Do humans have needed knowledge to discuss God, revelation and creation?
Reply #216 - January 02, 2025, 12:31 AM
Surah 2 Al-Baqarah = The Disunity, Discord, Split, Divide, Dissension, Separation, Division or Disharmony etc.
The sublime and glorious Quran is sent by Allah for mankind to guide them so that thereby they could give up their disunity be it based upon their open or secret rivalries and animosities between themselves in order to become and remain a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom in actual fact through their own purpose based proper unity, peace, progress and prosperity for reaching heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. Because the Quran provides human beings with awesome and most impressive solid universal moral values to base their selves upon purposefully properly therefore it is an awesome and a marvellous, wonderful and miraculous book. This is why it is not and it cannot be a human creation rather it stands out from all the rest of the books which exist in the human world currently and it will remain an outstanding book forever for that very reason. It is because the Quran is mainly about real world realities in relation to mankind which people themselves observe and experience or they can observe and experience if they need or want to therefore it is free of possibility of any doubt that it is from God and that it can truly guide mankind in actual fact about their purpose of creation by their creator and sustainer and about how they can fulfil that purpose by their thinking, planning and doing things which it wants them to do and for the purpose it wants them to do. This is why the Quran is a God sent manifesto for mankind which contains his purpose based proper program for them to carry out purposefully properly by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines. This is why mankind need to think, plan and do all it suggests and they also need to avoid thinking, planning and doing anything which goes against this purpose based proper program. It is because mankind cannot get the outcome it wants them to get if they will not do what it wants them to do and instead they will do what it wants them not to do. So mankind must free themselves from open and secret disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars between themselves by mending and repairing their fractured and broken relationships with each other so that they could unite and become peaceful to make progress and be prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in kingdom of their creator and sustainer and so that they remain that way by maintaining their that blissful, dignified and secure state of existence.
000] So O our prophet and messenger to mankind, deliver this purpose based proper message from Allah to them for their purpose based proper guidance as a purpose based proper program for them to carry it out purposefully properly as a project and task as an assigned mission for them by accomplishing its goals according to his provided guidelines for which he has already provided for them all things for their purpose based proper biological, psychological and sociological development and growth so that they become and remain united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to it with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly so that they could reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in here as well as in hereafter.
002] There is no doubt in the fact that this is that book for mankind from Allah in which there is purpose based proper guidance for those who wholeheartedly and purposefully properly desire to be guided purposefully properly because they have already prepared themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.
003] This is why they are ready to commit, dedicate and devote themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for the purpose of brilliant future of humanity that is yet unseen till it becomes and remains a reality in the human world therefore they are ready to work very, very hard towards that brilliant future for humanity through establishing a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom for which they are ready to use out of all that which we have already provided for them for this purpose.
004] Those who are ready to firmly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly commit themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to what is revealed to you for your purpose based proper guidance as well as in what was revealed for those before you for their purpose based proper guidance and they had brilliant future because they too firmly and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.
005] Such like are the people who are purposefully properly based upon the purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them therefore they are free of all kinds of problems between themselves which disunite rest of human populations through disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves whereas these people are united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.
006] However as for those who do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them purposefully properly it is the same for them whether you deliver to them this purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them or not they will not commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.
007] Allah has given them freedom to let them isolate their own minds and senses from his purpose based proper guidance for them as per their own choice because they have decided not to use their abilities to see things as they should instead they have preferred to live under cover of darkness of ignorance about universal moral values therefore they are bound to end up and remain in terrible state of painful existence by hands of each other due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
008] Of course, there are also people who merely pay lip service to our calling them to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by saying, we commit ourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind for bringing about the time period of brilliant future of mankind but the actual fact is, they have not actually committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.
009] By their such thoughts and actions due to their ignorance they want to deceive Allah as well as those who have truly committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind, however the fact is they are only deceiving themselves due to their lack of awareness and knowledge about real world realities as well as their lack of awareness and knowledge about the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind.
010] So in their minds is a self imposed fatal confusion due to their not preparing themselves purposefully properly for knowing about real world realities as well as for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind purposefully properly therefore set-up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms of Allah let them continue in increasing their confusion due to darkness of ignorance in their minds whereby they end up in a terrible painful state of existence by hands of each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at the expense of each other.
011] All this happens to them because even when they are asked, not to propagate in the human world any harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system among mankind which causes disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between them. They say, we are only propagating a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which are for uniting mankind for their peaceful, progressive and prosperous state of existence.
012] Be alert and aware of the actual fact that they are spreading a harmful and destructive way of life, rule of law and governing system in the human world whereby they cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, divisions, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind but they refuse to become aware of this fact to understand and acknowledge it.
013] This is the reason when they are asked to commit themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to the purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind just like those who have already committed themselves fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind. They reply, should we commit ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind like those who have already committed themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind just because they lack sense? The actual fact is, it is they themselves who lack sense of making purpose based proper sense of real world realities and purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind in light of each other because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer purposefully properly to reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community.
014] Because they are utterly confused due to their ignorance by not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind purposefully properly therefore when some of them meet some of those who have committed themselves fully, wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they say to them for deceiving and making fool of them, we too have committed ourselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind but when they are alone with their dominant and leading mischievous, corrupt and troublemaking people in their human populations they say to them, we are surely with you and we were only deceiving and fooling about with those who claim to have committed themselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind.
015] Due to giving them freedom of choice Allah leaves them to themselves in their self imposed ignorance and foolishness to continue fooling themselves this way as per their own choosing and lets them drown themselves in their own ignorance and arrogance based foolishness and confusion due to which they run about aimlessly in all directions all over the place instead of accepting his advised purpose based proper goal or objective and direction to aim for and move towards.
016] They are such ignorant and arrogant people who have bought into manmade confusing ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems instead of a way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for them by their creator and sustainer for their purpose based proper guidance. Their this way of living their lives has brought them no really worthy advantage or valuable benefit because they have not succeeded in reaching the purpose based proper goal or destination which is set for them by their creator and sustainer for them.
017] Their example is like that of a people who are in a dangerous dark place that is full of all kinds of dangers so they kindle only a small fire due to lack of or insufficient fuel to get light from it to see things around themselves to feel and stay safe and secure but when that fire lights up and sheds its light around them Allah lets their this fire go out due to lack of its fuel so they are left in the same utter darkness and danger as they were before kindling this fire.
018] All because they are wilfully deaf, dumb and blind towards the purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for mankind due to not preparing themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper guidance of their creator and sustainer for them purposefully properly which informs them about his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for them for ensuring their own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom yet they ignore, avoid and neglect it instead of coming to it and taking advantage of it and benefiting from it.
019] Or example of response of such like people as try to avoid even listening to the periodic call to the message that is revealed for their purpose based proper guidance by their creator and sustainer for mankind in order to ensure their own well being is like that of a people who are periodically taken over by a sudden heavy and noisy rainstorm from the sky wherein are gaps or periods of silence or quietness therefore periods of overwhelming darkness as well as periods of loud thunder and strong lightning because of which they tightly thrust their fingers into their ears in case the noisy thunder caused by strong lightning causes them to end up destroyed. This is how the call towards purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind which can lead them to the way of life, rule of law and governing system advised by Allah for mankind for ensuring their well being surrounds all even those who try to avoid seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.
020] The lightning in the rainstorm is so strong that it almost snatches away their sights so it cannot be ignored, avoided or neglected by their such tactics. Each time it flashes and brightens up the place all around them, they walk in it but when it is dark they stand still. Had Allah so planned he could have left them on their own in utter darkness of ignorance without his purpose based proper guidance for them for ensuring their well being so their brains and senses will have become utterly useless and ineffective for making purpose based proper sense of anything at all. However Allah planned all things purposefully properly therefore according to set needed necessary measures so that they serve his purpose of creating them as they should or as they are supposed to.
021] For that reason O mankind, serve the purpose of your creator and sustainer who has created you as well as those before you by becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom by becoming and remaining united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous so that you could reach heights of excellence to attain and maintain blissful, dignified and secure state of existence in his kingdom and that way you could guard against harms and destructions which you people have been inflicting upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, conflicts, fights and wars between yourselves.
022] This is why the one who brought about the earth for you to live upon as well as its atmospheric layer to bring about purpose based proper environment for you and provided you the mankind with his purpose based proper guidance to have solid universal moral foundation to base yourselves upon so that you could thereby reach heights of excellence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly through your thinking, planning and doing what needs to be done for this purpose for your own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. This is why and this is how he causes the water to evaporate and form clouds in the sky to rain down as fresh water there from and thereby he brings forth all kinds of growths of living things such as vegetables, fruits, spices and livestock for your sustenance and livelihood. Therefore do not set up or accept dominant and leading people in human populations as equals of Allah in his kingdom by accepting living by their imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems instead of accepting and living by way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised by Allah for mankind for ensuring their own well being.
023] Despite all these stated facts if you are still in doubt about the message we have sent, revealed or disclosed to our prophet and messenger regarding the purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind then you too can bring forth a message that can prove at least equally advantageous and beneficial for mankind in comparison to it. Moreover you can call upon all your helpers and supporters who refuse to accept and live by this message as well as oppose it which is about our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind if you people are truthful in actual fact in seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon purpose based proper message of Allah for mankind.
024] However if you people cannot produce a message like it and you surely can never ever produce a message like it because it is about purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind for ensuring their own well being through help and full support of each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly then instead of rejecting, opposing and baselessly and aimlessly arguing against it guard yourselves against the fire of hatred and animosity between mankind - which take place due to some people securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense as rivals and enemies whereby they end up in disputes, fights and wars with each other - by seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly, because victims of fire of hatred and animosity are both down trodden masses as well as stone hearted dominant and leading people who are turned by them into their idols or Gods. So if these people will not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our purpose based proper guidance for them purposefully properly then that is what awaits for them as well as all others who refuse to live by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind in the human world.
025] So give glad tidings to those who will commit themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and therefore they will take all needed steps to remove disputes, fractures, rifts and conflicts from between people to bring them together to help development and growth of purpose based proper human community in order to maintain it. This is how of a surety there will come about lands or places for them based upon purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind throughout which under their own administration and management things of their need and want for them will flow like rivers to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence. Each time they will receive their sustenance there from as fruits of their own hard works they will remember and say, this is that kind of provision which we are getting now like of which we were promised earlier on due to which we made our declaration of faith for our joining this movement for formation and maintenance of purpose based proper human community. All because in those places and lands will gather people who will be free of disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between themselves and instead they will help and fully support each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as well as they will be hard working therefore they will end up in such like places and lands in our kingdom as well as they will remain in there for so long as they will maintain those places and lands purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community.
026] This information and its purpose based proper explanation clearly shows that Allah does not hold back from mankind any needed necessary information and explanations be it by way of examples regardless the matters are of smaller scale or larger scale for helping mankind understand them purposefully properly, therefore those who commit themselves wholeheartedly and purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind they come to know it for sure that this is a purpose based proper message from their creator and sustainer for them in actual fact because they prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly. However those who do not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly they reject and oppose it by saying, what does Allah intend to accomplish and establish by putting forth this like information and these like explanations by way of various examples for mankind? This is how Allah leaves many of mankind to themselves to stay away from his advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system as well as he lets many of them come to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to abide by it. His purpose based proper guidance for mankind does not let any people stray save those who seek to cause disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between mankind for securing their own petty personal gains from others at their expense due to which people end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.
027] As for those who breach their promise, covenant, contract or accord with Allah after ratifying it through their declaration of faith for joining the movement for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom according to his purpose based proper guidance for mankind by causing disputes, rivalries, animosities, rifts, conflicts, fights and wars between people in the human world for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as they are advised by him. This is why they are the ones who are bound to end up in a huge loss through inflicting harms and destructions upon each other.
028] Therefore if you the mankind can ponder over, reflect upon, contemplate and think about what is told and explained in this message then how can you people afford to stay ignorant about human world realities which are your very own direct life experiences and about real world realities as well as about our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and remain unproductive or prove harmful and even destructive for each other instead of proving helpful and supportive for each other through complementing each other purposefully properly by your rejecting and opposing our purpose based proper guidance for mankind by refusing to prepare yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting according to advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind purposefully properly which are only for ensuring your own well being particularly when it is he alone who has brought you to existence out of nothingness for that very purpose because you people were nonexistent before this existence? Moreover he leaves you people on your own to think, plan and do what you like for or against each other till you die after his giving you life but thereafter he will bring you back to life again after that death where after you will be brought back to him for your accountability for answering for what you will have done for or against each other in response to his purpose based proper guidance for you people?
029) It is for this very purpose he brought into existence and evolved for all of you all that exists in this kingdom of his creation, that is how he applied and turned his design into a reality so extensively to all that exists from this galaxy to all the farthest galaxies and all that is within them as well as all that is in between them and that is how he fashioned all these things because comprehensive knowledge about each and everything rests only and only with him alone.
030] In light of this information and explanation call to mind the state of affairs or situation in the human world at the time when your creator and sustainer through his very first prophet and messenger Aadam said to chiefs, officials, administrators or managers and their people at the time the very first time, I have decided to bring about a purpose based proper human community in the human world through Aadam for purpose based proper management of people and things. Seeing the disputes, rivalries, animosities, fights and wars that were already ongoing between people at the time for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense some of them responded to God’s plan by expressing their concern about it by saying, O God, will you let any such person or people take over people and things for control or management of people and things in the human world like the ones who are already there and who will create conflicts and cause wars and thereby shed blood just like them whereas we work hard to try to bring about a human world so that you may become glorified in actual fact due to freedom from all problems between people in the human world? He said, you people do not have the needed purpose based proper information for thinking, planning and doing so that is why you have failed to do so this far on your own but I have the needed purpose based proper information for this purpose which I am going to pass onto Aadam to pass it onto rest of you people so that you people could succeed in bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom according to it by preparing yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly.
031] Therefore he taught Aadam all the needed necessary information for this purpose in form of his purpose based proper guidance for mankind to live by as his manifesto and program for them with his set goals for them to accomplish according to his provided guidelines so that thereby they could reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence by forming a purpose based proper constitution and legislating purpose based proper laws for organising and regulating themselves into a purpose based proper human community in the human world in his kingdom where after he brought him before the chiefs and their people to tell them about what he was taught by Allah and then he said to them through Adam, tell me if you people knew all this information already and if your concerns which you expressed earlier about my bringing about a purpose based proper human community in the human world are justified?
032] They said, flawless is your provided purpose based proper information for our purpose based proper guidance, we do not know and we cannot know things save what you have made possible for us to know all by ourselves, it is because certainly you are the only one who is all knowing and all wise ruler of this kingdom of your creation.
033] He thereafter said to Aadam, O Aadam, start informing them in all necessary detail about the purpose based proper information which we have disclosed to you for their purpose based proper guidance for their becoming and remaining a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it. So Aadam informed them about it. Thereafter Allah said to them through Aadam, did I not tell you that I know all that is visible as well as invisible in all the far away galaxies as well as in this galaxy and all that is within them as well as in between them? Not only that but we also know all that which you people make obvious to each other as well as all that which you people keep hidden and secret from each other?
034] However despite our provided information when we said to all the chiefs or administrators and all the rest of people through Aadam, accept and act upon our purpose based proper guidance for mankind along with Aadam for your own blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom, they all accepted to do so but not Iblis (the one who opposes living by purpose based proper guidance of Allah for mankind) and his helpers and supporters and backers. He along with his backers refused to live by our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and instead he continued living by a way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby they struggled between themselves for dominating each other for undermining each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
035] For that reason we said to Aadam, stay on our pointed out course for reaching our set out goal for you and your helpers and supporters or backers for bringing about and maintaining a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for you people for ensuring your own well being through your complementing each other purposefully properly so that you have a place and things in it which you people are free to use thereof which are fruits of your own labour according to your own choice as you need and desire things as a purpose based proper human community so do not even think about adopting any other way of life, rule of law and governing system which lead you people into rivalries and animosities therefore disputes, conflicts, fights and wars between yourselves whereby you people also become like those people who inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
036] However at length the opponent of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system and his supporters and backers conspired against Aadam and his community and by their tricks they brought them out of our advised course of thoughts and actions which they were following, so we said to them, you have degraded yourselves as some of you have acted in rivalry and animosity against others, nonetheless, for all of you people in this world there is a place to live and livelihood for a period of time.
037] Thereafter Aadam was equipped by his creator and sustainer with more messages, so he returned to the course of thoughts and actions that was advised for him and his companions or supporters by his creator and sustainer, no doubt his creator and sustainer is ever ready to turn to his human creatures to fulfil their need for his purpose based proper guidance for them.
038] Yet we also made clear to mankind by saying to them, move away if you must at your own risk from the course of thoughts and actions we have advised for you collectively as a purpose based proper human community but remember our purpose based proper guidance for mankind for their living purposefully properly in this world will keep on coming for you the mankind through our prophets and messengers as well as their missionaries, so whichever people will live by our purpose based proper guidance for mankind they will have no fear of any disputes, rivalries, animosities and atrocities from each other therefore they will not have any worries about their brilliant future to sadden them and make them grieve or be regretful due to their working for the purpose of becoming and remaining united, peaceful, progressive and prosperous as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to our purpose based proper guidance for them through their helping and supporting each other by their complementing each other purposefully properly.
039] However you the mankind must become and remain fully aware about the fact that those who will refuse to live by our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind and instead they will reject and oppose it they are bound to burn in fire of hatred and animosity against each other and in that state of existence they will abide forever due to inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense unless they will repent by giving up their that way of life, rule of law and governing system and reform by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind.
040] So O you people who are claiming to be supporters and backers of the one who lived by way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind make my that way of life, rule of law and governing system a reality in the human world with which I have provided you people now again and that way fulfil your promise, accord and covenant with me so that I too fulfil my promise with you people so that you people remain safe and secure from harms and destructions by hands of each other as well as from poverty and lack of things of need and want.
041] Therefore seek, receive, study, accept and act upon what I have sent for your purpose based proper guidance now by preparing yourselves purposefully properly for doing so. The message which confirms the truthfulness of my revealed message with which I provided you people till you people held onto it purposefully properly. For that reason do not be the foremost of the people to reject and oppose it. Moreover do not trade my revealed purpose based proper message for securing your petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead be purposefully properly consistent with it as well as with each other for ensuring your own well being with help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom.
042] So do not clothe this truth from me with your own falsehood and do not hide and suppress the truth from me from the rest of mankind after you have become aware about its presence or existence in the human world.
043] Instead establish and maintain the network of a purpose based proper human community in the human world and give more and more strength to the network according to it by backing it up fully and purposefully properly through bending, moulding and modelling your lives along with those who bend, mould and model their lives purposefully properly according to it.
044] Are you people telling other people in the human world to bend, mould and model their lives purposefully properly according to it yet you people yourselves are ignoring, avoiding and neglecting to bend, mould and model your own lives purposefully properly according to it when it is you people yourselves who are claiming that you are fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly committed to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom according to it? Can you people therefore not use your intelligence to figure out this conflict and contradiction between your words in form of your declaration of faith in this cause, mission and movement and your practice in form of your works and deeds for making it successful?
045] So get purpose based proper support of other people in the human world purposefully properly as you should and the way you should for your this our assigned purpose based proper cause and mission for you people with steadfastness by means of forming and expanding a purpose based proper human community network. No doubt this mission involves very, very hard work but it is not impossible to carry out for those who are aware of the terribly painful consequences of not having such a strong purpose based proper human community network in their human world which ensures their well being.
046] Such people as know with reasonable surety that one day they will have to meet their creator and sustainer, because unto him is their final returning so they will have to answer to him for their response to his call towards his assigned purpose based proper mission for them according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind.
047] So O you people who are claiming to be supporters and backers of the one who lived by way of life, rule of law and governing system of Allah for mankind, make my that way of life, rule of law and governing system a reality in the human world for ensuring well being of mankind with which I have provided you people now again because thereby I distinguished you people from among the rest of human populations in the human world at that time by raising you to heights of excellence when you people lived by my provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly.
048] So adopt that way of life, rule of law and governing system as a purpose based proper human community in my kingdom to ensure well being of mankind the while you still have the time to save yourselves by guarding yourselves against coming of such a time period when no one will work for ensuring the well being of mankind for benefiting one another at all, nor will anyone accept call of intervention for help and support by anyone because during that time period no goodness, justice and fairness will be expected from anyone by anyone and therefore poor and weak people will find no help and support from anyone and from anywhere.
049] For that kind of reminder call to mind the fact that through our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system for mankind we saved you the poor, weak and undermined or enslaved people from the rich and the powerful people who supported and backed up the way of life, rule of law and governing system of the Pharaoh, the one who thought, planned and acted tyrannically particularly against you people and afflicted you people with terrible painful suffering. He and his supporters and backers actively discouraged and undermined your talented, courageous and capable people from among you and actively encouraged and promoted your coward, weak and incapable people from among you to hold you down through them to keep you enslaved and in that situation or set of circumstances for you people was set up a great program for you to campaign, strive, struggle and fight by your creator and sustainer to bring you out of that terribly bad situation.
050] At the time we spread through you people our purpose based proper revealed information whereby we saved you people and let you prosper because you people prepared yourselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly but we let supporters and backers of Pharaoh drown themselves in their own ignorance based arrogance because they did not prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly and you people yourselves are the witnesses to that fact.
051] At the time we exacted firm pledge of you people through Moses to change the time period of darkness for you - which was result of you people moving away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind - with time period of brightness - by bringing you people back to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind purposefully properly through purpose based proper education, training and skills needed for this purpose if you people will hold firmly onto our revealed purpose based proper program for you people purposefully properly but then after this promise of yours at length you people again moved away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind so you people ended up adopting a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which were opposite of our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby you people ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense.
052] However we overlooked your this act of falling away from our purpose based proper guidance for mankind after you repented by giving up that way of living and you reformed by adopting our advised purpose based proper way of life again therefore we let you continue so that from then on you could use our provided things purposefully properly to accomplish our assigned mission for you.
053] Because at the time we had already given Moses our book as the criterion for judging or distinguishing between the truth and the falsehood as well as the right and the wrong so that you people have the guidance that is purposefully proper.
054] At the time Moses too said to his people, O my people, you have indeed inflicted harms and destructions upon each other amongst yourselves for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense by adopting the harmful and destructive way of life therefore stop living that way and turn to the way of life you have been advised by your maker and discipline yourselves according to that because that will be greatly beneficial and advantageous for you people according to your maker. Your maker is such that he turned to you people again after your repentance and reformation and that is because he is indeed the one who turns to his human creatures for fulfilling their needs and wants for the fulfilment of his assigned mission for them.
055] Despite all this information and explanation at the time you people said to Moses, we cannot put our complete faith in your program till we are purposefully properly explained as to what it is about and how we can fulfil it. Once it was purposefully properly explained by Moses for you and you understood it purposefully properly then you people were taken over by intoxicating motivation to see it through.
056] That is how we raised you people to heights of excellence back on your feet after you became a morally dead and motiveless people so that you could start managing and using our provisions purposefully properly again for the purpose they are given to you.
057] We did all this because you people were in a terrible state of existence due to falling away from our advised purpose based proper guidance for mankind whereby you people ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing your own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense due to which you people ended up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other. However by means of our revealed purpose based proper guidance for mankind we placed a protective covering over you people to screen you against overwhelming distressful situation and state of existence you got yourselves into by showing you people the way back to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind and that is how we inspired, triggered, moved, motivated and activated you people with courage and steadfastness, therefore make purposeful proper use of our provisions for the purpose they are granted to you so that you people could have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom through help and full support of each other by complementing each other purposefully properly. Moreover become and remain aware of the fact that we never inflict harms and destruction upon people rather people themselves inflict harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense instead of living according to our provided purpose based proper guidance for them as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.
058] This is why at the time we said to these people, bring about our advised purpose based proper place in our kingdom as a purpose based proper human community to live therein according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind to freely produce and use things there in from wherever you like for ensuring your own well being as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom. However bring about that place and enter in that place purposefully properly as you people are advised through our purpose based proper guidance for mankind. Moreover express this fact through your own hard works according to the best of your abilities as we have given them to you to show that you truly desire that your needless unnecessary burden be lightened in actual fact with which you people have burdened yourselves by straying off our advised course of thoughts, planning and actions. So if you will do what you are advised the way it is advised purposefully properly then we will secure you people that way and protect you people from the outcomes of your unintentional harmful works or mistakes, because that is how we protect and give increase to good results of purpose based proper works of those who do that for ensuring well being of each other according to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind.
059] However, along the way they traded what they were advised to think, plan and do with what was harmful and destructive so they ended up inflicting harms and destructions upon each other for securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense, so we let the consequences of their very own transgressions against each other fall upon them as per our set up purpose based proper systems and laws as well as processes and mechanisms.
060] At length when Moses sought our help again to satisfy their need for purpose based proper guidance for mankind we helped him and said to him, use our purpose based proper program to carve a rock solid purpose based proper human community out of these people thereby. That is how sprung forth an exemplary purpose based proper human community because each of its people became purposefully properly aware of their place for learning our purpose based proper program for their purpose based proper guidance to live and abide by. So we said to them, keep feeding on our provided food for thought and keep drinking from the fountain of knowledge from Allah and do not transgress in the land against each other to be of the mischief makers and troublemakers.
061) However call to mind also the fact that at the time some of your cunning and crafty dominant and leading people said to Moses, O Moses, we cannot live in this place by a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system with which you have provided us which enforce harmony between all of us to work for the purpose of unity, peace progress and prosperity of all of us as a purpose based proper human community in there because that does not suit us therefore we wish that you request your creator and sustainer to bring forth a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which allow us to live individually as we like so that we could hoard and collect things of need and want as well as of value in abundance for piling up and which allow us to withhold grain and various other things which the earth produces. Which allow us to have our own private or personal servants and workers. Also which should allow us to buy and sell goods and services as well as people as we wish. He said to them, will you rather prefer to live by a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which are harmful and destructive for humanity instead of the ones that are greatly beneficial, advantageous and constructive for you people as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom? If that is what you people want to do then go live somewhere else like rest of low lives and you will soon get the results for doing that. This is how they became exposed and trapped in humiliating stagnation, regression and poverty because they decided to reject living by beautiful purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which were advised for them by their creator and sustainer for ensuring their very own well being as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom. It is for that kind of way of life, rule of law and governing system they used to argue and they raised disputes as well as caused fights with our prophets and messengers as well as their missionaries without any real worthy justification for doing so. So they ended up this way because they repeatedly transgressed and went against our advised purpose based proper limits and did things their own way.
062] Regardless of what some dominant and leading people as well as their supporters and backers think, plan and do in contravention of our purpose based proper guidance for mankind every now and again those who will fully and wholeheartedly as well as purposefully properly commit, dedicate and devote themselves to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to our revealed purpose based proper guidance for mankind such as those who actively promote it among rest of human populations purposefully properly and those who actively support and back it up purposefully properly as well as those who actively prepare themselves purposefully properly for seeking, receiving, studying, accepting and acting upon it purposefully properly for ensuring well being of mankind or for that matter any other people who strive for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind for their best future by actively removing obstacles and barriers in the way of people to their unity, peace, progress and prosperity will have their due reward as told by their creator and sustainer. As a result of their such thoughts, plans and actions for ensuring well being of mankind they will have no worries about their future nor any regrets for their past.
063] This is why we exacted the covenant of you people and burdened you people by placing over you responsibility of living by our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system and we said, hold onto this promise of yours to us firmly with all your strength and always keep it in forefront of your minds by faithfully and purposefully properly abiding by it in your deeds as well so that you people could attain freedom from all kinds of disputes, rivalries, animosities conflicts, fights and wars or troubles and problems from between yourselves in order to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.
064] However, some of you people went back on your word you gave us by moving away from our advised purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system thereafter and had there not been purpose based proper guidance of Allah with you people in which he told you people about getting back on the right track whereby some of you helped some of them to do that then indeed all of you people will have ended up in a big loss for ever.
065] Some of you people are aware about those from among you who went back on their promise with us regarding our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind so we said to them, continue as you like jumping back and forth like mischievous and troublemaking monkeys in response to our purpose based proper guidance for mankind if that is how you want to continue in your mindset, attitude and behaviour towards it instead of thinking, planning and acting like sensible human beings as you are advised and as you should.
066] We pointed them out as an example for the people of their own time as well as for the people who were to come after them as a people who lived by a way of life, rule of law and governing system which were harmful and destructive for mankind and that is how we made them a lesson to learn about for those who would like to keep themselves consistent with our provided purpose based proper guidance for mankind as well as with each other as a purpose based proper human community in our kingdom.
067] For this reason call to mind the state of affairs of those people to whom Moses was sent telling them at the time, Allah says you people should give up your divisive and discriminatory secular and religious ideologies and practices whereby you people cause disputes, fights and wars between yourselves through rivalries and animosities instead of committing yourselves purposefully properly to working for the purpose of unity, peace, progress and prosperity of mankind according to his provided purpose based proper guidance for them. They replied, are you taking us for fools? Moses replied, I only seek our blissful, dignified and secure existence as a purpose based proper human community by means of purpose based proper way of life, rule of law and governing system which are advised for us human beings by Allah instead of being of the ignorant and arrogant people who live by their own self invented and self imposed ways of life, rules of laws and governing systems and suffer the terribly painful consequences by hands of each other for securing their own petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and therefore they end up harmed and destroyed by hands of each other.
068] They said then ask your creator and sustainer to make clearly distinct for us what is wrong with our adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system? He said, he says, it is a way of life, a rule of law and a governing system which do not burden people with purpose based proper responsibilities to think, plan and do what they actually need to think, plan and do for reaching heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom but instead they burden them with harmful and destructive ideas and practices which lead them to disunity, fights and wars between themselves through disputes, rivalries and animosities due to their securing their own individual petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense and that way they are forced by each other into state of stagnation, regression and poverty as a people. So you people should do what you are told if you really want to reach heights of excellence to have blissful, dignified and secure state of existence as a purpose based proper human community in his kingdom.
069] They said, in that case ask your creator and sustainer to make it more obvious for us what exactly is wrong with our adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system. He said, he says, your way of life, rule of law and governing system whereby you people live are founded upon harmful and destructive therefore immoral ideas and practices therefore they are void of ensuring your well being as a purpose based proper human community in a place in his kingdom as their outcome even though they look very attractive to those people from among you who have their individual ambitions and desires for securing their petty personal gains from each other at each other’s expense hooked upon them in form of their expectations about them.
070] They said, consult your creator and sustainer yet further for us seeking yet more clarification for us about them because by now to us usefulness of our adopted way of life, rule of law and governing system are becoming confusing therefore doubtful as the problems which result from them are becoming obvious for us so if Allah guides us a bit more regarding them then we will surely find the truly right way of life, rule of law and governing system for ourselves in actual fact.
I am a student of quran and islam and not an exmuslim.