being as well as it will have empowered them truly very strongly in actual fact.
067] That is because we will have rewarded them with a great outcome for their these steps according to our promises for mankind through our scriptures if only they had taken those steps.
068] That is how we will have made evident and manifest for people in the human world to see that we have guided them to our advised purpose based proper path or way of life for mankind that is firmly founded.
069] It is because for any human population in the human world which becomes and remains consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind as well as with his prophet and messenger for them and with each other, Allah always empowers them by rewarding them with strength through his prophets and messengers or missionaries and through those who seek, receive, study, accept and act upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly by establishing and maintaining his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law as our assign mission for them as well as through those who bear witness about his message to their own human populations as well as to other human populations in the human world by delivering to them his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and through those who mend, repair and fix fractured, broken and severed relationships between people in the human populations in the human world by removing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between them as well as by removing obstacles, barriers and hurdles in the way of mankind which hold them back from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. What a beautiful companionship is this of mankind with each other in the human world which is based upon the foundation of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.
070] Such are the benefits and the advantages of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind because sufficiently efficient and comprehensive is knowledge of Allah for guiding mankind purposefully properly.
071] So O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, prepare yourselves purposefully properly for campaigning, struggling, striving, fighting and wars to free the oppressed and suppressed people in the human world from the domination of those who undermine them for securing their own petty personal gains from them at their expense then go forth in detachments or all together as the need be for achieving, accomplishing or fulfilling this task, target, objective or goal .
072] However be alert and aware of the fact that there is among you people such a group or party of people which will surely try to cause setback or they will try to avoid participation in this campaign, struggle, battle or fight so if you people come across a setback they will start saying, Allah has been kind to us because we did not go along with the rest for this mission or this setback will have caused us some harm or damage as well.
073] Yet if you people return blessed with abundance of benefits and advantages as told by Allah for you people then they will say out of envy, jealousy, covetousness and undue greed, hatred and animosity towards you, we wish we had accompanied them or we should have been with them because that way we could have secured for ourselves a good part of a great benefit or advantage.
074] So let only and only those people campaign, struggle, strive and fight wholeheartedly and purposefully properly for establishing and maintaining purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind successfully which is assigned for them as a mission to accomplish who prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly therefore they are willing to change their current or present terribly painful and humiliating state of existence for their brilliant future state of existence that is to come in here as well as in hereafter. For that reason whoever campaigns, struggles and strives purely objectively for the success of cause or mission of installing or establishing the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world whether he dies struggling for it or achieves the objective will soon be granted a great reward.
075] So what justifiable excuse or reason do you people have not to campaign, struggle, strive or fight for installing the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind when you people are duty bound, obligated or responsible for saving and securing or rescuing and protecting the trapped and stuck helpless and oppressed men, women and children who are crying to Allah for help saying, our creator and sustainer, deliver us from this situation or place and state of existence wherein people in position of power and their supporters are thinking and acting as tyrants, bullies and cruel beyond all bounds or set limits, so bring forth for our rescue a group or party of people who support the establishment of your purpose based proper rule of law in the human world purposefully properly so that they help us install your purpose based proper rule of law purposefully properly in this place as well.
076] Such people as are truly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based proper guidance for mankind because only and only they campaign, struggle, strive and fight purposefully properly for installation of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world purposefully properly. In contrast or contrary to them those who reject and oppose the purpose based proper installation of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world campaign, struggle, strive and fight for installing and maintaining the rule of law of harmful and destructive forces which is harmful and destructive for mankind because thereby they secure their own petty personal gains from others at their expense whereby mankind end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other therefore fight against the supporters and backers (such as rulers, priests, money lenders, their touts, supporters and backers) of the rule of law which is harmful and destructive for mankind. No doubt the crafty plots, schemes and conspiracies of the crooked ruling elite, religious elite and money lending elite are weak.
077] In contrast to these people who campaign, struggle, strive and fight wholeheartedly for the success of his assigned purpose based proper mission for them purposefully properly according to the Quran, which is all about establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world purposefully properly, have you people not considered the case of those people who were given shares of our scripture before you people in which they were told to stop living by any way of life whereby you people strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by inflicting harms and destructions upon each other and instead live by our advised purpose based proper way of life and complement each other by forming and establishing a community network for becoming and remaining a purposefully properly organised and regulated purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and strengthen this purpose based proper human community by increasing its capability and capacity purposefully properly? So when they were duty bound, obligated or imposed upon to campaign, struggle, strive and fight for the success of our assigned this mission, task, objective or goal for them wholeheartedly, a group, party or section of them became so deeply buried under considerations for favours of powerful political, religious and wealthy leading people in their human populations as they ought to be overwhelmed by considerations for free gifts of Allah for them or even yet more than that and in their minds they wished as if by saying, our creator and sustainer, why have you imposed upon us this campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting for the success of your this assigned mission for us? Could you not exempt us from this struggle for our life time? Tell them, the enjoyment of this life as you are living is limited to a very tiny minority of you people and only for a short period of time but the life that will result after the success of this mission will be much better for those who will be consistent with purpose based proper rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring well being of mankind and rest assured that you people will not suffer any harm and destruction even in the least degree that you are suffering now by hands of each other once the rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is purposefully properly put in place and implemented purposefully properly.
078] As for your defeatist and cowardice mindsets, attitudes and behaviours, unless you people change them no matter where you people are they are going to stick with you even if you are in fortified towers, that is how behaviour of such people makes their defeatist mindsets and attitudes very obvious for others to see. These people who were given their shares of our scripture before you people are such a people that when due to their consistency with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind any benefits and advantages reach them because of you people they say, they are from Allah but if they suffer any harms and destructions or losses due to their own inconsistencies with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind then they say, these are because of you people, (that is due to our prophet and messenger and his supporters and backers). Tell them, all this happens to all of mankind including you people according to set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind. What is wrong with these people that they are not bothered with learning how to make purpose based proper sense of things purposefully properly such as of real world realities as well as our purpose based proper guidance for mankind?
079] Regardless of their response to our messages explain for them the fact that whatever benefits and advantages reach you the mankind that is because of your own thoughts and actions which coincide with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind and whatever harm and destruction you people suffer by hands of each other for securing your own petty persona gains from each other at each other’s expense, that too is result of your own thoughts and actions which you people think and do against each other in contravention of our purpose based upon guidance for mankind. That is the reason why we have sent you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind with our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to explain these things for them and set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah are sufficient for evidence to prove these facts purposefully properly for mankind and that is how your claim of our prophet-hood and messenger-ship is proven for them should they use their ability of reasoning things purposefully properly.
080] This is why anyone who is consistent with our prophet and messenger by supporting and backing him for accomplishing our assigned purpose based proper mission for him purposefully properly is in fact consistent with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. As for those who reject and oppose our this assigned mission for you they should become aware about the fact that we have not sent you to stand guard over them to force them to install and maintain our this rule of law in the human world because the fact is they themselves will suffer serious consequences for not establishing and maintaining our rule of law in the human world.
081] When you our prophet and messenger to them explain things for them, they do say, we agree with you the while they are in your presence but when they leave you, some of them meet together with others in private and secretly at night to plot, scheme and conspire against what you advise them. That is why and that is how Allah leaves them on their own to themselves to expose their intentions through their very own actions about their secret plots and schemes. However leave them to the consequences of their own harmful and destructive thoughts and actions by trusting and relying on the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah because set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as process and mechanisms of Allah are sufficiently efficient for disposal of all affairs purposefully properly as explained in his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.
082] Why do mankind who have already received shares of our scripture throughout times and places in the human world do not ponder over this our last and final share of scripture the Quran for whole of mankind of this era objectively and purposefully properly? Had it been from any human being instead of Allah, they will have found in it many random, irrelevant and conflicting statements as well as statements which will have contradicted the real world realities and statements which had nothing at all do with our purpose based proper plan for mankind for their purpose based proper guidance.
083] Despite having a purpose based proper program from us to carry out by accomplishing its purpose based proper goals according to our provided purpose based proper guidelines for mankind for organising and regulating themselves as a purpose based proper human community in a place in our kingdom according to it yet when there comes to their attention some matter of community concern about state security these like people thoughtlessly spread it among people or public at large causing panic even though it was better for them if they had referred the matter to our prophet and messenger for them for his attention or to other concerned people in the community administration among them who are able to draw purpose based proper conclusions about it to deal with the arising situation purposefully properly. Had it not been for the sake of purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which he bestowed upon you people through his prophet and messenger to turn you people thereby into a united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous purpose based proper human community in his kingdom, save a minority all of you could have ended up living by a harmful and destructive way of life which was invented and imposed upon mankind by rulers, priests and money lenders which will have landed you people in a terribly painful and humiliating state of existence forever due to you people securing your own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
084] Therefore campaign, struggle, strive and fight hard O you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind along with your supporters and backers in order to fully and purposefully properly implement and maintain purpose based proper rule of law based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for ensuring their well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. You and your supporters and backers are not obligated or duty bound to make efforts but as much as it is within your capability and capacity that is given to you people by us, so inspire, encourage, move, motivate and urge on those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. It is with support and backing of people themselves purpose based proper guidance of Allah will overthrow the might of those who reject and oppose his program, goals and guidelines for mankind, because purpose based proper guidance of Allah is mighty in strength and foundation as well as strict in holding humanity firmly to his purpose based proper plan for it.
085] Let mankind know that any human population which intervenes for what is beneficial, advantageous and constructive as well as ensures their well being it will end up benefiting from its intervention itself as well and any that intervenes for furthering what is harmful and destructive for mankind it will end up getting harmed and destroyed by it itself as well, because so Allah has set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms and he has put in place all the needed measures for everything for the purpose of fulfilment of his purpose based proper plan for humanity.
086] So if any people help and support you people for having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom then you people should also help and support them even more for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. No doubt set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah keep all things working according to his purpose based proper plan for mankind.
087] Such is Allah, none is God, owner and ruler of this kingdom of his creation save he himself alone. He will for sure bring all of you people together when his purpose based proper rule of law becomes purposefully properly established and maintained by his missionaries in the human world and there should not be any doubt about it. And in any case whose word can prove more truthful than that of Allah himself?
088] What is the matter with you people of the purpose based proper human community that you are in two minds concerning people who want to continue living by a way of life whereby they secure their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense which is self evident by their very own continuous actions but still by their tongues they assert we have committed ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of Allah. Regardless of their baseless and unfounded assertion Allah has made them obvious to you as a consequence of their very own continuous misdeeds? Do you people still want to waste your energies on trying to convince these like people whom Allah has left on their own in their self created chaos and confusion due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly due to which they act harmfully and destructively? Surely, any group of people or human population whom Allah finds ignoring his purpose based proper guidance for mankind you can never enlighten such people at all in order to bring them to purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah.
089] Their aim and objective is to see to it that you people also reject and oppose as they did the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, so that you all become the people of the same harmful and destructive mindset, attitude and behaviour towards each other and so you all end up on the wrong side of his clear dividing line for truth and falsehood and right and wrong. This is why you people should not look for or rely upon help and support from within their ranks for installing and maintaining the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind unless they fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly or mentally as well as physically move towards the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world but if they continue rejecting and opposing instead then target them by campaigning, struggling, striving and fighting against them wherever you find them plotting, scheming, conspiring, campaigning, struggling, striving or fighting against the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind and do not take any of them as human friendly or helpers of humanity unless they reform or change and become so both mentally as well as physically.
090] Your campaigning must continue against such like elements anywhere and everywhere save against those people who live with another people with whom you people have signed a peace agreement and they stop them from plotting, scheming and conspiring, campaigning, struggling, striving, fighting or attacking you as well as those who turn to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind by repenting from their way of life and reforming themselves according to our advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind and they come over to join you people to show their solidarity with you people because their minds have stopped them thinking and doing harmful and destructive things against you due to being convinced that they were thinking and doing wrong by plotting, scheming, conspiring, campaigning, struggling, striving or fighting against you as well as against the people they come from. Had purpose based proper guidance of Allah left them any justification to fight for, they could have continued their campaign against you so if they leave you in peace by not campaigning against you people anymore and instead they sincerely offer you a peace treaty, in that case Allah does not grant you the right to target any such campaign against them anymore.
091] But you have yet another people also who play against both of you the parties (the purpose based proper human community and the people with whom you people have sincere peace agreement) and they still wish to remain safe from you as well as from their own people or human population. They plunge into plotting, scheming and conspiracies to cause fights, wars and hostilities as soon as they get any opportunities. Therefore if they do not move away and keep themselves away from thinking and doing these things against you people and they do not offer you a sincere peace agreement nor cease their hostilities against you then you may target them and fight them anywhere and wherever you find them campaigning against the purpose based proper establishment of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind but do keep in mind that, only against such troublesome mischief makers we have granted you people the right to such campaign or fight against.
092] Moreover keep in mind that it is neither sensible nor fitting or lawful for a person who has committed himself wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind that such a person should intentionally, deliberately, wittingly or premeditatedly kill another person who has also committed himself wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind but it can happen inadvertently or accidently by mistake, so if any worker for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind kills another worker for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind by mistake and if such a person is from within your own purpose based proper human community then his neck should be spared by you the purpose based proper human community and its management from charge of murder through a written affidavit whereby he reassures the community about his commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community through confirmation of his past behaviour as an accepted rule for bringing about and maintaining continuous peaceful existence of the community and if the person is a newcomer into the community then again he should give an undertaking that as far as it is within his power he will be more careful to not to let such a thing happen again in the future and that he will do all he can to prove his undertaking true. However if the victim is from a human population which is unconnected with you people through any peace treaty but the victim had committed himself wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind then freeing the neck of the person who caused his death by accident from murder charge is sufficient on the basis of his written affidavit for reassuring his commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind to the purpose based proper human community of which he is a member and if need be matter should also be settled justly and fairly with his human population as well for sake of keeping peace between both the human populations. However if such a victim belongs to a people with whom you people are already connected through a peace treaty then blood money should also be paid to his family or people as well as the person who caused his accidental death should be freed from charge of murdering him on basis of his written affidavit for reassuring his purpose based proper human community about his commitment to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind and that he has full regard for peace agreements between his own community and the human populations with which it has peace agreements. Anyone who is taking part in campaigning for the establishment and maintenance of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world who is not found sure about his role in cases of peace and war situations he should be put through purpose based proper education and training program about the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to learn how to think and act purposefully properly, because purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind is able to make obvious for them the information and the understanding needed for the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of rule of law of Allah based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.
093] The reason why a person who is truly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity , peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind cannot kill anyone deliberately without any purpose based proper justification is because any person who intentionally kills any person who is truly, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of the purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, the outcome for his such an action is to live with anguish for rest of his life in here in this world. It is because such a person has moved oneself away from the blissful, dignified and secure state of existence into a state of existence that is full of painful and humiliating suffering and as mankind have been already warned by Allah there also awaits for such people grave painful suffering in hereafter as well for thinking and doing so.
094] So in order to avoid such accidental and unintentional mistaken killings of innocent people O you people who claim to have committed yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind, when you people go forth on campaigning trips for the purpose based proper establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah in the human world as an assigned mission of Allah for you, observe and investigate carefully and purposefully properly any people you go for or target or come across for delivering our message to them before you attack them merely on the basis of your own baseless and unfounded assumptions or unreliable false information about them instead make things sure before taking any extreme steps against them which may involve harm and destruction or injury to human lives. Moreover do not refuse to accept by your baseless excuses offers of any people who sincerely express their desire for joining you people as a part of your purpose based proper human community in order to work together with you for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind just by telling them you people cannot work with us for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a part of our purpose based proper human community so that you people could have an excuse to attack them for loot and plunder like bandits under false pretext like you used to do before you accepted to live by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind in order to work for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. If you really want good life in this world then instead of thinking and doing what is harmful and destructive for mankind carry out purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind by accomplishing its goals according to his guidelines because in carrying out purpose based proper program of Allah for mankind rests most worthy and most valuable blissful, dignified and secure existence for mankind in this world. Do not forget that once upon a time you people yourselves were in the same situation before you placed your trust in the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which he conferred upon you people as his blessing by preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. Therefore ensure things very carefully and purposefully properly before taking any steps which may involve harm and destruction for any human beings or put them in danger. No doubt Allah is comprehensively aware of all things therefore he makes it obvious for you the mankind what you people ought to be thinking and doing as well as purposefully properly for having blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance.
095] Therefore participate, interact and take part all of you as a duty bound purposefully properly organised and regulated purpose based proper human community in all purpose based proper activities purposefully properly according to the best of our given abilities to you because those who do not play their part in the community imposed activities wholeheartedly, effectively and purposefully properly despite having nothing wrong with them which could limit their participation are not to be honoured like those who campaign, struggle and strive hard for the establishment and maintenance of the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah using what they have due to their own labour for ensuring well being of their own purpose based proper human community as well as of rest of mankind. Allah holds such people who participate, interact and take part in campaign and struggle all by themselves due to their self motivation with whatever they have as fruit of their labour for establishing and maintaining his advised purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for mankind purposefully properly by degrees above those who do not participate, interact and take part in duty bound community activities for this purpose. However purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind does promise a good outcome for all of them as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom yet much greater reward as award from Allah awaits those in hereafter who campaign, struggle and strive hard for carrying out his program as a mission by achieving his set out goals, objectives or targets according to his provided guidelines for mankind than for those who stay put.
096] Heights of excellence and dignity are only and only for those according to him who remove all ills from between themselves as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom in order to reach blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. That is how Allah saves and secures or protects them through his blissful, dignified and secure state of existence providing program when mankind prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.
097] As for the human populations which strive for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense they inflict harms and destructions upon each other therefore when our missionaries come to them to fulfil our promise to them by delivering to them our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to help them escape this horrific situation or terribly humiliating state of existence so they ask or inquire of them, what is your state of affairs and how can we help and support you people? The weaker ones from among them reply, we are oppressed and suppressed in the place or land or kingdom we live in. They are asked, was the purpose based proper guidance as a purpose based proper foundation not provided for you people by Allah to escape, shift or migrate from this way of life you people live by to start living by his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind to start a new life free from oppression and suppression by each other for ensuring your own well being by your complementing each other purposefully properly? They reply, yes but we ignored it and did not pay any attention to it. Such are the people who eventually end up in a terrible painful state of existence as keep their eyes shut as to what is going on all around them and act not to stop the harm and destruction when it begins and starts spreading till gradually it overwhelms them making their life hell and that is a terrible way of living one’s life to end up in such a horrible state of existence.
098] Even though they end up entrapped yet these trapped people should come together as a purposefully properly organised and regulated management and managed purpose based proper human community which works for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of themselves and other human beings to effect things the way they should be because they have no other way to escape the facing situation save the help and support by some other people if they are around.
099] This is why and this is how Allah brings about ways and means to help entrapped people to escape their state of terrible painful existence provided they too play their part in this process purposefully properly because Allah is generous in giving people time and opportunities to correct and overcome their mistakes by removing the culture of harms and destructions they inflict upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
100] So any people who want to make a move from the way of life they live by towards the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah for establishing and maintaining the purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind purposefully properly in the place or land they live in, they will find a very fertile and very accommodating as well as solid ground and foundation that can home their this desire with abundant resources that are available for them to make purpose based proper use of. However any person who leaves his place to move to live according to purpose based proper rule of law of Allah for mankind as it is established and maintained by his last and final prophet and messenger for mankind but the person fails to reach his destiny he is due his reward which Allah will make obvious as fruit of his thoughts and actions for this purpose in due course in here as well as in hereafter. That is how Allah makes his advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind for their safety and security or protection evident through his blissful, dignified and secure existence providing purpose based proper guidance for mankind.
101] So whenever you the purpose based proper human community decide to undertake a journey for establishing and maintaining the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind purposefully properly anywhere in the human world, be prepared fully and purposefully properly for it so that there is no setback for you people along the way in case you people are held back from carrying out or accomplishing this mission due to your lack of purpose based proper education, training and needed skills for the purpose of accomplishing this task, objective or goal. For that reason educate, train and prepare yourselves full well and purposefully properly for all times and all eventualities because you cannot do so while you are engaged in carrying out the task on the go as you have very limited, little or no time for doing all this, especially when you are concerned that the troublemakers, mischief-makers and warmongers against the purpose based proper mission of Allah for mankind for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind may assault, attack or ambush you people the while you are unattentive and unalert or unaware not paying attention to them, particularly for the reason that rejectors and opponents of purpose based proper rule of law of Allah which is based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind take you people as their declared enemies.
102] Therefore O our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind while you are among these people who support and back you for the success of our assigned mission lead them to a new as well as needed refreshing education and training program by letting a party of them commence the education and training session with you armed with their needed weapons. After they have completed their session, let them withdraw to take their required position and let another party of them who have not yet had their education and training session come forward to get educated and trained with you, however let all of them be on their guard at all times armed with their needed equipments and weapons. The people who take you people for their enemies wish to see you people neglect your needed armed education and training as well as your sense of duty, obligation and responsibility in this regard, so that they could suddenly attack and overpower and overwhelm all of you in one go. However, there is no blame on you if you people relax your attention to armed education and training when environment is calm and you have no concerns and worries for being attacked but you should still be fully and purposefully properly prepared and on your guard appropriately and purposefully properly. No doubt set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah in due course will make evident the terrible humiliating painful state of existence that awaits for the enemies of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind.
103] So when you the purpose based proper human community have purposefully properly completed your armed education and training sessions then strive hard to think out for ways and means for establishing and maintaining the purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world purposefully properly by rising up and camping along with all your adjacent human populations for this purpose. Moreover when you have accomplished this missionary task and you have become satisfied with the outcome then rise up for accomplishing and maintaining purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the rest of human world purposefully properly. It is because establishing and maintaining purpose based proper way of life and rule of law of Allah for mankind in the human world is a duty which is imposed upon or prescribed for those who have committed themselves fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.
104] So do not be slack or neglectful, unconcerned or uncaring in pursuing and going after human populations for delivering to them our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for establishing and maintaining our purpose based proper way of life and rule of law in the human world purposefully properly. If pursuing this target, goal, objective or carrying out this task or mission means going through hardships for you people then realise this fact also that they too suffer similar hardships in order to pursue their goals, objectives or targets, however, in your case you have the hope to benefit much more from the successful outcome of this mission in here as well as in hereafter due to living or abiding by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind the while they do not have this advantage or benefit or hope. This is why and this is how Allah makes his wisdom obvious for mankind so that they establish, maintain and abide by his purpose based proper way of life and rule of law based upon his purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.
105] This is the very reason why we have revealed to you our last and final prophet and messenger to mankind our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for the last and the final time for the purpose of bringing about unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind so that they become and remain a truly purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it because thereby you are to allot, assign, decide, judge and advise rights and responsibilities for mankind towards each other as Allah has taught or shown you thereby, so that you and people who support and back you are never of those who cheat and deceive each other regarding these rights and responsibilities in our very name for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.
106] For that reason you should seek blissful, dignified and secure state of existence for them as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom through purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, because the book of Allah for mankind surely provides purpose based proper guidance for them for their blissful, dignified and secure existence.
107] Therefore never pursue the way of life of those leading people who ruin themselves as well as their human populations due to or through creating or causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between them by imposing the way of life upon them whereby they strive for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, for set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah never supports and back up such people who are given to cheating and deceiving each other of their given rights by us.
108] These like people may succeed for a while in hiding their these like crimes against each other from the people they manipulate and abuse but they cannot hide them from the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah, for he makes evident thereby by delivering to them the outcomes for all to see all that these people think and do against each other in due course because they are constantly and consistently under his observation and monitoring. The fact is, his set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms are monitoring them even when they are plotting, scheming and conspiring by night in words which he does not approve but instead condemns. The set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah encompass all that they think and do so they make obvious for people to see in due course all their these like motives through their very own actions.
109] Think about it, for now as things are at present in the human world and you the mankind have freedom to think and act freely as you like therefore the leading people from among you the mankind can choose to advocate and impose their way of life upon the rest of you to satisfy their greed for power and wealth in order to have a hold on others or to be their masters the while way of life and rule of law of Allah are not yet fully and purposefully properly established and maintain as well as lived by in the whole of human world but who will argue, campaign, struggle, strive and fight for establishing and maintaining their way of life against the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah when it gradually due to education and training based revolution becomes fully and purposefully properly established and maintained as well as lived by in the whole of human world by purpose based proper human community in his kingdom or who will be left in the human world to advocate for it?
110] For this very reason if any human population does any harm to another or their own people but then it seeks safety and security or protection of Allah for its brilliant future by turning to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for reforming itself according to it, such people will surely find purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind protecting them through his purpose based proper program, goals and guidelines for mankind which can lead them to their own blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom provided they prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.
111] However if any human population still continues thinking and doing harms to its own people or any other human population then in actual fact it is only harming and destroying itself by harming and destroying its own people or any other people because whatever harm and destruction they deliver to others will eventually come back to them in due course, that is why Allah makes obvious for mankind benefits and advantages of his purpose based proper way of life and rule of law for them which are based upon his wisdom so that they do not think and act for securing their own petty personal gain from each other at each other’s expense.
112] Despite all these explanations if any people still commit any crimes against another people and put the blame on yet another people for their crimes, such people should be held liable, responsible, accountable and answerable for their self evident false allegations and accusations as well as for their intentional and deliberate harms to their victims and they should be dealt with appropriately and purposefully properly.
113] Had Allah not blessed you people with his purpose based proper guidance for mankind, a party of people was determined to mislead you people. However they can only misled those people who only and only listen to them due to their ignorance based arrogance and due to that they follow them blindly wherever they lead them but they can do no such harm to you people at all because Allah has revealed to you people his purpose based proper book for your purpose based proper guidance whereby he taught you people all that which you people ought to know but you knew it not before its revelation. However you people know it now but that happened only and only because you people prepared yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. Great indeed is purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for blessing you the mankind with unity, peace, progress and prosperity as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for your own blissful, dignified and secure existence due to your complementing each other purposefully properly.
114] There is no benefit or advantage in itself for humanity in cooperating, complementing, supporting and backing up each other because most of the consultations between groups or parties of people are in private and in secret for their plotting, scheming and conspiracies against each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense whereby they end up harmed or destroyed. Nonetheless supporting and complementing each other is most beneficial and advantageous for those people only who complement each other purposefully properly on basis of supporting and backing up our verifiable and confirmable revealed purpose based proper guiding truth for mankind which is self evident and which is purposefully properly knowable for them that can bring mankind together and keep them together as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom for their own blissful, dignified and secure existence because it can help them remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between themselves as well as it can help them mend broken, fractured and severed relationships between themselves. So any group or party of people that will get together and complement or back up each other purposefully properly for that purpose according to requirements of Allah for sake of Allah, his set-up purpose based systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms will soon reward them with the best possible outcome in here as well as in hereafter.
115] However any group or party of mankind that will plot, scheme or conspire for hostilities against our prophet and messenger to mankind as well as against his purpose based proper supporters and backers after the purpose based proper guidance from Allah for mankind has been purposefully properly conveyed to it and yet it continues living by any way of life other than our advised purpose base proper way of life for mankind whereby live purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, we will leave it on its own on that very path it has chosen for itself and let it land itself in life of painful suffering, which is a terrible state of existence to be in.
116] Surely purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind becomes ineffective when it is rendered useless so it no longer can save and secure or protects such people from any harms and destructions they inflict upon each other who mix, adulterate or confuse it with their own self invented falsehood whereby they justify their striving for dominance over each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense. Nonetheless it does offer safety and security or protection for mankind but only and only in its pure and unadulterated form against all kinds of harms and destructions which could result from disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves for those who commit themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly for working according to it. As for any people who mix their falsehood with purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind, they have totally and utterly distanced and disconnected themselves from the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah for ensuring their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it.
117] Such people who join with purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah their own self invented falsehood to have things their way for their own purposes invite to nothing against the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah but baseless and unfounded religious and secular ideologies and practices which harm and thereby weaken humanity because they not only holdback mankind from their own unity, peace, progress and prosperity but also they thereby create disputes, rivalries, animosities, fight and wars between them therefore they call to nothing but slavery and bondage of harmful and destructive administration, management and leadership.
118] The very harmful and destructive leadership, administration or management that is rejected and condemned by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind because it leads mankind away from the purpose based proper way of life which is advised for them by him for their blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. All because when it is said by our missionaries to it to live by way of life which is advised for mankind by Allah it rejects and opposes it by saying, I will try any way I can to take hold of my share of people you have created as much as I can and use them for furthering my own personal goals, objectives and agendas
119] and that way I will surely lead them away from your advised purpose based proper way of life for mankind through harmful and destructive ambitions and desires and convince them to treat each other in ways which stop, prevent or hinder their works for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in your kingdom according to your purpose based proper guidance for them. I will inspire them by my clever tricks, techniques and mechanisms to change their conduct inspired by Allah in a way that leads them to their own harm and destruction by hands of each other. This is why any people who will take the path or adopt the way of life of harmful and destructive leadership against the purpose based proper way of life advised for mankind by Allah will surely end up in a terrible loss that is self evident, obvious or manifest.
120] The harmful and destructive leadership makes them promises only to condition their minds or to implant, instil or program in them harmful and destructive ambitions and desires, surely the harmful and destructive leadership makes them promises only to give them baseless and unfounded false hopes.
121] The terrible state of existence in which such people who listen to it will land will be full of humiliating painful suffering from which they will find no escape or way out unless they repent by leaving or giving up their that way of life and reform by adopting the purpose based proper way of life that is advised for mankind by Allah.
122] However those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and they take steps to remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars from between people as well as they remove obstacles, barriers and hurdles in the way of people which hold them back from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity and they mend, repair and fix broken, severed and fractured relationships between people to bring them together as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. Due to their such hard works we will soon land them into places or lands or kingdoms in which under their management things of their need and want or livelihood will flow like rivers and they will live therein for as long as they will maintain their this state of existence. This is a promise of Allah that surely stands as good as fulfilled because who can express such self evident truth other than Allah?
123] Say to those who live their lives against the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind without claiming to have any book from him as well as those who claim to have a book from him, neither according to your baseless and unfounded harmful and destructive ambitions and desires or your baseless and unfounded religious and secular ideologies and practices nor according to the baseless and unfounded harmful and destructive ambitions and desires or baseless and unfounded religious and secular ideologies and practices of those who claim to be the people of the book instead the results of your own thoughts and actions for and against each other will be determined and decided as well as delivered to you people only and only by the set-up purpose based proper systems and law as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah, so any administration or community or leadership which will inflict harms and destructions upon others for securing its own petty personal gains from them at their expense will end up with harming and destroying itself due to inflicting harms and destruction upon each other among themselves and such an administration or community or leadership will find none to save and secure or protect or help it against the set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah.
124] However whichever administration and community or leadership and following takes steps which are constructive and beneficial for mankind because thereby they remove disputes, rivalries, animosities, fight and wars from between mankind or thereby they remove barriers, obstacles and hurdles in the way of people which hold them back from their unity, peace, progress and prosperity so that that way they could become and remain a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind or thereby they mend, repair and fix broken, severed and fractured relationship between mankind, regardless it is a large and strong administration and community or leadership and following or a small and weak provided it remains purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, it will be surely entered into blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in a place or land in the kingdom of Allah because its people will not harm each other even in the least and instead they will help each other to their utmost according to the best of our given abilities to them to build a great life for themselves by complementing each other purposefully properly.
I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.